The Second Day Cleared!      

On the second day, a sense of routine settled over the castle battlement as the anticipation of the impending battle filled the air. 

The morning unfolded as any other, with players gathering on the castle battlement, their eyes fixed on the horizon, awaiting the inevitable clash with the swarm of undead.

The atmosphere mirrored that of the previous day, a normal morning in the Castle of Doom where players mingled on the battlement, their conversations a buzz of excitement and anticipation. 

As the players chatted and placed their bet on whose guild leader would kill the most, the horizon took on a foreboding hue, casting a shadow over the landscape. 

The countdown in the sky began, ticking down relentlessly, and the atmosphere tensed as the numbers dwindled. 

The familiar sense of urgency and impending danger settled in as the countdown reached zero, signifying the arrival of the swarms of undead.