Frozen Respite      

The battle had been fierce, with the clash of swords and the explosive spells echoing through the Castle of Doom. 

Xavour, the Plague Bringer, had proved to be a challenging adversary for the assembled players. 

Guild leaders and their teams fought valiantly, coordinating their attacks and strategies to bring down the monstrous foe.

As the battle reached its climax, Xavour sensed its impending defeat, and unleashed its devastating Last Stance Mode. 

The air crackled with energy as the boss prepared to make its final stand. The ground beneath Xavour trembled, and an ominous dark aura enveloped its massive form. 

The players braced themselves for the unknown, their weapons at the ready.

In a sudden burst of energy, Xavour's Last Stance Mode erupted like a giant bob of sticky dark goo. It spewed forth, covering everything in its path.