Entering Yamamura Village      

"So, what are we going to do?" Seraphim asked. "Are we just going to turn back after finding this village?"


Victor stepped forward, his face serious. "I don't want to go back empty-handed after we reach this far. Those two seemed defeatable. If we work together, we can defeat them and enter the village. Problem solve."


Xin found it peculiar that the guards of Yamamura Village had relatively low levels. Even though their levels were at least in the 100+ range, it struck him as unusually low for the first line of defense of such an important village.


This observation raised the possibility that there might be an option to defeat them and force their entry . . . or alternatively, pursue a peaceful resolution, as Ginko had informed them during his extensive explanation.


The second option seemed more ideal, so perhaps Xin could find a way to work things out with the guards using his cheat.