Chapter 348, Little Deer Panics_1

Xiao Yeyang came down from Taohua Mountain and had not yet entered the estate when he saw Daohua picking grapes outside the manor.

"With the sun so fierce, why are you doing this yourself? What are the tenant farmers for? And what's the use of keeping so many maids and nannies?"

Daohua had just plucked a bunch of grapes from the vine and was about to place it into the basket when she turned around to see Xiao Yeyang striding over, rattling off a barrage of questions at her.

As Xiao Yeyang approached, he saw that Daohua's face was flushed red from the sun and beads of sweat were forming on her forehead: "Look at you, sweating profusely, aren't you afraid of getting a heatstroke?"

After speaking, he took out a handkerchief from his bosom and carefully wiped the sweat from Daohua's forehead.

The concerned and attentive look in his eyes stunned Daohua for a moment, and she stood there, motionless, without pushing him away.