Chapter 349, Embarrassing_1

"Hey, don't be mad. Was it just a piece of watermelon?"

Having left the manor, Daohua headed straight for the mountain with her head down.

Seeing that she wasn't speaking, Xiao Yeyang thought she was angry and had no choice but to go up to her and soften his tone.

Daohua turned and glanced at him, "I'm not angry. If I got upset over something so trivial, I'd have been driven mad by you long ago."

Upon hearing that, Xiao Yeyang laughed, quickened his pace to walk beside Daohua, tilted his head to look at her, and was about to say something amusing to cheer her up when he noticed her complexion seemed off.

"Are you alright?"

Xiao Yeyang reached out to stop Daohua, turned her toward him with his hand, and carefully examined her complexion.

Daohua, seeing that he was poking around again, swiftly brushed his hands away, about to say something, but then she heard Xiao Yeyang speak.

"Why is your complexion so poor? Are you feeling unwell somewhere?"