Chapter 350, Culinary Skills Gradually Improve_1

"Time to drink your soup!"

Daohua, all curled up in the blankets, poked her head out upon hearing the voice and exclaimed in surprise, "Why is it you?"

At the moment, the blush on Daohua's cheeks hadn't completely faded, making her fair and delicate cheeks appear even more tender. Xiao Yeyang glanced at her, then quickly averted his gaze, "Who else could it be if not me? Where has that girl of yours run off to?"

Daohua's expression stalled; Manman had gone down the mountain to fetch some clothes for her.

Seeing Daohua motionless, Xiao Yeyang had no choice but to urge her, "You should get up and drink the soup first. Master Gu said that after drinking the soup... you would feel a bit better," he said, his face showing a trace of embarrassment.

Daohua glanced at him and, dragging her feet, sat up.