The beginning of the escape plan

"I don't understand...what are you talking about...a revolution? You...?"


"Impossible….I mean, I never noticed anything…"

"It's normal because I hid it."



I've always thought I knew my brother better than anyone else.

He is such a genius that it seems as if he lives in a different world but I was sure no one knew him better than me.

but what?




Is my brother really the same person I know?

He's a genius, but he's always bored.

Without goals or ambition.

Just a genius wasting his talent.

But such a brother was actually plotting great things in secret..

How can I believe that!


Even if I don't want to believe it, I have no choice but to believe.

Because it is the only way to explain the current situation.


So it was an illusion.

The brother I thought I knew.

"If you get out of here….. will you still complete your plan?"

"Absolutely, there is no reason for me to stop."

"Can you say that? If there was a camera here, now they know all your plans."

"Uh that?"

Leder smiled and said.

"It's okay because there aren't any cameras here."

"Why? There are no guards either."

"It's a long story but to put it simply, after their cameras were hacked several times and used as a method of communication they eventually gave up and removed them"


"As for the guards, after every guard who comes here to work with me has been enticed, they have been ordered not to enter except in cases of emergency, which is why they cover their eyes and ears every time they enter."

" work?"

"It's a long story, anyway it's something like that."



"Brother…you are amazing in a way."

"I know"


But you lack humility. would be strange to be humble when you have such intelligence.

But he really is an amazing person.

Compared to him I...



"Are you going to help me or not?"



There was that too.

In order to get out I need to cooperate with my brother.

Because I also don't intend to rot here.

But for some reason a part of me doesn't want to do that.

It may be because of my pride.

Or because I'm starting to feel arrogant because my genius brother needs me.

Either way I have no choice but to cooperate.

Although I'm not sure if he can be called "cooperative" when he lacks confidence.

Come to think of it...

"Brother, why do you need to cooperate with me?"


"I mean, aren't you a genius? Is it difficult even for a genius to devise an escape plan on his own?"


Leder scratched his head with an embarrassed expression.

He seemed to be having a hard time saying something.

'What is this? Is it something you can't say..?'

"In reality..."

Leader sighed enough to drop the sky and then spoke with a disappointed expression.

"I lack the physical strength to carry out a plan that involves escaping on my own…"



"This is ridiculous"

"What can I do? Man cannot have everything!"




"Don't look at me like that..."

"I'm sorry"

Lilia who was looking at Lederer with a blank expression on her face turned her head away from him.

Because it seemed like an image in her head would shatter if she made eye contact with him right now.

"So what's the plan?"

"What plan?"

"Is there another plan?"

"You mean the plan to get out of here?"


"Well, it's simple."

"I heard"

"Just do what I tell you."

"So what?"

"Do what..."

"I do not ask because I did not hear!"

"so what?"

"What do you mean I do what you say?! Won't you tell me the plan!?"

"There's no point in doing that, your little brain won't be able to comprehend it anyway."


This damn brother...

Are you insulting me now!!

I know.

Compared to you, all humans may seem stupid, but...!

You have to say it directly!

Do you think I can't understand just a plan!

"I'm saying that because it's a very complicated plan, waiting for you to figure it out is just a waste of time."



I hope the sharks eat your toes.

I hope you drown in the sewers.

I hope...

"If you keep thinking badly of me, I will just wait for the next person to carry out the plan with him instead of you."


His ability to read my thoughts is even more disturbing.

Anyway, look out the window behind you.

the window behind me?

Lilia stood, headed to the window.

Through the window she could see a large building, neither far nor very close.

If I had to estimate the distance, maybe about...

"three meters"


It's the distance from here to that building.

"Is this correct..."

"How is that? Can you jump it?"

"It is not impossible even if it doubles."

"Really? I'm glad then because that must mean you can jump it even with someone on your back."


Lilia's expression distorted in an instant.

" don't mean"

"You have to jump over there with me on your back."

"Shouldn't it usually be the other way around! I mean, you're the oldest and also aren't you the male here!"

"Like I said, I lack physical stamina, flexibility, strength and much more."

"Even if that was true, how could I carry you! Not only that but also jump three meters!"

"It's not impossible, my body is so thin at the moment that the expression 'skin on bone' fits me."


Come to think of it, that's right.

He's even skinnier than me.

If you have only been fed a piece of bread like this for ten years, it is normal.

So it's true that it wouldn't be hard to carry, but...

Why does this seem wrong in some way?

I mean, isn't a male supposed to normally carry a female?

Why is the opposite happening here?

Of course it's my fault, so I can't complain, but still...

"It's okay, Lilia, no one can see what's going on here."

"Nobody but 400,000 guards."




"I understand! I will!"

"good decision"

Lederer nodded his head with a happy expression.

"Then let's start our plan for the evening, okay?"


Oh, and don't forget to eat your food.

"It's impossible"

"Believe me, you'll regret it if you don't. Even if it looks really dirty, it's better than nothing."

Impossible, I'd rather die than eat that thing.

"Do whatever you want, but don't come back crying to me later."

"I will not do!"

Leder ignored Lilia's screams and lay on his back.

It was his last night here so he slept more restfully than usual.

a little.

just a little.






"my brother!"


"How long are you going to sleep?! Aren't we going to carry out our plan!"

"The plan...the plan...oh the plan!"

Lederer sat with a slightly dismayed smirk.

He turned his head to look at the sky through the window.

Seeing that it is still dark outside, it seems that it is still night.

Only then could Leder let out a satisfied sigh.

He slept so deeply that he was oblivious to the passage of time.

It would have been a problem if morning had come, for then he would have to wait for the next evening to carry out his plan when his patience was wearing thin.

Anyway it's a good thing.

He was about to scold Lilia for bothering him but seeing that she had saved him from possible impatience he wanted to thank her instead.


He had no intention of doing that but in the least.

His feelings of gratitude were genuine.

"my brother?"

"I am listening so we will start executing our plan now."


"I won't tell you the plan but at least I will tell you our first move."


"Then first you'll unlock your cell as soon as I blow the bars off mine."

"Blow up..?"

"Then I will come to you and blow up the bars covering your window."


"Then you will carry me on your back and jump to the next building, of course we will have to take one of the bars of the cell with us to hold on to."

"hang on...?"

"That's it for the first step, do you understand?"

"No no no! This is crazy! There's so much I don't understand! What do you mean by blasting and clinging!??"

"You just do what I say, no questions asked."


"Isn't that what we agreed upon?"


This is correct.

This is true but..!


Something makes me feel like something is wrong.

My brother is definitely hiding something from me!

So I'm worried...

But there is no point in asking.

Because he will not answer me even if I ask.

So I have no choice but to just execute silently.


What a cruel world.

"You'll open the lock as soon as I blow the bars off my cell, okay?"


There was no energy in her answer but Leder neatly ignored it and proceeded with his plan.

Using his fingernails that had already grown enough to form a sharp tool, he slashed his hand.

"Uh, my brother..??"

Zafar stuck his left index finger into his right hand and started moving it as if he was digging for something in his hand.

Finally, after opening a suitable hole in his hand, he shook it vigorously as if he was trying to lower something.

Blood and flesh splattered all over.

And in the middle of it.

A spherical shape, small enough to not be noticed, came out.

Lederer repeated the process several times on five different areas of his body.

And each time, a small spherical figure made of some material came out.

", what are you doing? Are you crazy...?"

"Take out the explosives."

"Get out what..."

"Open the lock quickly!"


Lilia quickly proceeded to open the lock with a small match.

Leder placed one of the small balls next to the bars.



It was a small ball, but the resulting explosion was not simple.

to the point of establishing the distance that allows an adult male to pass.

Lederer took one of the bars that had been blown away and ran to Lilia's cell, which began to sound an alarm as it was opened.

"Quick for Lilia!"

"...?...Oh alright!"

Leder climbed onto Lilia's back and threw the little ball at the window.


"But the ball didn't run out..."


Lilia quickly ran towards the window.

The bars of the window exploded and at the same moment Lilia put her feet on the edge of the window and jumped out of it at the same moment, being careful not to reduce the momentum.

In fact, a moment's difference and it would have exploded as well.

She probably wouldn't die right away, but it wouldn't have ended in minor injuries.

In any case, it was necessary to jump in quickly, because the plan ends as soon as the guards reach them.

Because all it takes is one bullet to destroy their plan.

Thanks to this, both of them were able to jump out of the building before the guards could reach them.

But the problem was the jump itself.

Maybe if Lilia had known about this, she would never have thought of jumping.


"Lila, calm down!"

"Crazy, crazy!!! Brother, you are crazy!!!!!!"


Luckily, Lilia's leap was long enough to reach the next building, but her current state of mind did not seem appropriate to plunge the bar into the building.

Making their efforts futile, the speed at which they fell towards the ground was astonishing.

So Lederer had to use force he never thought he could use to plant the penis in the building.


The force of the rebound made him feel pain as if his shoulder had been dislocated, or perhaps it had already been.

In this situation, Leader, who had wrapped his left hand around his younger sister's waist to hold her, could not tell who was holding whom.

"Brother!!!!!!! I'm going to fall!!!!"

Lilia grabbed his hand while screaming with a panicked expression and tears filling her eyes.

"Lilia, calm down... oh... this is the worst..."

Lederer looked around and his expression distorted badly.

The situation has already turned out to be worse than he expected.

It was not enough that they were suspended in the air at a height of 200 meters, but also that all the guards were looking out of the windows of the building and were ready to shoot at any time.

'It's not like I wasn't expecting it but...'

Unfortunately, the worst situation is what they face from the start.

Anyway, they still haven't fired yet because they are receiving orders yet.

But once she arrives, the situation will be completely different.

95% of the time they won't get an order to kill me.

As long as the official thought he could still hold me, he wouldn't bother killing me.

Perhaps he would order me to be wounded enough not to die, or to target Lilia in order to immobilize me.

These will be the initial orders.

But as soon as he loses hope of catching me, he will spare no effort to kill me.

Because that's my type of existence for them.

It's the worst poison.

But it is also the best weapon.

In any case, we must move quickly before orders are issued, or we will fail.


" brother..."

"Quick, Lilia! Or we'll really die! Among the windows of this building, which window has the fewest guards?"

"Yes, what, how can..."



Lilia closed her eyes.

Perhaps at this moment her concentration reached a point that it had not reached in her life.

So much so that she could hear the sound of blood pumping in her arteries.

It didn't take 10 seconds for her to open her eyes again.

There, two stories down, three windows away.

"Then quickly jump over there!"



"I don't know how!"

"How do I know? Do gymnastics or something!"

"Are you kidding at a time like this!? If we fail and fall from such a height, we will die!"

"And if you don't turn away at once, we'll die too! Lilia!"


Lilia grabbed the iron bar with both hands.

Lider hung on her back again.

Lilia rocked her body back and forth.

After swinging a few times I let go of the rod.

Its body rapidly flew forward while falling downward.

The guards fired, but neither of them were hit by a bullet.

That was strange.

More than a thousand guards shoot, but no bullet hits them.

It's not a movie.


Actually it was normal.

Because the guards didn't intend to hit them in the first place.

It was just a warning shot to scare them off.

Because they don't know how to act when orders haven't been given yet.

'This is good'

At least we can buy 3 minutes before the orders arrive.

Then they will start targeting us seriously.

'Three more minutes...'

Lederer's mind began to rack up possibilities.

Meanwhile Lilia grabbed the edge of the window she wanted to reach and lifted her body up.

She put all her strength into her fist and broke the window and entered.

Once inside, she was greeted by the surprised faces of two guards who did not expect a girl to enter them from a window 200 meters high.

They were the ones who were trained to face the circumstances no matter what but even so this was still a surprising situation even for them.

Lilia did not wait for them to understand the situation, and she grabbed their heads and hit them together to the point that they lost consciousness.

The first time she was grateful for learning martial arts was when she was young.

"Hey bro are you sleeping! Wake up!"

"I'm not asleep, I'm thinking."

"Brother! Your shoulder is bleeding! Are you okay!??"

"I was shot blind."

"R.R.Bullet!!???? Brother, are you going to die!? What about me! How am I going to escape!?"

"Huh, just shut up."

Lederer sighed with a tired expression.

Actually it's so good it's a shot.

It is true that they did not intend to hit them, but the possibility of getting a wrong bullet is high enough.

So being hit by a single bullet and in an area like the shoulder has a small impact on life is good enough.

'Of course, if the bleeding continues, there is a high probability of death...'

Lederer tore off a piece of his clothing and wrapped it tightly around his shoulder.

Then he went to the two guards, confiscated their pistols, and gave one of them to Lilia.

"Lilya, listen to me carefully, our goal now is to reach the highest floor of this building, all you have to do is guide me through the shortest path with the least number of guards to that place, okay?"

"Huh…you're asking for the impossible but I will try, follow me!"

As soon as he said that Lilia started running.

Lederer followed closely behind.

Not only him but the building guards started to appear one by one.

'The guards of this building should have already been informed of the situation.'

Ordinances may have been given as well.

But seeing that they are not shooting, it seems that the guards of the neighboring building have not informed them of the orders yet.

This will buy some time.

But not for long.

At some point we will be trapped.

Even though more than three-quarters of the guards in this building are restricted, the situation is still bad.

Looking at the number of people behind us, it seemed like there were more than a hundred.

And the number is still increasing.

I actually stopped running a while ago because I am very slow and currently being run by Lilia.

Anyway this girl is amazing.

It's not enough that it's faster than the guards who have been trained for a long time, although it also drags me.

She even shoots from time to time and skillfully avoids surprise attacks.

By the way, I also shoot from time to time, but unfortunately my aiming skills are so bad that I'm starting to feel embarrassed.

Anyway, this number is sufficient.

I have to get down to plan "B".

Before the guards of this building start targeting us in earnest.

It's the best time to do it when the other guards in the building still won't turn to grab us even though they know we're there.

Lilia, do what I tell you now without discussion.


"leave me here"


Keep running until you reach the last floor.


"There, you will find a beast, a beast so dangerous that it has been badly chained and thousands of people have been put to guard it."


"You have to free this beast, the moment you do, the victory will be ours."

"What about you..?"

"I will follow you soon"

"Okay, I will trust you."

Lilia let go of the leader and continued running without slowing down.

"See you later, brother."

"Yes, Lilia, see you soon, and now..."

Leader smiled while looking at the crowd of people.

"Should I tell you why the guards were forbidden to guard my cell?"