monster liberation

"Ready… jump!"

The guards of the first building started jumping into the second building.

People who could not jump were ordered to go down the building and wait for the next command.

Who would have thought that the towering height of the building which had been an advantage on their side until now to prevent prisoners from escaping would now be a hindrance against them.

If they had to go down and then go to the next building and go up it would take over an hour even with an elevator.

Enough time to determine victory or defeat in this battle.

So they had to jump.

Some used ropes to swing to the next building.

Although having most of the guards waiting downstairs has reduced the number Leader has to contend with, that doesn't mean the number has become few by any means.

In general, people are distributed on the island as follows:

Two hundred thousand people guard the borders of the island.

100,000 people guard the main post where the official lives at the eastern end of the island.

In addition to the three adjacent branches, which are guarded by 20,000 guards.

These people did not move from their positions despite hearing about the escape of the prisoners.

We have about 90,000 guards left.

Originally, they had been divided into 30,000 guarding the building where Leader was imprisoned.

And 60,000 guard the adjacent building.

But after Leider's escape, that changed dramatically.

Twenty thousand guards out of the 30,000 guarding the first building decided to wait below.

What's left is ten thousand guards jumping into the next building.

As for the guards of the second building, about 20,000 of them surround the building.

And 28,000 guard the upper floor.

And 12,000 are distributed throughout the building.

Anyway, 10,000 guards jump from building one to building two in a row, but...

*gunshot sound*

Many of them could not reach.

Suddenly the guards of building 2 started shooting at people who were jumping towards them.

So many of them died as they were attacked by surprise in the air.

Even those who were lucky enough to survive had no choice but to engage in combat with the guards of Building 2 upon arrival.

At some point, the fight turned into an in-fighting between building guards one and building guards two.

Of course the guards of Building 2 had the advantage.

Not only did they take advantage of their opponents' inability to defend themselves and attack them in the air.

They also had an advantage in numbers.

Not only that but even a genius leader is guiding them.

So naturally, it wasn't long before the battle was over.

Six thousand guards out of 10,000 were killed and the remaining four thousand surrendered.

Building 2 also lost 2,000 people but it was still a win.

'About 14,000 people...'

This is how many people are in my side at the moment.

After convincing the people following me to take sides, I used their transmitter to call out the rest.

The number of people who came was about 11,800.

There was a slight skirmish at first.

But after giving them a simple lecture, it wasn't difficult to get them into my class either.

After that, I informed them of the plan to defeat the guards of the neighboring building, and we proceeded to implement it.

Luckily everything went smoothly and I managed to win and get 4,000 soldiers on my side.

However, that does not mean that the situation is very good.

The number of people at the bottom is already more than 10 times the number of people I have.

If my calculations are correct, there are still about 30,000 to 40,000 people whose location is unknown.

82% are upstairs guarding the 'monster'.

Which makes it bad because it raises Lilia's failure rate to 63%.

Although there is a 90% chance that they will not kill her because the orders required to do so have not reached them, the ten percent is still not a few.

If that happens, I will have to risk implementing Plan C, which has a low success rate.

Also, the longer it goes on, the less I can control the guards.

They follow me now because of the momentary excitement but the more time passes the worse it gets.

Because it's just like instant brainwashing.

It didn't matter until now because the missions I used the people I lured in were simple but it gets bad in a large scale battle.

Three hours more.

Then it will be impossible to control them.

It wouldn't be impossible to escape in less than three hours if Plan B goes as planned, but just in case it fails...

It will be very bad.

"Everyone, make your way to the last floor! Our enemies are waiting for us there!"

In any case, it is now important to go upstairs quickly to assess the situation and take countermeasures.



I really hope you succeed.


How long has it been?

I don't know.

But at least I can know that a lot has passed.

I got into a lot of fights during this but the more time passed the less I did and the fewer guards I ran into.

At some point, I no longer met anyone.

Even the people I ran into from time to time didn't pay attention to me and at some point got into an internal fight among themselves.

So, by moderately avoiding them, I was able to proceed more smoothly.

Judging by the breathing sounds, it won't be long until I'm upstairs.

But the problem is what comes next.

How can I free the monster my brother spoke of?

How can I beat all these people?

Just by listening to the sounds of their breathing they are so numerous that it seems useless to try to count them.

How does my brother expect me to beat all these people?

He's my brother so he definitely has a plan to send me but it's useless if he doesn't tell me!

Anyway, there is no point in trying to think about it.

I'm not my brother so it's not like I'm going to come up with an answer just by thinking.

He's my brother, so he must have sent me, anticipating all my movements in advance.

If so, it means that my mere act is in the way of carrying out my brother's plan.

So I don't have to think much about it.

I just have to be myself.

Isn't that right?

my brother.


'I arrived...this is crazy..'

I could tell by listening to their breathing, but it was still scary to see how many in person.

I mean they look like ants.

Can they move when they stand so close to each other?

Is there a reason for them all to congregate like this?

Is this monster...

That scary..?

"Who's there!?"

Was I discovered so quickly?


Anyway, since I've already been discovered, there's no point in trying to hide.

What should I do now...

is the attack!

Lilia drew her revolver and ran into the crowd of guards.

"Who is this?"


"Catch her!"

Lilia shot and at the same time attacked with her body.

It was attacked from the right and left, front and back, but it looked like it could hold out for a while.

It was partly because the guards didn't use their own pistols but also because there were 30,000 people that didn't mean they were all attacking at the same time.

Because in fact the number of people who could engage her simultaneously was only five.

The crowded space that prevents them from moving freely was also an advantage for her.

Of course, this does not mean that the advantage was on her side.

No matter how many advantages she had, it didn't change the fact that she was one person fighting against 30,000.

And soon this fact began to become apparent.

Increased physical exhaustion.

Her body was covered with bruises.

It wasn't long before she was caught.

"What do we do with it?"

"Shouldn't we kill her?"

"Who is she in the first place?"

"Isn't she an escaped prisoner?"

"Is it possible to escape from this prison? Isn't it impossible?"

"I heard that there was a prisoner from the next building who had escaped several times from prison, although he was caught each time."

"So she's that person? I noticed the building was noisy a while ago but is it because of her?"

"So what do we do with her? As expected, shouldn't we kill her? Look at the amount of damage she's caused."

"But I heard that the prisoner from the next building is preferred over the headquarters, wouldn't we be in trouble if we killed her?"

"Oh right..."

"Come to think of it, it was like that..."

"Maybe we'd better not do that..."

"How about imprisoning her for now and reporting what happened to HQ?"

"good idea"

"I think this is the best."

"I agree"

Several guards nodded their heads as if they agreed with the idea.

Even the people who gave no reaction didn't seem particularly opposed to it.


only one person.

He seemed to have a different opinion.

"But before we do that..."

The guard smiled wryly.

Just by looking at his smile, it was possible to ascertain that what would come out of his mouth was by no means a good thing.

What he said next proved it.

"Wouldn't it be better if we broke her legs? It would be bad if she tried to escape again."

"Isn't it impossible to escape with all of us?"

"Yeah, I think what you're saying is a little illogical, after all, it's just one person."

"Nothing is impossible, didn't she already run away from the building next door here? There's no telling that she doesn't have any more tricks up her sleeve."

"Now when you say that..."

"Um, you might be right."

The guards seemed to already be convinced of the idea as they nodded their heads as if they understood.

They got really close to Lilia and...


Some of them stepped on her feet.

The other one hit her with the gun.


Once finished her feet were badly bruised.

Even if they were treated later, she would not be able to move like before.

Pain so gripped her mind that the world seemed a blur in her eyes.

It is strange that she has not lost consciousness yet.

No, you may have already passed out.

She couldn't tell whether it was reality or fantasy.

The world has turned black, just as it does when the electricity goes out.

Perhaps this was the moment when her consciousness snapped.



"Kill them!"

"Face the traitors!"

"don't give up"





"Defeat the enemy!!!!!!"

That's annoying...

I can't sleep with this noise.

They fought elsewhere.



Who is fighting...?

correct.. were we trying to do again..?



We were trying to escape.


Where are you from?

me and my brother...

What were we running from?

I feel like there's something important I should have done, but what was it again..?

'You have to free the monster'


the monster!


Lilia opened her eyes in panic and looked around.

How long has it been since she passed out?

She couldn't learn.

Outside, the fighting was going on.

She couldn't tell if it was internal division or something else but apparently the guards were fighting each other for some reason.

"I... am I in the dungeon..?, ekkk"

It appears that she was thrown into the cell when he was passed out.

Her feet hurt badly once she regained consciousness but she tried to ignore it and kept looking around.


In the cell with her, a person was found who had been chained to the wall by several chains.

His body was huge and seemed to be at least two meters long.

She wasn't short by any means but for some reason she felt he was too big and too tall even though he was on his knees because of the way he was restrained.

However, despite his appearance, he was certainly a person.

So she couldn't figure out why her brother had called him a monster.

Perhaps because of his huge appearance, sharp eyes, and teeth that look like lion's teeth.

Only for a moment did their eyes meet but it made her shudder so much that she would have wanted to back off if her feet hadn't been smashed.

'This is the monster....that my brother wants me to free...?'

Are you sure he won't attack me once I do that?

Hey bro...I'm starting to get scared, can't I withdraw?


She seemed to hear Leader's voice telling her in an annoyed tone to carry out the task silently.

My evil brother.

go to hell!



what can i do?

In the end isn't it all my fault?

So I have no choice but to do so.

Isn't that why I searched for my brother all these years?

If I can't help him here, it's all useless.

So I have to do that.

Lilia made up her mind and started crawling on the floor.

She could barely pull her body up even by using both of her hands.

It was very slow, very painful, and very difficult.

She cursed in her head several times at the person who made this dungeon so spacious.

Tears fall from her eyes.

She did not want to cry.

But she couldn't do anything because the tears came down by themselves.


Finally I got to where the person was.

She lifted her head up to look at him.

It was indeed huge from afar but it seemed even more massive when viewed up close.

However, he seemed very calm for someone with the title of Beast.

Lilia propped herself up on her knee.

As soon as he did that, I was in pain to the point of fainting.

She barely kept herself conscious and pulled a match out of her clothes.

The number of locks she had to open was sixteen.

Seven in the upper body.

And four around his hands.

and five around his feet.

It is possible to reach the locks around his hands and feet but it looked like she had to stand up to reach the locks around his chest.

Just thinking about it made her feel like vomiting.

I tried to put the thought aside and began to undo the locks of the chains around his feet.


one after another.

Decrease the number of locks to eleven.

The battle outside continued so much that no one noticed what she was doing.

Maybe if they noticed.

They would try to stop her even at the risk of their lives.

Anyway, Lilia kept undoing the locks.

one after another.

She only has five locks left.

She was able to loosen two of the locks of the chains around his chest but it seemed difficult to untie the rest in her current state.

He was forced to stand up.

'but how...'

It is impossible..

Pretty much impossible but if I support my body with something while standing then I can do it up to a point.

Although the pain will be unbearable...


I have no other choice to do that.

The moment I thought of doing it.

"Wahh mmm...hey what are you doing!"

A large hand grabbed her collar and lifted her up.

"I'm trying to help you! I mean nothing bad so please don't kill me!"

I really try to help you!

Even if it's for my own good, I'm still helping you!

So isn't it ungrateful that you're trying to kill me after we've come this far?

You ungrateful!

For one reason or another, she really wanted to cry at this moment.

"go on"


"Go on... unlock... the locks."


Are you trying to threaten me?

I mean, that's what I do anyway, but...


Is he actually trying to help me?

Did he notice I couldn't stand so he picked me up?

Although this is not the correct way to lift someone up.

No... come to think of it, it's the only way he could do that in his current state.

Raising his hand like this must have made the chains press against his hand, but he still helped me…

Contrary to what he looks like, what a good guy he is!

"I will do it right now!"

In an instant her impression of him seemed to have improved by a hundred and ninety degrees.

Contrary to what she seems, she was a very simple person.

Anyway, in a short time she unlocked the remaining five locks.

It was the moment when the monster joined the fray.

The balance of power has shifted to one side by 100%.