Despair or hope?

The beast lowered Lilia to the ground, then freed itself from the chains and stood up.

He walked forward, toward the bars of the cell.

"Ah, I'll unlock the dungeon right now! Wait a minute!….?....huh???"

The monster didn't wait for Lilia to finish speaking and put his fist back and punched the bars.

Smoke spread around and the sound of iron hitting the ground could be heard.

It was one punch but all the bars of the cell fell off.

The battlefield was silent.

Only the low sound of someone's laughter could be heard in the distance.

"This is what they call a (game over) right?"

It was the laugh of genius who led the battle to this situation.

The screams were heard for a long time after that.

Whenever the monster makes a single wave.

Dozens of people lost their lives.

If Lieder was the kind of genius that appears once in a thousand years.

The beast was the power that appeared once every ten to one hundred thousand years.

Those who tried to resist died, and those who saw it put their heads on the ground and surrendered.

Of course, their surrender does not mean that they will survive.

Because Leader's henchmen shot themselves in the head.

Meanwhile, Lieder smashed the western wall of the building.

or more precisely.

He ordered his followers to destroy it.

Then he ordered them to throw the corpses from above.

There are still plenty of enemies below so thousands of dead bodies falling from above will at least do some damage.

That would be fine if it killed 10,000 people.

Although that is impossible.

Maybe 5,000 thousand at most.

Of course, it's not a bad number, but it just means that the numbers of enemy soldiers are just huge.

The monster killed many people.

This applies to Leader followers as well.

Thousands of corpses are thrown from above.

This building is 230 meters high, so the corpses will definitely not maintain their shape once they hit the ground.

Out of 28,000 people, only 8,000 remain.

They lose the will to fight.

"Choose, either get killed here and drop from above, or jump yourselves."

Most of the guards chose the second option.

Perhaps it was their last remaining pride.

The rest were killed and then thrown from above.

In an instant, the place that once held 42,000 people only had ten thousand left.

Any followers of Leader.

They originally numbered 14,000 but 4,000 people died during the battle and were also thrown from above.

Since the beginning of the escape operation, the number of victims has reached nearly 40,000.

This is no longer a war against prison guards to escape.

It is a war against the government.

One of the targets that Leder seeks to destroy in order to reach his goal.

The operation, which was planned for more than twelve years...

finally come into effect.

'And soon the government and the royal palace...'

They will be exterminated.

But before that...

"it's a problem..."

The monster that finished killing the enemies has already started attacking the allies.

It's not like it was on our side in the first place.

What this person only wants is to fight.

It's not like he was called a monster for nothing.

I knew that too, so I used it to fight.

But now the problem is how to stop it.

I don't care if he kills all the guards, however, the success of the last move depends on whether he joins us or not.

I want to use my persuasion skill to take him in but I think he lacks the brains for that.

Because all he thinks about is fighting.

So... how can I convince him...


Lelia crawled towards the monster and screamed at him.

Suddenly, the monster stopped moving and turned towards her.

"You can't fight these! They are our allies!"


What are you doing at night!

It is impossible for that to work!


It worked!???

Suddenly, the monster stopped fighting.  And listen to Lilia.

He even leaned back and sat next to her.

'What's wrong with this situation?'

Why does he listen to her?

Suddenly he looks strangely obedient.



No, that is not likely to be the case.

There must be a different reason but I don't have time to think about it right now.

Anyway, regardless of the reason, it didn't change the fact that the monster had retreated.

So I can go ahead with my plan.

"Hear me, everyone!"

Everyone's attention focused on Leader.

"We may have defeated our enemies here, but that does not mean that our battle is over!"

"There are still a lot of people on this island that we have to defeat!"

"We may not be able to defeat them all, but even a mere reduction of them serves our great cause!"

"However, attacking them head on now is just a dog death! So we have no choice but to consider other methods! Otherwise, we wouldn't do even the slightest bit of damage!"

Leader pointed toward the window.

"Jump on top of them! This is the only way to face them!"


Despite Leder's speech, no one took action.

It's normal, no one wants to throw themselves from such a height.

And no one wants to die.

Especially when considering that their corpses wouldn't even leave a shape after their death.

Dying while fighting enemies might offer solace but committing suicide by jumping made them quite hesitant.

And Lederer understood that.

So he had to get rid of their hesitation.

Even if the method is very bad.

"I know the reason for your hesitation, because it is certainly not an easy thing....but please remember that this is all a struggle for the country, and that your cause will never be forgotten."

"Even if we die here, there are others who will complete our mission, and if these others die, they will inherit their cause.... So no matter how many generations pass, our sacrifice will never be forgotten, there will always be someone who remembers our struggle and suffering."

"Of course, as a commander, I can't let my soldiers die while waiting in the back right? I'll be the first to jump!"

Lederer ran to the window and...

"Dedicate your lives! For the sake of the country!"


Everyone stared at the window with a shocked expression.

They didn't move immediately but it was certain that something had changed in their hearts.


Someone cursed and then also ran and jumped.

Perhaps his behavior was the beginning because someone else followed him too.

Then another and another.

Eventually thousands of people started jumping.

"the curse!"

"Damn it!"



that moment.

A rain of people fell from the distant sky.

It was an event never to be seen again.

in history.

once again.


"Wait…A.Brother!Brother! That person really jumped??? No way!"

Didn't you tell me you wanted out!?

So what's the point if you sacrifice your life like this!

My stupid brother!




"Didn't you just call me?"

"Huh? Brother..? But you just…"

"What? Did you really think I jumped? That's impossible."


This is correct.

It is impossible.

So I was even more surprised.

"How are you still alive…? No, how did you get here so quickly???"

"It's a long story but to make it short... I had earlier installed a bar under the window so when I jumped I grabbed it and went down to the window sill of the floor below us and then entered the floor through the window and climbed up here again."



"You mean you made that poignant speech even though you had no intention of jumping in the first place?"

"Right why?"


he's a fraud

This is the worst




"Just by looking at your expression, you don't seem to be thinking of anything good but I will overlook it this time because time is not on our side, it won't be long before they raid this place."


"More than 50,000 people have already died so they must have already rated the situation dangerous….so maybe soon they will send helicopters and start trying to kill us seriously."

"What are we going to do...?"

"It's not what we're going to do, it is."



The monster tilted its head.

Perhaps he noticed that the hadeeth meant it.

"On this board...the person carried us and jumped"


On this person..."

"I don't ask because I didn't hear, what do you mean by jump?"

It literally means jumping.

"Are you mad? That's impossible."

"It is impossible for a normal person but not for him, there is a sea 5 meters away from here, we have to get in at least 10 meters into it so the total is 15 meters"

"Wait, what you're saying...he has to jump 15 meters."


From a height of 230 metres.


"While we were pregnant?"


"my brother"


"Did you lose your mind because you thought too much today?"


This is cruel.

I mean, it's true that I think a lot, but that doesn't mean I'm out of my mind.

I do not say anything except after calculating its pros and cons, its success rate, the person's ability to do it, in addition to the factors that help his success, the factors that may lead to his failure, and many other things.

But to hear such a rude comment...

Huh...that's why they're so smart...

"Brother, did you just think of something shameless?"


"For some reason, I think you're lying, but I'm going to get over it for now, so think again and tell me what we're going to do now."

Asking about it again doesn't change my answer.

"But I can never understand the logic of what you're saying!"

"It's a waste of time trying to explain it to you, so like we agreed, shouldn't you just do it silently?"


Right...I said that but...


He's right that it's not helpful to explain it to me.

Anyway, if my brother said that, he must have something on his mind.

But still a little...


at least.

The master should be asked for his opinion.

"What do you think, sir? Do you think you can do that?"



"My name is...Kun"

"Oh, I see... Mister Kun...?"




What do you want me to say!

"I think… I can do it… but…"

Kun looked at Lilia's feet.

"Ah! Don't worry, I'll be fine!"


Seriously guys?

I'm shot here! Can someone pay me some attention?!

I also dislocated my shoulder earlier.

Anyway, why do I feel like there's something wrong with the air?

Is it my imagination or...


I won't think about it now!

Let's leave thinking about that for later.

Yes, because now is not the time.

But why do I feel so upset?

Suddenly Leader was pulled by the collar by Kon who held him by the collar on his back while holding Lilia with his right hand in front.

Perhaps it was someone's imagination that the method of carrying felt discriminatory.

However, Kun retreated farther from the western wall that had been smashed down by Leader's minions earlier and Lilia wrapped her hand tightly around his neck.

While Leader had nowhere to hang on as he was being carried by the back of his collar on Kon's back.

Kun lowered his upper body slightly and bent his knees.

It was a position in which he was preparing to run.

Then in the next moment he ran at a speed that ordinary mortals could not imagine and….


He soared high into the sky and his body shot forward a distance of no less than 17 metres.

Once I cover that distance.


His body began to fall at an astonishing speed.

After a period.

Three people fell.

And the water rose higher.

"Booah! I thought I was going to feet hurt like hell"

"Who's talking... my shoulder is starting to bleed again and... oh no time for this conversation, cos I start swimming fast! They're going to start shooting at us! Keep swimming underwater, we have to try to make them lose track of us."



"Please Kun!"


Kun dived under the water and started swimming at an amazing speed.

His speed didn't seem like the speed of a person carrying two people on his back.




'Didn't they start shooting already?'

It will be bad once we are located.

And the probability that a bullet will hit us blindly is high enough.

This leaves us with no choice but to use Plan D.

It's very risky, but what can I do?

It's the only solution left.


Leder brought his mouth close to Lilia's ear and spoke quickly so as not to swallow too much water.

"Can you see any ships?! If so, point in their direction!"


ships what?

What is this person talking about?

And also it hurts to open your eyes under the water!

You stupid brother.

Despite her grumbling, she had already turned her head left and right.

Finally, she pointed with her hand in the northwest direction.

It is so far away that it seems like a point even to her whose eyesight was many times better than that of ordinary people but it was definitely a ship.

Leader tapped Kun's back and pointed in the same direction.

Perhaps he understood the cue because he had already started swimming there.

Shooting continued at sea using cannons, helicopters and pistols.

They can barely avoid it somewhat using the guidance of Lilia who can locate the bullets by his voice.

But even that is starting to come to an end.

It is difficult to hold their breath for a long time.

Coon's power is not so infinite that he can cross the sea.

Action must be taken or it will truly be the end.

The three people knew this so that was the biggest reason why they couldn't say anything.

They have no choice but to pin their hopes on Leader.

Perhaps in response to their expectations?

Lederer made a move.

Leader tapped Kun's back and pointed up.

It means "go up."

At a time when going up was like suicide... neither of them could understand the meaning of their decision.

And whether it was surrender or a new hope.

But there is no choice but to do so.

Because no one else can think of a solution to the current situation.

Kun climbed onto the roof and the three of them could barely catch their breath.

Lederer pulled something out of his clothes and raised his hand up.

and pull the trigger.

Something rises into the sky and explodes.

It was more like a traffic light than an attack as it didn't do any damage.

Other than that the enemies now know their location.

Seeing the lower part of the helicopter responsible for firing, it moved as if it was getting ready to fire...

The word end was etched deeply into their heads.

And the....

The helicopter shoots...


Lilia couldn't help but close her eyes.

It was the natural reaction of humans to things they could not face.

Although Lederer hugged her, it didn't seem to ease her anxiety.

The sound of gunfire continued and the fear continued to grow.


Still, why are you still alive?

Come to think of it, with the sound, the bullets don't seem to be heading towards us, but a little further away from us...

Looks like that place is being attacked as well.


What happened?

She barely mustered the courage to open her eyes and turned her head towards the source of the voice.

It was a place not far or near from them.

But she could see it clearly.

in that place.

There were the ships Lederer had asked to look for earlier.

It's not one or two.

Rather, an entire fleet of ships defends them and attacks their enemies.

"It is amazing..."

that's it...

my brother's strength?

Among the fleet of ships, five ships separated from the group and began heading toward them.

"my brother...?"

"Didn't I tell you? You should just silently follow my instructions and then we will definitely get out of here?"


You said it.

But I didn't think that was really possible.

My brother has actually been a lot more amazing than I could have expected.

I hated him more than anyone else.

But even so, I respect him more than anyone else, too.

Be it in the past or now...

My brother is the most amazing person in the world!


It wasn't long before the ships reached them.

As soon as she arrived someone shouted Leader's name.

He would have even jumped into the sea if other people hadn't caught him.

"Hey, leave me, you bastards! I have to say hello to Lieder!"

"It's fine, but can you drop a rope for us to go up?"

"But Lider, you're injured! You can't go up on your own!"

The others ignored the screams of the person who looked to be in his twenties and lowered the rope from the top of the ship.

Leder was about to ask for it but Kun of his own accord carries him and Lilia up to the deck using the rope.

'Contrary to what he seems, is he actually a good person....maybe?'

He laid Kun Leader and Lilia on the floor and instantly collapsed.

He didn't say anything this whole time, but he had already used up all his energy and reached his limits a long time ago.

He put in so much effort during the operation that it wouldn't be strange if his muscles were torn. No, they might have already been torn.

Otherwise, the person who was called a beast would not have collapsed like that.

"Leyemeer *Nasheeh *"

The young man in his twenties hugged Lederer while sobbing.

"I appreciate your feelings, but can we start treatment immediately?"

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'll get the doctor to treat you right now!"

"Don't forget the other two people too, I"


Aaron shook leader several times but he did not answer.

"Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer dead!!!"

Leader lost his consciousness.