Chapter 10 Family bonding time!

Next Day.

Sigris POV

Today would be one of the worst days of both of my lives.

Today is family bonding time, and i was literally dragged out of my room. By my "Older Brother Meliodas".

That was 30 minutes ago.

And entire our "Family" is together today. And our "Family bonding time" is consisting of hunting and killing Indura's, the beings of Darkness. Both feared and hated by Demon Clan.

And here are actually two types of Indura's. Demon with PL over 50k who sacrificed 6 of his/her's heart's to turn into one, they are normally stronger Indura's and are rare.

Next type are naturally born Indura's, they are practically real beasts, they weren't Demon to begin with, they are weaker, and how you know they are natural than transformed Demon?

Simply, they don't have PL over 100k ..

And we are right now in location known as Indura Zone.

"That one is good!" Pointed my Mother at Indura with PL of 60k,

"Hmm, it might be too weak." Commented my Father, looking at said Indura.

"No, this one is perfect." Argued Sylvia, not backing down .


"No, Father, remember this would be his first Indura hunt ever. He is not strong enough to take on stronger Indura's than this one." Argued Zeldris, joining on their conservation

'Should i escape? No i must, i do not want to fight with that monster if i don't have to, at least with my puny PL of 30k!' I though before coming up with hard decision, i will risk it. I just hope my punishment would be lighter than fighting Indura!

I turned around, and just as i took one step i immediately felt one hand on my right shoulder.

"Fun is just beginning." Stated Meliodas, before gripping my right arm and throwing me at incredible speed at Indura!!

'I'm gonna kill him!! ' I though just before i crushed into Indura, force of Meliodas throw actually has thrown Indura off it's legs. 'This hurts!;

I take closer look at Indura, it looks like some kind of lizard. Four legs with claws. One tale with spear-like end. Head of crocodile with three eyes, color purple.

Pow Switch Zeldris

"Did you have to throw him all the way there?" I asked my older brother, man who i strive to be like in future.

"He wanted to run off, and he needs boost of confidence, and this Indura shall suffice." Explained my brother before putting his sword at ground and crossing his arms over his chest . Watching Sigris jumping off said Indura and unleashing Hellblaze at it..

"Indura's are creature's of destruction, they are powerful in both strength and magic department. But they are slow, this not only would boost his experience and confidence in his abilities. Plus we are here, we could destroy said Indura before it even launched strong attack at him." Further explained Meliodas.

I nodded at his words, focusing at battle between my brother and Indura.

He's currently equipping his armor and enveloping it with Hellblaze ,same with four weapons. Levitating them and attacking Indura with them, and when Indura losses focus at them he attacks it physically, either with a kick to it's head or punch. While he has PL of 13k in strength, it's strong enough to hurt this Indura even little.



Indura unleashed some-kind of blast from it's mouth, Sigris managed to dodge it. Attack was strong enough to decimate mountains.

"His moves are too slow." I commented,

"That's to be expected, he still wasn't trained to fight, only magical abilities and control of mana." Meliodas replied.

"He has talent for magic, his magical ability is fascinating. It's way different from any-ones." Said Father , joining our conservation .

"Yes it is. But it's only good ability if wielder possess many good and powerful weapons." Commented Mother as she also joined our conservation,


"In short his ability could essentially be strong or weak, don't we have old weapons in our castle?" I asked my Father, we have old weapons in our castle used by me and Meliodas when we tried, they are now only getting dust on , they could be useful for Sigris at least in number if anything else.

"Yes, there are also few good-quality weapons. He could need them." Agreed Mother , "Dear?"

"Why not, i could use several rooms free of useless weapons." Agreed my Father.

'Good' I though before we felt two massive PL of Indura approaching .

"Meliodas and Zeldris, dealt with them." Ordered Father before both i and my older brother flew to Indura's. 'They seem to be natural born rather than transformed .' I though.

Pov Switch Sigris.

*BOOM! I dodged another blast of this monster before retreating further into sky.

"Let's try this, " I though aloud before enveloping my armor in Hellblaze , levitating my weapons back to me and doing same to them.

"Hellblaze Wave." I chanted before finally all four of my weapons spurted said attack, hurling at Indura.

*BOOM! as all four Hellblaze Wave's managed to hit Indura, they created small explosion. But they didn't damage it in anyway other than leaving fire to burn said monster and several small burns. '

'Tsk! My Hellblaze is too weak!' I though in anger,

'Take this.' I though before flying directly into said Monsters eye,

*Roar! Roared Indura , i immediately used my weapons to damage other two eyes. My plan is to play smart, and if my weak Hellblaze can't damage skin of Indura, what says it couldn't damage inside of Indura!

"Hellblaze Wave!" I unleashed Hellblaze Wave's from all of my four weapons, but this time it's different, Indura had opened it's mouth in pain when i damaged it's eyes! Opening was enough to use 4 Hellblaze waves.

'It's not over!" I shouted before summoning spear , which i got from Cusack and hurled normal fire at mouth Indura, this time all five of my attack combined perfectly .

Creating bigger explosion than last time.

;*BOOM!! The damage was bigger than on outside skin for sure. It dropped down completely , sending shockwave.

I though i had killed it, but i was naive. It opened it's mouth and fired another blast of magic at me, but...

"Full Counter!!" Shouted Meliodas, returning beasts attack back, by double force and killing it completely. "Don't drop your guard so easily. ' Lectured me Meliodas.

Chapter word count 1027