Chapter 11 Belialuin

Sigris POV

3 days after our Family bonding day.

I'm currently in Britannia, just few minutes ago i passed through portal, Why i'm here?

It's simple, i'm planning to go to Belialuin. Yes the Capital of Wizards, the city where Merlin was born and raised. Capital where childrens were experimented every day, just so old bastards could try to train weapons again Demons and Goddesses.

If i had PL over 200k i would have personally decimated their whole kingdom.

But let's return to our topic again, i'm heading there in my PDL armor as disguise, suppressing my Magic to 3k PL, i'm going there to buy several books about magic, Human magic.

'I'm suppressing my PL because i want to play as Human, and no Human even in this times has PL over 5k. In future Ban, Merlin and Escanor are exception, about 4KOA i don't know, i didn't read it.' I though as i used my levitation to speed up .

'And why i'm going to buy books if i can borrow them from Chandler? I want my own ,plus, Human magic is easier to learn and control rather than Demon magic, and Chandler only had Demon magic. And last, i want to see Belialuin and get informations if Merlin was born, if she was then i can already deduce time of this world.' I though.

Dozens of minutes later.

I'm not exactly sure how much time has passed in minutes, but i found Belialuin, i can see it from here, several km away.

Seeing this i continued flying, to be exact, it's not weird seeing someone flying at all, at least in Belialuin. As i can see Wizards and Witches flying around and not even bating and eyelash at me.

Well i do see really weird armors , so my is not special at all.

I landed near Gates to Capital, at gates are what appeared to be two Wizards with cape and staff. PL are for both of them little bit over 2,000.

"Stop! Stranger! What are your intentions in Capital!" Spoke one guard of the two,

"I want to visit, observe and buy several books." I said truthfully, i mean , what i have to hide from them about my intentions? It's normal for people to come to Belialuin to buy books about magic.

"Hmm, Sir, 10 Silver coins to pass through gate." Answered other guard, bringing his hand out for coins.

I reluctantly gave him said 10 Silver coins from small bag positioned at my waist, i have limited number of money after all. I only got it, thankfully from Meliodas.

"And sir, what is with your voice? And you should put those weapons aside." Asked guard, noticing how my voice sounded little bit young-ish.

Immediately at his word un-summoned all four of my weapons back, i did found i was capable of it after experimenting little bit.

"Hmm, *Cough* This is my natural voice." I replied before passing through gate, not wanting to lose more time than needed.

As i passed through gate i was meet with many typed old-style building. With buildings that appeared to be Towers, mini-Castle and so much more.

But all had one thing common.

They were in black color.

Town or City looks unique ,compared to other Human cities. Maybe because it was strongest Human Kingdom?

Several minutes of walking around, and asking bystanders i managed to find famous : Library of Belialuin, the home of magic as it's also called or just Bookstore.

'Let's see it for myself. ' I though before pushing doors of the Belialuin bookstore.

When i pushed it, i was meet by what appeared to be at least tens of thousands of books, building looked small from outside, but inside it looks gigantic! Dozens of people are walking around, taking books, buying them and so on.

Seeing man who appeared to be librarian with glasses and dozens of books around him and putting them on shelves ,i walked to him.

"Excuse me, where are elemental magic and sealing magic?" I asked him, politely , he looked at me before answering.

"Row 3 , in it you can find Elemental magic and in Row 9 you can find sealing magic, sir." He replied before turning around to continue his work.

"Thank you, " I replied before turning around and walking from row to row, till i found row 3.

'Oh, i need this one, " I though after reading name of said book, it's called Elemental Magic for swordsman.

And so, i looked around books and picked up the most interesting ones.

Such as Basic but useful elemental spells for cooking , ice control and fire control. And several unique books.

'Let's see, Row 7' I though,

After also lookin around, i brought several books for basic seals, such as sealing materials/objects on someone's body , seals for storing mana, engraving tattoos on someone's body and soo on.

After picking books i needed, i brought them to said librarian who was cashier or similar function in this time and age.

Nevertheless , i brough them and stored them in my magic. Again after some experimenting i found out my magic, or rather Erza's magic can also store objects such as books, spoons, table's , chairs , weapons and armors, nothing more, unfortunately .

For next hour or so. I was looking around. I was even in restaurant .

But as i looked around, i heard interesting rumors.

Rumors about most talented Human ever born. Born with magic ability: Infinity! And it's she not he, she doesn't have name , yet. As they weren't calling her by Merlin's true name , the one Human's can't pronounce. They just referred to her as Daughter of Belialuin.

This confirmed my suspicion. And apparently she run off, hour ago in south direction.

This is most-likely time when Meliodas would save her from other Wizards of Belialuin. And word will come out about her. In conclusion, she still wasn't famous and didn't get blessings from both Gods.

'This could perfect chance to meet her, save her. Get on her good side and probably Kill her in future.' I though before flying off in direction of south. Why would i want to kill her? She would turn Arthur into King of Chaos, and in 4KOA , he would be antagonist. In other words, it would be best to just stop it before even happening. But again, someone else would take her place, canon is out of existence long ago, when i was transmigrated.

I concluded.

I flew for at least 30 minutes, before i found her, and what appeared to be 4 Wizards, with PL over 2k at least.

She looks to be little shorter than me, in some-what purple outfit. She's heavily breathing and surrounded by 3 Wizards and 1 Witch.

Merlin POV

'I'm surrounded by other Wizards, there is no way i would be able to escape...' I though sadly at my situation.

"Surrender, girl. You are property of Belialuin. You cannot escape, either you will return with your will or we will force you and punishment would your reward." Growled Random Wizard 1, stepping forward.

'No, if there is even little chance i could escape , i will take!' I resolved myself, " Shock Stinger!" I chanted, sending thunderbolt at leader of wizards.

"No lighting!" He chanted, making shield of lighting to appear and my Shock Stinger when struck it just disappeared.

'Tsk, barriers.'

"Shock Stinger! Enchant Infinity!" I chanted, this time my Shock Stinger turned bigger and stronger, bypassing his barrier, striking him. Enough to knock him out cold.

"Freeze Coffin!" Chanted Witch, successfully freezing me, completely.

"Tsk, is she was smarter , she wouldn't have to get punishment." Cursed said witch, before she was enveloped in Hellblaze.

"What!" Shouted other two Wizards, moving away from her as she screamed in again/

"Dissipate!" I chanted, successfully getting free from Freeze Coffin!.

'What! Who is he?' I though , as another figure, clad in weird platinum colored armor with four weapons flying behind it appeared. He killed one witch ? With Black flame

"Enchant: Hellblaze! Shock Stinger!" Chanted said person, launching two attacks at remaining two Wizards who were shocked at turn of events. Nevertheless, they are dead.

Chapter Word Count 1332