Chapter 15 Conquering one Kingdom!?

Next Day

Sigris POV

I and Pump, are heading towards one Human Kingdom, Kingdom of Gree. It's relatively small Kingdom with Capital, few towns and few villages.

Why i have chosen it over several bigger, this kingdom has best history, text, and has most quantity in number of strong Humans, or Holy Knights. Also, they only had King, Queen died long ago, no heir to continue their dinasty .

King was also known as Tyrant, tyranical Knight, who gave his citizens barren minimum. Sooner or later, rebellion would have happened.

My plan is to take-over kingdom by killing King, and subjugate several Barbaric tribes around. Well, pump is a sadist. He will gladly do it for me , if i ask for it.

*BOOM! We landed on Castle. And released good percent of our magic.

"Remember, try to no kill them, till i say otherwise." I ordered to Pump.

"Boring, but they could mess up..." Replied Pump, before following me, as i jumped from castle, to balcony. Where we are meet with several Holy Knights.

"Stop! What do you need?" Asked one Holy Knight respectfully as he stepped out. He must be their Great Holy Knight. I concluded after seeing his PL of 2,700.

"We need to talk to your King." I replied, crossing my arms over my chest. As he looked closely at me. Probably thinking i'm Human kid with ridiculous magic. Before taking another closer look and seeing Demon Mark on my head. and widening his eyes.

"Demon...." He murmured before answering. "Of-of course." Motioning with his hand to follow him.

Several minutes of walking before we reached what appeared to be door to throne room. He opened it.

Room is full of Holy Knights. There is golden Throne, on it is sitting what appeared to be middle-aged man. Clad in golden armor, with golden sword positioned at right side of his throne. Gray hair with green colored crown. He has PL of 4k.

"What do you need, Demon?" Growled King, arrogantly looking at me.

"Your Kingdom, it could either be easy way or harder. Chose." I stated, looking into eyes directly.

My statement caused whole room to get tensed and more murmurs from Holy Knights began. Before King arrogantly stood up from his throne. Unleashing his magic.

"YOU !! YOU PITIFUL DEMON!! HOW DARE YOU!" Roared King, before picking his sword and jumping at me.

Yells from other Holy Knights happened, to stop their King from possibly declaring war on Demon Clan.

King of Gree was also known as bloodthirsty maniac, and too stupid.

But as he was in mid-air. Time-slowed down for me before i gave permission to Pump.

"Do it."

"Hahahahhah!!! " Laughed Pump, before he himself jumped , to meet enraged King, and releasing one spike from his body, thus successfully paralysing King. "TIME FOR A HUG!"

Pump, released more of his spiked from his armor , before hugging King. Killing him. This all happened in few seconds.

"Hahahahaha!!!" He laughed maniacally . But room got quiet, every Holy Knight tensed, ready for a fight . "Who is next!!!" This scared them, i even can smell some-one's s#th.

"Now!" I said, gaining their attention, before motioning at Pump. " I'll be your King, if you are against it, you are free to fight against Pump."

First one to drop their weapon was The Great Holy Knight, with pl of 2,700. After him, one by one dropped weapons. Till they all dropped their weapons, before kneeling down.

"Hail! New Majesty!"

'This was easy, too easy. I expected immediate rebellion and for them to attack me here but....I won't complain...'

"Send letters, inform citizens about their new King!" I ordered and dismissed all Holy Knights to do their jobs, In two hours, i will make speech i have prepared. But now, let's go into King's treasury.

Several minutes later, both i and Pump are in what appeared to be mountain of treasures. Weapons, gold and similar.

"Pump, for your services, take what ever you want from here."


1 hour or so , of searching around. I found items i was here for. Several books about sealing magic of advanced tier. And Space-Time magic of advanced tier, almost impossible to be learn by Human.

I like Fraudrin with each passing day, that guy is surely useful in gathering informations.

1 more hour later, at balcony of Castle, thousands of citizens appeared, waiting for my speech .

"Cough! As you now should already know, i'm your new King!" I began, speaking straight into small orb which i'm holding in my hand. It's orb which amplifies your voice , enough so a whole zone could hear said person.

"Tyrant King has been dealt with. I will make sure , our Kingdom would prosper and evolve further!!"

"From now on! I'm re-naming this Kingdom into Kingdom of Lios!!" I proclaimed !

"I will make sure, that citizens won't starve! Won't be neglected ! "

At end of my last sentence.

Multiple screams of happiness were heard.

From civilians to Holy Knights.

"We're saved!!"


"We are freed!!"

"Hmm, i wouldn't say free. More like, under new management ." I murmured , remembering that most of them would be used as fodders in the Great Holy War when it starts..

Humans, while they can be considered weakest out of all clans. They are also the strongest. Why? They had several individuals who would be ranked in top 10 in the world. Such as Ban, Escanor, Merlin (Who is part of sub-clan , Wisemen clan.) Arthur. They are clan made to mirror the Chaos, because it felt that Demon Clan and Goddess Clan weren't good enough, it created Giant Clan at first. But when they showed too much violence it decided to create Human Clan, who has elements of both. Good and Evil in it. But after DK and SD felt jealous , they decided to seal Chaos or was it Mother of Chaos.

'I feel that, times ahead . Would be truly troublesome. All hell would break loose when Meliodas betrays Demon Clan.'

'Oh, well. I should visit Merlin soon, to see how she settled into living in Main Base?' I though to myself. 'While she still didn't get blessing from my father. She had got visit from Chandler, who also became something akin to a teacher to her. I can't blame him, she is truly talented and fast learner.'

Chapter word count 1029

I'm very close to finish this fanfic, as i said before, at most will have 35 chapters, but it most-likely have 30. I am at 27th in drafts now, if you want to read few chapter beyond the ones i post on Webnovel, then go to Wattpad, my name is danijel916 there. And i had posted till 21th chapter, last one was ch 20th.