Chapter 16 Zeldris and Gelda?!

In main island's Castle, which was conquered by Demon Clan two chapters before

1 Day later. Night-time.

Sigris POV.

I'm currently in my room. Trying to sleep.

Today, Vampire Clan had sent small reinforcement , numbering in 600+ people and member of Royal Family, to reinforce our lines before we would continue our advance.

'Tomorrow we would most-likely discuss it.' I though , before standing up from my bed and leaving my room. To go outside.

'More fresh air should clear my mind.' I though , few minutes of walking i came into balcony before creating wings of darkness and flew into nearby forest.

"I haven't been in this forest at all." I murmured to myself before changing my direction to it. Before landing in it. 'Ah, definitely better. After all that stress from battles, Pump and my new kingdom.' I though before taking several steps into forest.

'It's not easy to be King, i had to change several laws. And i definitely should make trade coalitions with neighboring Kingdoms and better training regime to be invented.' I though, remembering all stuff i'll have to re-arrange .

'But i also have to find other members of future Seven Knights of Black and to persuade them to join me. I was lucky enough to stumble into Pump,' I though before walking a little-bit faster.

'Pump is currently in one of tents, he would be good weapon in future . If i upgrade him a little bit more.'

As i walking, i was also thinking of my future options and plans for my Human Kingdom.

I also stumbled into very particular pair of people.

My older brother Zeldris and Gelda, one of Vampire Royalty.

Hugging each other.

Or rather, Zeldris was buried in her chest while Gelda is hugging him.

Hilarious .

Gelda, is looking at me startled. While Zeldris is in his presumed heaven?

Several seconds of deep silence later.

"Zel. " Said Gelda, nudging him to look behind, at me.

"What?" Murmured Zeldris in response, not turning around at all.

"Zel" Again, Gelda patted in him on head. "Look behind."

And Zeldris did, when he looked behind in emotionless gaze, his face turned first into shock then surprise and then into embarrassment .

"W-what a-are y-you doing here!!" Screamed Zeldris, in what could be said flustered or embarrassment .

I remained silent, at their display.

"Get a bed." I said before turning around and waling away. 'Shouldn't they be more cautious about this? If i remember right, they were hiding their relationship pretty well in past, only few people knew about it, Meliodas, Demon King and most-likely Elizabeth. '

Just as i have taken several steps , i felt hand gripping my left shoulder tightly . When i turned around , i was meet with Zeldris face with Full Demon Mark, very similar to Meliodas, not anymore the basic or commandment mark. And out of reflex i gulped.

"If you would be kind, release me?" I asked him. Only for him to tighten his grip even more.

"Swear that you wouldn't tell this to Father, or anyone for this matter. OR." Spoke Zeldris , with hint of maliciousness in his voice. And for greater shadow to appear behind his back.

"Ok, it's not like i was planning to anyway." I agreed , so let's joke little bit to calm this tension which has been built. "So, when is baby coming?" I asked jokingly .

*BOOM!!! Nonetheless, i anticipated punch to meet my face. But for punch so strong it had launched be at other part of island. Is not what i expected.

"Argh!" I felt great pain before it was healed by my darkness and i slowly stood up.

"Lesson learned. Don't joke with Zeldris too much. Thus don't joke with Meliodas too much or i might lose few of my hearts. Oh well i deserved it."

Next Day.

Meeting Room.

Sigris, Zeldris , Gelda ,Fraudrin are in it.

"Sigris, i heard you are planning to make group of strong Demons? Is that right?" Asked Zeldris, looking at me.

"Yes, it's supposed to be 7 demons at most, and other 5 members are going to be other contestants for the Ten Commandments." I answered him.

"Which means other two are you and nephew of Galand the truth?" Asked Zeldris for confirmation.

"Yes, other members would be Derocchio, Galla, Dahaaka ,Atollah and Bellion."

"Hmm, i know whereabouts of Dahaaka and Galla." Interjected Fraudrin." Lord Sigris, ."

"Good, later you will tell me."

"Ok, then let's return to main discussion . Sigris and Pump would go to Meliodas front. To demolish small groups of resistance around so The Ten Commandments could focus on pushing forward deeper into Goddess territory." Explained Zeldris, using stick to point at locations on map which was on table.

"From here, you will subdue small resistance and allow commandments to focus on pushing The Four Archangels back and Goddess Clan entirely" Pointing at other location on map.

"There are rumors of reinforcement coming to aid them. So in short we would send you two to deal with small fry while we would push from here. Lord Sigris." Spoke Fraudrin.

"Acceptable, but . Is more reinforcement coming to Meliodas front?" I asked him

"Yes, around 200 Vampire's would be sent along with several hundred of Demons." This time it was Gelda who answered my question.

"Hmm, "

"And Dahaaka is rumored that he volunteered to join Meliodas forces." Interjected Fraudrin , this is too good to be true.

"Are you sure?" I asked him, it would be too good to be true to find two of them in only several days.

"Yes, but that is only rumor, it doesn't mean it's true. It's not guaranteed . But there is still small chance he would show up." Replied Fraudrin

AUTHOR NOTE : Dahaaka is it. I wasn't able to find it's gender, so i will make him male in this story for easier story progress .

Warning : I will make chapters where he would meet important characters such as specially important members of Ten Commandmnets , The Four Archangels , Elizabeth. Similar to this one. Not every chapter would have fights, in future, more chapters will be important , where he learns new abilities . etc.

You can think of them as something akin to filler to fill out his relationships with them, create allies, enemies etc.

Chapter Word Count 1020