A 5-star hotel has ordered 500 tables for a wedding banquet.

Zhang Yi and two other people pushed three large carts of supplies back to the community.

Along the way, many neighbors witnessed this scene and couldn't help but discuss it.

Zhang Yi no longer cared about being discovered for hoarding goods.

After all, these two informants already knew about his shopping activities, and it was impossible to keep the information hidden.

If he only wanted to save his own life, he could have sold all his assets and run to a deserted place to build an impregnable fortress.

But then, how would he seek revenge on the neighbors who had torn him apart in his previous life?

As long as he didn't kill all those people, Zhang Yi's grudge would never disappear.

So, one of his plans for the apocalypse was to stay in this community and retaliate against all those who owed him, but in a different, cruel way!

Of course, the premise of this plan was that the security company had the ability to create an impenetrable shelter for him.

Otherwise, he would have to make secondary preparations, such as building an underground shelter in a deserted place.

Zhang Yi looked at the surrounding neighbors, who were happily discussing the purpose of his bulk purchases.

He could even envision the scene where these neighbors would try to break into his house to steal things when doomsday arrived.

He had personally experienced all of this.

However, he was not afraid because in this life, he would be prepared in advance.

He wanted those people to see but not be able to enjoy, ultimately leaving them infuriated.

Zhang Yi and Fang Yuqing lived in an apartment building.

Since Zhang Yi worked as a manager at Walmart's warehouse, neighbors often asked him to help buy discounted items.

Therefore, everyone knew Zhang Yi.

When they saw Zhang Yi and the others returning with so many things, a grandmother who was out with her grandson came over.

She looked at the food and fresh beef and lamb in the cart, feeling tempted.

"Xiao Zhang, why did you bring so many things back? Did you get them from the warehouse?"

"You won't be able to use all of this. How about giving some to the neighbors?"

This was Aunt Lin, who worked in the neighborhood committee. She often used her small amount of power in the community to boss others around and act like a leader.

In the past, she often asked Zhang Yi to buy cheap discounted goods for her, always trying to take advantage of others.

In his previous life, she relied on her troublemaking and managed to get some food from Zhang Yi.

But when all the neighbors rushed to Zhang Yi's house to loot, she not only didn't stop them but also showed more enthusiasm than the young people.

Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining didn't want to provoke this woman, so they quickly said, "These things were all bought by Zhang Yi. We are just helping him deliver them."

Aunt Lin immediately looked at Zhang Yi, smiling mischievously and said, "Xiao Zhang, it looks like these are items from your warehouse. How about giving some to Aunt Lin?"

While she was speaking, her grandson, Xiao Hu, had already climbed onto one of the carts and reached out to grab a box of chocolates.

Don't be fooled by his young age; he had a malicious look in his eyes. That box of imported chocolates cost over 200 at the supermarket.

Without hesitation, Zhang Yi snatched the items back with one swift motion.

Then, he coldly said to Aunt Lin, "Sorry, I'm keeping these for myself!"

After all, doomsday was approaching, and he couldn't be bothered with pleasantries anymore.

Aunt Lin's face suddenly changed. "You..."

Zhang Yi's lack of respect for this community leader angered her greatly.

Especially when her grandson, Xiao Hu, was snatched away by Zhang Yi, he started crying and demanding to eat the chocolate.

He even pointed at Zhang Yi with a face full of disgust and cursed, "You bad guy, give me back the chocolate! Otherwise, I'll kill you!"

Zhang Yi stared coldly at him and said in a deep voice, "Say that one more time, and I'll slap you!"

Xiao Hu was frightened by Zhang Yi's words and burst into tears, throwing a tantrum on the ground.

Aunt Lin hurriedly went to comfort her grandson and then angrily scolded Zhang Yi.

"How old are you? Why are you arguing with a child?"

"It's just a box of chocolates. What's wrong with giving it to a child to eat?"

"Or else, give him a box of chocolates! Consider it my purchase, and I'll pay you back later. Don't think someone wants to take advantage of you!"

Zhang Yi sneered.

Nowadays, mobile payments made paying extremely convenient.

Her promise to pay later was obviously an attempt to avoid paying.

"I said, these are for me to eat. If you want some, go buy your own at the supermarket!"

Zhang Yi gave a cold laugh, then beckoned to Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining to leave.

As soon as they left, Aunt Lin's angry curses followed them from behind.

Zhang Yi ignored her completely.

Aunt Lin's son and daughter-in-law worked outside, leaving her alone to take care of her grandson at home.

Usually, the old lady only bought groceries for one day.

So, when doomsday arrived, their supplies were the first to run out.

In the past, Zhang Yi had helped them out of kindness.

But in this life, without Zhang Yi's help, it would be a miracle if this unethical old lady and her mischievous grandson, Xiao Hu, could survive for ten days.

Zhang Yi didn't want to deal with corpses.

It wasn't that he was heartless, but after that day, everyone would struggle just to take care of themselves.

The lives of others naturally became secondary.

After pushing the three carts of supplies back home, Zhang Yi asked them to leave.

"Zhang Yi, don't forget to treat us!"

Fang Yuqing winked playfully at Zhang Yi.

But when Zhang Yi saw it, he felt a wave of nausea in his heart.

He brushed it off with a perfunctory response.

The two women had originally planned to stay and look for any clues indicating that Zhang Yi was a hidden second-generation rich person.

But seeing that Zhang Yi had no interest in entertaining them, they had no choice but to leave first.

After they left, Zhang Yi opened his dimensional space and stored all the items inside.

He wanted to observe whether these supplies would undergo any changes when placed in the space.

After finishing these tasks, it was already late in the evening.

Zhang Yi didn't rush to rest but took out pen and paper to plan the preparations for the next month in detail.

Although he was usually lazy, when it came to staying alive, people could always unleash their hidden potential.

"To live comfortably during doomsday, the first thing to solve is the food problem, which is easily manageable."

"Besides the daily groceries I buy, the rest can be taken from the warehouse. But this can't be rushed; we need to investigate first."

"And it's better to collect them a few days before doomsday to avoid attracting attention. If caught, I won't last more than a few days in the detention center."

Zhang Yi wrote down "food" in his notebook and put a checkmark next to it.

"Next is heating."

"After doomsday, energy supply will be extremely scarce, and air conditioning will quickly become unusable."

"So, we'll have to use the simplest method. A fireplace is the first choice!"

The principles of a fireplace and a fire kang are similar, both using primitive methods for heating.

In Europe, where winters are particularly cold, this method is commonly used to endure the long winter.

"In that case, the house needs to be renovated, preferably with added insulation."

When it came to renovations, Zhang Yi thought of his home being broken into in his previous life, causing his heart to tighten.

"I also need to turn my house into an impenetrable fortress."

"First, I'll install thick steel plates or alloy materials that can withstand at least ordinary explosions."

After doomsday arrives, people will do anything to survive, so thorough preparations are necessary.

Playing with one's life is not a joke. Zhang Yi has already tasted death once and has no intention of experiencing it again.

The issue of a safe house is also easily resolved.

There is a security company in Tianhai City that specializes in providing security services for the privileged.

Among them is a service for building secure houses.

Zhang Yi remembered seeing news in his previous life about a top billionaire overseas who built a super fortress that could withstand attacks even from small weapons.

"Next is medication. I must prevent myself from falling ill without treatment."

"Walmart's warehouse has many common medicines for treating minor illnesses like colds and fevers. But these won't be enough."

The Permian Storm will last for several decades, so I need to be fully prepared.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi has good connections in Tianhai City.

After all, he works in warehouse management and knows some employees at hospital warehouses.

As long as he can offer enough money, he can obtain any medicine.

After resolving these issues, Zhang Yi tapped his pen on the notebook.

"Next, there's one more problem to solve."

His gaze became sharp.

"That is weapons!"

With the arrival of doomsday, battles fueled by the loss of humanity and the desire to seize resources will be everywhere.

Human life will be as insignificant as grass; to survive, one must have enough strength.

Zhang Yi is not a martial arts expert, but even the greatest martial arts skills are useless against a kitchen knife.

As long as the prepared weapons are strong enough, he doesn't need to worry about this problem.

"Machetes, crowbars, and axes are easy to obtain."

"Bows, crossbows, and compound bows also have channels."

"But the most powerful one is definitely the American-style katana. To acquire it in China, one can only rely on the black market."

"Go abroad to get it? That's not practical. Going back and forth would take many days. I don't have a foreign gun license, and it's impossible for me to buy from a weapon store."

Zhang Yi rubbed his chin; this problem couldn't be solved for now.

But he still had a month's time. As long as he was willing to spend money, he should be able to find a way.

He spent three hours devising a perfect plan before taking a refreshing hot shower and lying down on his comfortable bed to sleep.


The next morning, Zhang Yi got up from the bed.

He didn't sleep well overnight and woke up several times due to nightmares.

Upon waking up, he realized that he was still lying on his warm and comfortable bed at home, which relieved him.

The period of doomsday had caused significant damage to his soul.

To avoid repeating the same mistakes, Zhang Yi became even more determined to make foolproof preparations!

After getting up, Zhang Yi prepared himself breakfast.

Then he opened the dimensional space to check on the changes in the items he had thrown in.

To his delight, the meat, fruits, and vegetables that had been stored overnight showed no signs of change.

Meat may not show much difference in a short time, but fruits and vegetables tend to become less fresh overnight.

However, after being placed in the dimensional space, they were just as fresh as when he bought them yesterday.

"My dimensional space is independent of this world, so maybe the rules of time are different too."

"It's possible that time flows slower or even stops. This is great news!"

"With this, I can freely put all kinds of things in there without any worries."

However, when Zhang Yi checked the fish he had put in, he found that they were all dead.

They appeared lifelike even after death and did not show signs of deterioration.

Zhang Yi rubbed his chin and understood more about the rules of using the dimensional space.

"Living creatures cannot be put in, or if they are, they cannot survive for long. It seems that the idea of living in there myself is not practical."

But it wasn't a big problem. The dimensional space was just a vast expanse of whiteness, nothing compared to the comfort of Zhang Yi's own home.

As long as he could put things in it, it was good enough.

With this thought, Zhang Yi's mind was filled with many things.

Since fresh meat, vegetables, and fruits can be stored, what about cooked meals?

Although Zhang Yi can cook himself, there is still a significant difference compared to professional chefs.

In the future, he can only rely on himself to cook, but he will inevitably get tired of it.

So, Zhang Yi immediately made a phone call to Hongfu Tianxia, the largest five-star hotel in Tianhai City.

This hotel also offers delivery, and their food is top-notch, which Zhang Yi loves.

"Hello, this is Hongfu Tianxia Hotel. How may I assist you?"

Zhang Yi immediately said, "I'm inviting guests to my house for a three-day and three-night feast. So, I need to reserve 500 tables of food!"

The person on the other end of the phone was also surprised.

500 tables of food would take a long time for them to prepare. And since they are a five-star hotel, the cheapest table would cost three to four thousand.

With 500 tables, it would be over a million!

The waiter didn't dare to make a decision and quickly said, "Please wait a moment. Let me consult with our manager."

After a while, another person took over the phone.

"Hello, sir. I am Chen Dingfang, the manager of Hongfu Hotel. May I know your name?"