Chapter 142 Part

"Of course you don't," her jaw stretched as she sighed; "Listen man, the Howard family isn't stupid. They know their biggest threat is my step mother right now. So, now that their starboy's been killed, everything point's towards I and my family? You dig?"

"But what if you actually didn't have anything to do with his death?"

"Who said I did?" her eyes twinkled with mischief.

"Oh come on, be serious Monica."

"Okay, okay," she laughed; "Don't get your panties in a bunch I was just joshing." The corners of her eyes hardened, and her face took on a more serious note;

"First thing you need to know of is that everything is a game of convenience. A war has started between both families. Even if a hailstorm were to suddenly fall on the Howard family, all fingers would point at the Russell family. . ."

"Hmm," Nexus pondered; "So basically, what you're saying is, anything goes?"