Chapter 143 Old News

He gazed at her intently, as if he could see through her;

"Oh my dear sweet, pampered, noblewoman Monica, you do realize that not every single one of us has some fancy castle with some fancy uptown address right?"

Her face flushed; 

"Come on, are you going to keep teasing me about being an aristocrat?"

Nexus' rolled his eyes;

"Oh I'm just getting started!"

The both laughed.

". . .but on a real note," he began; "I was actually being serious. I don't own a manor or anything like that. . .in fact, I'm not sure I've actually owned a home before. . ."

Monica's eyes dimmed even further. The crowded streets and the bustling noise wove into her ears. Oh no, she thought. . .

". . .I'm a wandering alchemist, I'm always on the move looking for raw materials, rare artifacts, and basically anything worth studying or acquiring. So, I have no fixed address–"

He shrugged;

"–I've never had one per say to be honest. . ."