Chapter 35

I stared at Isaac blankly. "I don't want that. That means a demon is really sealed inside me. Which side is he from? My father or my Ma?"

"I don't care. Just make sure that demon doesn't take over your body or else we're all screwed." Isaac laid down and prepared to sleep. But Isaac suddenly realized. "Then again, is it really a demon, or is it an evil spirit?"

I got frightened. "Oui! Oh no. No. No. No. No. No. Stop your nagging. I have a feeling that once you start, I am gonna hear it for the rest of my life."

Isaac tsked at me and said. "Fine."

"Oui..." Rona and I laid next to each other. Rona hugged me and said. "No worry, I'll punch the daylight out of you if something like that happens."

I crept away. "That's reassuring." I turned my back facing Rona and thought. 'Lyndall can't be the demon child, right? The story is similar, but... Ugh! I can't think anymore. It's better to ask Lyndall myself than thinking about nonsense things.' I closed my eyes and slept. Seconds later, I opened my eyes and saw Lyndall staring at me with his big round eyes. 'Not that soon.' I closed my eyes again, hoping Lyndall would disappear. Lyndall raised his hand and whacked my face.

"Ow! What's that for?" I rubbed my injured face.

"You're a fool, aren't you? You already know I'm a demon, yet you still slept like there's nothing wrong? How dare you insult me! You Git!" Lyndall glared at me.

I looked at Lyndall in shock. "You're really a demon? That demon from the story?"

"Of course I am. Do you fear me now, child?" Lyndall's eyes turned red, but I didn't care and asked. "Oui? I'm a git? I didn't know I'm a game currency."

Lyndall looked at me confused. "Game currency? Git means a fool! What is your brain made of? No, wait. Don't answer. I don't even want to know."

I rolled my eyes. "So what are you going to do to me? Take control of me and breaking the seal?"

Lyndall looked at me in disgust. "That was the plan, but seeing how I have to control a twit, my brain might poof off before I break the seal," Lyndall grunted.

"You and Isaac are two peas in a pot. Insulting people non-stop. Why so judgy? Sourpuss!" I pouted.

"Tch! Enough talking. Go talk to your Master already." Lyndall snapped his finger, and the black surrounding disappeared like a cloud of smoke.



My surroundings were dark but were extremely noisy and irritating. I heard lots of weird buzzing sounds around me. I closed my ears and screamed. "Hey! Have you ever heard of noise pollution? It's killing my ears here."


The lights came up. I saw lots of loose, active wires hanging from the ceiling and lying on the ground. "Oui..." Suddenly, a loose wire from the ceiling got loose and swung toward me.


"Wow!" I quickly dodged the wire. "That would have fried me."

"That would have, imp." A familiar gruffy voice came from behind me. I turned back and saw Master standing right behind me. I moved a few steps back and said. "Master! Don't scare me like that. I might get a heart attack."

"Hmph! These days, kids are so unhealthy. Always have problems here and there. Back pain, muscle pain, heart pain, complicated mental disorders, etc. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!" Master slowly walked and sat down on the ground. He tapped the ground and said. "Come here, imp. Tell me ya story. This Master of yours was dying of boredome waiting for ya. Quick!"

"Oui..." I quickly sat on the ground and away from those wires.

"Ya know. Ya lucky imp. Ya don't see Master waiting for their student all day all night, do ya?"

I shook my head, and Master nodded. "Okay, imp. Start ya story, now."

"Well -" As soon as I opened my mouth, Master got angry again. "Wait! Imp! Where's me popcorn? Where?!"

I looked at Master in confusion. "What popcorn?"

Master shouted at my ear and spat his saliva all over my face. "No popcorn? How could ya listen to the story without popcorn, imp? It's like telling me to live without a heart! So cruel and unusual person!" Master looked away and pouted.

I wiped the saliva off my face and said. "You think they would give popcorn to children they had kidnapped?"

"Did ya even try asking them, imp?"

"Who would? It's common sense."

"Are ya saying ya master has no common sense?"

I immediately put my hands up in defence.

"Well, I guess that's fine. So continue ya story, imp. I've waited too long for my story." Master sat back down like nothing ever happened.

'Oui... Talking to Master took so many years of my life. Master is probably a demon, too.' I glanced at Master.

Master turned toward me. "What are ya waiting for, imp? Start! Start! Don't wait till I die and rot, then ya open that mouth. Come one, imp! On with it!"

"Oh, come on, Master. If you can wait for a few days, you can wait for another few seconds."

Master kicked me. "Just hurry up already, or I'll start kicking ya."

"You're already kicking me!"

"Then hurry, imp." Master continued kicking me.

"Fine." So I told Master what happened in the 2nd game and how I almost died a few times.

"Well, ain't that exciting. Got ya heart pumping, ay?"

"You mean stop. And is that all you got from the story?"

"Nah. I also found out my student has shitty luck. Bwahahahaha." Master rolled on the ground, laughing like a crazy maniac.

"What if I die, Master?"

Master immediately replied with a serious look. "Then ya ain't fit to be my student."

"Ouch." I thought. 'When Master replied so fast, it made my heartache worse. Master so mean.'

"What? Did the cable zap ya, imp?"

"Forget it." I pouted. "Anyways, Master. I have a question to ask you."

"Sure. There's nothing ya master doesn't know." Master said proudly.

"Oui? Master know about Rona's parents?"

"Bah! How do I know? I never met that brat."

"I thought Master knows everything? In our first conversation, Master said, 'Everything. There's nothing I don't know. If not, I'm a dimwit!' Is Master a dimwit then?" I smirked.

Master was baffled. "What? U little... Grr~ Fine. I'll find out and tell ya about it next time. So ask me another question, imp."

"Yay! Thanks, master. So, about the 3rd game..."

"So ya already prepared the next question. Ya, sneaky little fox. Ya knew ya Master doesn't know ey?"

"Oopsie!" I snickered.

"Hmph! Good, imp. Always be a few steps ahead of ya opponents. Remember that, imp."

"Yes, Master."

"Okay, now, the 3rd game is something ya are super bad at. Once ya see it, ya would want to give up."

"Oui...? That bad?" I got super scared. "No more monsters."

"Only ya are bad at it, imp."

"Only me? What?... Wait... Don't tell me it's a maze?" My face went pale.

"Bingo. Looks like ya got it right, imp. Master is proud of ya." Master patted my head.

"Oui... It's too late to give up now, is it?"

Master grabbed my arms and said. "Don't give up, imp."

"But..." Waiting for Master's comforting words.

"If you do, who's gonna tell me stories?"

My hope was instantly crushed. "Master, this is about my life, not your entertainment!" In my mind, I was strangling Master like there's no tomorrow.

Master tilted his head to the side like my life has nothing to do with him. "And?"

I massaged my head. "Oui. I think I'm getting a headache."

"All I can say is good luck, imp. 'Cause ya need every bit of it."

I looked at Master and thought to myself. 'Maybe I can ask about my parents too.'

"Ermm... Master..." I said nervously.

"Ya, imp?"

"About my parents -"

Master stopped me before I could say anything else. "Nope. If you want more, pay up, imp."

"What? You're so calculative, Master."

"Welcome to the adult world, imp. Oh, and before ya go, here's a little tip since ya have been good. Remember, if ya turned blind, rely on your other senses, imp. Don't waste a sec or ya be seeing flying heads. Gwakakaka, " Master crackled.

"What do you mean, Master?"

"Ya get it when ya there. Adios, imp." Master got up and walked away. He waved me goodbye, and the surroundings suddenly became foggy.

"Huh? What're all these fogs?" I tried sweeping it away, but the fog only became thicker. I looked up, but I could barely see Master. "Master!" I screamed.

"Be careful, imp. Don't - " Master's words faded out, and I couldn't hear what Master wanted to say.

"Master! Don't what?" I stood up and chased after Master but Master wasn't there anymore. "What the -" Before I realized it, the fog completely surrounded me, and something shot my way. I couldn't dodge it in time, I braced myself and closed my eyes. The next thing I know, I woke up from my dream. I opened my eyes and saw a familiar ceiling. 'I'm back.' I panted. "Huff... Huff..." I placed my hand on my forehead. I could feel my heart beating very loud, and I was drenched with sweat. "Damn it," I whispered.