
[10086 Black Group]

Number 10000: Welcome Number 1314 to join!

Number 10000: Today, we continue to impersonate as Black 10086 in the public channel. Everyone is involved.

Number 10010: Keep pretending to be fans as usual and turn public opinion against 10086.

Number 63463: Boss, how much will the payment be?

Number 812342: It's my first time doing this impersonation, can you teach me?

Number 10000: I'm not the boss; our boss is Viper from the Drug Lord team. He's the big boss, and we are just helping out.

Number 10010: Don't worry; if you need to learn how to impersonate, check the documents in the group. We have summaries. In simple terms, you attract hatred by acting as an overly enthusiastic fan.

Number 563462: Got it. What's the payment for today?

Number 10000: Ten loaves of bread.

Number 1314: I heard that we'll also pretend to be 10086 fans to seize resources. Do we have to do that?