
Then, Waldo recorded a video and posted it on the chat channel.

Number 10086: Everyone, there have been many defamatory rumors about me recently, and I have been paying attention to them. I won't say much now, but I want to show you all a video.

I am currently at Drug Lord's camp, and all the looting and plundering of resources in my name were orchestrated by them!


Number 834532: You're talking nonsense! What evidence do you have to prove that Drug Lord's team was behind all this? I think you're just trying to shift the blame, aren't you?!

Your so-called fans robbed me of a lot of resources. If you don't provide a reasonable explanation, I won't let you off the hook! Number 10086: Fans? I'm not a celebrity, why would I need fans?

I don't know if I really have any supporters, but I believe they are definitely rational!

As for those who have been defaming me, ha, don't even talk to me; if I encounter any of them, I'll kill them on sight!