
Time passed for our 2 protagonists as they were still hospitalized from injuries incurred in their confrontation. On the brighter side of their little altercation 024792 decided to forgive 8192 for what he had done. She saw that it was pointless in holding a grudge against him and to leave whatever happened in that facility in the past. Now she would just focus on the future.

Seeing it well to visit the two Aisha made her way to the hospital. Reaching 024792's room she knocked before she opened the door.

Aisha: (smiling) Hie there uhhhh 2421...…

024792: Its 024792

Aisha: You know there is nothing wrong with a regular name you know.

024792: You know what..... You are absolutely right. If I'm starting a new life might as well have a name.

So, do you have any suggestions?

Aisha: Oh, l had thought ahead (constructs a book.)

024792: (shocked) Ho how did you do that???

Aisha: Come on you control photon your boyfriend over there is.... is whatever he is and you honestly thought you were the only ones with powers?

024792: Ok firstly 8192 isn't my boyfriend he is just a friend. We are just friends.

Aisha: Surreee.

024792: I'm serious.

Aisha: (with a smug look) Ok ok whatever you say.

024792: Enough about 8192, You you made a book out of thin air how did you do that?

Sarah: Oh, it's nothing really. My power is to simply transmute matter from one form to another. All I did was change the carbon, oxygen and hydrogen in this room into paper and ink.

024792: Oh, so you're an alchemist.

Aisha: Yeah you could say that. Now let's look at those names shall we?

024792: Ok, (flips through pages) Oh I like this one…

Aisha: Kasandra??? Mmmmm you don't look like a Kasandra to me.

024792: Ok how about this one.

Sarah: Oh, Lemme see...Karen Oh no no no you don't want to be a Karen trust me. Ok how about (pause) Chloe? Or Cleo?

024792: Chloe sounds lovely. I cannot thank you enough Sarah

Aisha: You are welcome Chloe. Oh shoot I forgot I have to go see 8192.

Chloe: Aww do you have to go?

Aisha: I have to you know he is literally in the next room.

8192: (shouting) Yes I am and I heard Everything CHLOE (Laughs)

Chloe: Good Lord the lungs on that boy.

Aisha: Oh like you have a better name for yourself.

8192: I do actually. Excalibur

Aisha: Huh what was that I didn't get that?

8192: I said EXCALIBUR!!

Aisha: Exalibar?

8192: (slowly) E X C A L I B U R.

Aisha: EXALIBAR???

8192: -_-

Chloe: You heard him didn't you?

Aisha: (giggling) Yeah I just didn't think Excalibur was right for him.

Chloe: Good thinking I think Exalibar sounds kind of cute don't you think.

Aisha: And you say he is not your boyfriend.

Chloe: FOR THE LAST TIME HE IS….. (gets cut of by doctor entering room)

Doctor: Good afternoon. How are you feeling?

Chloe: I feel great actually.

Doctor: Excellent. (to Aisha) Now Miss if you were to sign here we can get your friend discharged today because surprisingly all tests say she is fit and ready to go.

Chloe: Aisha wait we don't have anywhere to go from here.

Aisha: Its ok you and Exalibar can come live with me and the others.

Chloe: (ecstatic) Really?

Exalibar: Others?

Aisha: Yeah I'll introduce you guys when we get there (Proceeds to sign the papers)

Doctor: Thank you Miss (to Chloe) Ok miss you are free to go.

Aisha: Thank you Doctor.

Chloe: And what of Exalibar?

Doctor: The sword?

Exalibar: (from the other room) No no no that's Excalibur I'm Exalibar there ain't no C in Or A U ok?

Doctor: (condescendingly) I see, Well you are all free to go.

Exalibar: Sensational.

Doctor: (internally) How do they put up with this kid??

After they were released from the hospital The strange man that had rushed them to the hospital took them home. On the way there they introduced each other as they had barely met and only conversed with Aisha. Following that they proceeded to converse about the two's past and how they came to be in their situation. The man name (James Maxford) was a Multi Trillionaire. His wealth came from a long line of lords and dukes that ravaged the earth for all that holds value, extorting everyone and everything at every turn and chance acquired. After amassing a vast amount of wealth, they would off themselves before they got old as they believed in the beauty of youth leaving it for the next generation. That tradition continued for 4000 years until it ended with James as he was an only child and to top it all of sterile. Unable to pass his wealth down to any descendants and relatives as tradition dictated that the wealth must be passed down only to the prodigy of the line, he decided to use his wealth for other endeavors. He decided to build a facility to house runaway "freaks of nature" as the people called them. He wanted to help them hone their abilities so they might have a brighter future in a world that either rejected them or abused them.

They soon arrived at the facility which turned out to be what mansions call mansions. They were escorted into the building to see it packed with many children each whom seemed to have their own abilities. Some were flying off holding books to what seemed like lessons. Others were conversing with each other at social points of gathering, and as with all societies some where alone.

Aisha: Well what do you think?

Chloe: Wow just wow.

Exalibar: Meh the facility was bigger.

Chloe: Can you not?!

Exalibar: Fine fine (mutters) (spoilsport).

Chloe: No seriously be nice (eyes glow) or else!

Exalibar: Ok let's clear this up once and for all. Just because I let you land those hits back at the hospital doesn't mean you can take me. Heck not even the two of you can take me. I will put both of you into the ground without a moment of hesitation alright.

Aisha: wow your talk is big game but can you back it up. (Puts finger on Exalibar's chest) E-X-A-L-I-B-A-R.

Exalibar: Don't threaten me with a good time.

Aisha: Well you're just in luck. We have a training room where the two of you can go all out without having to worry about property damage. Lets head over there right now and settle this. (leans closer to Exalibar) (whispers in his ear) if you win ill do anything you ask okay.

Exalibar: Oh its so on.

They head over into a large white room filled with all the training equipment fathomable to mankind.

Aisha: ok this is where you will fight. (Shouting to the people in the room) Ok everyone either stay to watch or leave. These two have a score to settle.

Aisha and Exalibar each stand in the middle of the room. Aisha picks up a sword and charges it up with photons. Exalibar mocks her asking her if she thinks it will do her any good. Instantly without responding she throws it at Exalibar, aiming for his neck. He dodged, grabs the sword by the hilt at as he is about to throw it back he it hit by a blast directed at his eyes. Blinded Exalibar staggered backwards and was hit by another blast this time aimed at his chest. Aisha proceeded to hit Exalibar with a barrage of blasts each aimed for a critical area, be it organs, joints, pressure points, she wanted him down. But he just would not stay down. With each attack he rose up even faster. Like he was toying with her. He slowing inched closer with every blast until he was in point blank range. With a scream of rage she gave her all aimed steady and fired a blast so powerful it sent shockwaves through out the room. The blast tore up the ground incinerating everything in its path throwing Exalibar across the room.

Aisha: (concerned) Uh Chloe I think you might have actually killed Exalibar with that….

Chloe: (panting) Now how about that… (gets cutoff)

Exalibar: (can't be seen because of dust raised by Chloe's blast) HEY CHLOE YOU MISSED A SPOT!!

Everyone was in awe that Exalibar was still able to yell after taking such an attack at suck close range. The dust settled revealing a very injured Exalibar, blood dripping from where his left hand used to be. He had suffered injuries that would be fatal to a normal human being as he was missing an arm, right eye burned out, metal pole sticking out from one of his lungs and his intestines hanging out from his abdomen.

Aisha: (gags) Oh my Gosh Exalibar are you alright. (Runs over to him and grabs him) We need to get you medical attention now!

Exalibar: (Pushes her away) No not yet. I'm not yet done with this fight. It just got interesting. And you know what they say.. (Body starts steaming rapidly as he regenerates his lost arm) (he pulls the metal pole from his lung) What doesn't kill you…. (Coughs up blood and smirks) ONLY MAKES YOU STRONGER.

Exalibar suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of Chloe. She tried to blast him again but he simply grabbed her hand and redirected the blast to the roof. He holds her hand to the sky and looks her dead in the eye.

Chloe: Time out time out Exalibar

Exalibar: Don't chicken out now.


Exalibar: You only brought this on yourself

Chloe's expression changed from that of confusion to one of sheer terror. What was the beast she had unleashed. What was he going to do next she wondered. Before she could finish that train of thought, Exalibar disappeared again from her line of sight again only to reappear behind her giving her a quick precise chop to the neck. She fell forward onto Exalibar' s shoulder out cold. Carrying her off Exalibar looked at Aisha with a smirk. She had an expression of shock at how brutally quick he was. She was perplexed at how even when he had a chance to get back at her for the pain caused in the fight he decided to end it quickly and in a way to minimize her pain. Why though. All these questions rattled her mind until Exalibar broke the silence

Exalibar: (To Aisha) Well?

Aisha: Huh oh yeah, Can I ask how and I mean how did you get up from that blast?

Exalibar: Oh, I have a healing factor and the rule of 3.

Aisha: But then how come when you first showed up here you were on deaths door?

Exalibar: Ok let me explain. What happens is that ordinarily I can grow back limps organs and what not. However, the more damage I take and the more I grow back the less quick I can do it with time. So, if you hurt me quick enough substantially my body stops healing and just focuses on staying alive.

Aisha: Oh, so that's your weakness. But why would you tell me huh? What if I use it against you huh?

Exalibar: Aisha if you wanted me dead you would have left me on your doorstep. But you didn't. So you ever killing me not happening I have been shot in the head before you know.

Aisha: Whaaa? How? When? By who?

Exalibar: Questions for later ok.

Chloe: (Wakes up) Exalibar….

Exalibar: Yes dear?

Chloe: No.1 don't call me that EVER. No.2 Put me down.

Exalibar: Oh, thank goodness I didn't know how much longer I could hold you, you are incredibly heavy.

Aisha: Stop being dramatic you can lift up to 1 and a half tons (Exalibar suddenly drops to the ground blood gushing out of his mouth)

Aisha: Oh my….

Exalibar: (gasping) guys if it wouldn't be too ask I need a medic.

Aisha quickly ran for help while Chloe tried to put Exalibar in a position in which he would be able to breath better. After moving him around for a while she finally decided to rest him on her lap with him facing forward. He rested the back of his head against her chest and closed his eyes. Concerned she slowly put one hand on his chest to find out if his heart was still beating. Irregular as it was it was still beating. The placed her other hand on his head and began to stroke his hair. She continued to do so until Aisha finally showed up with a very muscular boy holding a stretcher bed. Walking over to them, He introduced himself as Jack and asked Chloe if he could take it from there. Hesitantly she agreed and slowly lifted him from the position he was in. Placing him on the stretcher bed she wondered on what she had done. The reason she had hit him with such a strong blast was because of grief. She still wasn't over the fact that he had killed everyone she knew up until that point even if it was for their own protection. She was angry at herself for almost killing the only person she had left and angry at Exalibar for not getting out the way. She felt regret as even though she had hurt Exalibar he didn't retaliate in kind and ended the fight in the least painful way for her. Her mind was a roller-coaster of emotions. She remained in this state not snapping out even when she was told that all Exalibar needed was some blood to replenish the one he lost and his body would take care of the rest. She blamed herself for everything and wondered if he would be in this situation if he had just left her at the facility.

Aisha: You know Chloe your boyfriend is going to be ok right.

Chloe: He might but if I wasn't here he wouldn't be like this. All injuries he sustained are because of me. Even in the facility I know the only reason he got so injured on escaping is because he was trying to take all the damage himself. If everything continues like this what if I'll be the death of him. How am I supposed to live with myself after that huh.

Aisha: Chloe listen, I'm not so good with words or being a comforter, but I do know one thing. From when Exalibar first showed up on our doorstep he didn't ask for his own help. He wanted to save you first. When he woke up in the hospital his first concern was you. That boy seems like a fighter and whatever you do he will always be there to protect you. You will never be the death of him.

Exalibar: Yeah you tell her Aisha.

Aisha: (giggles) Wait so you were awake this whole time?

Exalibar: Yup the whole time. And I mean the whole time.

Chloe: But you passed out and fell in a pool of your own blood.

Exalibar: Fell, conscious but unable to move.

Chloe: So even when I...…..

Exalibar: The whole time.