A new beginning

Starting afresh isn't always easy. It's a tedious process that sometimes takes a dangerous toll on the mind and body. But for our protagonists it was an escape. An escape from the torments of their past. A way to avoid the haunting pain of what happened to them. A way to suppress the guilt of what they did. The past was bleak but the future bright.

After being given a tour of their new residence by Aisha, they were introduced to the other children. Some were immediately accepting however others were hesitant. Trust is earned. Its not something to just be given. The lack of trust didn't seem to phase Exalibar as he himself was constantly on edge. It did however bother Chloe, who could feel the cold glares being given by some of the children. Opting to rather end the introduction than face more condescension from these "dorks" as Exalibar referred to them, the two were escorted to their to be rooms. Heading to the elevator Aisha suddenly turned to Chloe. " Chloe, you know I don't have a roommate. Why don't you come stay with me? We could have parties, makeovers, pillowfig… Before she could even finish Chloe cut her off. "Yes Yes Yes" she exclaimed with an expression of pure ecstasy.

Aisha: Ok now onto you Exalibar.

Exalibar: Can I have one that I'm alone.

Aisha: Uhm why?

Exalibar: To put it simply, I sleep weird.

Aisha: How weird?

Exalibar: Under 10 times normal earth gravity, upside-down moving at 1110km/h.

Aisha: That's bullshit.

Chloe: He's not lying.

Aisha: Wha, How, WHY???

Exalibar: Do not question my biology. Not even I do that.

Aisha: Lets be practical here. You don't sleep upside down moving at 1110km/h and under 10x gravity.

Exalibar: fine, I won't argue further. I will however..

Aisha: Do nothing and live with Dylan peacefully.

Exalibar had nothing more to say. He was in no position to make any demands. He just had to suck it up and dwell with this Dylan.

Dylan was a good looking fellow. He was light and around the same height as Exalibar. He had red hair with fiery accents and eyes that looked like a mixture of red and orange. He was very good looking and was a main attraction to the girls of the house. He was reserved, not opting to act unless he absolutely had to. He was the type of guy people would say had no enemies preferring to talk instead of confrontation. Greeting Exalibar first he wasted no time in introducing himself.

Exalibar: So, Dylan everyone here has powers what's your specialty?

Dylan: How curious are you?

Exalibar: Oh very.

Dylan: My powers are quite simple. Pyrokinesis. You see I don't just simply start and control flames. I can also do this. Holding out the palm of his hand he kindled a small flame in the form of a dancing woman.

Exalibar: Very nice, but is that all you do?

Aisha: Exalibar stop bothering my brother with your endless questions.

Exalibar: Brother? Wait, now that I look at you both you do bear some resemblance. Also, me endless questions like you are any better. Weren't you the one who was asking endless questions about me while I was in the infirmary huh.

Dylan: What questions?

Aisha: Please don't tell him.

Dylan: Exalibar?

Exalibar: Hey you heard the girl. But 2 super-siblings, your parents would be proud.

Dylan: They really aren't. They were superheroes and Aisha here wants to be a doctor. Personally, I want to be an accountant but they simply won't have it.

Exalibar: Aren't wait aint this place for kids without parents?

Dylan: Well, most don't but some do. They are sent here by their parents to control and hone their powers.

Exalibar: Checks out.

Aisha: You know Exalibar you and Chloe don't really have clothes other that those I made for you right?

Exalibar: It's not like I packed my bags before leaving the facility now is it?

Dylan: (giggles)

Aisha: I didn't mean it like that. What I wanted to say is do you want to go shopping?

Voice in the distance: Yes they do.

Exalibar: Damn that James guy walks slow.

Aisha: You heard him coming?

Exalibar: Yes and it was like watching a turtle run a marathon.

Aisha: Wow.

James invited himself into their room and after Aisha told him that she intended to go buy clothes for the two, he handed her a fat stack of cash and with a wink told her not to all spend it in 1 place.

James: Oh, also here are the keys. now if you would excuse me I have a meeting with the President in an hour, I'm off.

Dylan: Thanks.

Chloe: The President?

Exalibar: Sweet I call shotgun ><

Aisha: How do you know all this.

Exalibar: Too Many Questions yeesh.

Dylan: He's right you know.

Aisha: (slightly ticked off) Oh shut up you smooth brained dumbass.

Chloe: Ouch

Exalibar: Oh, right you were here. Sorta forgot she was there. (chuckles)

And with that they took of headed straight for the mall. Along the way true to nature Aisha pestered Exalibar with more questions. Questions about their past, their powers, how they truly came free, if they knew who their parents where etc. She continued doing so until they arrived. Splitting the money in two Aisha headed out with Chloe while Exalibar went with Dylan. The boys were happy at the opportunity to leave the girls to their own devices and took off. They entered the clothes store and began to chat as they picked out clothes.

Dylan: So, I hear you are the perfect fighting machine?

Exalibar: I am or so I thought until recently.

Dylan: Why that?

Exalibar: You see, no matter how much damage I sustain I'm supposed to be able to rapidly heal from it. Unless if my death counter is full I don't pass out or collapse. But when I fought Chloe for the first time as that blast was headed for me I felt the fear of death. Somehow I knew if I let it completely hit me I would die then and there. And yet somehow I didn't. But still my body felt like I died thrice. Its as if the rules were suddenly broken and I had to deal with the consequences. I don't think Chloe's powers end on photons and blasts. There's something more, something that I fear will be the death of me. Even still I feel the urge, the need the subconscious desire to protect her. To be around her. Why. Even when I killed everyone why didn't I kill her you know. It's like huh I can't explain.

Dylan: I feel you bro, but really did you have to be so senile. We are buying clothes not reenacting a funeral. No need to get so Wednesday Adams on me bro. (laughs)

Exalibar: Fine sure. So, sister huh?

Dylan: Yes she is my sister I know I know its sort hard to believe. Actually, she isn't just my sister she is my twin.


Dylan: If you really look at it they aren't they are both elementals. Mine is fire. Her's is well earth metal and wind or air.

Exalibar: Seems like someone got the short end of the stick huh.

Dylan: Not really. I love my fire powers. Hands down I am stronger than my sister and also I have control of some elements, although I am limited to ones I use as fuels. I unlike her don't specialize in all elements. Plus, she got brains I got fire. That's our main difference but at the base we do have some form of Alchemy. After all those where our parents' powers.

Exalibar: Ohh right you did mention that your parents are superheroes.

Dylan: Yup. Powerful ones too. They actually oversee this city.

Exalibar: So how many superheroes are there actually?

Dylan: Hundreds. Powers are getting more common these days. 1 in every 7 children is being born with the gene that enables these superhuman abilities. Yet you still see some idiots with prejudice against those with. Or an idiot like the guy robbing the store.

And sure, enough there was an idiot robbing the store. The robber (six foot tall and armed to the teeth) stood and the counter with his gun aimed to the air.

Robber: EVERYONE FREEZE THIS IS A ROBBERY!!! NOW IF YOU JUST HAND OVER ALL YOUR MONEY AND VALUABLES NOONE HAS TO GET HURT. You there (pointing gun at cashier) put the money in the bag.

Exalibar: (whispering to Dylan) should I take him out? It will be so fast he won't even notice.

Dylan: Leave it my parents will be here soon. The cashier has already rung the trouble alarm.

Exalibar: (taking off) I don't hear anything.

Dylan: Wait. Aanndd he's gone. Dumbass it's a silent alarm.

In a slit second Exalibar shot straight for the robber darted behind him, grabbed the back of his head and slammed it into the counter.

Exalibar: (shouting to Dylan) See simple as that!

Dylan: (shouting back) Idiot who robs a store alone these days?!

Second robber: He's right you know..

There was a second robber who was standing at the door. He fired an optical blast at Exalibar but missed as the boy dodged.

Exalibar: You know heat vision hurts if you are on the receiving end. It's like getting 2 precise burns on your being. Like so…

Exalibar fired back at the second robber vaporizing his head from his body instantly. Everything in the store went silent but not because of what had just transpired, the first robber had gotten up. Wasting no time Exalibar rushed him and with a barrage of punches and kicks knocked him over to a store that was on the lower floor. Coincidentally he fell in the store where Aisha and Chloe were shopping only to be knocked out by Aisha and confined in a structure made of stone by her.

Dylan: (to Exalibar) Did you have to kill him?

Exalibar: Yes.

Dylan: Heroes don't kill dude.

Exalibar: I ain't no hero bro.

Dylan: (sighs) How am I going to explain this to James?

Exalibar: Or your parents.

Dylan: (Sighs)

Behind Dylan stood the popular heroes Ronin and Valery. They were known throughout the world for their heroic actions and immense strength. Ronin had cryokinesis and Valery his wife was a speedster like Exalibar. Courageous, Righteous, Heroic, Magnificent were few of the words used by people to describe them. in short they were considered by most to be the most powerful heroes on the planet. Dylan turned around only do bump into his father. Staggering back and quickly composing himself he greeted his parents. After pleasantries were exchanged he turned to Exalibar.

Dylan: Exalibar I would like you to meet Ronin and Valery. My mom and Dad.