Track 03 - Goat-Headed Man

"What do you know about them?" You ask the figure.

"That you aren't the only one they wronged. They did unspeakable things to me. I can't talk out here though. Get us a room."

"Alright." You instinctively touch your handgun, just making sure it was still there. You still had no reason to trust this person. Not to mention the buzz made you a little uneasy.

Displo returned to the counter hand washing some glasses. The figure raised a hand and waved him over. At first he pretended not to see but upon noticing you with him acknowledge the figures presence.

"Something for you two?" Displo asked.

"Can we get a private room?"

Displo cocked his head slightly as if processing the request.

"May I speak to you privately first, (Y/N)?"

"Uh. Sure. Excuse me..." You wait him to say his name but the figure remains silent. "Right then." Displo leads you away closer to where you previously sitting. He leans forward, closer to you.

"I would not recommend engaging with that guy. He's a bad influence." Displo whispered.

"What's his deal?"

"Has history with the family; as you and I, but he's unhinged. He comes here every so often, hunting for one of those family members." Displo glanced in the figure's direction. "Said family members actually visited once. Even before I could throw them out that man was here, threatening to blow up the place. He is a radical, through and through." Displo added.

"What happened to him?"

"I do not know but I advise you to steer clear of him."

"Hm. I'll keep that in mind." While Displo was trying to discourage you; it only made you more interested. If anything, his disapproval served as an endorsement. This 'radical' was someone like you.

"If you'd like I can have him escorted from the premises." Displo chimed in.

"I think I'll be fine."

Displo stood up and crossed his arms. "If you say so. But please, don't do anything reckless in my establishment."

"Don't worry. I'll be careful."

Displo nods in approval. He waves over the figure.

"Follow me."

He gets up as well, following Displo. The figure walked head down so as to conceal his face. You still had no idea what or who this person was. But you were intrigued so far.

Displo lead the two of you into another part of the restaurant. It was a corridor with curtains lining the sides, each leading to a private dining booth. You'd never seen this side of the restaurant before. To further add to the randomness of the restaurant it appeared to have a more Japanese-style to it.

"Here we are." Displo stopped at one of the curtains, pulling it aside for you two. "If you need anything please give the bell a ring."

Inside was a booth and table like you had seen in the main restaurant, though width slightly longer. It was raised partially as well. It contained a window on the side of the wall, opposite to the curtains. If anything, the place looked like a train caboose, retrofitted for a restaurant. Like the rest of the place, it didn't match the aesthetic. The seats had a deep red colour to them, likely made of leather. You make a step up and take a seat, putting the gifted beer up on the table.

The figure goes to take the bench opposite to you but he is stopped by Displo.

"No funny business, you understand that? I got my sights on you."


"(Y/N), keep him under control." Displo adds.

You nod. Displo nods back and walks off back to the main bar.

The figure takes a seat and puts his notebook and water glass down. Still concealed in his hood and a hat he looks directly at you. He had sunglasses on and removed them. You make two glowing yellow eyes and something peaking out of the hood that didn't fit. A nose perhaps? He takes his backpack off and places it next to him.

Up closer now you get a good look at the figure. He wore a dark blue hoodie and wore black gloves. On the hoodie was some sort of logo you couldn't make out. His hood was on concealing most of his face sans two bright eyes which shown faintly. Just from looking at them you could see fury in them. While his hood was on he still wore a hat that matched his hoodie. To add to his anonymity he had a scarf on concealing most of his face, and previously had a pair of sunglasses.

Like you noted earlier, his attire was all weathered. The edges of the hoodie were frayed and it looked like it had seen better days. Despite the rugged appearance he gave, he did not appear to smell at all. His clothing appeared tattered in parts and imperfectly sewn elsewhere. Whether it was because of his 'unhinged-ness' Displo claimed or because he'd been through a lot he was rough looking. Even his gloves as he rested them on the table, had a few loose threads visible.

The only thing that looked to be in pristine shape was his hat. Dark blue as well, it was one of those hats you recall seeing chimney-sweepers wear. It looked like a dome, with a tongue on the front.

He had a very punk-ish appearance to him.

"Are you gonna drink that?" He asked monotonely.

"Why? Did something to it?" You shot back.

"Nyet. I paid for that and if you aren't going to have it I want it back."

"Sure. Knock yourself out." The figure nods and takes the beer. He starts downing the amber coloured liquid.

"So. What do you know about the family?" He began.

"That depends. I want to know who you are and what you know first." You respond. While still intrigued there still wasn't a reason to trust him.

"That isn't how this is going to work." He said, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"You were eavesdropping on my conversation. I think I deserve to at least hear your issue first. I don't even know who you are."

"Fine. You wanna know why I hate that family? This is why."

With a dramatic pose the figure took his hat off, removed the hood and took off the scarf. Now you could see what it was hiding.

While you had thought he was human or anthro, you were wrong. He had no visible neck, it was see-through. Though, upon closer look it was there, faintly seen as one could see someone using invisibility. Where he was should have been was the skull of a goat, two curled horns atop it. In place of eyes were two small yellow flames, staring directly at you. His hat, while it had been hiding his horns was now sitting perfectly in between them, covering the top of his skull-head. While you'd seen re-animated beings before it was clear this man was not one. His jaw moved slightly as he breathed.

But despite all you weren't sure what he meant. After all the things and people you'd seen in Newgrounds City this wasn't that bizarre. Plus, the city had a sizable anthro community. He looked 'normal'.

"T-they did what?"

"They did this to me!" He said a little louder, motioning to his face. He took of his gloves, revealing bony hands. It was as if he had no skin. "See?"

"I'm supposed to be like you. Not this...freak I am." He said sullenly.

"Well. I, uh, don't think you look that bad." You mutter. He just growls in response. "Alright. I believe you." You say.

You extend a hand out. "Names (Y/N), former detective, investigator." The figure waits a second but accepts the handshake. Despite appearances his hand felt warm and soft. Maybe it his skin was invisible?

"Tabi." The man said.

"Tabi? Huh..." You'd heard that name before. It was floated during the investigation. "I've heard of you."

Tabi took a swig of the beer, the liquid disappearing into his skull. You catch it briefly disappearing down vanishing behind his scarf. "Oh yeah? What do you know?" He slurred his some of his W's making it sound more like a V-sound.

You try to recall his page in your investigation documents. "Rapper, I think? You had contact with the family and then been missing ever since. It was a dead end, so we figured they had killed you."

"Almost. I will tell you what happened, but you will tell no other soul about it. Then you will tell me what happened to you." He definitely had some sort of accent, it was more clear now. It had to have been eastern European or something close.

"Alright. Go ahead." You agreed.

You let Tabi speak without interruptions. You learn that he was originally a human and a music producer. You never really listened to the stuff so predictably you hadn't heard of him. He was dating the Daddy's daughter. He claimed that she wasn't even interested in Tabi. "It was all part of some sick game to further her career."

He caught on and tried to stop it. Before he could confront her was kidnapped and then awoke having become a "monster". Apparently most of his body was invisible, though the how eluded him. It was still there at least. He said that occasionally it appears as a sickly translucent white, further adding that he was a 'ghost'.

You knew very little of their daughter. She wasn't part of the 'family business' and that they had gone through great lengths to conceal her identity. You recall an anonymous tip that her name might've been 'Cherry' but there was no record of anyone with that name.

You focus back on Tabi's story.

Since then he'd been tracking the (now-former) girlfriend to 'get some answers'. He winced when he said that, your instincts picking up a hidden meaning. You didn't know her name but he referred to her as just 'Girlfriend'. Like 'Daddy Dearest' you figure it be some alias. It didn't seem as if he was referring to her as that out love.

You didn't detect any love within the way he spoke. He didn't act like some spurned lover. He seemed to have genuine regret and pain as he talked.

As Tabi spoke you could see all the hatred built up in him. He had been going from public space to public place to find her. It had been a little over a year since he'd been reduced to a goat-man. Though you saw little issue in how he looked, it was still a sensitive topic for him.

In a strange way you found his goat visage kind of cool. Witch-King-like, in a way. It was almost hypnotic.

"I will find her. They will pay."

"You haven't seen them since?" You had ordered another drink and were slowly taking it down.

"I caught them once. But her, she has a new boyfriend. We fought didn't end well. I haven't seen them since. They won't get a second chance."

"The daughter. Are you sure it was her and not the dad? In all our investigation never once did she come up as a possible accomplice."

"Humph. How would you know? You weren't on the streets. She's not as innocent as you think." Tabi spat. He lied back and kicked his shoes up on the table revealing two predictably, worn out sneakers and his black stained jeans. At one point the shoes would have had white streaks but they had since yellowed.

"What about you then? What did you do to piss them off?" Tabi asked.

At first you considered not talking, after all, there was no telling if he was some 'double-agent' or anything. But, between the booze and Tabi spilling his guts for someone he barely knew you decide to spill everything.

You give him a detailed explanation of the investigation, the threats, the beating and all. Like you had done he lets you speak without any interruptions, nodding and listening attentively. He took in everything you said, silently understanding that you too had gotten screwed.

You notice his body language perk up when you mention you had backed up the case files but slump when you mention the break-in. After concluding he had one thing to say.

"Hmph. You didn't once think that they were working with the feds from the start? You cops just bend to whoever has the most money. You should have known better."

"Yeah, so? Girlfriend was probably playing you from the start and you didn't see it."

"Fine, whatever."

"That's about it then." You slumped down against the booth. It felt cathartic to finally speak your mind about the case. You weren't sure if it was the drunkenness or just getting it off your chest but you felt better about the whole thing.

"I'll admit I am surprised he didn't outright kill you. The family is ruthless. You're lucky cops look out for other cops."

"Yeah well, I don't respect any of those people anymore. They were all liars. I won't get a second chance."

"What are you going to do about it?" Tabi questioned.

"I don't know yet." You take another drink, finishing the beer. Last one of the night. You felt at ease speaking with Tabi. You still had some doubts about where his heart was but he seemed trustworthy so far.

Tabi, likewise had the same feeling. He hadn't been able to discuss at length with anyone about those events. Sure, he had friends who heard at length but this was the first time he told a total stranger.

"So, you've just been stalking around trying to find your ex-girlfriend?"

"Hmph. Yeah. So what?"

"I just don't think it's a good idea. She's the daughter of a magnate. She probably has security round the clock watching her. You know how protective those people are."

He leans back as if he as a sort of realization, that some things now make sense. "I-I knew that."

"Same with 'girlfriend' as well. I'm still not convinced she's completely to blame."

"You know the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"During those two months of investigation she never came up once. We checked, we didn't find anything that indicated she was part of the 'family business'."

"Yeah, and there was still stuff you didn't know about the investigation. Like me."

"True. It's ju-"

"Well if you have any ideas I'm listening." Tabi said, interrupting you. He was staring at you, eyes glowing as always. It looked as if they were on fire.

"Well, we can't kill them. Too much security. During the investigation we had teams watching them. They're all really well protected." Your phone goes off with a notification.

You check it, another spam e-mail. Though seeing the earlier one again gave you an idea. You put the phone away.

"What if we robbed them?" You lean back. "Like a heist?" You barely heard yourself, the alcohol had taken over.

Tabi uncrosses his arms as he takes in your suggestion. "Fat chance. I've been to their...compound. It's impenetrable and has security tighter than the Berlin wall. Plus aren't you a cop? What happened to protect and serve?"

"I'm not a cop. Not anymore. Protect and serve? Taking them out is helping the community, way I see it."

"Well either way, it's a peabrained idea. It'll get us killed."

"Well who said it's just us? There were tons of people they wronged. There was no shortage of witnesses."

"Huh...Well, maybe if we had some more muscle it could work. I need to think about this." Tabi said, looking up, thinking. A ping emits from Tabi. It was his phone this time.

He adjusts his posture and takes his feet off the table, checking his phone. You see him furrow his brow in annoyance.

"I gotta go. Give me your number." Tabi said. You read him aloud the number and he sends you a text to make sure it works. Satisfied he gets up.

He places a few crumpled bills on the table. "Tell the bot that's for my drinks. I'll text you later." Tabi said before quickly leaving you alone.

You page over Displo and pay for your drinks and the room, departing moments after. Displo seemed a little concerned for you but you made it clear you were fine, just buzzed.

You ask Displo if it's okay to leave your car overnight. You weren't in a state to drive. He agreed.

"Have a good night, (Y/N), and best of luck on the job search. See you tomorrow." You thank him and call a cab.

Tabi had left the bar in a hurry. He had gotten a text message from a 'friend'. She had been spotted. He quickly departed from you and made his way to her location. She was seen with her boyfriend at an arcade meeting with someone.

But, as he honed in on their position he stopped, thinking about your plan. He wanted no more than to kill them, but to rob them of what they got? To take out their power? He began to like the idea. It could be worse than death. He shook his head. But I have my chance right here.

He was running to that alley but as he thought, the run turned into a stroll. He hadn't considered that. He already had a few people in mind he could 'recruit' to help with this 'heist'. Maybe he could kidnap her and ransom her back. No. That father and mother were ruthless.

In the end he made up some excuse to himself that she had to have some kind of security around and that he wasn't prepared for a battle. Plus, he was more curious about you. A random fed breaking rank and going after the family? One that survived an encounter with the so-called "Daddy"? He needed to know more. He stopped walking in the night air and pulled out his phone. There was someone he wanted to call.

The next track will be called The City In All Her Glory.