"I just wanted to ask you something about last night."
Morning came too quick.
And it hit like a truck.
You had gone way over your limit at some point and the rest of the evening was a blur. All you knew was that you awoke with a throbbing headache, sore throat and a reeling stomach. You hadn't turned on the heat last night and everything was cold. As you got up and took a hot shower you tried to remember exactly what transpired last evening. The last thing you recall was discussing...something with Displo.
Sufficiently warmed up and dried you get to making some breakfast, checking your phone for any indication of what happened. Not only did the phone read 12:00PM, but there were a few new messages from someone called Tabi. Oh yeah, he was the stalker that has his own beef with the Family.
You decide to just stop drinking all together. Between the lack of food the past few days and the cleaning of the liquor collection it was best to just give it all up. The house was already dry, that was just one less temptation.
It all starts coming back to you as you cook up some food. You, rather the alcohol had come up with the idea to rob the Family. Make them pay. Literally.
With a sober mind you decide to think about it clearly.
It was just a random idea at the time but you started to like it more and more. Money and greed shielded them and if you hit them there they would fall. Of course, if you could get in, even ignoring the money you could cause enough damage to halt or outright stop operations.
When you started you had made an oath to protect and serve, one to not engage in illegal activity. But, as you reflected on it now you the more it meant nothing. Not only had you been thrown out on made-up pretenses but the other officers were complicit. They had all broken their vows probably many times before you found out. Nay, there would be no moral conundrum. Rationalize that whatever you were doing would be more moral than all the corruption anyways.
You knew the law. While this would be highly illegal if executed correct they wouldn't know what hit them. Money laundering, crypto, skipping town, framing some rival faction, the possibilities were endless. And who knows? Maybe that sign of weakness would force the cops to actually do something. Corruption suffocates without money.
Finishing off breakfast you jot some ideas of who to recruit, only to delete them immediately.
While you were respected at the station you knew none of those people would align themselves with you, including the chief. As you thought about it, you realize Tabi had a point. I don't know the street like he did.
After having done your daily pushups and had some water you got to scribbling what was needed first and foremost for the heist.
First and foremost you needed a hideout. You knew your house would not be good. You needed some central point to plan out, a place free from the eyes of both the law and the family.
You knew one place like that. Displo's. It was in a nice part of town where cops rarely needed to go. It even had the bonus of being under control by an organization hostile to the Family!
You had no idea how Displo would take the proposal. You vaguely remember him saying something along the lines of 'no illegal activity'. IRIS did hate them though. Just how much though?
Now remembering you left your car there you decide to ask him anyways. Worst case he would say no. You knew he wouldn't go to the cops about this, after all you had protected him from an investigation by said cops.
Back then it was just genuine disagreement. The charges they had brought forth hardly made sense, but it hadn't occurred they were just trying to take him down like they did you. You shudder at the thought.
Satisfied with a simple breakfast you leave and get a cab to Displo. It was brisk out. Despite the lack of snow on the ground it was still cold enough to see your breath when you exhaled.
The snow was partially melted, only parts remaining were clumps too frozen to melt from the cool sun.
Before you can even take a few steps outside a mailman knocks you over, accidentally running into you. He just helps you up, hands you some mail and runs off to the next house. He seemed to be in quite a hurry.
You check the mail, it was just some spam. With that you were off to Displo's to convince him to join.
You wondered how Tabi was and if he was just humoring you last night. Or even if he was just drunk, speaking to nothing. You consider messaging him but at least wanted Displo's opinion first. The cab driver doesn't make much small talk, and from how groggy he sounded you assumed he had a late night too. Didn't even have the radio on. Just you and your thoughts.
The Family lived on a large compound, several buildings wide. It was compared to a university campus the way it functioned. Almost like a small town within the city.
You hadn't been to the Dearest compound before, nor knew anyone who had. At least, until last night. Tabi must have been there at least once.
With how influential they were you didn't doubt they had top of the line security. You'd arrested burglars before, petty thieves and even bank robbers, but pulling off a heist like this was on a whole different level. At the very least it would require a full team and lots of planning. Not to even mention good opsec and ensuring said plan doesn't leak. It was to be a big task.
You try to think back to any people in the city's past that would have done something on that level. You could only recall two, Henry Stickmin and Hank J. Wimbleton. However, now that you thought of it, neither of those 2 really had a crew. They did most of the work themselves. And while you fancied yourself capable both those guys had skill on levels unreachable.
Recruiting them was out of the picture as well. Hank had been missing for years, off on his own journey and Henry had fled the city after pulling off some insane feats. Last you heard of him, he was in some country without an extradition treaty, making millions off his story.
You mentally shrug. You'd just have to find all the talent locally. The ride comes to a halt, the taxi driver dropping you off in the parking lots of Displo's. You pay your toll and get out.
Aside from a few cars you believed to be employees the place was deserted. You wondered if Displo was even up at this hour, well he was a robot, cyborg, thing. Maybe he doesn't sleep. No, he had to be. Restaurant opened for lunch. Maybe he had slept in?
The place was definitely closed, a chart on the doors stating that it only opens a little after noon. Despite the note you could see people inside cleaning up and prepping the place. You decide to just go in, Displo had to be around.
Nobody pays you any mind except a staff member who informs you the place is closed. You just say that you're looking for Displo. He nods and disappears into the kitchen, presumably to find the owner.
After a few minutes Displo emerges from the kitchen, dressed in the same clothes he was wearing last night. He also wore an apron. His face displayed the same colours, though the screen blinked upon seeing you.
"(Y/N). I trust your car is in order?"
"Yeah, I just wanted to ask you something about last night."
"I am listening, though please be quick. I have dishes to wash."
"Can we talk privately? It's about...our friend." Displo perked up upon hearing that, he posture adjusting slightly. He nodded. "Very well. Follow me."
He led you to the same booth that you and Tabi had sat in a night prior. He took a seat himself, though no time was wasted on sitting. He immediately began inspecting the table for any spots, pulling out a cloth and wiping it down.
"So. What happened between you two?" Displo asked.
"It's more an idea we had. Would you uh...say you would be interested in helping us out?" Displo stopped cleaning and stared at you. "To what end?" He said firmly. "If you're asking me to participate in Tabi's little firestorm then the answer is no."
You weren't sure what he meant by firestorm. "No, no, I mean...We're planning on robbing the Family." You decide to outright say it. It's not like he could whistleblow to the police anyways. "Hmmm."
"Like a heist, obviously. Their place is well protected."
Like Tabi did when you first suggested the idea, he merely leaned back. The colours on his screened dimmed slightly as he played with the idea.
Finally after pondering the idea for what seemed like minutes he finally spoke up. "That must have been your idea. More high class than that goat's terroristic tactics."
"Well indeed. What exactly would you want from me in this instance?"
You decide to just be blunt. "We need a place to gather, some place secure to plan it out. A hideout. And with this neighborhood and your backing you guys could help conceal us."
"My backing?" Displo said curiously. He looked at you with what you think was suspicion.
"C'mon. I know this place is a front." Displo seemed a bit taken back when you said that, though just as quickly as he displayed it let up. "I know about IRIS and their...position on the Family." Saying that causes Displo to relax slightly. He put a finger on his chin, pondering. It's like he was staring right through you.
"If anyone else would have suggested this I would have denied it outright. Especially that goat. But you...we've watched you before you know. I know you can get results."
"You did huh." This was news to you. Though it did make sense.
"You think we didn't know you looked into us? It was only fair we looked into you. I wouldn't worry about us. We had a mutual enemy and still do....And I do suppose I you a thanks for getting police off our case." Though unseen you could tell he was smiling.
As Displo spoke you put together something that had been bothering you from the start. There were a few details Displo could not have known. It didn't occur to you that IRIS had made him their emissary to you.
"Alright. I guess we're even then. So you're in?"
"Regarding working with the goat I am uncertain. Are you absolutely sure about this? I say this as a friend, not as a member of IRIS. They don't like to tolerate failure."
"Tabi and I need to discuss the plan but we're only going to do this once we know we can. Floor plans, a crew, getaway vehicles, etcetera. We won't do anything rash. I'll keep Tabi under control."
"I will have to see that to believe. I will ask my superiors but I cannot promise anything. I will say though." Displo resumed cleaning, now checking the window and wiping it down. "If they do agree they will likely see you through a proxy. I do not think they will supply anything important. They tend to want to keep their image clean."
"We just need a place to plan."
"I have a few meeting rooms you all can use. And...I know you don't need to be reminded of this but I do need to run a business. You'll still have to pay for meals and all that. And no scenes in the place either."
"That's fine. I'm probably going to meet with Tabi tonight again tonight. You're more than welcome to join."
"Give me your cellular number. I will communicate to you my answer through it. I'd recommend getting someone good with technology on the team. You're going to attract attention with that so you will need good cyber security."
"What about you?"
"Hmph. I wouldn't think you to be so biased (Y/N). I may be technological but a hacker I am not. I just happen to know a lot about it." He said, disapprovingly.
You give Displo your number and get his contact information. He didn't have a phone, cellular service was built directly into himself.
"I'll consider it." Displo adds. With your number verified, Displo gets up and readies to depart.
"Good. Now then. My schedule has been sufficiently set back. I need to make several calls and have the restaurant open soon. If you have nothing else to discuss I will be taking my leave."
"I'm all good. Thanks Displo."
"Be seeing you."
You still felt a bit hungover from last night. You decide to just take it easy for the rest of the day and await a response from Displo. You get in your car and drive home. It's best to take a nap and try and sleep off some of the 'poisoning'.
It didn't take long for a phone call to rouse you from sleep. It was Tabi.
"(Y/N)." He said coldly through the phone.
You clear your throat a bit. "Y-yeah. What's up?"
"I've thought about your idea. We should meet tonight."
"Alright." You cough. "Same time same place."
"Good." Tabi hung up.
In the few moments you shared with Tabi you noticed how distant and solemn he was. You felt a little bad for him but figured that was just the kind of person he was.
You try and continue the nap, though mentally preparing for Displo or someone else to wake you up.
With the melting of snow and the coming of summer there was plenty to be done to fix the cities 'appearance'. One such group was working on the trees in a serene residential neighborhood. In that group was Tabi, holding a rope keeping one of the workers in a tree.
If it wasn't for his friends dad forcing him to work he would have high-tailed it elsewhere by now.
The only other reason he even stayed here was that it was a job out of the public's eye. No busy streets to get spotted in and a low chance of running into that family's goons. He wasn't sure if they were even still after him but preferred not to take the chance. After his last encounter he figured they had at least someone looking.
He hated it here and if they called him bonehead one more time he would go on a killing spree. He would have done anything else but he desperately needed the money. He had skipped breakfast and dinner last night and was trying to hold out for lunch. His hunger had been sustaining itself with anger.
And then, just like clockwork, "Hey bonehead, could you pull a little tighter?"
"You call me that one more time and I will cut you like this tree." Tabi snarled at the man above.
"Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try."
"Ey Ralphie, quit bothering the guy." Another worker butted in. Had he not said anything Tabi was prepared to let go of the rope and let the guy possibly break his back.
"Fine, fine whateva. Just focus man."
Tabi said nothing but his stomach growled. The worker must have thought Tabi was growling at him because he immediately responded with, "Yeah, up yours too."
He was almost on break and at least had that forward to look to. His mind was storm of supressing hunger, thinking about the Family and thinking about that 'heist' idea.
Judging by the sun it was almost break time. He had gotten good at that in the past weeks, being able to tell the time based on the sun. The workers got annoyed if he checked his phone. Plus, he had already gotten accosted for calling you earlier.
He had gotten a ping after the call too he was itching to check. Not wanting to further piss off the workers he ignored it. Finally, after having lost track of time and ignoring more comments from the man in the tree it was break time.
It was the first meal of the day, provided by the company. A banana and a turkey + cheese sandwich. Like he always did, Tabi sat away from the workers, thinking in his own world. They had long since stopped trying to make friends with him. As one worker put it "he's all business". As another put it "he's a psychopath". He was sure they said other things, but just ignored it.
Tabi checked his phone. There was a single new message. The display name read "Sol". The message just said to call him at his earliest convenience. He sighed but called. He hoped it related to his request and one of his 'check-ups'.
Once Tabi heard the pickup he began, "Well?".
"No hello? C'mon Tabi, if you expect me to believe you've changed you need to enact common courtesy."
Tabi grumbled. "Hello Sol...durak", he said the last part under his breath.
"I would've preferred you to use my full name but thank you." The speaker pretended not to hear that last word.
"So what is it?"
"I trust the job is treating you okay."
"Yes. It's all working out here just fine and dandy." Tabi said with a hint of sarcasm.
"Good! Now, regarding your friend. We tailed them though they haven't seem to have done much other than be at home and visit that restaurant you were at last night. Had a conversation with the owner, Displo."
"That's it?"
"There was one other thing, but...I will ask again, and will ask later. Why do you want me to track this person?"
"I want to make sure something. That's all."
"Not a very satisfactory answer. I don't think I need to warn you again, you better not fall in with the wrong crowd again."
Tabi sighed. "I won't. They're just someone I met last night."
"Alright. I won't pry further right now. As for that lookup, your friend was indeed laid off the police force. Very unusual, they used some obscure law to terminate them. Their last case had been classified too. My professional opinion is that they angered someone. But that's just hearsay."
So you were the real deal. Tabi thought. "Is that it?"
"Yes. Now is there something you want to tell me?"
"....Thanks." Tabi said after a bit of silence.
"Good. Now I don't want to keep you from work. Goodbye."
"Hm." Tabi said and hung up before the other end could make some snarky comment about not saying bye. Satisfied, Tabi resumed his break.
One long nap later you felt more refreshed than before. The hangover was mostly gone and finally felt able to think straight again. There were still a few hours before the meeting so you decide to go for a grocery run. Before you could even get out the door you get a call. This time from Displo. You drop what you're doing and answer it.
His superiors must have gotten back to him, you think.
"Ah, (Y/N), do you have a moment? Are you in someplace safe?" Displo asked. He seemed a little cheerier than usual.
"Yeah, I'm just home. So? Did you get a response?"
"I did. Come around tonight, same time as yesterday. We'll discuss...your employment. My superiors are quite interested."
"Do I need to bring anything specific?"
"No. Just yourself and the goat. Until then."
"Okay, thanks Displo. See you then." You hang up. You wonder exactly what he meant by employment but figured it was some double-speak to avoid potential listeners.
With that in mind you leave and continue about your day, eager to see what would happen tonight.
The next chapter will be called First Meetings.