Track 05 - First Meeting

With nothing left to do, you waste the day away before leaving for Displo's around supper time.

Finding yourself outside Displo's you step inside. You haven't heard anything from Tabi but with how distant he'd been you didn't expect him to just announce when he arrived.

There was a decent size crowd tonight, definitely busier tonight. There was a band present, not the same one as last night currently setting up their instruments. But despite everyone around you didn't see Tabi or Displo anywhere.

"Excuse me." Someone said. You turn to see a waiter approaching you. "You must be (Y/N), is that right?" She said.

"Uh, yeah, is Displo around?"

"Yep! Just this way." She said, motioning you to follow her. Displo must have been setting something up. The waiter leads you to the private rooms, past the booths to a door labeled "Party Room". She opens the door.

"Here you are." She says cheerily, opening the door. You thank her and step inside.

Inside you're met with a large room reserved for parties. It was like a miniature version of the restaurant, with its own kitchen entry, bar in the corner and table in the centre.

The decor was quite different, being stylized more like a lodge room with the green carpeted floor and decoratively carved wooden walls. A few amenities in the room looked out of place, likely having been brought in by staff. You notice a large computer with several monitors in one corner of the room. There was also a large wooden cabinet as well that looked more suited for a family room holding china.

In front of the computer stood a chair with a few beanbag chairs behind it, likely taken from a kids play area.

In the centre of the room was a large rectangular dinner table draped in a red cloth, chairs all along it. All the chairs were empty except one. Displo was sitting, waiting for you to arrive. He was looking right at you, his TV-screen blinking rapidly as he saw you enter. He was still in uniform though now wearing a red scarf. He sat cross-legged at the head of the table.

He rose up out of the chair, acknowledging your presence.

"Ah, (Y/N), glad you could make it tonight. Please, have a seat. Could I get you anything?" He asked.

"No, I'm good for now. Gonna, uh, take a break from booze."

"Suit yourself." Displo said, sitting back down.

You take a seat at the opposite edge of the table.

"You sure you don't want anything?"

"Uh, I guess just a glass of water." Displo nodded and got up to get one. He walked behind the bar and began pouring it.

"So, what did they say?" You decide to start.

"I would like to discuss with your acquaintance first so as to not repeat myself. I will say though, I was certainly not expecting this kind of response. I guess I misunderstood how far they were willing to go."

With the clinking of ice in the glass Displo brought over the water, placing it just down before returning to his seat. Looking at him, he seemed a little more fidgety than usual. Not to mention the scarf presence as well.

"So how was the lunch rush today?" You try to make small talk.

"...It was fine." Displo said uneasily. "So what's with the scarf?"

"It's my civilian scarf. It means I'm not on duty." Displo said, playing his hands as he leaned onto the table. While he was normally calm and composed he seemed a lot more uneasy.

"Are you..are you okay?" It looked as if he was hiding something.

"I..I am fine. Do not worry about my well being."

You had an idea. With Tabi still out of sight you decide to test something. You 'accidentally' knock the glass of water over. "Oops."

"Y-you!" Immediately you see Displo tense up in horror.

"Oh, could you uhh, fix that?" You ask. Even faster than he reacted he stood up, as calm as usual and goes over to the cabinet to retrieve a new table cloth. You give him some room as he fixes the table up, noticing how he's returned to his more relaxed composure.

"Do you want another glass?" Displo asked, the table cloth having been sufficiently replaced the old one stuffed into a wash bin. He seemed a little eager. As soon as he was satisfied he took his opposing seat, immediately going back to fidgeting. You had a rough idea of what was going on with him and wanted to test it further.

You 'accidentally push over one of the nearby chairs. As if relief washed over him, Displo got up and quickly fixed it, completing a once-over of all the chairs.

You were about to say something but Displo spoke up first.

"I know what you're doing. If you must know my prerogative, I have been ordered to not work until this meeting is completed. That's why I'm in my civilian clothes." You tilt your head slightly. Civilian clothes? You guess the scarf meant he was not a civilian, despite the uniform still very visible on him.

"Well, I don't mind if you want to clean up around while we wait." As if those were the magic words Displo's posture changed to more relaxed and he got up and began looking for something to do. "Thank you."

You guess it was something in his programming, compulsive even. He wasn't human or anthro after all. His conditioning was still different even if 'life-like'.

On cue you hear the door open. Inside came Tabi, staring down at the ground, face concealed by his hood and hat. Displo waved the waiter down before allowing her to leave. Tabi looked at the scene, waiting a good minute before removing his hood and putting his hat back down. He took a seat near you.

"Evening." You said.

"Mhmmph." Tabi mumbled. "What is he doing here?" He asked, meaning Displo.

"I asked him to. We're going to make this our base of operations."

Tabi looked at you incredulously. "Yes. Quite. Now that you are both here I can begin." Displo said.

"You told him?" Tabi said annoyingly. "What coul-"

"If you would please let me finish. I have been waiting here long enough. I want to get back to my patrons."

"Humph." Tabi said, crossing his arms. He glared at you, no doubt annoyed at your inclusion of Displo.

You just shrug.

"I spoke to my superiors of your proposal. They liked it quite a bit. Not only did they approve of it but they wish to help as well. Far more than I expecting, honestly." Displo fidgeting ceased, now no longer having to wait.

"First of all you and the 'team' will be granted to use this space as a base of operations. You'll also be given access to the menu. Not free of course, but you'll all be granted an employee's discount."

Tabi uncrossed his arms, listening a bit more. He liked the sound of cheap food. While it was a benefit an eyebrow still did raise at the sound that Displo had 'superiors'. He was curious now.

"Your superiors? Who do you answer to?"

"IRIS." You say to Tabi. "This whole place is a front."

"That's crude and procedural language. We do not see it that way. But I suppose, in your detective-mind you could call it that. Will that be a problem?"

Tabi leaned back. "IRIS huh? I guess it's not a problem." It looked as if he had something in mind to say but was fully expecting Displo to say some other faction.

"Good. Officially we're on a don't-ask-don't-tell basis. The higher-ups have no 'undeniable' knowledge of this. Officially, this is between us three and whomever is recruited next."

Displo turned to you. "As for you, we're prepared to hire you so as to not arouse suspicion. It's just a cover job but you will receive a small salary and some legal matters will be covered. With your consent you will be in charge of security at my establishment. Any objections?"

"Nope." You accepted your new job. "I'm hired."

"Good. It will still be an official job so you will have duties and responsibilities but I do not believe it will be an issue."

You nodded.

Displo turned to Tabi next. "I have a possible job for you as well but-"

"Pass. I already have a job. I don't need your charity." Tabi said gruffly.

"Very well. To be honest, I prefer it this way. I don't want to have to teach you how to wash a dish." Though he didn't sound as if he was trying to mock Tabi, he still took it that way, glaring at Displo.

"They have also ordered me permission to act as the liaison for the group. I will be assisting in what way I can. As an emissary and assist, management of the off-the-books usage of the companies resources. Of course, I am not a field agent in any way so my help will be limited. And in order to keep clean there will be a small limit to my involvement."

You were about to ask how that would work but Tabi beat you to it. "How do we know you guys won't fold the minute the cops show up? How can we even trust you?" You nod in agreement.

"Well, for one, the higher-ups don't know the specifics. Just that an 'external security team' has formed. There is plausible deniability and cover stories prepped in the event of police discovery. Secondly, I've by my hide on the line proposing and officially joining this. And thirdly, 'and I won't repeat this again', but IRIS has engaged in underhanded tactics before. We won't be the first 'security team' our organization has partnered with."

"What do you mean?" You ask. Was there another heist crew?

"Do you recall a concert the family put on a few months ago?" Displo said slyly. "I do wonder how exactly someone would have crashed it."

Tabi looked interested, as if remembering something. It did occur to you what he was talking about. The Family had some major concert months ago featuring androids and a huge rap battle. You didn't know the specifics but the whole thing was hacked and nearly every android or bot went rogue. Information was scarce but IRIS was pointed to as a possible suspect. Thinking on it that was the first time you'd heard of IRIS anyways.

"Hmm." You mutter.

"I suppose you don't find it odd either that no charges were laid as a result? It took much protest from the family to even open the investigation."

Though it didn't occur to you at the time, you do remember nobody actually being charged with anything.

"We know just whose palms to grease." Displo said smugly. "Don't think we can get you of all trouble though. You're on your own."

"I guess that's sorted out then." Tabi said. He pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. Before he could light it Displo spoke up.

"I maintain a strict no smoking policy. You will not smoke in here."

While he would have normally protested and had several different names to call Displo by Tabi decided to acquiesce. "Fine....ruchka." He put it away.

"Good. (Y/N), you're in charge. What is the plan for tonight?"

You had spent some time earlier just drafting up some ideas of what you needed. "We need people, diagrams and photos of the place and a strategy. First of all we need pictures, floor plans and stuff."

You pause, noticing something in the way you spoke.

"If we're gonna rob 'em we need to know the best points of entry, chokepoints, weak spots, etcetera. We don't even know where they stash their money currently." You pause again, feeling almost disassociated. You were sounding like a criminal and could hardly believe it. Tying it back to your detective days you conclude.

"I've done security before so I have a good idea of how to approach. J-just in reverse, I guess."

Tabi spoke up. "I've been there a few times. I know the area."

"You remember anything specific about the layout?"

Tabi closed his eyes, the fires in his eye sockets going out as he thought. "He had a vault in the centre of his mansion. But that's about all I can remember. It's accessible in the centre mansion."

You note that down. "Well, it's a start. Say, Displo, could you get us a floor plan?"

Displo merely shook his head. "Our network is not as exhaustive as you think. I'm afraid there's not much I can do there. I can try to research and see if I can find out what firm built it. Acquire intel."

"Sure. Please."

You turn to Tabi.

"Since you've been there, do you think you could go and get some photos of the place? Entrances, exits, break-in points and such? Tomorrow, probably during the day." You ask Tabi. You figured your brush with them was too recent. If you showed up, there would be hell to pay. Plus, as Tabi said, "you don't know the streets like I do."

"I'll do it tonight."

"You sure it'll be okay? I'm sure they have security. At least tomorrow there will be people-"

"No. It is better this way. I prefer working in the dark."

"Suit yourself. As for me I'm going to head to the police station. We had a criminal database. I'm gonna see if I can find any leads on possible candidates."

"If I may make a suggestion, (Y/N), what we need immediately is some sort of hacker and cyber security expert. Find someone to cover our tracks cybernetically."

"Alright. I'll keep that in mind. Do either of you know anyone that we can recruit?" You finish your water.

"There is no one that we can supply currently." said Displo.

"I'll need to think about it." said Tabi.

"That about settles it for tonight. We'll reconvene tomorrow night and be in touch. Tabi will get the recon photos, I'll find some candidates and Displo, you find out who built the place. Any questions?"

"None from me."

"Nyet. I'll get going now."

"Alright, good luck everyone." And with that you split for the night.

A party has formed!

Tabi and Displo have joined the party!

The next chapter will be called Nuisances.