Track 07 - Digidevil

You had a lot to think about after the revelation you had last night. The exact thought hadn't occurred to you that you would need to work alongside criminals and shady characters.

You found hope in that the page for Tabi's bombing didn't list any hospitalizations or deaths and your brief foray into IRIS didn't reveal anything too damning. However Tabi no doubt had blood lust and it was likely IRIS had some skeletons.

In the end you went to bed full of uncertainty, questioning if this path was truly the one you wanted to venture on.

Come the morning the answer came quick.

What you thought should have been moral dilemma was solved pretty easily. You were enjoying yourself and this whole 'crew'. Even if it was still in its infancy you couldn't come up with a good reason to not work with them. And after what the forces that be had done to you and what they had planned to do to you there was little reason to stop now. It wasn't like the cops were squeaky clean either.

You spent the morning reading through the various papers trying to find suitable candidates and exercising. If you were going to pull off something like this you wanted to be in good physical condition.

Across the city, Tabi had awoken feeling refreshed. He had taken up Agoti's offer and stayed in the guest room. His dad had told him plenty of times before "it is your room" but Tabi refused.

He had tried to get up earlier so as to avoid having to chitchat with Agoti, hoping the digidevil had forgotten about his request to join.

No sooner had he tip-toed out of the guest room was Agoti waiting for him at the table, smile as wide as ever.

"So. When's the meetup?"

He was wrong. Agoti was eager to get started. Begrudgingly he told Agoti the meetup location and time.

You received a message from Tabi mid-morning that he had the pictures and would be present tonight. Shortly after you got a call from Displo asking if you could come in. He mentioned that even though it was a 'job' that it would look good if you could still come in. He mentioned having some problem with some people outside the store. With nothing to do for the day you decide to help out and actually begin your new 'job'.

You didn't mind. It helped take your mind off other things. Plus you felt you were getting a little stir-crazy just being at home. You'd done security before. It wasn't that hard.

The addition of free food was also enticing. You figured it would be best to just make it an official job, that way it would be easier to avoid suspicion. Displo agreed too but noted your salary wouldn't be as great as your detective work.

It didn't matter. A big pay-day was coming soon..

The day flew by rather uneventfully. Guarding was a simple job. You ended up just reading for most of the day, not really having to discipline anyone you couldn't handle. Having worked a full day you finally find yourself in the meeting room.

Displo was outside, making sure the servers knew what to do during his absence. Even though you didn't expect the meeting to go that long he wanted them prepared for anything. You check your phone. Tabi should be arriving soon.

You pool over the papers you got from work. You still had Tabi's profile, deciding to keep it to show what was 'officially' known about him. It could help him out. But while you had a laundry list of various violent criminals and disgruntled cyber-thieves nobody really stood out.

You hear the door open. It was Displo, putting on his 'civilian' scarf.

"They aren't here yet?" Displo asked.


"How unfortunate. Is there anything you'd like?" Displo asked, already starting to get antsy.

You weren't feeling particularly peckish but there was something you were curious about. You point to the computer in the corner. "So what's the deal with that?"

"Ah. That is TURINGS-04. The Unifying Random Integral Network Gearing System. I presume you've heard of it?"


"To plainly put, it is a supercomputer. It should be able to help us simulate events and outcomes."

"That's cool."

"Have you ever heard of the LTS? The police ought to know of it."

"LTS? Long-term support?"

"No. The Little Thief System."

"Can't say I have. I never really dealt with the more 'technological side'."

"Well this system is basically a successor to the Little Thief System, pioneered by the Yatagarasu." It was just more words you weren't aware of.

"So how does it work?" You go over to the machine. The main unit's design was futuristic, reminiscent of the designs of H.R. Geiger. It sat attached to the top of the standing desk, several monitors connected to it. A massive keyboard covered the desk containing keys and all sorts of switches. It looked a bit like the Bat-computer you had seen in comics. Despite the appearance the desk was on wheels and could be moved around. You felt compelled to try it. The whole thing was the colour of a deep teal, and it almost looked translucent.

"Can I try?"

"I would rather show it off once everyone arrives."

"You'd rather wait here and do nothing till then?"

Displo paused as he computed the scenario.

"I'd rather not actually. Here." Displo got up and joined you at the terminal.

With the press of a button all the monitors and lights within the machine lit up. Just as it was booting up you and Displo hear a bit of commotion by the door. Something about unauthorized personal, it sounded like one of the waiters was trying to stop someone from entering.

Displo moves first as the door opens. Through the door bursts Tabi, some guy you haven't seen before and the waiter. They all tumble in, landing on the carpeted floor. In the spill a satchel opens up dumping photos all over the ground.

The waiter got up first, exasperated. "S-sir. I tried to stop them but they forced their way in."

You were less concerned about the waiter than you were of the person that was currently atop Tabi, practically pinning the goat man, hands on his shoulders. The new person got up first.

"Wow. Didn't know you liked me this way, Tab." He said looking down. Tabi pushed the guy off. "Get off me you knucklehead!" He got up, dusting himself off.

"What is the meaning of this?" Displo demanded. He looked ready to attack the new person. While the new guy seemed innocent enough something about him looked familiar. Assuming the worst you draw your gun and aim at him. You keep the safety on, no intention of opening fire.

He sticks his hands up and the waiter shrieks. "Whoa! Easy. I'm just a friend! R-right Tabi?" The new guy starts frantically saying, shaking his arms to say 'no'.

Tabi, having become amused doesn't say anything immediately, looking on with a grin at the scene.

"T-tabi?" He turns to Tabi, a look of worry on his face.

"Yeah, he's fine." Tabi finally says after an uncomfortably long time. You quickly stash your gun, picking up on Tabi's mischievous attitude.

Displo goes to console the waiter, taking her out of the room.

On the way out you hear him say something about you being security. He shoots you some sort of look but you couldn't tell if it was anger or not.

"I am truly sorry Jaiden." He says to her as they go out.

"Well, aren't you gonna introduce me to your friends?" The guy asked.

As if the situation wasn't any more tense a loud sound emits from the table, it starting to glow blue. A little jingle plays as a hologram appears on the table showing a cityscape. You have to resist nearly drawing the gun again. It does, however cause the three of you to jump.

"Woah, what's that?" The new person said.

You shoot Tabi a look of "start talking."

"This is Agoti. He's a...friend." Agoti looks to him disapprovingly. He said the friend part too slow!

"A friend."

"I'm his best friend actually." Agoti said, smile ever-present. Tabi just looked annoyed him.

"Right. And you're here for..?" You ask. Based on Tabi's reactions you still couldn't tell if he was supposed to be a 'friend' or just someone who tagged along.

"I want in. I wanna rob some people. Do some heists like in GTA." He said gleefully.

You look to Tabi who tries his best to mouth to you "no".

"You wanna start explaining?" You finally ask Tabi.

Tabi sighs and give you a summary of what happened last night. Displo arrives part way through and helps him pick up the photos.

You learn that Agoti is a friend of Tabi's and also an enemy of the Family. He was a musician who was considered too "powerful" and was kidnapped and banished to the void by the family. He spent a year there, though he said it felt longer. He stayed there until he was freed. Exactly how he didn't get into details, just that he still has nightmares of it. You put two and two together and recall he was a potential person of interest in the case, though you never got around to interviewing him. At least that clears that up.

No missing persons report had been filed though if it did, it would have been suppressed by the cops.

"And now I want in." Agoti concluded.

"Hold on. I still have some questions." You look at Tabi who has been collecting all the photos spilled onto the ground. "Can he be trusted?"

"Wa? C'mon. I want them dead as much as you." Agoti said.

"He can. But if anything happens that's on him." He said, shooting an annoying look at Agoti. He just shrugged and keeps on smiling wickedly.

"What are you anyways? Were you always like that?" You note that he was similar to Tabi, humanoid...but strange. It was a guess. His hands and neck appeared to be human.

"Yep! Always though. I'm what you might call a digidevil, or screen demon, depends on where you're from." You'd never heard of that species but he seemed to be taking his appearance a lot more upbeat than Tabi did.

"You aren't a hacker by any chance?"

"Nope. I can eat metal though, process it. S'how I got this voice."

"Interesting." Displo said. "But I don't think that can help in the


"Well what can you do anyways?" You ask.

"I can run fast, jump from crazy heights...super strong to. My tentacles, can lift like ants." Agoti said, beaming with smugness. He played with his tendrils a bit where his hair was. "OH. I can also spit oil from my stomach."

"Please don't." Displo said, flinching at the suggestion. Tabi had gotten up, the photos stashed back in his satchel. He would have placed them on the table, but the hologram had gone into some sort of 'idle mode', the cityscape turning into some ballerina light show.

Agoti continued. "Well with Tab's pyrotechnics we can easily burn stuff down-"

"Unless you get burned." Tabi butted in.

"W-well yeah. I'm not fireproof."

"Not to mention you can't swim or be near water."

"Hey c'mon man, I'm starting to think you don't want me in." Agoti protested, shooting a look of betrayal at Tabi.


You thought on it. He had the history, seemed trustworthy enough. The only opposition you'd seen is that Tabi either didn't like the guy or it was just friendly banter. They acted like brothers. He didn't seem like a rat, maybe a bit naive. His whole trauma didn't seem to swallow him like it did Tabi. You decide there's no harm in letting him in. The fire ability or 'processing electronics' could help too. Plus, Tabi did seem a little more laid back today.

"So what do you think? Can I join?"

"I'm not totally against it. Displo?"

"No objections here. As long as he isn't a ruffian like our friend we should be fine."

"Alright. I'll leave the call to you, Tabi. He's your friend."

"Why?" Tabi took a step back, like he wasn't expecting to be burdened with the choice.

Agoti put his hands together and stared at Tabi with large pleading eyes.

"Well you know him better than us."

"Awww, c'mon Tabs, you know you need my help."

"Argh fine! You better not get in the way." He blurted out, peer pressure getting to him.

"Ah, thanks man!" Immediately Agoti pulled Tabi into a hug. Tabi froze, unsure if to force the guy off him or not.

"Yeah, yeah. Now get off of me." Tabi said, still not moving. After a few seconds Agoti let go of him.

"Now that, that is out of the way, can we get to business?" Tabi said. "What is all this?"

"This is a TURINGS-04. I presume you've heard of it?" Displo said.

"Nope." Tabi said.

"Nada." Agoti said.

"The latest from IRIS?" Displo said, a little higher.

Both men just shook their heads causing Displo to sigh.

"This wouldn't have happened if they accepted my proposal in advertising. Why do I even try? It's a supercomputer. It will help us plan out this heist. We can feed it data. Give me those photos."

Tabi handed Displo the pictures. Displo walked over to the computer and started feeding them through a scanner. The table sprang back to life, re-displaying the cityscape.

"Oh, yeah." You point to the folders on the desk. "I looked through the police database but I couldn't find many good candidates. I don't think we're gonna have much luck finding a hacker there, or really anyone until we have the simulation down." You pull out Tabi's file.

"Here. I found your entry in the database case you want to read it."

"What is there to even see? Serial bomber? Terrorist?" Displo said snarkily while on the computer.

"IT WAS ONE TIME." Tabi shouted at Displo. "Give me that." Tabi said before snatching the folder. He started looking through it, Agoti peering over his shoulder.

"Hey, I remember that. That's when I crashed dad's car right outside the joint. Good times."

"Shutup." Tabi muttered. "Interesting."

You put the other documents on the table, allowing the pair to see them. The hologram on the table was lighting up creating a specific city scape. It was slowly generating buildings in a crude, low-poly format.

"Here we are. I am proud to say these are decent shots. Well good enough to create the simulation anyways." Displo got up from the computer and took a seat at the end of the table. " If you would all take a seat, please."

You, Tabi and Agoti all took seats at the table, the cityscape having finished rendering. You plop the rest of the portfolios on a non-hologram part of the table. There would be time to go through them later.

"Based on the photos we now have a rudimentary design of the area. Some parts of the design will appear a bit hazy as the computer does not know what needs to go there. Other parts such as over here will appear blurry because the computer is guessing what should be here."

"There weren't many vantage points around to take photos from." Tabi said.

"Yes, I believe that to be intentional. There is a reason this part of the city is called The Compound."

The neighbourhood that the Family resided in was known colloquially as The Compound. At the time of the investigation you didn't really look at it, preferring to instead document real crimes. You only vaguely knew of the spot.

The closest you had ever gotten to it was a co-worker suggesting you bug the place. Recalling that mentally jot down the idea.

Displo began explaining the basic design of the compound as you three listened attentively.

The compound was located in the north-western part of the city, a good drives distance away from the bar and any semblance of friendly territory. To make matters worse the place was mostly surrounded by parks, forests and hills, all part and parcel to increase the privacy. All private property.

To the direct north stood an inlet, overlooking a small bay. Though a beach was present at the bottom of the inlet, a massive cliff separated it from the compound. It made approach from the north-heading-south impossible.

To make matters more damning, within the parks were several guard posts and surveillance towers. Though not present in the simulation, Tabi swore they existed, to which Displo added into the simulation.

Around that perimeter were shops and small buildings, one specific one where Tabi had gotten his photos from.

The area of the city was slightly newer than the rest and more suburban. The tallest building nearby was the Bandelin Bank, which was where some of the photos were taken.

"I guess that counts out a sniper." Agoti said as he looked around the hologram.

With nothing but small businesses to the west and south and suburbs to the north and east the place was well situated. There definitely wasn't anyone around that could be construed as hostile to the Family. Aside from the bank due south, there was a prison due east called the Fulp Prison, but with how the police were in bed with them you didn't think it to be friendly territory anyways.

Based on the photos the actual 'compound' consisted of 6 buildings, a few of which actually two buildings built extremely close together. There were 9 buildings in total.

The buildings were each numbered 1-9 as it was not known what they contained. You knew for a fact that the building in the centre, a rather spooky looking mansion has to be their manor. That was assigned as building 1.

"I'm gonna presume 1 is their house."

"Yes....2 and 3 are their recording studio and 'the hangar'. It's where they record most of their music videos." Tabi said. That was a building due south of the manor. It provided cover in case of a direct frontal attack.

Looking at it now it appeared as if it was designed to have the manor surrounded by other buildings.

As Tabi watched the render it gave him weird feelings but he didn't let it bother him. "4 was a garage and parking lots. They had their own transport system, those aren't real streets."

You knew the Family to be rich, but you have their own transport? It was looking harder and harder to get in. It was appearing less like a wealthy manor and more like an entire village you needed to break in. The task was daunting.

"I don't know what the rest are. I never went there."

"Geez. This place is locked down more than Knox." Agoti said.

"It is." Tabi said.

"Where do we even start?" Agoti said, confused. The realization this would be harder than he thought set in.

"You two don't know anything of the interior, where they keep their money, etcetera?" You ask.

"I've never been there. Well. I think I was there when they trapped me but I can't recall." Agoti said. He didn't remember much of his exact capture. He preferred to keep it that way.

"They keep their money in a vault in the centre of manor. It's in the basement. Girlfriend told me...back then."

"You don't remember anything else, Tabi?"

"Nothing that would help."

Holding some sort of tablet, you notice Displo jot some thing down and a dollar sign and vague outline of the vault form underneath the manor.

"I put in a request to the bureau of landmarks but the name of the firm and architect have been scrubbed from their databases. The only way we would be able to find out is to break into their records shop and steal it. However I strongly disagree with that. I'd rather not bring the government into this." Displo said.

"What if we just ran in guns blazing?" Agoti suggested. Tabi looked at you, nodding slightly. He was in agreement.

You shake your head. "No. We'd be fighting a whole army. If we're going to do this it needs to be covert. We can't start a war."

"I also object to such a proposal." Displo agreed.

"Fine. But we're gonna need more people than this." Tabi said.

"I'm afraid that without some sort of hacker we won't be able to get more intel. I've been looking myself and there aren't any takers internally at IRIS. We don't hire a lot of gung-ho people." Displo paused as he looked at the hologram. "It will be either that or someone who can gather more intimate intel. I.e., someone without a history with the Family. Were you able to find anything, (Y/N)?"

"Not really." Displo puts the hologram away and brightens the lights. You put forth the folders.

"I found a few people but their either completely unknown or in prison. I don't think we're gonna find our hacker there."

Tabi and Agoti begin pooling through the folders, stopping at one of them. "Hey I know this guy, jerk. Hacked into my accounts." Agoti said, motioning Tabi to look. "Oh yeah, I remember him. He's in prison?

Good." Tabi said.

"What about this Doxie person?" Tabi said. "They look to have had some run-ins."

"Wait, no. Too young." Tabi said.

"Don't know where to find her either."

"What about these Seven Deadly Sins guys? They look cool."

"Sparkledogs." Tabi spat.

"Hey c'mon that's mean. Nothing wrong with a little vibrance."


"Displo, you don't know anyone do you?"

He shook his head. You continued brainstorming.

"What if we flipped a guard?"

"That's impossible. All of that family's soldiers are demons, all similar and without morality. They'll be loyal to them forever." Tabi said.

"Wait, I think I know someone. That cat from the other night. He seemed pretty smart. His was name was, uh,...Short cat anthro-dude." Agoti said.

"Short cat?" Tabi said.

"At the arcade two nights ago. There was this cat guy, wicked smart. He had all the high scores. Dude must have been a hacker with how good he was. He might as well be."

"And you don't remember his name?" You ask.

"It was...argh I can't remember. Something short though."

"Well it's better than nothing. Any idea where he is now?" You ask.

"Hold on." Tabi said. "This was when you told me you saw Girlfriend?"


"You said they were meeting with someone. Is he a friend of them?" Tabi said.

"I didn't really hang out with them much. I went looking for you." Agoti said, Tabi just glared at him.

"They were having some competition, the guy was getting really into it. Dude was practically smashing the DDR board when I left. He was there for Boyfriend it looked like. Looked pissed."

"Hmph. I don't know about this, Agoti. Sounds like friends or he was just another person hired to kill that boy." Tabi said.

You weren't sure if Boyfriend referred to the "girlfriends" boyfriend or it was actually just his name. You don't interrupt.

Agoti continued, pretending not to hear Tabi. "Heh, maybe we can even recruit the boy-"

"Absolutely not."

"Well I don't see you suggesting anyone."

You look at Displo who just shrugs. All he knew were IRIS people. He didn't seem to be paying much attention to Tabi and Agoti's arguing.

"Whatever. You know where the cat-boy is?" You butt in.

"Ehn. I don't know." Agoti shrugs. "I got his number though."

"Well, it's better than nothing." You say. "Any thoughts Displo?"

"Sweet." Agoti said, interrupting Displo. "I'll text him right now."

"*Ahem* None currently. I'll admit that it's pretty shaky grounds to think this person would be a hacker because they got high scores at an arcade."

"Hey, it wasn't just one machine. Dude practically had the whole place cornered. Showed off all his scores."

"He mention anything about computers or hacking?" You ask.

"Nope. Don't think so anyways."

"Well, I guess I agree with (Y/N). It is better than nothing." Displo said.

Agoti's phone dinged audibly. "Oh, he's at the arcade right now actually." He glanced closer at the phone. "Says he's dealing with some BS down there."

"Maybe we should go pay him a visit then." Tabi said.

"Eyy! Sounds good. We can go figure him out. Four of us could play some games too! Night on the town!" It had only been a few minutes and Agoti was already acting like everyone was best friends.

"Actually, I will be sitting this one out." Displo said.

"Yeah, I think it would be better if maybe just you two went." You say. You had nothing against arcades but figured that Agoti and Tabi as a duo would work better. People could just tell you were a detective one and didn't want that rubbing off on anyone.

Plus, you were still enamoured by that map. You wanted to start making strategies.

"Ehn. You two suit yourselves then."

"We will." Displo said. "Though, please practice discretion." He said, looking at Agoti.

"Hey, don't give me that look man."

You look at Tabi who just nods in silence. You weren't worried at Agoti, it looked like Tabi would have him under control.

"We'll see you tomorrow then." Tabi said. You nod back.

The two leave, Agoti having a bounce in his step, Tabi walking head down, pretending he didn't know the digidevil.

With just you and Displo alone you decide to ask him some things.

"What do you think of Agoti?"

"He's a bit high-energy and juvenile but seems okay. I did a quick search while you all were discussing. His story checks out. Though I couldn't help but think that we're getting a little ahead of ourselves."

"I think I know what you mean. Can you pull up the map again?"

"Certainly." Displo fiddled with the tablet as the hologram spread back to life. You had an idea what he was getting at. It was something that was gnawing at you too as Tabi and Agoti argued.

You glance over the crude city-scape. "Something huge like this. We're gonna need practice."

"Precisely, (Y/N). Have you ever heard of pentesting?"

"Vaguely. Has to do with security."

"Well, to simply put it is a test wherein we see how far we can get into a secure system, physical or technical."

"What are you getting at?"

"Well, it is just a though but perhaps we could get clearance to pentest my superiors. It would be suitable practice if we could say, break into my own headquarters."

"If they approve."

"I suspect they will. They love these kinds of 'theatrics'. It is like a game to them."

"Well first we need to see what we need." You glance over at the map.

"Let's have them recruit that potential hacker-cat and then we'll figure it out what roles we need for this. In the meanwhile I will speak to my superiors of this."

"Sounds good. If it's alright with you, I'm gonna head out for the night." You say.

"I shall retire as well. Should I expect you tomorrow morning?"

"Yep, I'll be here."

"Very good. Have a good night."

"You too Dis."

The next chapter will be called High Scores.

Agoti has joined the party!
