Tabi and Agoti stepped into the cold night. Spring was still on the horizon so things hadn't fully warmed up yet. The pavement felt particular frozen as they walked. Both members didn't mind. Their hoodies put in enough work.
Tabi couldn't help but feel starved, he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and was holding out. The last thing he wanted to do was tell Agoti. He didn't need his help.
He didn't want to be here either but knew he could read characters. He had to keep Agoti from blabbering about the mission too. He hoped it would be quick.
"(Y/N) and Displo are pretty cool. That Displo guy is kinda uptight." Agoti said as the two walked. They both knew where the arcade was but Agoti led. Tabi walked close behind.
"(Y/N)'s alright though. Pretty cool for a former cop too." Agoti continued, even as Tabi gave minimal responses.
"Uh-uh. You wanna stay at my place tonight?
"I'll pass. I don't want to be interrogated by Sol."
"Hey, you know he was pretty happy you stayed over the other night."
"I prefer the streets. I don't need your help." Tabi's throat felt dry. He regretted not getting water earlier.
"...." Agoti didn't respond.
The two walked in silence to the arcade. Every few minutes Tabi glanced around, just to make sure they weren't being followed. After a few blocks, Agoti stopped.
Nearly passing him Tabi stopped. "What are you doing?" He asked.
"Hey man, I saw how you were starring at me back in there. You really don't mind if I join right? I don't want to force anything. Be serious." Agoti said, his usual demeanour sinking slightly.
Tabi suppressed a sigh. While he'd found Agoti annoying he was still his friend. Thinking on it now, he felt a little bad the way he was treating him back there.
"It's fine. Really. We coul-need your help. I just don't want you to get in trouble with Sol. Especially after everything that happened."
"And I don't want you blabbering about this mission to everything." He added sternly.
Agoti caught up to Tabi. "Thanks man. And don't worry about me. I'll handle Sol if anything happens."
"Good. Now let's go." Tabi said without any of the gruff he usually used. Maybe I have been too hard on him, Tabi thought.
The two continued on, Agoti's upbeat demeanour immediately returning. Feeling slightly bad, Tabi decided he'd try to hold up the conversation.
"So what's this arcade like?"
"Real cool place. Only a few years old too. It's called the Flashpoint Arcade. Real cool stuff. They salvage old arcade games and fix em up. Got a whole 'cult' thing going to."
"Cool." Instinctively he almost pulled out a cigarette, stopping when he remember it was Agoti he was speaking to.
"They're opening up another location a few cities over. The new place is called Kahvibreak. They were handing out flyers to it the other day."
"I see." Tabi said. He couldn't think of anything else to add. He figured he might as well ask about one thing he was familiar with.
"And you saw the girl here?"
"And her boyfriend." Agoti said. "Yep. The two of them were hanging out, BF rap battling the cat-dude."
"Whose name you can't remember."
"Man I swear it ended with an I but that's it." He shrugged.
A few blocks later they finally reached the arcade. It was a large multi-story building with a very sleek, retro-look to it. Beside in the windows were decals of various old game characters. Tabi recognized very few of them. Whatever games they had were not the ones he grew up with. The entrance was grand with huge doors protecting the entrance. A large neon sign sat above them with the arrowed logo and the name FLASHPOINT in gigantic red neon text. There was music emanating from the entrance and it sounded more like a club than some arcade.
Not wanting to be seen Tabi put his hat on tighter, trying to stay anonymous. Agoti didn't care and was clearly standing out. Hood off, he didn't care who recognized him.
The two friends stepped into the arcade. They were greeted immediately by the luminous glow of the various machines. The ceiling of rafters was made to look like stars in a night sky, glowing paint etched into the ceiling.
The music was as loud here, the sounds of the machines and people easily drowning it out.
"Welcome to flashpoint. For two?" A clerk asked at the entrance.
"Yeah, two for free play."
"That'll be..." The clerk trailed off, Tabi not listening. He was scanning the arcade. He liked playing these kinds of machines, though it felt like a lifetime ago. They'd gone once to an arcade, her and Tabi. They had a good-
"Yo, you coming?" Agoti asked. Tabi had been staring off into the distance.
"y-Yeah." Tabi said. He stepped through the turnstile and entered the 'Launchbox Lobby' as it displayed.
The arcade was stylized to appear retro but sleek and modern. A black and red carpeted floor lined the ground displaying patterns of Flashpoint's logo. Tabi stared at them, colourful stars among the fibres.
There were arcade machines lining all of the metallic walls, assorted into categories of different developers, styles and more. There was even a large videotron hanging from the ceiling cycling through the high scores of various games. A directory stood in the centre, indicating the arcade as more vast than it looked. This was just one section of many.
There was a poster stating that all machines here were re-serviced and re-discovered by fans along with what he assumed to be the year Flashpoint launched. With all the games he'd never heard of the place seemed more like a museum than a modern arcade. He knew he wasn't going to play anything. No way I'm wasting money on this, Tabi thought bitterly.
Agoti likewise was looking around, though his attention was fixated on the cat. He was still racking his mind to try and remember what that guys name was. He wished he didn't enter his name as catkid.
"So where is he?" Tabi asked.
Agoti checked his phone. He sent a message asking exactly where the guy was.
The response was almost instant.
"2f ddr"
Agoti shrugged. "Second floor. Come on."
"Alright. Well be discreet about it. He can't know."
"I will, don't worry man."
It was only a Thursday night so the place wasn't as busy as it normally would. Tabi found this refreshing as he didn't have to worry about getting noticed. Plus the arcade machines were overpowering the sound of his stomach.
Upstairs were a similar amount of machines and layout but with a more retro looking carpet. It was what Tabi was expecting when he first came here. Purple with all sorts of random shapes patterning it.
All the machines in this section appeared to be rhythm games, some having drum peripherals and some having an arrow board on the ground. Tabi never really cared for those kinds of games then. He didn't care much now either.
Agoti scanned around before settling on the corner of the play area. Someone was getting really into the DDR game, practically stomping on the board. It was a short guy, one that Agoti recognized immediately.
"I'll do the talking." Agoti whispered and Tabi nodded. With Tabi following he introduced themselves. "Hey, hey. What's goin-"
"SHUTUP! Quiet! Just for a sec!" The catguy hissed at Agoti. He missed a few notes, Agoti having caught him off guard. He stopped dancing and pressed something on the handle, pausing the game. He sighed in defeat. "Sorry, just not doin' good tonight." He pulled a water bottle from his hoodie and downed the whole thing before tossing it aside in frustration.
He just took a seat on the edge of the board, looking defeated and burying his head in his hands.
It was not what Tabi was expecting based on what Agoti had said.
He was an anthro cat, or wolf, he couldn't tell. He had long grey fur, some of which was tied into a pony tail. He had a tail which poked out of his black jeans but it wasn't moving much. He looked to have black freckles as well as some kind of piercing in his ears.
Tabi couldn't tell. He looked to be about his age, just physically shorter than the both of them. He wore a similar getup to both him and Agoti. His hoodie was far more colourful, having blue arms and stomach pocket, orange lining and straps and red tassels and collars. He was wearing black jeans and black and blue shoes.
He looked sweaty, like he'd been working out. Perhaps a little too into the game. Agoti had referred to him multiple times as a cat so Tabi figured that's what he probably was.
"Sorry bout' that Agoti. Just got a little into it." The catboy said and looked up.
"No worries man. Rough day?"
"Not really. Just stupid, argh!" He shouted. "Nevermind. Hey...who's your friend?" His voice was medium-pitched, not as deep as Agoti or Tabi but not as squeamish as he looked.
"Ah. This is Tabi, a close friend of mine. We go way back."
The cat stood up and extended his hand. "Heh, your name rhymes with mine."
Tabi reached out to shake.
"Name's Kapi." He said smiling.
Tabi reached out to shake. "Heh, your name rhymes with mine. your names like mine, Kapi."
The two shook. Kapi took a long look at Tabi, trying to get a feel.
"So you're a goat anthro?"
"You mangy-I'm human!" Tabi snapped. He hated being called that. Kapi took a step back, surprised by Tabi's outburst.
"Woah, easy Tab. Tell you all what. Let's a drink. Think we're all little heated tonight. On me." Agoti said, immediately getting in-between them.
"Bah, you can say that again. Need something better than this water." Kapi went to pick up the discarded bottle.
The three got up and started going towards the refreshment area. An alcohol-free bar called the "Splash Pad" was situated just next to the rhythm game area. It took no time to get there. Kapi led and while Kapi wasn't looking Agoti slapped Tabi upside the head.
"You-what was that for?" Tabi whispered
angrily. Agoti just shot him a look back of 'don't blow it'.
Kapi took a seat at a high table, easily jumping onto the chair.
"What do you guys want? I'll go order." Agoti said. He silently hoped that Tabi wouldn't try to strangle him.
"Water." Tabi said.
"Get me a root beer float."
"You got it." Agoti said. He winked at Tabi before turning and walking to the counter.
"So how'd you get that look? All threatening and stuff." Kapi said.
Tabi wasn't sure to take it as an insult or compliment. "It's a long story. I didn't chose to be this way." He said coldly.
"Ah well no sweat. Lotta people think I'm a wolf. I have to correct them too. Not an anthro either actually. That's a long story too."
Kapi looked Tabi up and down. While the man did appear threatening, Kapi wasn't the least bit scared of him. His mind was already wandering onto other things.
Tabi was silently wishing he'd gone with Agoti. He wasn't sure how to approach asking him to join a criminal conspiracy. He instead decided to ask about what he did know.
That girl.
"You were here with GF the other night?"
"Girlfriend. Wears a red dress, long brown hair. Mahogany." Was this even the right person, Tabi thought.
"Oh-oh yeah! Yeah BF and I had a whole competition. He got lucky. I was just having a bad day. You know them?"
"I did. Once." Tabi said and chose to leave it at that.
"Alright, here you go guys." Agoti said, returning with a platter. He placed it down on the table. It had three drinks, a root beer float, a water and a soda. Tabi took the water and practically started chugging it. He was parched, though trying to hide it.
Kapi didn't seem to notice or care but Agoti did.
"Yeah, I couldn't stick around the other night. How'd it go? You got his girl?" Agoti asked.
"Bah! No way. I was just screwin with him. She's cute, but her family, man I couldn't handle that." Kapi said as he drank the float.
"You can say that again." Tabi said.
"So what're you guys doing here tonight? I'd play more DDR but I got a lot on my plate tonight. Just do that to chill out." Kapi said. Tabi shrugged. He didn't know how that made sense, but then again he never played those kinds of games.
"Yeah, what's? You looked pretty determined back there."
"Friggin-some guy came and beat all my high scores last night. And not even by a little either. Dude smashed all the records. Put me to second place. I'm not some two-bit second placer. He's screwing with me!" Kapi said, angrily.
"Who?" Agoti asked.
Tabi raised an eyebrow. "The Sonic?"
"From Mobius?"
They'd heard of Sonic before, sure. He was from the planet Mobius, a huge celebrity across the world.
"Nah, it can't be the real one. That's just what he's signing all his scores as." Kapi said.
"I've been here trying to beat them but I swear he's hacking. Every time I even get close to the score I screw up. OR. When I beat it suddenly dude comes in and beats me like 1 point higher."
"You sure it's not the staff messing with you?" The cynic in Tabi asked.
Kapi just shook his head. "Uh-uh. No way. They have strict rules here. They'd get fired if they messed with the games." Kapi finished off the float in record time.
He sighed. "This sonic guy is really trying to piss me off. He beat everyone's scores but then he started screwing with me."
Kapi pulled out his phone and started scrolling. A second later he showed them a photo. "I even got this from one of the games."
"Bro I searched the whole arcade after getting that. Guy must've left or something. Couldn't find who sent it. AND, staff checked the cameras there wasn't anyone who it could have been."
A photo of the arcade machine was visible. Kapi zoomed in. On the screen it displayed Sonic and Kapi's scores, Sonic's just barely ahead. Under Kapi's scores it was supposed to display the other players but instead it was a message.
"This really sounds like staff trying to screw with you." Tabi said again. He had finished the water and was feeling marginally better.
"No. There's no way it's them. Believe me I've checked. It's been happening to them too. Everyone's scores been beaten. They're pissed off as much as me. But this dude has been targeting me specifically."
Tabi wanted to ask more about his opinion on the family but wasn't sure how to. He looked at Agoti who just shrugged.
"But that's enough of me. I'm just about ready to return to the dance floor. What're you guys doing here? Wanna help with me quest?"
"Actually, we was looking to talk to you." Agoti said.
"Oh really? What's up?" He asked innocently.
"Do you know anything about hacking?" Tabi asked.
"I know my way around a computer. Why?"
"Tab and I are planning something. We need a hacker, someone who can break into systems."
"Who are we hitting?"
Tabi didn't respond immediately, unsure what to say. He looked to Agoti.
"I don't think we can tell you that. At least not now." He said.
"Do I know 'em?"
"Yeah, probably."
"Hmmm. It's not this place is it?"
"What? No. It's the F-" Agoti started to say but was stopped by Tabi who jabbed his side.
Kapi's ears perked up. He had an idea. His eyes went wide.
"You wanna hit *them*?" He asked surprised. He seemingly already knew the target.
"I don't-"
"Yeah sure, I'll hit the..." Kapi got real quiet and whispered. "" He sat up. "Guys commandeered a few arcade machines from the place anyways. I want 'em back. Plus it'll be funny."
"You're okay with that?"
"Yeah." Kapi said. "I figured that's what you guys were planning anyways. Agoti went on the other day about how much you hate them."
Tabi shot Agoti a death stare. Agoti continued. "I mean aren't you friends with-"
"BF, yeah, since childhood. But it's not like he's that close to them anyways. I talk to him all the time. He's lost track of how many times they've tried to take him out." Kapi said. "Hey, if you're looking for an extra person he'd probably love to join-"
"Absolutely not. I've had my own run-in with him. He can't know about this." Tabi said. "Me too." Agoti said.
"Oh? You gotta tell me. They send you to kill him too?"
"No. Just know that he's not in." Tabi said, leaving it at that.
"Ehn, whatever. Suit yourself. He'll tell me anyways."
"If you tell anyone of this I swear I'll gu-"
"Easy, Tab. You really can't tell anyone of this though. It has to be secret. Can you do that for us?"
Kapi looked at Agoti quizzically, as if weighing his options. "Alright. I'll keep quiet about it."
"So you're in?" Tabi asked.
"Well, I'll help you guys out on one condition. I need you guys to take out Sonic."
Tabi just looked questioningly at Kapi. "I guess we could stakeout the arcade and wait till he shows up."
Kapi stopped Tabi and shook his head. "Nah, that's not gonna work. Here." He scrolled to another photo and showed it to Agoti and Tabi.
It showed a direct threat on one of the screens telling him to log into a VR world, with an address listed below. It listed him to come during the day.
"Guy wants to fight me or something. I can't afford VR, plus I gotta work days. I've been waiting for the weekend to borrow and confront him but if you guys can do it tomorrow I'll join, no questions asked." Kapi said.
Tabi looked at Agoti. His eyes agreed.
"Alright. We'll deal with Sonic." Agoti said, holding his hand out. Kapi shook back.
"And get whatever info you can from him. I'm gonna get the arcade to ban him. Frickin' cheater."
"You got it."
"There anything else you guys want? Wanna help me get my scores back tonight? I've been tracking exactly how he cheats; been helping staff build a report."
"I gotta go, I work early in the morning." Tabi said.
"Ehn, I got some time. I'll join ya." Agoti said.
"Alright, let's get started. This dude's goin' down." Kapi said, excusing himself from the high table.
"I'll join ya in a sec, just gotta see Tab off."
"No problem. I'll get started." Kapi said, running off to his DDR machine.
Agoti leaned into Tabi. "What do you think?"
"I don't have a VR set. Where are we gonna get one?"
"I'm sure Displo has one we can use."
"Yeah, but you gotta work tomorrow. And I'm gonna be in the recording booth all day." Agoti said.
Tabi just shrugged. "I'm sure Displo and (Y/N) can handle it."
"They better. Give (Y/N) a call and get him up to speed. I'm gonna see if I can learn anything else."
"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow."
"See ya, Tabi."
Agoti left Tabi alone at the table, joining Kapi in his quest. Tabi pulled out his phone and called you, ready to give an update on the situation.
After a brief conversation he ducked out of the arcade, unseen and retired to his hovel, ready for another day of labour.
The next chapter will be called Cyberspace.