You took the rest of the day easy. S was content in exploring the internet, leaving you alone. He had left rather abruptly, just vanishing mid-conversation stating he was bored now.
He had commandeered a part of your computer, making a new folder called GreenHillZone with a note telling you not to enter. At first you didn't look but curiosity got the better.
Ignoring it you opened the folder anyways. Present were a few photos of the same VR world from earlier as well as filetypes you didn't recognize. There were also a lot of pictures of the real Sonic. It was slowly filling up with more photos, S collecting them like cards.
Tabi was curious as to your sudden cancellation but acquiesced. You still hadn't figured out how you were going to explain S to the others. You just added that 'Sonic' was dealt with and that he was a handful. You would have preferred to use 'pain in the a-' but S cut you off stating that he in fact, was your new best companion.
With the remaining time in the day you spend it getting a brief checkup, making sure the employee that fixed you up knew what they were doing. They apparently did, the doctor even noting the bandages were above-consumer quality. "Where on earth did you get these?" He asked amazed. You just shrugged, saying it was some medic passing by.
It did confirm every single wound obtained in the game was real. S could hurt you in VR, somehow bending reality itself. They did not locate any bullet fragments in your shoulder however.
Hours later and a good rest it was now Saturday morning. A quick check on the computer indicated that S had returned at some point, a text file on the screen asking if S could have more space. Like earlier he had written in Yes for you but you create a whole new note stating NO. You decline and got to setting things up.
Though it was the weekend you still felt you owed Displo. This ended up being another shift of guard duty.
In the same text file you let S know you'd be at the restaurant. Though with how he'd been you figured he's track you down without the note.
Despite the onset of the weekend the weather outside was miserable. Winds were raging about the city and rain fell at a constant rate. Not too hard to storm, but just enough to signal in April's showers was nearby. It was also cold, not enough to freeze but just enough to be uncomfortable. It felt as if could start thundering any second, the sun hidden somewhere beyond a thick blanket of clouds.
One morning routine later you found yourself at Displo's a few hours from opening.
"Good morning, (Y/N) and S." Displo said happily.
"Morning. S isn't here. He's, I don't know, somewhere else."
"Very well. I'm sure you're aware that we don't open for a bit. Please make yourself at home."
Your phone goes off. Thinking it's probably S wanting something you check. It was Tabi.
im off today should we meet earlier
You respond back that you'll ask Displo first.
"You are positively soaked, (Y/N)." Displo began. "Here. I took the liberty of getting this for you. It will make you fit in here better." Displo held a pile of neatly folded clothes. He seemed to have been waiting to give it to you.
"This is...?"
"It is an IRIS standard technical field uniform. STFU for short. It's modified slightly to include my branding. It should fit you just fine."
You take the dark blue clothing. "Thanks. I'll go try it on right now."
Looking over the clothes they were much more professionally made than your current 'detective getup' with a trench coat, buttoned up shirt and frayed tie.
It looked more like SWAT gear and tactical armour than a typical uniform. All it was missing was a helmet. The outfit consisted of 3 pieces of clothing, Thick cargo pants with lots of pockets, a thick long-sleeve vest that appeared to be bulletproof and a thick shirt that went underneath the vest. While it looked to be sweltering and heavy you later found it was much lighter and even cool to wear.
Feeling it over you could tell it was supposed to be bulletproof. It wasn't camouflage but each piece was a dark blue that could have helped hide you. On the back of the vest was instead of IRIS, was written "DISPLO'S" as well as "SECURITY" in bolded text.
In privacy you put it on. Despite its cumbersome appearance it felt fine and even allowed for a bit more mobility.
You'd never done SWAT or armoured assault before if this was what they had to wear you figure it would've been easy. You stash your gun in one of the pockets and go find Displo.
"My my, you look simply ravishing, (Y/N)." Displo said. You swore you even heard a purr, though it was hard to tell. The compliment made you blush slightly.
"Thanks. Hey, about a meeting today, since everyone's off you think you'd be able to meet earlier, instead of tonight?"
"I don't see why not. There are no reservations so I doubt it shall be that busy. Just give me a heads up when everyone is ready. Here are the keys to the room." Displo said, fishing a pair of keys out.
"Sure thing."
"Well, I am off to it then. Good luck 'guarding' today. " Displo nodded and walked towards the kitchen, a kick in his step. Whatever the reason he seemed rather perky today.
There was still a bit of time before the restaurant opened so you go the HQ room. It was quiet in here, having been no activity since yesterday. The VR set was gone, nary a trace it was even here. The table and furniture had all been returned to its proper spots.
You take a seat and check your phone to pass the time. There was still no sign of S sans the broken contact page he made for you. Checking closer you notice the contact page he had defaced was the chiefs. Not a big loss after all.
The kitchen was abuzz with activity. Displo had spent hours compiling the best prep routine and most efficient and smooth way to ensure the restaurant not get over prepared. He even had a litany of backup plans in the event staff couldn't make it.
He was currently doing his daily inventory check, making sure everything was where it was supposed to be. Earlier he took over from a prep cook who had to step out, something about an emergency call. He didn't mind. He always felt it correct to do every job once in a while.
There was not a single part in the job he didn't know how to do or disliked doing. Of course, all paled in comparison to his most enjoyable activity as bartending. It gave him an outlet to speak to customers as if he was one of them and not some faceless worker in a kitchen, or a waiter trying to get a tip. His skill to listen had become even known in the corporation, Displo being a 'cheap therapist' employees could talk to.
With the worker returning, Displo stepped out of the way, allowing them to continue. Onions needed to be chopped and ground beef needed to be moulded.
Music was playing out of the kitchen, an activity Displo had reluctantly allowed. At first he found it unprofessional but after several of the cooks proved to him they would work more efficient, he allowed it.
Though preferring classical music, Displo relented allowing them to play what they wanted. Such a privilege was not allowed to the actual cooks, though none complained. Their work was much more detailed-oriented then prep cooks chopping the same vegetables for the hundredth time.
Now Playing...
Artist: Slowerpace音楽
Song: Pass to Infinity
Figuring it was all set here, Displo returned to the main dining room, taking a stand in his favourite section, the bar.
It wouldn't be till dinner time that it opened but gave him something to look forward to. He called it his 'therapy', not that he needed therapy; the name was just fitting.
The cleaning staff (aka the waiters) had finished cleaning and were playing cards at one of the tables.
It was just down to wait until opening now. While waiting Displo began wiping down the glasses. They were already spotless but you never know. It helped keep his hands busy as he looked around.
He didn't have a phone as such capabilities were a part of him. Checking them, he had a new e-mail. It was a thank you from the IRIS research department for the VR set. It also contained some details about your case, though most were wrong intentionally. S was more of an asset to the team than 'curiosity' of IRIS, Displo had decided. The injuries? Merely some untested feature of that VR set. It was up to them to prove it.
Upon giving the researchers your testimony he purposely omitted all details regarding S. If S was going to be apart of the team it would be better if nobody knew about him. Even he wasn't sure how the company would react to a creature like that.
S was strange to him. It was like he had no morals, the way he spoke. Displo hadn't made a full judgement yet but he was slightly concerned. He had spent time figuring out how exactly S made the jump and closed it. Though with how S functioned it was highly likely S could just jump at will, bypassing any security. It put him at the one-letter being's mercy.
Though, now that he thought about on it, the current members of the team weren't the most spotless. S was different however, unpredictable even. He absolutely required analysis but not now. His powers were simply too great to allow anyone to interfere with him.
You had departed from the HQ room, taking up your 'post'. It was a desk in the corner facing the entrance. You took a seat on the chair, reclining on it, holding the table with your shoe to stop it from falling over.
Displo glanced over to your direction. He knew the one thing that the team would need was a test. And he had the perfect idea for one already. Today would be the day he proposed it. He placed
a glass down and started checking the alcohol levels of the bottles.
You glance back, giving a wave to Displo. He waves back and gets back to whatever he was doing.
Still no sign of S. You had texted Tabi that an earlier meeting would happen and he said he'd come round a little after noon with Agoti and Kapi. You still weren't sure how to deal with Kapi. You had your hacker and even though S was uncontrollable he was still on your side. And since S was uncontrollable you worried about having him anywhere near so-called cat boy. After all, he built an entire digital realm to kill him.
In the end you told Tabi to leave Kapi out of this for now. The last thing you wanted was some kind of confrontation between the two. At least until you could get S' actual opinion on Kapi.
Plus, explaining S' existence to two people instead of 3 was much easier.
Eventually the restaurant opens, a steady stream of customers entering. You, having brought a book elected to read that. This job was very hands off, if people needed you they'd seek you out. Looking around at today's clientele you figured it would be easy.
Back to reading then.
You and Displo didn't notice the hours fly by, content in your book and Displo in his service. At one point you got curious and did a quick search of Sonic to see if anything popped out; if S did any mischief. There was nothing of note, though most of the headlines revolved around the ongoing war on Mobius. You had no idea what was going on but the headline mentioned a Dr. Star-something being involved in the conflict. Nothing about a "Sonic imposter raging about the internet".
Looking outside you see a few cars pull in at the same time.
You stop staring off, a tap on the shoulder rousing you from a trance of boredom.
"E-excuse me?" A high voice asks. You turn, it was one of the waiters.
"Yeah? Everything alright?"
"Well it's just that the DVD in Party Room 2 isn't working. Could you take a look at it?" She asked.
"I'm...not a tech guy." You say, a little confused at the request.
"Yeah, but could you take a look anyways? The family in there is getting rowdy."
You sigh. It was like she didn't hear you. It wasn't your problem. You didn't know a thing about this but decide it beats just waiting here. Displo was nowhere to be seen either.
"Alright. Let's go." You put away the book and get up, stretching your legs for the first time in a bit.
While the restaurant had a confusing appearance there was an additional area to the side for kids and family dining. In this section were a series of 'party' rooms for families and kids parties.
The waitress leads you in to the brightly coloured room. Like the rest of the restaurant it had no set style and stood out. It looked like a daycare with colourful walls, floor, a centre table, TV at the end of it and additional tables covered in presents. It was some kid's birthday party.
All Displo needed was some furry mascot and it could be an upscale Chuck-E-Cheese.
The room had windows for looking out though they were frosted except for two streaks at the middle and the top.
"Ah, perfect. Someone who knows what they're doing." One of the parents said, glaring at the waitress. You just looked at the parent, expressionless.
"So, what's wrong with it?" You ask. It was just a black box displaying the current time. The TV was blank.
"Well it's not working. Isn't that obvious?" The parent shot back. The kids in the party were off in the corner of the room playing with some toys. They were hardly interested in whatever was supposed to be on the screen.
"See?" The parent pointed the remote at the TV pushing a bunch of buttons on it. "Can't you tell it's broken? This is simply unacceptable." The parent was starting to get on your nerves.
You wondered if calling S in would help. No, he'd probably start scaring them all.
You inspect the back of the DVD box. A few cords were unplugged. Unsure what any of them did you plug them back in. While nothing changed on your side you hear some sort of static as you plug them in. You push a button on the TV, turning it on. Displaying was the DVD menu, some sort of slideshow present. The Play button was highlighted on the menu.
Still unsure what the problem even was you shrug.
The parent frustratingly pushes the play button to try and get it to work, nothing happening. "This is just unacceptable."
"May I?" You take the remote from the parent. She just sighs audibly. You say nothing, less you get in trouble with Displo or worse.
You push play on it a few times, nothing happening. Just a blank screen with a DVD logo bouncing around.
Turning around you check the remote. It had no batteries. Another sigh. The waitress had been standing beside you. You hand her the remote. "It just need batteries."
"O-oh! I'll go get them right now." The waitress said, eagerly leaving.
"Humph. Glad someone know what they're doing here." The parent said to you.
With the waitress gone the parent decided she had enough and started pressing the play button on the DVD wasn't working either.
A bit of troubleshooting later you and the parent find out she had not even put in the DVD. One embarrassed 'sorry' later she started herding the children to watch. The picture on the screen was of one of the children. You presume it was the birthday boy.
A few minutes pass with no sign of the waitress. You just waited around playing with your phone, the parent getting more frustrated by the second. The parent further complained that she needed the remote to pause at parts, refusing to manually push the button. "I am not some peasant who is going to stand here pausing it like a two-bit teacher!"
"Are you a cop?" A young voice says from below. It was one of the kids, an innocent look on his face.
"No. I'm just security here."
"Do you have a gun? Can I see it?" Another kid runs up to ask.
"No, it's only for emergencies."
"Do you have a gun like the guys outside?" The first kid asks.
Thinking they were referring to the cops you say yes. They all respond with a chorus of "where is it" and "are you hiding it"? Even further confused you ask what they mean.
"The ones out there. They look like you!"
You look around, one of the other parents had stepped in to stop the first one from making a scene.
The kids were all looking through the clear streak in the frosted wall. Whatever was going on out there had all their attention.
"Mom! Mom! You gotta see this." One of the other kids had run up to the parent, tugging on their dress to get attention. He was referring to whatever was going on outside. The other parent just shooed the kid away, uncaring whatever was going on outside.
Worried now, coupled with the fact the waiter hadn't returned for some time you go up to the wall. Kneeling beside the kids you peek out.
You had to do a double take what was seen.
From what was seen the restaurant was embroiled in some kind of hostage situation. At least, that was your first impression.
Soldiers dressed in similar tactical gear were standing amongst the tables. They wore helmets, visors and carried assault rifles. They wore all black, almost like you'd seen SWAT teams, though these people didn't appear to be cops.
There was some kind of logo on the chest area but it was too small to identify. Whoever they were, meant business. The entire restaurant was being held up.
But, despite the severity of the situation several tables were still eating though with concerned looks on faces.
The atmosphere looked tense but it seemed the restaurant was still functioning. All of the waiters were just standing by the bar, looking a little scared but otherwise not moving. The ones that were immediately resumed their position after delivering what they needed.
Food still looked to be coming out of the kitchen.
Whatever was going on here wasn't some plain robbery. The customers weren't harmed. They weren't the target.
You had the benefit of surprise as no soldiers paid attention to the party rooms. None had even taken stock of them. Either that or they simply didn't believe a threat could be there.
From your limited view you guess you guessed there were about 6 armed units. One of them was standing near the entrance watching it closely. He was on the phone with someone, as evident by the communicator next to his ear.
You were outgunned and outmanned. Not to mention starting a firefight among the customers was a terrible idea.
"Everyone on the ground." You say sternly.
The first thing you do is get the kids away from the window and clue the parents into what's happening. You tell them to stay on the ground and be quiet.
Looking out the window again you try to think of a plan. There wasn't any conventional thing you could do and if this was some sort of hit you'd be just in trouble. There was also no telling if this was the family, cops or something else. You'd never been in this situation before, you were struggling to come up with what to do.
You shoot Displo a text asking him what the hell was happening. He replies back instantly.
"The sooner you can get over to the kitchen the better." It read.
"Are we gonna be okay?" One of the kids whispers to you. They had crawled to your side.
"It doesn't look like a robbery or anything. We should all be fine. Just keep quiet."
"Are you gonna save us?"
"You'll be alright. I swear on it."
"Please do." The kid crawled away.
You get a text, the sound nearly making you jump.
It was some spam message, probably a scam.
Wait, that's it! You unlock your phone, scrolling through the contacts. It was time to see what he could do.
You call S. It doesn't even ring before it picks up, your phone vibrating and the screen turning progressively darker.
"I have arrived! And this better be good. I was in the middle of, uh, reading. Yeah." S groaned. You look at the phone. A portal appeared within the phone, S jumped in, knocking aside all your app icons.
what's up?" S asked with cheer.
You still weren't fully used to dealing with S. You turn the phone to look out the window. "Look."
"Wowzers. What did you do?"
"I had nothing to do with this. I just need to get to the kitchen. Anything you can do?"
"Of course I can. Watch this!" S spin dashes out of your phone only to crash back into it as if he was thrown back.
"Wow. These guys mean business. Can't access any of their devices."
"Were you able to see who they are at least?"
"There nothing you can-"
"Shush. I don't need your suggestions for this. Lemme see..." S said.
"Well I can see through the cameras. There's some big dude talking to the tinman. Looks like he's made of clouds or something. I get a bad vibe from him, moreso than me of course."
"There's....1234..8 people. Big dude, bunch of guys out here and 2 around the back looking around. Can't tell who they are though."
"Anything else?"
"Aha! I got it!" S shouted through the phone. "One of their cars is open. One little push and I can ram it into the place! What do you say?"
"Absolutely not." The last thing you needed was S destroying the restaurant.
"Aww, c'mon." He turned to you in the screen, giving off puppy dog eyes. "What if I just ram the other cars? You don't care about some puny machines? Can I just destroy those?"
"That...would work. Alright. Go for it, just don't hurt anyone."
"Sweet." S rubbed his hands in anticipation. "Time for a little demolition derby." And with that S jumped out of the phone.
You couldn't get a good look from your vantage point or hear the commotion but whatever S was doing out there worked. It caught the attention of the guards almost instantly, all of them running outside to witness S' rally.
You count them off, all but the 2 guards S said were in the back were out of the store. You tell the kids and parents to stay put and bolt out the door. Stepping out now you hear gunfire as well as several loud crashing sounds. A brief look outside showed the cars swerving to hit the guards, taking care not to hit the restaurant.
You draw your gun instinctively and make for the kitchen. The commotion had attracted several of the customers as well, who had gotten up and looked at the entrance. Nobody cared much about you, probably thinking you were one of the hostage-takers.
The circular window on the kitchen door didn't give any indication. Peering in you just saw some white thing blocking it.
As quietly as you could you pull the door back and enter the kitchen. You could just barely see Displo in front of the massive man you were currently behind. You had your gun raised, just in case. He looked to be taking up the hall with how wide he stood.
"I won't ask again." The man said ominously.
He was an absolute monster of a man, shoulders wider than the door, standing taller than you. He wore a snow white tuxedo and had a lion's mane of silky white hair atop his shoulders. It spilled over his shoulders concealing them. It puffed up, almost like a cloud, as S had said. You couldn't tell what he was, human, alien, anthro.
"And I have said. I am not in possession of this object of which you speak." He spoke with a hard and commanding voice. There was not a shred of doubt in his speech.
The chefs and kitchen workers were still cooking, though with worried expressions. Though not the targets, they were still intimidated by this man's presence. A few glanced in your direction, seeing you enter.
"Ahem." The monstrous man cleared his throat. "If you want to take that shot you best not miss. Otherwise, I will make sure it's the last shot you ever make."
You flinch your gun slightly. You look at Displo, Could he have seen you in the reflection? Or maybe he just knew from the chef's glances.
"Lower your gun before I make you lower it." You take a step back before lowering it completely.
The business man took a step to the side, looking at you now. He clothes were snow white, sans a black tie, buttons and frosted outline. Looking at him head-on you still were unsure of what he was. His 'lion-mane' completely covered his head, his eyes and mouth at the forefront of it. It was as if a cloud was in a suit. S had the best description so far.
He just looked at you with disdain, at least you think. His eyes were slanted and pure black, looking as if they were one with his eyebrows which twirled as they extended upwards.
"Hmph. I see your dog has arrived." He spat with disgust.
"You will not refer to my companions as dogs. Thank you."
"And you. What of my soldiers?" He asked you.
"They're outside."
Your phone vibrates, you ignore it ready for any sudden movements. It was probably just S returning.
The cloud-man looked back to Displo. "I'll consider this check. But do know this is not over, I hope you understand. I will find it, by hell or high water."
Dislpo said nothing as the cloud-man spoke. The large man turned to you.
"Humph. You reek of eldritch energy. I don't know what kind of operation you are running here Displo but I advise against it. The next visit won't be so friendly." He said, sternly. Though his eyes were obscured you could feel him glare at you.
He gave one last nod to Displo and stepped out, his presence practically forcing you to stand aside.
"And what of my customers then? You can't just barge in and ruin my lunch. I have appearances to maintain." Displo said suddenly. His voice creaked upon speaking, anxiety rippling through. It was as if coil whine gripped his voice.
Without as much as an acknowledgement the man just said. "Forward it to accounting. I will deal with whatever monetary loss you think you may have acquired. Until next time, Displo." He said coldly.
With that the intimidating man left. You watched him to the entrance as he departed, having now to deal with whatever S had done. By the lack of car crashing and gunfire you figure S had stopped.
He walked with his hands behind his back, jet black gloves covering his fists. He walked with upmost authority, not paying any attention to the customers. One of the remaining soldiers opened the door for him.
Returning to Displo he had slumped over, shoulders falling and catching himself on the kitchen countertop. A few chefs were beside him in awe.
"I can't believe you did that, sir."
"How the hell did you stand up to that guy?"
"Wow boss. That was awesome."
They continued showering him in compliments, in awe at his non-wavering attitude. You go up to him, preferring to see if he was okay.
"You alright?"
"I will be. Thank you for getting here. How did you get-Nevermind. Give me a rundown later. I need to go deal with the customers. Can you meet me in the safe room in a few minutes?" Displo sounded out of breath and relieved. He had lost the usual posh inflection he had and was speaking normally.
"Sure thing."
The next chapter will be called The First Team.