Track 13 - The First Team

You take your leave, Displo clearing his throat and following behind you. As you reach the dining room you hear Displo make an announcement about all meals being comped and that the kitchen would be bringing the food out as soon as possible. You had to hand it to him, he was a businessman first and forthright. That got you thinking though, who the hell was that earlier? You didn't get a good look at the logo. And what did he want?

All you knew for certain was that they weren't cops.

The saferoom was as it always was, spick and span, clean.

You take a seat at the edge of the table and put your phone up against a bowl sitting up.

The screen lit up. Just as you thought, S was there, sitting amongst the various app icons. He had changed your wallpaper again, now to the ceiling of some church. S sat on one of the archways in the ceiling, looking down at you. He had a malicious grin.

"Good work, S." You began. "What did you do anyways?"

"Oh, I just started smashing up all their cars. They thought it was some guy in the car driving, shot up their own rides, ahahah, shot each other." S was beaming with happiness. He was still bleeding from his eyes and baring his fangs. Though he was happy, it didn't make him look any less demonic.

There was a text from Tabi saying he and the others would be there soon. But just as it appeared, S stood up and kicked off-screen.

"Who was that guy anyways? I watched him through the cameras. Strange guy." S asked as he kicked his feet looking down. He was staring out of the frame somewhere.

"No idea."

"Y'know he could sense me, right? I could feel him looking at me." S said. So that's what he meant by the 'eldritch energy' line,. "Creeped even me out!"

"You didn't find anything in their cars as to who they were?"

"Nope. And their phones were all blocked too. Just looked like random data to me. It was nothing like your computer." S yawned. "You keep them away from me, or it'll get violent."

"Well, whoever they were, I didn't recognize the logo."

"That man. Was Updike, one of the chief presidents of The Greater Good corporation." Displo declared as he entered the room. He sighed as the door closed.

He had his hands behind his back, walking as a butler were. But, as soon as he plopped down in the chair he relaxed, shoulders slumping.

You turn the phone so that S could see Displo.

"You doin' alright?" You ask.

"I am...adequate for now. That was just rather tense for my liking. I have appearances to keep up, and all that."

He had let drop his professional look, even lowering his shoulders so he back wasn't straight. "Despite his massive attire, he is surprisingly nimble. Even did professional ballet, he told me once."

"He may look like a meathead, but he is one of the most dangerous people I am aware of."

Displo looked at S and you. "Thank you for showing up as you did, and you S for smashing up their cars. You hit a few civilian cars but TGG will be paying for the damages, so I care not."

"Well, any time you need anything destroyed, give me a sh-Huh. Guys, I'll be right back! I can't miss this!" S said suddenly. You phone vibrated a bunch and knocked over. When you go to pick it up, the screen has gone black. S had disappeared. There was a note on the screen that read "be back soon, I can't miss this new episode." Unsure what that was all about you pocket the phone.

"Is the restaurant going to be alright?" You ask.

"Yes. I'll bill them for all the food and damages. They will pay it. Helps avoid bringing the law into this." While speaking Displo looked directly at you, the patterns in his face flickering a certain way. It almost looked like interest in a strange way.

Displo sighed. "(Y/N), I don't mean to trouble you further, but my back and shoulders tend to lock in during such confrontations. Could you massage them, please?" Displo asked.

"How does that work? Aren't you, like, all metal?" You ask.

"There were some things within me that were made more realistic to assist me in running my business, though I think it to be an excuse for faulty engineering. If you find it too awk-"

"No, no it's fine. Here." You get up to walk to Displo. He gets up as well, moving the chair backwards before sitting backwards on it, hands around the backrest.

Displo did appear slightly hunched, the way he sat. You weren't really a masseuse at all but had a general idea of what to do.

"Thank you, (Y/N)."

Even through the black vest he wore you could see the outline of his shoulders. The back of his head looked like you would have guessed a TV would. There were various buttons and ports, unknown of if any of them would actually do anything. The shirt he wore covered the back of his neck though you could see some wires there.

"You gonna be good for the meeting today?"

"I will. I have big news."

You place your hands on the back of his shoulders. They felt hard, but strangely warm. You had expected it to be colder, with him being a robot. It felt strangely human-like the way it compressed when you pushed down into it.

As you kneaded your hands into Displo's shoulders you encountered a bit of resistance. Unsure if that was intentional or the way he was built you push harder into it.

"T-thank you, (Y/N)." Displo said, stuttering. It looked like it was working. Displo slumped lower, relaxing more in the chair. It was like he was in bliss, the way you were grabbing his shoulders.

To prevent this being any more awkward than it already was you decide to ask about earlier.

"So, what's the deal with TGG?"

"It stands for The Greater G-good. T-they're a paramilitary organization. S-specializing in the 'paranormal'." Displo said. You were fully into the rhythm now, moving closer to his neck, the resistance in his shoulders gone. This was much easier than you thought.

"Officially, t-they're a tech and 'legal solutions' company, but they hide a lot."

"So, they're like you guys then?"

"I-in a way. We'd never do something so stupid as hold an entire restaurant hostage, but I guess you could s-say we're like them. We have similar goals and we-"

"It's just a joke." You move to the top his arms. He offers little in the way of resistance, being practically moulded by you now.


"So, what brought them here?"

"They were looking for the set from yesterday. Apparently when it connected to the internet it 'phoned home'. Don't know why they cared about it. The machine is years old."

"Well you better make sure-"

"Yes, yes. Security knows. They wouldn't make a mistake like that. Could you go to my neck? I think that's where the knot is."

"Sure thing." There was a bunch more pushback around his where it met the shoulders. It was much harder than his shoulders. You still had no idea if that was armoured or not but since he hadn't complained yet you figure it was the former. You had to put your elbows into it.

"The man was Updike. One of the leaders of The Greater Good."

"Leaders? And what is he exactly?"

"I am not sure myself. I know he is likely not human or anthro though. There are two others that rule in unison. They are Abott and Sterling. I know nothing about them."

"Any idea what they're opinion on the family is?"

"Ha." Displo said weakly. "If you're considering recruiting him, do not waste your time. It is very unlikely any of my superiors would approve." Displo paused as you pressed harder.

"But to answer your question I presume they hates them. His organization tends not to like those kinds of creatures. They are far more radical than we are. One of them is an angel I believe."

As you brushed the back of his neck you felt a bump, or something protruding from the back. Pushing on it slightly did nothing. You guess it's not a button. Putting more force on it the bump goes right back into place.

"Aaahhh." Displo quivered. He nearly jumped upon the press.

"T-t-that was it. A-aahh." Displo breathed a sigh of relief. The bump smoothed right now.

"That should be good enough. (Y/N). If you ever want a career as a masseuse, I can easily make that happen. After all this is over of course."

"Thanks, Displo." You let up from him. He gets up and re-adjusts the chair.

"So they're a bunch of religious nuts?" You ask.

"I wouldn't say that. I have no idea if Updike is religious." Displo paused. "I believe I owe you an explanation as to what exactly my company does. I know you investigated us, but I doubt even you figured our true goal. Us being a tech company itself is a masquerade. We do have various programs but alas, we have a deeper purpose. IRIS and TGG, we are 'paranormal investigation corporations'. We specialize in cases where police action is not enough. We study unusual and strange creatures and beings. TGG refers to them as 'abominations' but don't use such language. S would be a perfect example of the kinds of beings we go after. What separates us however, is that while we believe in study and mitigate, TGG believes in capture and destroy. Far more dangerous, and in my opinion unethical."

"Do Tabi or Agoti count like that?" You chuckle.

"Tabi is human though his appearance would be suitable to count. Agoti as well. He is not a normal creature."

Displo felt the back of his neck.

"But alas, Agoti is a law-abiding citizen, as is Tabi...sometimes. So long as they abide by the law and do not engage in 'anti-social behaviour' we won't need to intervene. And even then, we tend only to target if absolutely necessary." Displo shifted in his seat.

"They aren't causing mayhem, nor do they have some incomprehensible morality. So we wouldn't investigate them unless personally asked. TGG however, the moment something unusual occurred they would track them down to the ends of the earth. If Tabi or Agoti were to even, go near TGG's headquarters they would have an entire team observing him from afar."

"I see. Better we avoid them then."

"I agree. My superiors consider TGG our rivals in business. There are rumours they have a prison of such 'strange' creatures. That is something even we frown upon."

Thinking back to your days as an officer you recalled seeing something about 'Anti-Nominal Cases'. It was what the computer called it. At the time your commanding officer just said that you'd know what it meant if it ever had to be evoked.

Thinking back, you realize it must have meant calling TGG/IRIS.

"It looks like we still have some time before the rest of the crew arrives. Let me get you something to eat. It will be on me. I shall add it to Updike's tab." Displo said happily.


"Very well. Wait right here. If Tabi and co arrive, text me. I will get something for them as well."

Displo nodded at you and departed.

There was still no sign of Tabi and Agoti, or even S for that matter. You check your phone. On it was the same note from before. You notice one of the apps were running in the background. It was a news app. You click to open.

Displayed in front was some newspiece abut Sonic. S was sitting in front of it, watching it as a kid would watch the TV, leaning back with his hands on the ground supporting him.

You decide not to bother him and put the phone away.

Minutes pass as you were left alone, resuming your reading. But just as you could, S spoke up.

"You should put a Sonic sticker on your card. Here, I'm gonna order some." S said out of nowhere.

"Wha? How would you even know what my car has?"

"I watched you park in your cameras. And I checked other angles when you were out." S grinned.

You silently sigh. What have I unleashed? "I'll think about it." You say, hoping to keep S complacent.

"Oh! Ad breaks over!" And just as quickly as S interrupted your reading he was gone, back to watching the news.

"Just you huh." Someone said. Looking up, it was Tabi and Agoti. They were dressed the same as always, hoodies and jeans. Behind them was a waiter. The rain must have picked up since the tops of their clothes appeared damp. The waiter closed the door as they entered, leaving themselves.

"Hey guys." You stand up to greet them.

"What is with the get up? You're dressed like a soldier." Tabi asked.

"Just a new uniform. Displo got it for me."

"Nice. Hope we get one too. Yo. What's with all the destroyed cars out there? Looks like a tornado hit the place." Agoti said.

"It's a long story. Oh, Displo's making us food, on him. You guys want anything."

"Ehn, I'm good. I just ate." Agoti said.

"You?" You ask Tabi.

He looked away. "I, uh, I'm good." He said quietly, avoiding eye contact. "It's free. Displo's in a good mood." Tabi didn't respond. He looked hungry, so you just take it a yes. You shoot a text to Displo to make him something too. It's not like he was going to pay for it anyways.

Intros out of the way you, Agoti and Tabi take a seat.

"So how did it go with Sonic?"

"Yeah, about that. I don't think we're gonna need Kapi now."

You open your phone to find S. He was nowhere to be found.

"Why is that?" Tabi asked.

"Just hold on." You scroll through your contacts to find S but the cursed contact was gone too. Looking at recent apps you notice the news app you were looking at was gone as well. It was as if he was never in your phone. Had he left? Did you imagine the whole thing? No, that's impossible. You still had the wounds to prove it.

"Huh, never mind. You said Kapi was still good-"

"Woah! Woah! Alright, alright. It's not funny now." S shouted from Tabi's direction. Tabi, dumbfounded, pulled the phone out of his hoodie to see the screen lit up. But as soon as he looked at it the screen darkened.

S had jumped. "Your too slow!" He shouted.

"What about you? Oh, you must be the one they call Agoti!" S said sarcastically, his voice now emitting from Agoti's pocket. "And looking at the contacts, you have this guy listed as 'best friend'. Little weird to put that but whatever."

"What the hell?" Tabi muttered.

Agoti pulled his phone out, only to have the same thing happen. "Almost! You guys gotta be faster." S had jumped again. S jumped to yours which lights up on the table.

You check it but he jumps back to Agoti's as he speaks.

"Wait why can I port into you? You don't look like a robot. Did-you-Did you eat a genesis? The hell is wrong with you!" S said, disgusted as he warped again.

You instinctively check yours next, expecting S to make some snarky comment but the jump never comes.

"AhaAHH, sO cLoSeee, woooah." The TURINGS machine sprang to life, S' voice sounding wonky.

"WoAh, uHHH, AHeM. Wow, this is weird to control." S said, voice wobbling as he got used to it.

Mystified but still curious Agoti and Tabi walk up to see the computer. You followed them, readying an explanation. You would've preferred you introduce him, but it seemed like S didn't much like doing things that way.

"Is it any different from my computer?" You ask.

"Y-yeah. I tried piloting one of rObOTnik's machiNES, same deal. I. I think I got it now. Woaaah."

The monitor flickered on, S present on it. He was looking around, fascinated by the tech. "Man I thought your computer was cool but this! It's like the death egg zone in here!"

Noticing that Tabi and Agoti were looking he quickly struck a pose. Blood was still visibly dripping from his eyes into a puddle below. His yellowed teeth flashed a full grin. You weren't sure if he was trying to appear cool or threatening but he looked terrifying.

Tabi and Agoti just looked at him slack-jawed, then at each other. Then at you.

"This is Sonic, or S as we decided to call him. He is our hacker." You try to put a little enthusiasm into it.

"Thanks, (Y/N). That's me. S. Hahaha!" The screen glitched as he laughed. "That's my name! Don't wear it out!"

Tabi and Agoti give you a confused look. You shrug. "We met in VR, he's uh, very persuasive."

"Wha, you don't like me?" S asked, slightly annoyed from their reactions. You couldn't tell if he was serious or not.

"I see you've two have met S." Displo said, entering the room now. The three of you look back. Displo was holding two plates of food, steam slowly rising from them. He was also holding something under one of the plates.

Carefully he set the plates and the object down. It was a laptop. Next to it were two plates of spaghetti alfredo with shrimp and a small sprinkle of basil. It looked simply divine.

"We have a lot to discuss, all of us." Displo opened the laptop. It was a generic machine. He put it at the corner of the table, facing everyone. "S, if you will."

"Oh, sweet. You got me my own space? Wow, thanks D." With the flash of the TURINGS machine S transferred to the laptop.

Tabi was a little apprehensive about the food you got him, but you insisted, stating that you could tell he was hungry. You noticed quickly that he only ate when nobody was looking in his direction, often quick and pursing his hoodie together. At first you thought he was choking but a flash of smile indicated otherwise. He was just a really private person. You guess. The tugging of his shirt you guessed was either because it was loose or habit.

You asked him if he was okay to which he said he was fine, shamefully. In the end, he devoured the whole plate, quietly thanking Displo.

With everyone seated and satiated, Displo began. He held a remote that controlled TURINGS from afar.

"In order to properly pull this off we need practice. As well, we also need a team." Displo began. A hologram was displayed in the centre of the table that showed the rough outline of the city. S didn't care to watch it through the laptop and instead transferred right into it, walking around as a hologram and inspecting it.

"(Y/N) already knows what pentesting is but have the rest of you heard the term?"

None answered. Tabi and Agoti just shook their heads.

"Well, simply put, it's an exercise in which a group will attempt to break into an organization. A mock heist if you will."

"What are you saying, we're already going to-"

"Please let me finish." Displo said, cutting off Agoti. "The purpose is to simulate a real intrusion and how teams could manage it. Yesterday, I proposed the idea of 'pentesting' my superiors. They loved the proposal, and it will give us good practice for the real thing. Additionally, you will all be paid. We shall be this threat group. In short, we shall conduct a pentest against IRIS."

Displo looked at S. "At least, those that can get paid will."

"Hey, I have stuff I want too!" S said in protest.

"Very well."

"So let me get this straight, we're gonna break into your headquarters and your gonna pay us to do so?" Agoti said, unsure. It sounded almost too good to be true.

"That is correct."

"Huh. Well, damn. I'm game. What about you Tabs?"

"I guess. Depends when. I don't think I can get a day off this week."

"Ah, c'mon, you know I can get Dad to get you a day off. 'Specially since we're getting paid. It's not some scheme."

"Humph. Fine."

"I have a question actually." There was something bugging you about the whole process. Two glaring issues.

"If they know we're coming, won't they be ready? The security teams. And won't they call the cops if things escalate?"

"Only the managers will be aware of this excursion. They will be absent during the event. For the few managers due present that day we have made sure they won't intervene or will all go to lunch at the same time."

Displo flicked a switch on the remote changing it to a closeup of IRIS' headquarters. A skyscraper that looked unreal through the render. S pretended to climb it.

"This will be a test to the teams themselves without manager interference. And as for police, that won't be necessary. We tend to avoid using cops, no offense, (Y/N)."

"None taken. Does that mean your guards are armed then?"

"Rubber bullets. But they wouldn't be so foolish as to actually open fire on IRIS grounds, unless we're armed but that won't be necessary. The intention is to do this without bloodshed on our part."

"So, we gotta be pacifists?" Tabi asked.

"Physical violence will be allowed within reason. It is not a wild thought to assume we won't be villains in our big finale. But again, the point of this is not destruction, but intrusion."

"Hehe, can't wait." S said.

"As such we also won't be carrying weaponry. No guns, knives or magic. A good heist can be done without bloodshed."

"Fine." Tabi muttered.

"So when is this gonna go down?" You ask.

"Barring uncertainties, Wednesday. That shall give us 4 days to plan and practice. We need to prep for it."

Tabi rose a question. "When is this happening?"

"A little before lunch time. I estimate around 9 to 10 AM."

"Why so early? We're not gonna get the Family in the day."

"Well this is merely a test. Plus doing it during the day should be more difficult. It will give us better practice."

"I guess." Tabi grumbled.

"Well, let's get started then. Everyone on board?" You say.

There were no objections.

"Very good, everyone. This will be a fantastic debut." Displo nodded in agreement.

Using the maps, you and the others get planning. Because he would get recognized, Displo was ruled out as entering directly. By providing recon and obtaining the maps his role was considered filled.

You noted that at some point the group would need some serious surveillance, or at least the floor plans of the compound. Note taken, the plan began to formulate.

IRIS consisted of two office skyscrapers, connected via a path on the 10th floor. Each building had their own security team concentrated in the centre floors of the buildings.

All attempts at property damage were ruled out. "This is not a takedown, but a simple break-and-enter." Displo had said. A note made that during the real heist, damaging the place would be allowed.

With Displo out that left you, Tabi, Agoti and S as the 'agents'.

Displo said the immediate goal of this test would be to reach IRIS' inner sanctum, an area off limits to all except specific researchers. The areas network was air gapped and not connected to the internet at all. To S' disappointment this meant he couldn't just jump in and open doors for everyone.

Agoti proposed that someone 'run' S in and once he was in the sanctum get what we needed.

S proposed that he just jump around the network till he find someone entering but Displo shot that down stating that aside from a physical check and device scan before entering that the 'sanctum researchers' weren't known to the general staff, operating almost independent of IRIS. "Very few go in, even fewer go out." He had said.

That both scratched off a possibility and raised one. "If nobody knows who the researchers are, whose to say we couldn't pretend to be one?"

"What? You seen the way I look? I'll get spotted instantly." Tabi said, shooting down your proposal. "And I'm practically famous. There's a chance I could get seen too." Agoti said.

"You look fine, Tabi. If anything, it should help you since the company has all sorts of secrets. They'd probably think you're one of them...But Agoti has a point."

"Pfft. You won't get recognized by a bunch of pencil pushers." Tabi said, snickering at Agoti.

"I guess I could try." You offer.

Tabi shakes his head. "You'd get spotted for being a cop instantly."

"What do you mean?"

"You got that 'cop' energy. They'd spot you. Trust me."

"Wha?" You look to Agoti who nods in agreement.

"Tabi is right." Displo said.

Notwithstanding you grumble, unsure what they meant.

"Are there any other robots around; what if I possessed one?" S offered.

"I happen to know for a fact there won't be. All of the others like me are on assignment. And it would raise too many questions why one of us would return suddenly." Displo said.

"I got it." You place a hand on the table. "I could easily fit in as security there. What if I got in, then let you guys in?" You suggest. Close enough to a cop anyway.

"Hmm. I think that should work. But even then, we need someone to get into the sanctum. Someone inconspicuous."

There was a silence about the room. It was a team of wayward souls and 'abominations'. Nobody was normal. After a minute Agoti finally spoke.

"What about Kapi?"

The next chapter is titled Cats and Hackers.