Track 15 - Days Leading Up

-- 4 Days till Blindside, Sunday --

With the meeting concluded the others had split for the night. Kapi and co to the arcade, Displo to his quarters and you and Tabi alone.

You were driving him around the city. He said earlier he would have to go back to his workplace to get a spare high vis jacket. Said that there was no guarantee he'd have one come the operation day. He asked if you could hold onto it till the operation.

You asked why he couldn't store it at his place, but he just said it was under renovations. He didn't want it damaged by the dust. You didn't think much of it and agreed.

He was originally going to go alone and bring it tomorrow but you insisted to drive him. You did add that if he didn't have somewhere to store it you may as well get it now.

Not to mention that it was a colder night than usual and still raining heavily out. You insisted.

With the destination set on the arborist's office at you two were off.

"You didn't have to do this you know." Tabi said. He was staring out the window, arm resting on the door. His eyes reflected faintly off the window. He didn't sound bored, just guilty.

"C'mon, it's terrible out here. Can't have you getting sick before the operation."

"Hmph." He said quietly.

"So what do you think of the pentest?" You ask.

"It makes sense. I just don't know how much practice we're gonna get."

"How so?"

Tabi sat upright in the seat, adjusting his back. "I've been to the compound. It won't be as easy as strolling in." He spoke. "Even disguised, they'll recognize us."

"Well, remember, this is half-practice, half-seeing what we need for the team. Much as I'd like to as well, we can't just invade. We need to be discreet."

"I guess." Tabi shrugged. "But I'm not the most stealthy person. Soon as I enter I'm going to stand out. If I don't get thrown out immediately." He said quietly.

In the time you had known him, you found him to be a man of few words. You wanted to say something encouraging but nothing came to. You change the subject.

"Ah, I think you're overthinking it. You think we need anyone for the team right now?"

"No. I'm not sure about this S, though. Are you really sure it's trustworthy? Tabi glanced at your phone, pausing as he spoke. He wanted to make sure that blue blur wasn't listening. It looked like he was really gone.

"He told me he was 'devoted' and 'bound' to me, so I figure. Hasn't done anything bad since. What about Kapi?"

"Hardly know him. I don't know if I trust him fully. He's a friend of her boyfriend."


"Somewhat. I know they used to hang out. Agoti's closer to him but he at least seems trustworthy. He is like a child though, the way he acts. He better behave during the test." Tabi mused.

You took Tabi's musing as an opportunity to learn more about himself. But with each question asked, he either deflected or gave vague answers, quickly returning to his stoic personality. It wasn't going anywhere.

"You definitely like to hold all the cards." You joked.

"What do you mean?"

"It's just an expression. Means you like to keep a lot of things to yourself. This isn't an interrogation you know, I'm just curious."

"Well..I like the colour orange." He said, a bit more meekly than before.

"I'll keep that in mind."

A few more minutes of driving later you pull into the lot where the office was. It was a small green building, several trucks around it in an industrial park. A single light was in the office. It looked as someone was in.

No longer lit was a neon sign above it that read 'Homskiy Forestry Company'.

"Wait here." Tabi said, getting out.

You watch as he goes to the front door, kneels on the ground and does something to it. A second later he opens it and goes inside. Did he just lockpick it?

A few minutes later he emerged carrying the vest, crumpled up.

"Here. Keep it safe." He said. "It's the only one that doesn't smell like cut grass."

"I'll guard it with my life. You want a ride back to your place?"

"Just drive me a bit closer to it...please."

"Sure man, no problem. Hop in."

With a successful pull out of the lot you were off.

"I was thinking about earlier. When you go in you can't hide your face."

"What? Why?"

"You're supposed to be maintenance. You hide yourself and it'll look suspicious."

"So what? I don't have a choice do I? You see the way I look. I'll get thrown out. And what if someone recognizes me, like the family?"

"IRIS is openly hostile to those people. I seriously doubt any would show up. And even then, mid-day on a Wednesday? C'mon." You made a slow turn.

"Look, you walk in there with confidence, head up, face forward, nobody will question you I swear. Bro, you look badass. Just glare at anyone who stops you. I'll be able to get the IDs so nobody should make a complaint."

"You think so?" He said quieter than before.

"I know so. You've seen the kinds of people in this city. You can use it to your advantage. No different from a scar on the face or appearance change. Just own it."

"I s-see." He said. Though you were more focused on driving you notice him out of the corner of your eye look at you. He was studying your face for any hints of jokes. You were serious.

You turn your head slightly and he quickly turns away, his eyes again reflecting off the glass, flickering slightly.

He directed until you pulled beside an empty park. It was heavily forested but in a busy enough area that it stood out.

"Pull over here."

You do so. Tabi got up. "Thanks. I'll see you on Monday."

"You sure you want to be left off here?"

Tabi shook his head. "I live in there." He said, pointing to the apartment building.

"Alright." You take the vest and put on the passenger seat.

"Have a good night."

"You too." Tabi said quietly. He started walking towards some nearby buildings, crossing the street.

You wave him and drive off.

Tabi walked up to the lobby door and waited till you were out of sight. Once gone he let out a sigh of relief before turning back and disappearing into the park.

His mind was awash with thoughts. Most of all, one kept repeating. "You look badass."

To protect wildlife there were not many streetlights surrounding it. The darkness allowed Tabi to blend it as he snuck in.

Peering around he made sure there weren't any observers or followers. There weren't. And if there were they would have ran already seeing an ominous figure staring at them.

To an outsider all they would have seen was a spectre-like being moving on the ground, two large yellow burning eyes trailing along. Tabi had been spotted once, some late-night joggers noticing him. Not a word was exchanged but they ran away terrified. He recalled them screaming about a goat demon lurking the forest. It made him feel good then, as did your comment now.

Tabi didn't care anymore. If people avoided him, that was good. He threw his bag up, disappearing into the canopy. Satisfied, he climbed the tree, scampering up it faster than a cat would. It was a process he had repeated many times over. Just came as muscle memory.

Having disappeared into the same canopy, he laid down on the huge branch, back against the trunk of the tree. A hole had purposely been cut into the top of the foliage, giving Tabi a view of the night sky. Rather than wasting phone power he instead allowed the Moon and Sun to tell time. And when the sun reached above him, he would know it was time to leave for the early dog-walkers come by.

Just next to his head hung his backpack, held perfectly by some branches. It had been a perfect throw. One had done many times over again.

It had been countless nights Tabi spent up in this tree. It took planning at the start, trying to find a good place to support his back, ensure it was remote enough and that he not be spotted. It had also taken some time to ensure he didn't fall off the tree. But there wasn't anywhere else he could stay. Can't be seen. What if they find me? Repeated in his head time and time again. I'll get them! Then I can rest. So consumed with revenge.

Sol, eventually put his foot down and ordered him to at least spend one night a week at his place. Though Tabi didn't agree or even sanction it, Sol always saw him like a son. In the end Tabi relented and agreed to spend just 1 night a week. He still preferred the tree, away from Sol's prying eyes and questions. Too many questions about "how are you doing" and "you still aren't seeking revenge" and "keep yourself out of trouble", it all annoyed him so.

As thoughts of the day raced around in his mind, Tabi began to drift.

Sleep didn't last long; however, a group of kids had entered the park midnight. They were playing, having a good time and generally being loud. Tabi reached for his knife, ready to start scaring straight. But he recalled what happened last time; police called, he almost got found in his tree and had to spend the night in a smelly alleyway.

He sighed. Tonight was going to be a long night. He pulled his hood tighter over his invisible ears, hoping to at least catch some shuteye.

-- Elsewhere --

Flashpoint Arcade.

Three people had entered though only 2 tickets were purchased. A digidevil, a cat-boy (not an anthro though) and a cosmic entity currently living in the cat's phone.

Agoti, Kapi and S.

"Alright. I want a clean match. No cheating from either of you." Agoti said as the trio stepped onto the arcade floor.

"Oh, I won't even need to use a fraction of my powers." S declared from Kapi's phone. Agoti held the phone so S could see around.

"Please, you only got those scores because you cheated." Kapi shot back into the phone. S was on the app screen, arms crossed, glaring at the boy.

"No cheating needed. Your scores weren't even that high." S bragged back.

"Easy you two. What do we start with first?"

"I'll give you first pick." Kapi said.

"Let me think, then...Sonic Championship!"

"Course you would pick the Sonic one." Kapi snickered.

"Sonic Championship is one of the most balanced and advanced fighting games ever made. It was revolutionary for it's time. Why it's one of the best-"

"I get it, I get it. Let's do this." Kapi said, interrupting S' speech.

They found the arcade cabinet. Like most of the machines in Flashpoint, it had been cleaned and preserved properly. The machine was in good condition. Two controllers emerged from the machine. Since they had purchased free play, Kapi swiped his card to begin.

Getting ready, S transferred to the machine and selected Sonic. Kapi selected Honey the Cat.

Agoti stood by and watched, curious to see how it would play out. In a series of draws, temporary victories and losses and different games they had drawn even every single time. The swapped from Sonic Championship to other games, and always the result was the same. A straight draw. Agoti was surprised at the level of effort both were putting in. This clearly meant a lot more to each than he thought.

S, despite being incorporeal was starting to act tired as well, the constant rush taking him out. Kapi was sweating, hyper focusing on the game. They had all lost track of time. At some point Agoti found they had returned to the first game.

Then suddenly, S stopped fighting back. Kapi continued the combo, completely eradicating S' healthbar and concluding the round.

"S? Why'd you stop?" Kapi looked at his phone, S was gone. "S?"

"I gotta go guys." S said, re-appearing in the game.

"Oh, running away?" Kapi said smugly.

"This isn't over catty! Stupid (Y/N), calling me. We'll settle this later."

"Alright, yeah, run away."

S glared at Kapi through the screen. "You'll see. You only won 'cause I got distracted. Been even this whole night!"

"Humph. Fine. Next time we'll see who's the real best." Kapi said.

"You got that right, catty." S said annoyed. He waved bye to them and vanished from the game.

Once he was sure S was gone, Kapi let out a huge breath of relief.

"Geez. That guy's good. Almost as good as me."

"Yeah, yeah." Agoti said, brushing Kapi off. He held a towel that Kapi had obtained at some point, metaphorically becoming the 'towel-boy' and referee.

Elsewhere in the city you were sitting at your computer, dumbfounded by what you saw.

"There is only 2GB left on C:'s 256SSD. Please remove some files to free up memory."

You check S' folder properties.


"S what did hell did you do?" You shout, still waiting on S to come through the phone.

-- 3 Days till Blindside, Monday --

It was the early morning. Most of the city was still sleeping. For some though, they had been up. And for Agoti he had been up for a few minutes. He had arrived late home last night, and then accidentally ended up waking up early. It was an occurrence where it was too early to wake up, but too late to get any good sleep. He chose to wake, rationalizing he needed a good sleep schedule for the upcoming test.

Mindlessly eating a bowl of cereal he sat at the granite countertop, scrolling through his phone. No milk, he preferred to eat it as is. He wasn't much of a liquids guy.

"Oh, hey Dad." He said, mouth full of cereal, noticing someone emerge from the bathroom.

"You're up early." Agoti's father said, stepping into the room. "Tabi didn't want to stay last night?"

"Nah, ended up going out with a friend somewhere."

Unlike Agoti, his dad was a different kind of being. He had called himself a solarisapien, or a sunwalker as Agoti used to call him when he was younger.

He was 'humanoid' but made of a shining blue light. Though it was bright in the kitchen from outside, Agoti could see things tint blue as his dad walked by.

Instead of hair his light shape coalesced into a fiery appearance atop his head. It looked as if he was made of a light blue fire itself, though not burning, instead shimmering.

He was wearing a casual black jacket and a white dress shirt under it. Upon his neck was a yellow tie, the dress shirt collar buttoned up as well. Behind a pair of narrow glasses were a pair of calculating eyes, obscured by the glass.

Though he was known as Solazar, Agoti knew him mainly by dad. Tabi knew him as 'Sol'.

He had pants but had a history with them. He wore none now. He claimed that between the cost of getting pants that would work for him and that they were uncomfortable for him that he simply did not require them. There was nothing there for anyone to see, he would always remark to people. The only time Agoti recalled Sol ever willing wearing pants was when he was in school, that he needed to adhere to some standards, resuming his pantless quest once Agoti graduated.

"Ah well. I've heard good things about him from his job. As long as he is improving, I won't complain." Sol said.

He opened the and pulled out a carton of orange juice, drinking straight from the tap. He was careful not to have the carton contact his skin, less he singe it again. He didn't need the juice but preferred the taste. It changed the colour of his flames to orange briefly, trailing as the juice went down.

"Ma's out?" Agoti asked.

"Yes, I'm afraid she was held up last night with your brother. They both should be home later today."

Satisfied with the drink, Sol put it away and picked up the large bag of catfood, opening and pouring it into a series of metal bowls on the ground. The sound of pouring attracted a few cats which steadily entered the kitchen. A silvery white cat came first, purring as it saw the food.

"Good morning, Snowflake." He said casually. He pets it slowly. Though he had a fiery appearance he was able to control the temperature at will, allowing him to be gentle when he wanted to.

Agoti was still finishing his cereal. He had meant to ask last night but he had come home too late. Sol, as if sensing the impending question instead asked first.

"So what is your plan this week?" Sol got up from petting the cat.

"Well I'm gonna head to the studio, record some stuff today and tomorrow, probably meet with Tab later tonight. And, uh, Wednesday I'm doing a pentest. Y'know what that is?"

"Of course I do, it's a common thing in the security industry. How did you get involved in that?" Sol said, surprised. More interested now, Sol pulled up a chair and took at a seat at the other end of the island, across from Agoti.

"Well, Tabi and his friends were organizing it. We're gonna get paid for it."

Realizing he probably shouldn't have led with Tabi; he could only watch as Sol's eyes narrowed.

"It's legit I swear."

"Are you sure about that?" In Sol's mind he immediately figured Tabi + Pentest = 'we're actually going to break and steal stuff' or 'burn the place down' or 'set off bombs in it'.

"Y-yeah. Well, we have a rep for the company. He's organizing the whole thing. Tabi's just part of it. His cop friend too."

"Ah, yes, (Y/N). I am aware of their existence."

"You know 'em?"

"Tabi had me look into them. But I digress. What is this company anyways?"

"It's called IRIS."

A look of concern flashed across Sol's face. Agoti was starting to realize he maybe shouldn't have said anything, a guilty look appearing on his face. He cursed himself silently.

"IRIS." He said strangely. "Hm. That was not who I was expecting. Is there any paperwork for this 'test'?"

"Uh, the rep, Displo said he'd take care of it. There something wrong?"

Solazar stood up, his expression changing to a more cheerful look. "Not currently. I should be going though. We can discuss this further later."

"Oh, uh. You think you could get Tabi the day off?"

"That won't be an issue. He's already texted me something along those lines. That I know it's not just another pointless revenge plot I will get it done. He will get the day off."

"Where you off to today anyways?" Agoti asked.

"I have some contracts to sign, bills to file and such. Lots of paperwork, the usual."

-- Elsewhere --

It was about an hour before opening. You had arrived earlier, dressed in the tactical suit. Though you'd only been wearing it a few days you had grown to like it. You found customers were less likely to pull stuff, seeing you at the entrance. You had the desk turned this time, facing into the restaurant. A new employee had arrived and Displo was giving introductions.

He had given the same welcoming to you when you officially started, introducing you to the employees. Despite having worked a few days now you still barely knew anyone's name. You didn't mind. You rarely had to work with them anyways.

Despite your distance from the other employees, Displo felt it appropriate if you at least paid attention.

"I would like you all to meet our newest waiter, Tess."

"Hi everyone!"

A collective hello back was emitted.

"Some of you may recognize her as the proprietor of own diner. Those of you that do will also likely know why she's here. See, a few days back, the diner burned to the ground under various circumstances. Investigations are still ongoing, but regardless she will be here for a few weeks until things can be normalized for her."

"Yes. Thank you all for having me." Tess said meekly.

"Well, that's about it for announcements. Restaurant opens in T-minus 56 minutes. Let's make this a good day."

Your first note was that she wasn't human or anthro. She was a robot, or an android, like Displo. You still didn't know exactly what he was but whatever it was, Tess was similar.

She was shorter than Displo but definitely more human-looking. Everything she wore from the metallic-looking dress to the two large ponytails atop her head were various shades of bright green. Her head was normal, unlike Displo's 'TV-head'.

She had two large green eyes which matched the rest of her attire, various shades of bright green. She wore a large pair of thick glasses; the glass having been tinted green. You wondered why she wore them if she was a robot.

Her eyes could've just been adjusted, right? Either way you found it suited her appearance. While Displo's head was the only giveaway he was a robot, Tess seemed to be more open about it. Her dress exposed dark green segmented arms, and fingerless gloves she had.

She had a bright orange nametag which displayed her name and a notepad to match, presumably for the orders. Her appearance was unique even among Displo's restaurant and far more suited for a diner. She wore green running shoes, wheels attached to them to double as roller skates. While the restaurant barely had a cohesive theme, she was still unique within it.

Her sudden appearance got you thinking if she was IRIS. You decide to ask Displo about it later. You were also curious as to what exactly went down with her restaurant, figuring you can ask if she needs your help later. That she apparently had a diner that 'burned down' added to her mystique. You guess if she was IRIS her opinions on the Family were identical.

For now the restaurant was quiet and you wanted to get some reading done.

Shortly after the place opened for the day you notice one of the first customers. Well, not so much notice as are nearly blinded by. It was as if a being a pure light and fire wearing a suit entered.

Blinking again, there was two of them. One a light blue flame, the other a darker shade. You hadn't even said anything when the lighter blue one glares at you from behind sunglasses.

It didn't set a good feeling in your stomach, but they sat down and had their order taken. They were legitimate customers. You keep an eye on them just in case. After Updike's sudden appearance yesterday it put you on edge too.

You just give them a knowing nod and continue on your book.

First shift of the day! Tess thought happily. She did a once-over. Notepad, check. Pen, check. Wheels were oiled and dress was in pristine condition. She was ready to take orders.

It didn't take long for her to get assigned a section of the restaurant. The 'Bar-wing'. Near the bar but still close to the windows and front. It was the section that the security guard was stationed near. It made her feel safer but did little to stop the butterflies in her stomach. Though Displo assured her that customers would not find her style clashing she couldn't help but feel he was only saying it to make her feel better. Displo's was a high-end gastropub! The clientele had to be way higher class than he diner.

It only took a few minutes after opening that a strange couple entered. They looked to be made of pure light. She set them at a table. They were completely different from the clientele she had back at the diner. Even the way they spoke gave off an aura of 'upper-classmen'.

"Hi! My name's Tess and I'll be the waiter this noon. Can I start you off with any drinks?"

"I'll have an orange juice." The light person in the suit said. He spoke clearly and professionally.

"Nothing for me. Maybe later." The other light person said. She spoke similar, a deep voice echoing from within. She wore a dress.

"Certainly. I'll be right back!" Tess said.

For the next half-hour Tess managed the tables. She had learned the light people's names were Solazar and Amora. During their stay they happened to make eye contact with the security guard a few times. She just figured they knew each other or something. It put her on edge too, worrying that one of them would try to pull something.

Solazar and Amora spoke quietly to themselves, stopping whenever Tess got near them. Upon giving them their salads, Solazar stopped her.

"I would like to speak with your manager. I assure this has nothing to do with you."

"Can I ask why?" It had to be that security guard. She thought.

"No. You may not." Sol's expression turned deadpan and serious, as did Amora's.

"W-well, okay. I'll be back with him." Unsure if it was the security guard or not or something she skated away, hurriedly.

Displo was in the back assisting the chefs. She explained what had happened. Unsure himself, Displo told Tess to not worry and to keep waiting the other tables. She nodded. "Tell them I will be out momentarily." He spoke. He as was unsure as her. Tess mentioned her theory about the security guard, but Displo waved her off, stating it was impossible they had a problem with the guard.

With Tess gone, Displo stepped outside. He looked at the couple, answers to various questions already forming in his head.

"Is there a problem here?" Displo said to Solazar and Amara.

"Possibly. Are you the owner of this restaurant?" Sol asked. From the sunshine outside, rays reflected on his glasses.

"I am."

"I would like to speak with you about your superiors."

"I'm sorry? I am the owner and founder of this establishment. I am Displo, if that was not clear."

"I'd like to talk to you about your plans on Wednesday. I understand my son is going to be engaged in it."

Displo took a step back. It was unexpected.

"Certainly. If you'll come with me." Displo led the two solarisapiens to the back.

You were watching the scene uneasily. Probably another leader of a shadowy organization. You think. You consider calling S out but decide not to. It could have been just a simple misunderstanding.

You shoot Displo a text asking if everything was alright, and he replied back to not worry.

A few minutes later, they emerge from the back, Displo following. They go past their table and out the door, placing a few bills on the table as they leave.

Displo follows them on the way out, seeing them off.

Once they were out of earshot, you decide to ask.

"What was that all about? They kept staring at me."

"That, my friend, was Solazar Andromeda and Amora Andromeda. Solazar is the CEO and president of Entity Records."


"The same Entity records, our friend with the red hoodie is signed to. And the same one that is known to Solazar as son."

Unsure of why Displo was being cryptic you still understood.

"That was Agoti's father?"

"Yes, it was. He just wanted to make sure that everything was in order. Concerned parents as I understand it."

"I don't see the resemblance. He, uh, want to join?" Now knowing he wasn't a threat your mind instantly wandered to having him join the crew.

"He has a special distain for the family if Agoti's story is anything to for but no. I didn't tell him about the heist. Agoti didn't appear to inform him either. Anyways, he will be observing Wednesday's operation. Has even agreed to put up some money for it."

"That's good."


Displo nodded and returned back to the kitchen. However, before he could, he was stopped again. This time by Tess.

"What was that about?"

"Just a case of mistaken identity. Nothing serious." Displo said.

"I see." It had to have been that security guard. She was sure of it.

The next chapter will be called Operation Blindside.