Track 16 - Operation Blindside

It was finally Wednesday. The day of Operation Blindside. The last few meetings didn't last very long, everyone knew their role and what to do. It was mostly spent reviewing and planning for fringe possibilities.

Across the street from the IRIS headquarters everyone was in your car. It was a little tight in the back but they all fit. Mid-morning and the sun was shining brightly. Not a cloud in the sky either.

Displo was in the driver's seat as the 'getaway driver' and you in the passenger. Everyone had their flags and a headset for communication. The lines were open and all it took was a button to easily contact each other.

All had one except S, who had materialized one for himself always. Displo also had several monitors on the dash. He called it his 'Command and Control' centre. He stressed that during the real heist we'd need a real centre to control from.

From the monitors and his link to IRIS he would be monitoring the situation.

The managers had their own lookout post, Displo had said. They were somewhere in the building where they were observing. The team had met them early and they exhumed superiority, believing the operation would not last long. It did nothing but further give fury to Agoti who vowed to show them.

"If this was real, wouldn't like it be bad to be so close to the HQ? What if someone sees us getting in the car?" Kapi asked from the backseat. He was sitting in-between Tabi and Agoti.

"In a real scenario I would drive to pick you all up but if you can manage to get out on your own then it should be easy to get away."

"But what if security sees us?"

"They don't monitor the surrounding streets." Displo responded.

"In the real thing we'll have a legitimate strategy. Remember, this is half-practice, half-the real thing." You say.

"Everyone ready?"

"Ready as I'll be." Tabi said coldly. He was trying to avoid looking out the window, worried people would see him.

"Yep!" S shouted from Kapi's phone.

"Same." Kapi said. He was fidgeting with himself.

"Hell yeah. Let's do this." Agoti said.

"I've no objections. Best of luck everyone." Displo said.

With a nod you get out of the car, uniform clad. You replayed the plan in your head, just to make sure.

Get into the surveillance room by pretending to be a new guard. Allow access for Kapi and Tabi, monitor situation from there, play security's side, be ignorant.

You cross the road and step into the front lobby of IRIS. With clear glass walls around it was bright in here. There were several desks for customers and various gates around. You weren't armed so no worry about getting metal detected. There were chairs and lounges around as well.

It was a waiting area for various customers and a spot for employees to take a break. There were security cameras around so stealing an ID here was out of the question.

Approaching the front desk seemed the best option. After-all you were a new employee. Nobody seemed to have noticed you, everyone was busy with their own tasks, running about. You had the dress-up ready. Displo insisted you keep his name on the uniform, saying it with much pride.

Before you approach the desk, you notice two guards emerge from the back behind it. They were dressed similarly to you. You wave them over. It looked like a much better possibility. They hopped over the gate, completely ignoring the metal detectors. They wave back, approaching you.

With confidence you say. "Hey, I'm new here, name's Anon. I'm supposed to meet Blake. I'm one of the new guards." As discussed with Displo you had to use an alias. Meant you couldn't use your nametag, but you planned to make an excuse you lost it.

You shake their hand. "Welcome aboard, Anon. Bad news though. Blake's out till after lunch. Something came up. Least you got the uniform. You in the system?" The guard responds.

"Should be. I met with him a few days ago." You pat yourself down. "Shoot. Forget my badge. I'm in there though, sure of it."

The other guard nods at you. "Ehn, I'm sure we got spares. We're just heading back to the survey room. C'mon. I'll show you around. Name's Julian, by the way."

"And you can call me Corey." The other guard said in a deeper voice. You detected a hint of some accent, though you guess that was because of his European moustache. You shake the other one's hand and follow them through. You were in.

"You came on a weird day Anon. Can't seem to find any of the managers today. Had to cancel a few scheduled things because of it. Good though, means we can screw around." Justin said.

"Say, that one of the new uniforms?" Corey asks.

You did notice your uniform was off-colour a bit. While there's was green yours was a darker shade of blue.

"Yeah, Blake gave it to me the other day. New model."

"Sick." It was evident they had taken a liking to you. You wondered if they were former cops as well. They had the jovialness.

"What things got cancelled?" You ask. Maybe I could use that to my advantage.

"Bunch of crap, standard stuff, one health inspection, probably some other things. I don't know the details. I just get paid to watch." He said happily.

You pass through the metal detector. It noted you had a phone but that was it. You watched carefully as the two others went through. They were armed.

"You aren't armed?" Julian asks.

"Nah, Blake said they were short of guns. Didn't bring my own piece."

"Sucks. Coulda had on of these." Julian drew his gun. It was a 9mm pistol.

"Plastic bullets. Management would freak if you brought a real weapon in here."

"Or bullets." Corey joked.


The three of you continued walking. You pass through another break lobby and enter one of the employees only doors. This specific one said SECURITY ONLY. It was reminiscent of your old station. A door with a frosted window. Very old-school.

"So what kinda guard are you? Patrol, surveillance, hit team?"

"Surveillance. Just monitoring stuff."

Corey looks at you funny. "Really?"

"Y-yeah? What's wrong with that?"

Julian stopped Corey. "Heh, it's just here, nobody really goes on surveillance. It's more of a like, the lowest of the low has to do it before they can move up to patrols. Hell the two guys there are only on it 'cause the other surveillance guys quit."

"Yeah, it's more of a punishment."


"Yeah, it's a slog. Friggin' motto of the company should be 'nothing happens here'." He joked.

You pass through another corridor. This looked to be bit more like you were expecting. Long hallways, unmarked doors and the occasional open one showing an unkempt office. This was the unmarked security wing.

"Say, you're a former cop, aren't you?" Julian might have asked. You had lost track of who was who.

"You can tell huh?"

"Ha! Knew it. We have a lot of former cops here."

"Makes sense. This was my first pick." You speak.

"Why'd you leave anyways?"

"Just, uh, disagreement of opinion."

"Well, this place is much more chill. As I said nothing happens here."

"Okay, here we are." One of the guards said.

This was the surveillance main room. There were two other guards around, watching the cameras. You hadn't been in the old stations surveillance room but figured this to be more like it. Two of the walls were completely covered in monitors, showcasing every single detail about the building. There was a long desk that was in front, though most of the guard's chairs were in the middle of the room. Didn't make sense to watch from so close.

The room was also strangely dark, the monitors giving off most of the light in a hazy grey.

"Well, meet Zach and Chris. They're stuck on surveillance too."

The two guards sitting at the cameras wave. Neither turn around, both buried in whatever they were looking at.

"Well, enjoy 8 hours of staring at nothing, Anon. If I see Blake, I'll send him your way."


The two guards left, leaving you in the room. "So we just watch the cameras?"

"That's right." One of the watchers said with a nasally voice. Looking closely it seemed as if neither was actually paying attention. Both weren't paying attention to the cameras. One on a GBA, the other reading some book.

With how little they were paying attention, sneaking in Tabi and Kapi should be easy.

"Names Anon. Is there anything I need to do?"

"Watch the cameras."

"Is this the only surveillance room?"


"What, no. There's one in the other building to." One of the guards said.

"Oh yeah."

Looking around the room you find a box of loose name tags. A printed sign above it read "Please remember to take these cards off the system. Give to Blake once removed."

You grab a few. One for a scientist called "Narancia G." and one for a maintenance personal called "Joseph J.". You also grab a random one in case Agoti needed to identify himself. They thankfully had no photos so nobody could question their identities. Unless they knew them of course.

Next was to find an exit. You recall seeing some exit signs outside.

"Excuse me, gonna go to the bathroom." You announce.

"Tell them to send it back." One of them mumble. It was clear they weren't paying attention to you.

It was clear in the hallway, no security cameras even present. "Got the IDs, looking for an exit. Near the surveillance room." You mutter into the microphone.

"According to the floor plan there should be an emergency exit nearby. It will lead right out of the side." Displo said on the line.

"I think I see it." Fortunately, the building followed fire codes and a few turns down blank hallways you found a fire exit. You put your hand on the bar but stop.

"Are these things on an alarm?"

"No. As we discussed they are not. But they should be."

You shrug, an excuse forming you needed some fresh air if someone comes looking. You lightly push open the door, cold air slowly pouring in.

No alarm.

Satisfied you step out, still holding the door and take out the IDs. There was a trash can next to it so you lift it up slightly and put the IDs there, face-down. You relay that to the team.

"Can we come now?" Kapi asks on his line.

"No. Let me distract them first." Peeking outside there was a camera watching. You had no idea if it saw you place the IDs but doubted. Neither guard looked to be watching.

The walk back gave you an idea. "S, you there?"

"Of course! What's up?"

"There's two guys in the surveillance room playing games. You think you could go in one and distract them?"

"Really? Any specifics? I like this." S said, giggling.

"Go crazy."

"Haha, you bet. I'm gonna spook them!"

You step into the surveillance room. Corey was still gaming.

S was apparently successful as Corey started freaking out about something on his game, calling Zach over. You just make a comment that you'll watch the cameras. They were too distracted by whatever S was doing to even respond.

You text Kapi and Tabi to make their way to the door.

One thought crosses your mind that you and the others were recorded on camera. You rationalize it that during the real heist you'll need a demolitionist. Either that or get S to destroy it all.

You step out the room as the two soon-to-be thieves walk by.

"Good luck guys. You know what to do?"

"Aye-aye." Kapi said quietly.

"Yep." Tabi kicked over the trash can and him and Kapi took the cards.

"There was apparently some health inspection today and the guy hasn't shown. You could claim to be 'em just in case."

"I'll consider that."

"Good. Now, S, get to Kapi."

"Aw, but I was having so much fun...Fine. I'll be there soon." He said on the comlink.

You step back in the security room and take a seat. Not much to do here but wait and watch the cameras. The two guards were still eyes deep in the game. Whatever S had done it gotten them to speak up. They were cracking jokes about it, making up some whole story for what happened.

For now, it was time to watch.

Kapi was already wearing the lab coat and Tabi in the high vis. Despite the disguise Tabi was still wearing his usual blue hoodie and hat. He had taken to dirtying the high vis, much to Displo's annoyance. "They need to see I've actually used it you tin can. Someone walks in with a clean vest thEY KNOW THAT PERSON IS A FAKE!" He had shouted.

He felt naked not concealing his head in the open but had little choice against it. Your words echoed in his head. "Stay confident and not suspicious". They didn't help. He felt flush with worry.

The lobby entrance was in site, the backrooms having been traversed. Tabi stopped just shy of fully entering it. "I-I can't. People are staring already."

Kapi was confused. "Bro what, nobody even sees us."

"Is there another way?" Tabi looked around. He felt his face heating up.

There was enough signage around to get to a nearby elevator without even having to re-enter the lobby. With the swipe of the IDs the elevator doors departed. It was thankfully empty, much to Tabi's relief.

They probably think I'm some test subject gone loose. And that Kapi is in charge. He shook his head. He had to stay focused. His stomach growled too. He should have eaten before.

There was only a single poster of a cat hanging off a branch that read "hang in there" in the whole elevator. It did nothing to calm his nerves.

While waiting Tabi noticed Kapi was unusually anxious, fidgeting.

"What is wrong with you?" He spat.

"I have t-tourettes, alright. I'm just a-anxious."

"Hmph. Me too." Tabi said in agreement. He didn't care but seeing Kapi's worry made him a little more relaxed. It gave him an air of superiority over the cat.

"Don't be anxious. We're gonna do great, you and I. Be like Sonic and Eggman teaming up!" S declared through Kapi's phone speaker.

"I don't see how we're not gonna caught." Tabi spoke into the mic.

Displo responded before you could. "Remember the plan is to steal as much info as you can. Even if we don't get out, we pretty much already won."

"The fact (Y/N) even managed to get that far is an achievement." Displo added.

"You guys can do this." You said from COM. "Plus I can handle security dispatch from here." You whisper, though it didn't seem like the other two guards in the room cared. "Just get in, get out, stay focused."

With nothing further to do in your situation you had resorted to scrolling your phone, occasionally glancing up to see where Kapi and Tabi were.

Kapi looked over himself. He was wearing his usual hoodie and get up, just with fake glasses, a lap coat and a clipboard.

Tabi likewise was dressed normally. He had his dirtied high vis jacket on, coupled with a construction hat and a GIS mapping phone. He tried to explain it earlier to the crew but nobody knew what GIS even was. Kapi just thought it was an old cellphone.

The doors opened.

5F. Going up. This was the HR department. Tabi nodded to Kapi and stepped out.

5F overlooked the lobby, hanging a bit further out the other 4 floors. There was a railing to easily see into the lobby as well as glass walls giving a wonderful view of the city in front.

Other than that the area was lined with cubicles and offices. It was only until the doors started to close that Tabi got the confidence to step in. It was now or nothing. He tried to remind himself they couldn't harm him, or that the Family wouldn't be here. It had all jumbled up into the same thought.

Just stepping out of the elevator Tabi saw a reception desk, a wooden gate separating the department from the rest of the floor. This was the HR department.

Tabi approached the desk. There was a woman looking down at a computer, sitting down behind the desk. She hadn't noticed him yet.

He tapped the top of the desk, looking down at the woman. He hid his hand just as quickly as he tapped, an illogical thought occurring she would think he's a freak.

"Excuse me..." Tabi said. He was trying his best to hide his accent, sounding as normal as he could. It completely failed as the woman practically jumped upon seeing the threatening goat-man in front of her. He just stared back, his 'look' appearing to her more as a glare than a friendly face. The burning in his eyes did nothing to help his case.

"C-can I help you?" She clutched the phone.

"I'm with maintenance. I was told to look into a leak in the managers office. I'm here on the health inspection."

"Y-you are? I didn't hear anything about t-that." She was shaking at his sudden appearance. Though his skull didn't appear that way, Tabi could feel his cheeks flush with anxiety. This is so stupid, he thought.

Tabi flashed his name tag. Joseph J.

"R-right. U-uh. T-the manager's office is just past there. It's that clear room down the corridor to the r-right of me. The, uh, good luck with the inspection." She muttered quickly. For a second Tabi thought she was reaching into her desk for a gun, but it was just some papers. He nearly flinched, which in turn made her flinch.

"Thank you." Tabi muttered and made his way. There was a push-gate that read "HR ONLY" that he pushed aside.

Tabi was trying his hardest to appear normal and not let the anxiety overcome him. He felt like he'd already blew his cover. Wy did you say health inspection AFTER the leak? Should've just said one thing only. Stupid stupid STUPID! Tabi thought.

To make matters worse his stomach was aching. He hadn't eaten anything today since swiping a handful of cereal from Agoti's the other morning. As he walked by conversations around him stopped. People were giving him strange looks. A person even got up to leave, going straight for the reception desk.

Why did it have to be me. Why couldn't Agoti have gone in? His consolation was that his stomach was masking his anxiety.

Once "Joseph J." was out of sight the woman quickly dialled security. She knew the inspection had been cancelled, no idea who 'Joseph' was and that a threatening goat-man may have tried to attack her. A few other workers there immediately went to her soon as they saw Tabi walk about, also telling her to call security ASAP. One even commented that an 'experiment had gotten loose'. One even thought he was a ghost, launching off on a tangent about the 'unholy work this company does!'.

The phone rang in the surveillance room. You would have grabbed it but one of the guards was faster, not even letting it ring before grabbing it.

"Uh-huh. Okay. Slow down, please. Okay. Fifth floor? I see 'em, we'll send someone up there. It's probably nothing. I know. I know. Okay, bye."

"Some creep apparently forced his way into HR. Hey, new guy. Come look at this."

One of the guards waved you over. He points towards Tabi.

"Look at this guy. What a freak."

"What' you think he's trying to do?" The other guard asked.

"Beats me. Gonna send Julian and Corey to go deal with him."

"Shoot." You mutter. You had originally planned to do it later, but it looked like it was going to have to happen now.

"Where are Corey and Julian?" You ask, looking around the cameras.

"Lobby." One of the guards turned to you. "Why? You wanna go deal with this freak?"

You bide your tongue, wanting strongly to defend Tabi. "No, just wanna, uh, see how close they were. I'll stay here."

"Ehn, they probably wouldn't let you in anyways."

"Bro, why's he wearing high vis? You'd think he wanted to be hidden. What an idiot."

This would screw up the plan but hopefully he was good enough. While one of the guards makes the call you quickly send a text to Displo.

"Tabi's been spotted. Send in Agoti. Guards going to are on lobby. Hurry."

Displo received the text instantly. "Acknowledged."

Displo turned back in the car seat. "Agoti. You're up. Need you to distract some guards."

"Alright, finally." Agoti had moved to the passenger seat, watching the monitors as well. "I was starting to get stir-crazy here! Anything specific I need to do?"

"Cause a distraction. Guards are armed with plastic bullets but aren't trigger happy. There are two guards on their way to Tabi. Currently in the lobby. Your goal is to keep attention away from Kapi and Tabi."

Agoti waited for another sentence, something about 'don't do anything stupid.' Displo looked at him blankly. "Well?"

"So nothing off limits, right?"

Displo sighed, having done so several times these past days. "No killing. Don't destroy the place. Please."

"Dope. Time to shine!" Agoti declared before hopping out of the car and dashing across the street, practically barreling down the front doors.

With Agoti gone, Displo sent off a text.

"He's gone, feel free to come by. We're parked out front."

In the front lobby, Agoti had already made quite a stir. He practically forced the doors open, the sound catching a few people's attention. He spotted the guards.

He whispered into the mic. "Property damage is okay right?"

Displo sighed. "It's...tolerable. Just don't go burning the building down."

"You got it pal!"

Agoti walked up to the desk nonchalantly. The receptionist had already saw Agoti and was getting ready to call security. He didn't fit in at all and his mischievous grin only made them all anxious. He was already being eyed by the two guards. Chatter in the lobby had quieted as Agoti waltzed in.

What to do first? Agoti thought. He had a malicious grin. There were so many possibilities. He already made a splash; eyes were on him. He fully expected someone to stop him any second. He noticed the guards, though they were watching closely on the off chance Agoti was just some customer.

Next to the desk was a route into the back where the elevators were. Separating it and the lobby were metal detectors and gates.

"C-can I help you?" The receptionist asked, phone in hand. He looked visibly scared of Agoti.

"Nah, you can't...but I think I know who can." Agoti immediately jumped upon the desk and parkoured over the metal detector.

He pulled out his personal microphone and, just for kicks he ran his phone next to the detector setting off the alarm. He jumped upon the desk and shouted into the mic.

"Good morning, IRIS! Let's get this party started!" He shouted out loud.

With the guard's attention drawn he ran down the lobby and for one of the ground floor offices. Nothing but a 2-metre wall separating them. Something he could easily maneuver around.

"What the hell?" One of the guards in the security office said. You were watching the monitors intently. Agoti had forcibly tripped the alarm, a small beep emitting from the monitor.

Soon as he saw one of the guards approaching, he made a run for it, darting down a hallway. He flashed them a mischievous grin, indicating he was here to screw things up.

"Get the hell back here!" One of the guards shouted at Agoti. He ignored them, keeping up the running. What was previously the one guard had called the other in.

He had hearded the two guards plus another one. They were shouting at him as he ran for it. He ignored them but made out a shout that he couldn't be here and shouldn't be there. Seeing an opportunity he knocked a vase down, shattering it and covering the floor in porcelain and dirt.

Reaching one of the office walls he leapt up, easily clearing it.

He landed in the open office, startling everyone. He was having too much fun, the only thing on his mind was to not get caught. He started running across the desks, scattering papers and scaring off random employees. He took care not to knock the computers, but a few keyboards were knocked astray.

"Can't catch me!" Agoti cheer as he sprinted across the area, playing tag with the guards.

Back in the security room you could hear the guards complaining on the line.

"Got some vandal here. Damn near destroying the 1F office! Need backup!"

You watch in anticipation, seeing how Agoti was secretly an acrobat. He was nearly grabbed but manages to slip away just before, his tentacles knocking the guard back. With the office open and free from employees a few of the guards open fire. Just narrowly avoiding getting shot, Agoti ducked under a desk.

The two guards with you were having a blast watching Agoti out pacing them all.

"Remember. The 7th floor has a special network around it. We likely won't be able to communicate with you. You are on your own." Displo had said days prior. Though he had assured the cat-boy that it was probably way safer than dealing with guards, he was still worried. It didn't help that S had to break some lock to even access the floor, something he figured would set off alarms.

The 7th floor doors opened bringing Kapi and S to the research wing. While the lobby and outward appearance had been a typical office building this floor looked far more sterile. The walls here were a snow white, with various strips of colour flowing along them. Looking at them, Kapi realized they were markers, leading to different parts of the research wing.

A gate stood in front, no guard present. As Kapi walked up, S made the gates open, allowing his entry. "There we go!" S said cheerily.

"Lost the signal. Can't hear anything anymore. Can't even see the internet!" S said.

"A-any idea S?"

"I'm seeing the same thing you are. No cameras, shoot I can't even see the network. I'm stuck here with you. Just explore. We got a bunch of time to waste anyways."

Back in the HR department, Tabi was still feeling like crap. There was apparently some other commotion going on which had drawn most of the HR department's attention. They were all watching as he heard shouting from below. There were also a few cheers as well.

Whatever it was, Tabi felt relieved people weren't staring at him anymore. With everyone huddled over the railing, it was as if the office was abandoned.

Tabi passed by the break room, stopping immediately. Between his growing headache and empty stomach he needed something. Anything. There was not a soul around, so he entered. Maybe nobody will notice if I just take a bite or take a small piece of something. Tabi thought. He did recall Displo allowing stealing, though he was talking about files, not food.

He was about to go for the fridge before a large white box atop the counter got his attention. Curious, he popped it open, eyes wide at what was inside. He couldn't believe it. It had to be a trap. Or he was one of the luckiest people around.

Inside the box were several paczkis. The legendary polish jam-filled doughnut. It was a party-sized box, a card inside noting it was a going away present from someone called Tomar. There were four flavours: blueberry, raspberry, chocolate and lemon. Each covered in powdered sugar.

Tabi did another check, just to make sure nobody was around. Ensuring it was safe he started grabbing paczskis and stuffing them into his gob, the jam exploding in his mouth. His body was not expecting the sudden rush of sugar. It made him feel euphoric. Raspberry and blueberry jam stained his skull, dripping onto his jacket.

Agoti let out a fake cry of pain, signalling to the guards he was shot. While the guards descended on him, he took the time to crawl under the desks. He realized he lured himself into a corner. Guards wouldn't shoot if there were more people around. He needed to get back to a crowded place.

"Security, this is a code orange. Requesting hit-teams, robotics and available security to the lobby, immediately." Sounded in the surveillance room. You weren't sure exactly what code orange was but could tell. Zach and Corey got up, excited.

"Code orange?" You ask.

"Means all available guards to that position." One of them said. It sounded as if he was sick, though you guessed it his actual voice.

"New guy. Stay here, watch the cameras. We're gonna go deal with it."

"Yeah, watch the cameras. You're gonna like this." Drawing guns and packing their stuff away they got up and ran off. He let off a battle cry, startling you.

Enough screwing around. Agoti thought. More guards had started to pour in, a few flying bots and drones as well. He had really pissed off security if he was going to conclude this distraction, he needed to get somewhere he could waste time in. An elevator.

"Where the hell did he go?" Some guard shouted.


He had been spotted under one of the desks near the wall. Not needing cover any more he got headbutted the desk, launching it into the air. in the ensuring distraction he ran leapt over the wall, back into the hallways. He started running. He heard something shoot into the wall, bullets thankfully missing him. He barley noticed that one had grazed his shoe.

Another corner turned, Agoti nearly ran into a guard who was waiting for him. "Got you now!" Using his parkour skills he didn't slide into the guard but instead duck-slid under the guard. The hallway was a dead end with an elevator at the end.

If this doesn't open by the time, I get there I'm prying the damn thing open! Agoti thought.

Kapi had been wandering around for a while. While he'd seen windows to various labs, he hadn't seen any entrances. It as was if he was in an endless maze.

He didn't like it one bit. Nothing but white walls and now some coloured lines on the ground that didn't indicate where to go. It was making him feel uneasy. The whole place looked like the backrooms to him. It was disturbing. And his tourettes was starting to seriously bother him.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Someone shouted behind him.

Kapi thought fast. Should he run or pretend. He decided to pretend. He didn't know any way out of here.

He turned around, clip board in hand.

"H-hi?" He said meekly. His ears went back slightly.

"What's your name? What division are you in?" Kapi wasn't sure what she was, guessing her to be a feline of some sort. She had two large black horns, which jutted out of a long purple hair. She had white fur, with a tail with a caramel circle around. She was clearly a scientist, as evident by the white clothing and simple flats she wore. Part of her hair covered her eye, as did the bandage hiding behind the hair. She looked Kapi over sternly.

He wasn't sure what to say either. She had caught him off guard.

"Wait, you're Narancia? We've been waiting for you all day! We have the samples you asked us for. It's in the radio lab. I think Lyle had them ready. Follow me." She said.


"You alright kid?" She asked.

"It j-just my tourettes, little anxious."

"Ah no sweat kid. Radiology can be quite relaxing." She flashed a smile which Kapi figured was a helping one.

Just as Agoti reached the elevator it opened, a lone employee exiting. They raised they're hands up instinctively, seeing a digidevil charging them, an army of guards following.

"Out of the way! Out of the way!" Agoti shouted. It was enough to snap the employee out of their fear and they ran out, instinctively ducking as a hostage would. Agoti grabbed them and threw them out of the elevator.

With the mash of a button Agoti managed to get the doors closed. He hit a floor up.

Outside the elevator, a frustrated squad captain paged security.

"Initiate the TAG protocol." He said into a walkie."

You heard the message from within the surveillance room. Another one came through, this time directed to you.

"Surveillance report. Status."

You guess they were referring to Agoti. "Suspect on elevator."

"No. Who's with you? Status on guards. We need all the help we can get."

"Just me here. The two other guys left earlier."

"Copy that. Where is the elevator heading?"

"Uh, how do I-?"

"What is it your first day? CHECK THE CONSOLE. IT SHOULD SAY." Someone shouted into the com.

"Uh, 4F, then 10F." You stammer. You didn't want to give Agoti away, but your cover was starting to be blown.

"Copy that. Name, number and division, soldier!" They shouted on the other end.

"I-I'm Anon. I just started today. I'm with surveillance. I work for Blake."

"Helluva day to start. Copy that. Stay there. You give updates. This is squad leader, Niall, in full command of the situation. Code name this Incident #45."

"Uh, copy that." While working for the police there was a language spoken about procedures and operations. This was much different from what you had to do in the police. You weren't sure if you were supposed to be writing this down.

"God. I'm dealing with idiots!" You hear Rick shout from the other end. Then the line went quiet. You watch as one of the guards, you presume Rick, leads a group of guards to 4F. Some head to the fire stairs, bolting up fast.

Another contingent of guards takes a second elevator. You watch as the console lights up 10F. They were going to try and route him.

You close the surveillance door, putting a chair in front, just in case. You check the cameras. Agoti was in the elevator going up, Tabi was nowhere to be found and Kapi was presumably in the sanctum wing. You couldn't find any cameras that displayed that area.

"Agoti, what's your status?"

"They're pissed. Dunno how much long I can keep this up. Imma head up to the 10th floor, make a run for the bridge and then work my way down the second building then that's it."

"Tabi, what about you? Can't see you."

"MMhhpphh!" Tabi coughed. "I-I I'm on my way. Just had to take a break. T-to the manager's office."

You couldn't reach Kapi anymore, let alone S. You hoped they were okay.

Recalling that the earlier call you find the directory and call HR. It rings for a bit as you watch the receptionist realize and come running to the phone.


"Hey, this is Anon from security. It's about that man you called about earlier."

"O-oh! Yes. He's still here, I think. Haven't you sent anyone? Er, I guess you wouldn't with that crazed lunatic running around."

"Yeah, about that. There was a miscommunication. He is the maintenance guy. He'll just quickly fix something in the manager's office and be on his way."

"I see. So he's safe?"


"Ah, well, okay, um, thank you." You hung up. Hopefully that would get everyone off Tabi's back.

Looking up there was a mass of guards assembling at the 4th floor doors. Agoti had accidentally hit the button while trying escape and it had to make a stop.

On the mic you warn him. "Agoti, got an army waiting for you outside 4F."

"Got it. I have an idea." You watch as Agoti looks up and jumps. Using the tentacles on his head he forces a maintenance shaft open, climbing out of sight.

You had to hand it to him. Guy was extremely crafty.

You try paging Kapi and S again but no response. You recall Displo mentioning that area was secluded but shake your head. He better be okay.

I need to stop. Tabi thought after downing another paczki. He knew at this pace he'd get sick. He quickly closed the box, about half of them remaining.

Maybe just a few for the road. Finding a large plastic bag he quickly put a few in before running off. The office was still abandoned, everyone looking over the railing at the commotion below. He guessed by now it must have been Agoti. The sound had quieted down, he then guessed Agoti had run off somewhere.

Manager's offices were situated in the centre of the floor. Unlike the rest of the employees they had their own mostly frosted glass wall making them into private offices. It was in here that Tabi would find what he needed.

There were four of them, lined up in a 2x2 grid. Trying the doors on all of them, they were locked except one. Stepping in he found the computer open and still unlocked. He presumed the owner to be watching the distraction outside.

Maybe S would know what do get? Tabi tried paging S but no luck. The line was open, and you answer. "Tabi, what's going on?"

"I'm on a computer, what do I grab?"

Displo chimed in first. "What is it running?"

"I don't know."

"On the keyboard push Ctrl+T."

"It didn't do anything."

"Well that rules out most Unix-systems. With the keyboard and mouse do hold the left shift key and right click with the mouse. Does that menu say anything about PowerShell or command prompt?"

"It says PowerShell."

"Good. Now listen to me closely."

An army of guards waited at the door. The squad leader, who you only knew as Niall was waiting intently. While you'd seen them with pistols, a few were now holding rifles. While Displo had assured you it was nonlethal rounds you were still worried.

The doors departed, showing an empty elevator.

"What the?" The leader stepped inside, looking around. Then he looked up.

He paged you, pushing something on his uniform.

"Surveillance. Status on suspect."

"I-I don't know. He was just there a second ago."

"Well rewind it then!" The leader, furious stepped out of the elevator. Before it closed he opened fire on the interior, hitting all around it.

"If he was invisible then he'll appear any second now. HURRY UP CHECK DAMNIT."

You deliberately wait until the doors close, much to the anger of the leader. You pretend to bumble and not know how to rewind the footage. You really had no idea, but the point was to stall.

Once the doors closed, Agoti climbed back into the elevator, nonchalantly. He had such a malicious grin. He gave a thumbs up to the camera.

"I got him. He's back in the elevator. It looked like he hid atop, moving the maintenance window. Elevator approaching 10F."

"So help me, once we catch this freak you and I are gonna have a little chat." The leader said threateningly. He was pissed.

Much as you wanted to lie they would have been able to figure it out as well. You hear one of the guards on the line talking to IT. It was only a matter of time till your cover was blown.

"Copy that." You say.

"Oh you better copy that."

"New guy? gal? Doesn't matter. I want you to activate a building-wide lockdown. We're not letting this freak escape us. Initiate sequence SOL." Another page came through.

"On it." You say, ignoring the request. You knew better than to trigger a lockdown.

You page Agoti soon as the other line goes dead.

"They're heading to the 10th floor. Be careful."

Kapi stepped into a large open white room filled with various equipment. He was fascinated, the door having somehow just appeared when the scientist stepped in front of it. He had no idea if this was where he needed to be.

He knew nothing of all the large industrial-looking machines or the many lab coats running around doing things. The whole setup looked futuristic to him.

He looked at his phone, writing up a note that said, "Start looking." S knew what to do. He leapt from Kapi's phone into a nearby terminal and started his search.

The scientist led Kapi to an open chamber. It had what looked like a futuristic bed and sink.

"Just wait here and I'll get the samples." The scientist motioned Kapi in. He did so and as soon as he was in, she hit a button. A visible electrical field propped up in a grid.

It was a prison cell. He jumped.

Despite the sudden betrayal none of the other scientists noticed or cared. They were too focused on their research.

The feline scientist merely crossed her arms, glaring at Kapi. She merely laughed.

"I can't believe you fell for that. Radiology samples? We barely deal with radiological work." She laughed again. "Alright, 'Narancia'. And don't even tell me that's your name. I knew Narancia. She moved to Italy a few months back. Wanna tell me what's really going on? Speak. And maybe I won't use you as a test subject."

Kapi's heart skipped a beat, fear gripping him.

"Now hit the enter key. In a serious circumstance we'd now have access to the files. You're pretty much done. Now get out. That is what is called a 'backdoor'. Self-replicating to. IT will be very angry when it is discovered." Displo said.

"That it?"

"We set up a backdoor entry on that computer. I can now access anything from there. Good job, Tabi."

You watch the cameras. Agoti had gotten out of the elevator on the 10th floor and was running to the bridge between buildings. A squad was behind him. The cameras only displayed what was happening in the first building. Looking at the bridge camera you realize it was too late. On the other end of the bridge was another contingent of guards. There was nowhere to run.

You page but Agoti realizes it too, coming to a halt, nearly toppling over. In front of him were a group of guards, armed and ready to open fire. He looked back, another group armed. The leader shouted at him to stand down.


He half-considered smashing through the glass and doing some insane parkour but you page gets through to him.

"Use the flag!"

With that Agoti knelt down and drew the red flag, holding it up high.

The guards rushed him, the leader taking charge.

"You're in for a world of hu-" He stopped as Agoti showed him the flag.

As if he had just been shot the leader was out of breath, eyes wide. He nearly fell over in shock. He heard some guards say it was a test, them congratulating each other.

But the leader knew better.

It was a distraction.


"So when did these ticks start?" The scientist asked. She had a clip board and was writing stuff down. Kapi had abandoned his lab coat and was just wearing his regular red, blue and orange hoodie. He was sitting on an examination table, his red flag next to him. His lab coat had been neatly folded, sitting underneath the flag.

While he had surrendered, S had promised to get out and finish Kapi's job. He was jumping around from computer to computer grabbing his lions share of documents.

Since he had surrendered the scientist had taken a liking to him, giving him a lollypop and an examination. She had formally introduced herself as Elexa.

"Since I was a kid." Kapi said as he looked around. He was still in the holding cell, but she had turned the electric bars off. "I can work it out with games. Lotta DDR." He said. While he was still nervous, he was a lot calmer since being caught. He was kicking his legs along, enjoying the cherry flavour of the lolly.

"That is a very healthy strategy. I used to play that a long time ago. Never was too good."

Seeing an opportunity, Kapi went for it. "Well if you ever want to practice, I practically run the Flashpoint Arcade across town. Could always use a partner." He said with confidence.

Elexa laughed. "I think I'll take you up on that offer, Kapi." She continued writing. "You know." She said, smiling. "We do some research on the brain, tourettes isn't something we have been experimenting on. We could always use more subjects. You'd get paid of course."

"I-I'll pass. Maybe later." He relaxed his tail. "So you aren't security?"

The scientist shook her head. "Nope. Not even a supervisor. Just really fascinated by the whole security stuff. Always wanted to do that whole 'fake room' trick. Thanks for letting me do it. Are your friends still in?" Elexa asked.

"I'm not sure. I haven't been able to reach them."

"Well, let's get you to the lobby. Management's gonna wanna see this. And good attempt, but if you were going to try and break in here, I'd say you need more practice." She petted Kapi, his ears twitching up as she did.

"I want half the units to 5F, and I WANT SOMEONE TO GO INVESTIGATE WHOEVER 'ANON' IS!" The squad leader shouted. Now that the pentest was out any unusual thing would be scrutinized.

To make matters worse, another person had made a call about Tabi earlier, this time directly to the leader, bypassing you. The leader was pissed, calling practically everyone to the HR department to deal with Tabi.

"Tabi, (Y/N). Bad news, that leader has sent out a company wide e-mail advising employees to be vigilant. Be careful." Displo said.

The leader knew that Agoti was a distraction and wanted to quash the rest of this 'pentest' before it got even more out of hand. He growled over the line saying, 'heads will roll'.

"Tabi's they're onto you. Get out of there." You see him getting to the elevator. Noticing on another cam you see some guards starting to huddle around that same elevator in the lobby.

They hadn't cut your access to the cameras or weren't able to. You kept watching closely. You also had the advantage being able to watch what guards were near you. Agoti had drawn most of the security away. There was nobody near both you or Tabi.

"Get back here! THIEF!" Someone shouted at Tabi. It wasn't a guard, rather a vigilant employee. They were holding some sort of stick, running towards Tabi.

"Tabi, take the stairs. They're waiting for you at the elevator. They're onto me as well. We gotta go!"

"Got it." Ignoring the elevator he followed exit signs until he found the service stairs, running down them. He ran, easily outpacing the vigilante.

Hearing the person running after he knelt down beside the door and waited till the footsteps got loud enough. With a push he slammed the metal door into them, knocking them down. He heard them curse, a few other employees rushing to ask if they were okay.

Looking at the other cameras you finally spotted Kapi. He was with some anthro in an elevator talking. She was carrying Kapi's flag.

"Displo. Kapi's been compromised."

"Unfortunate. That leaves Tabi. Any word on S?"

"Right here buddy!" S declared from your phone. You pull it out. S was holding a large paper sack, holding the files in it. "Gotta love that catguy. He didn't rat me out!"

"(Y/N), it is up to you and Tabi. Make for the side entrance." Displo commanded. "Then we shall conclude."

"You see, Kapi got caught but I can still travel around freely. Got the goods then waited till one of the technies went on lunch. Hopped in their phone and now I'm here!" S declared. He was excited, an excited look on his face.

Practically jumping down the stairs, Tabi ran. The sugar was giving him a rush of energy. It felt as if he was a cheetah instead of a goat. He ran down the service stairs, not a soul in sight.

Reaching the lobby he just continued running, heading towards the surveillance room. Some people had shouted to stop but he paid no attention. He needed to get out. He just barely made out Agoti shouting for him to run.

You watch on the cameras as Tabi gets to your location. With Kapi and Agoti captured there was nothing left here. You half consider asking S to delete the footage but figure they probably need it for the test.

You step out of the room just as Tabi enters the hallway. "Let's go!" You shout.

You both step outside into the alley. The guards hadn't been anticipated your escape from there, apparently expecting you to rush to the front lobby.

The door closes behind you. Your car was in sight but empty. Displo was gone. Just as you round the corner a familiar voice pipes up as does a familiar hand on your shoulder.

"That won't be necessary, (Y/N). This operation has concluded." It was Displo. He was standing at the entrance waiting for you.

Tabi was out of breath. "Did, huh, we, ha, win?" He wiped his snout, some jam having still remained, staining the bone.

"Sort of. Under normal circumstances we would just leave but since this is an official test it is over. We have escaped. Take a minute breather and meet me inside." He nodded to you and walked into the front entrance.

Guards poured out, ready to open fire on you and Tabi. They all stopped, seeing Displo. He waved a hand to them. "This test has been concluded. We have won."

A few of them cursed, a few more stared daggers at you and Tabi and a few gnashed their teeth. But they relented and returned back inside, pissed you and Tabi had 'gotten away'.

You look at Tabi. He was huffing, clearly having done more running than he'd done in a while. Looking at his jacket and snout you had a question.

"Tabi, did...did you kill someone?"

"Huhhh, what?" He said out of breath.

"The blood," There were what appeared to be bloody stains all over his face and jacket. There seemed to be ink stains too.

"No. I *huff* hungry. Donuts." He pulled out a plastic bag of what looked to be jelly donuts. A few were squished, some sort of jam oozing out.

"Ah, well. Good job man." You congratulate him. Putting an arm around his shoulder you lead him into the lobby. You notice a few cop cars pull up as you enter. Someone must have called the police.

The lobby, still in relatively clean shape was filled with employees. AS you looked around you saw all the 'performers'. There was a large group of armed guards, one of them holding Agoti, arms behind his back. There was some sort of cat-like scientist with Kapi. Beside them all were the managers. And beside them stood Solazar and Displo. The managers had a mixture of looks on their faces, some angry, some surprised, some impressed.

The next chapter will be called Blind Fallout.