Track 29 - A Daring Challenge

Predictably, the restaurant was empty. At least almost, you notice there were some people seated around some of the tables. Sitting were some of the prep-cooks, having convinced Displo to prep in the dining room. They looked to be having a good time.

Before you could go and say hello you were stopped, or rather nearly toppled over by a green blur almost crashing into you.

If it wasn't for the plants behind you would've fallen over.

"Oh, (Y/N). Thank goodness you're here. I need help." It was Tess, the waiter Displo had hired sometime ago. She looked distraught. Maybe she was sleepy too, you think. Do robots even get tired like us? She wore her trademark green metal dress.

"What's up?" You ask, getting up.

"I feel like I'm losing control. It's her." She pointed to the prep cook table. Seated around were the usual crowd with the exception of one individual. A girl, not in uniform, dressed instead like a thief, all black.

Not much like a thief she just sat there, awkwardly peeling potatoes with the rest of the cooks. There was something uncanny about her. Looking closer she didn't appear human and definitely not an anthro.

"What about her?" You ask. While she was out of uniform, she just seemed to be another prep cook.

"It's j-just-Just listen to her. I can't concentrate, focus or do anything!" Tess whispered.

Still seeing nothing odd about the situation you approach the prep cooks. Over the days you had slowly learned the names of the staff here. You wish them a good morning, a few of them noting your early arrival. You remark that it was upon Displo's request as you try to stifle a yawn.

"Not surprised, guys really on edge today." One of the cooks said.

"Any idea why?"

"Nah, something to do with his nephew. That little kid."

"Huh, he told me that was his friend."

"Yeah, real weird. The kid kept saying the boss was his uncle, then chief kept saying he was just a close friend." Another cook said. He was elbows deep in chopping onions. "Dysfunctional family if you ask me. They look exactly the same."

"Hey, not exactly." One of the cooks chided.

"Weird...Anyways, who's this?" You say motioning to the new girl.

She was about to say something but one of the cooks spoke up first. "This is Nikku. She's the latest addition to our posse here."

"Hey c'mon, least tell the truth. Nah, she's one of the boss' friends. We're short a guy today, and, well she wasn't doing anything."

"I-" She started to say.

"Wait, hold on. You gotta hear this, (Y/N). Do 'em next." The third cook nudges Nikku, who just looks more than lost amongst the group.

She cleared her throat. "It's good to meet you. I'm Nikku." She said. You stepped back. Whether it was a trick or a million in one coincidence she had the exact same voice as you. It sounded surreal.

You uneasily shake her hand.

The prep cooks just looked to each other giddy, like they got another one.

"How are you?"

"I, uh, don't have a voice myself. I can only use other people's." She said meekly.

One of the cooks nudged her. "Well it doesn't matter. You're free to use my voice any time."

"Y-you sure?" Nikku asked, still using your voice.


"You should keep using Tess'. It suites you better." One of the prep cooks said.

Tess tapped your shoulder, as if asking you to speak up.

"I don't think that's a good idea." You say. "Tess' voice helps.. her control herself. It's confusing her."

"Whoa, that true, Tess?" They ask. She was behind you.

"Y-yeah. I can't work properly. I'm sorry. I'm flattered I just can-"

"Ah well, guess you'll have to use his voice then." The cook said to Nikku, referring to one of the others.

You excuse yourself from the conversation and go back to Tess.

"Thanks, (Y/N)." She said grateful.

"You really can't control yourself when she uses you voice?"

Tess shook her head. "It's hard. It's like hearing my voice over my own."

"Oh, well I guessed that. Good to know, uh."

She sighed. "I'm still not used to the whole atmosphere here. It's all so different from my own place." She added.

With S gone again and Displo still out, you figure it a good time to ask her about her diner. It had been at the back of your mind for days now.

"About that. What happened anyways?"

"Oh It's nothing. Just a, uh, grease fire." She said. "Well, I gotta back to work now. Nice chat-"

It was clear as day she was lying. Still bored, you decide to press on. "You know, before this job I was a detective. Specialized in investigations, 'specially foul play."

Her expression changed, a hint of betrayal briefly flashing across. "I-it was just a grease fire. Nothing serious."

"You can tell me. I have no problems keeping secrets."

"You wouldn't understand."

You decide to take a complete shot in the dark. "It has to do with a certain family doesn't it?" You say slyly.

"How do you-What do you know?" She said, surprised.

"Ha, figured. There's a reason I'm not a detective anymore. Long story short, has a lot to do with that group." You wonder if Displo had hired her to join the team. Though if Displo had intended to recruit her he would've said so. Maybe he was just being friendly? You think.

She says nothing, instead looking you up and down, still unsure of your trustworthiness.

"I bet you haven't filed a police report. Or if you did nothing's come out of it."

She sighed. "It's all so frustrating." She pulled up a chair at one of the empty tables. You take a seat across.

"I just wanted them to pay their tab." She put her notepad down and crossed her arms. "I don't discriminate. Never have. But that family had been racking up a large tab and never paid it. I finally put my foot down and...well the rest is history." She said.

"Well, it was bound to happen eventually. Least you stepped against them. That's more than a lot of people can say."

"I don't know. Their daughter is a friend of mine and she sometimes pays her tab but I didn't want it to always be a hassle."

"For what it is, I went against them too. Don't have the wounds to prove it anymore but I got pictures of a ransacked house if you want to see. They're the reason I'm here." You joked.

"Do you know about Displo? Like, really know about him?"

You guess she's referring to the IRIS situation.

"You mean his 'masters'?" You say, pointing to your eye, symbolizing IRIS. "I've worked with them a few times already."

Tess stretched her arms out. The morning was still fresh for her. "I don't have anything against them but I don't want to take sides like this or work with them. I've always wanted to be just independent. But Displo, offered to help rebuild the diner. I just had to join them." She sighed.

To you it sounded like typical 'mob-protection' but on the other hand you couldn't see any other solution for her. Well, other than skipping town. Her situation was hopeless.

"It's tough. But Displo's been kind to me and the organization hasn't given me any issues."

"Displo's been great yeah. I don't have any complaints. I just find it eerie that they have so many people like that."

You guess she was referring to robots like Displo. You hadn't thought of it much but even during the original investigation they were shadowy.

"I don't want to just wake up and be told I have to kill something or capture someone. I could never do it." Tess said.

"You told Displo about this?"

Tess nodded. "He said it would never happen. He said they're goal for me is like what Displo does. Just another location. But he couldn't promise I'd never be sent on some mission."

"Well, we just make do with what we got. If you ever need something or feel uneasy, just talk to me."

"Thanks, (Y/N). That means a lot to me. Whenever I get my diner back, you'll be the second one there...after Displo of course." Tess smiled.

"Who built you anyways?"

"I can't say."

"Ah, sorry, nevermind then."

"It's not a personal thing, don't worry. I just. Can't. It's in my programming."

"Oh, huh?"

"But yeah, I'm not like Displo or that kid. We have different architectures...if you know what that means."

You had no idea. "So that girl, she can mimic anyone's voice?" You ask.

"Yep. It's insane how well she does it too. It was messing with my internal circuitry."

You look back. Nikku had moved on to chopping onions, still looking a bit lost but a tad more friendly.

"Oh crap! I got so caught up. I need to finish dusting the tables!" Tess got up.

"I won't keep ya. See ya."

Tess smiled and skated away, now in a hurry.

Still looking at Nikku's table your mind starts to drift on the heist. Having someone like Nikku would make the operation way easier. Maybe that's why she's here?

You wait around for a half-hour, just idling going through your phone, until Displo barges in through the front doors. You wonder if Displo's issue was related to the recent research.

So far this week had been some minor planning at Displo's working off whatever information about the compound and Family you could find online.

It looked as if he was panting, the display pattern on his face flickering. Shoulders hunched, he looked angry and out of breath.

It was such an entrance that the prep cooks went quiet as Displo arrived.

He walked right up to your table. "(Y/N). Call S and the both of you meet in the HQ now. Call whoever you can as a matter of fact." You knew that was impossible. Everyone had work today.

"Uh, got it. You..okay?"

"I'm fine."

He stomped over to Nikku's table.

"You three, keep doing what you're doing. Nikku. Follow me."

He pointed towards the meeting room.

"O-okay, sir."

You got up and followed, sending S a text to get by. You didn't see a point in messaging the rest. You knew Tabi was going to at least come by later so he'd show up then.

"Tess! Where are you?" He shouted.

"Right here sir!" She said, a hint of fear in her voice. This was the first time everyone had seen Displo so irate. She roller-bladed in from the kitchen, nearly tripping over her speed.

"You're acting manager for now. I have to deal with some business. I have no idea how long it will take. Can you manage it?"

"Of course!"

"Good. Everyone, if you need anything, ask Tess. I need complete isolation right now." He said and stormed off to the meeting room.

The cooks shot you a look of 'what was that' and you shrug. You had no idea what got Displo so riled. You instead just head to the meeting room.

You and Nikku took a seat, Nikku looking scared. S had just re-arrived but barely had any time to make any snarky remarks before Displo barged in carrying something.

"S here?"

"Yes I am!" He said proudly from your phone.

Displo moved one of the chairs at the table aside.

"Good. Here." Displo threw something onto the ground. It expanded into a large metal circle, a green hologram lighting up in the centre. It lit up, a small beam of light emitting from its centre, the word EMPTY appearing in 3D text. It was about a metre in diameter.

"Port into this will you?" Displo said.

"Sure." S said, unsure.

With his own powers, S ported into the new machine. It lit up briefly before displaying a life size hologram of S, appearing evil as usual. It made him appear as if he was floating, the machine the source of the projection. He looked around the room, seeing it for the first time in a more life-size view.

The machine was close enough to the table that S could make it appear as if he was sitting it.

"Whoa, this is pretty cool tin man." While it made him life-size it was still just a hologram. He found his hand went right through the table. It tinted him a bright blue as well. The blood that was regularly streaming down from his face looked more like water now.

He looked around in awe.

"It's the latest in IRIS tech." Displo said.

With no more introductions Displo sighed. "What have we gotten ourselves into?"

"You okay?"

"I'll get right to it. We've been issued a challenge. All cause of that blithering farm girl your friend recruited."

"Excuse me?" You say. "Slow down, what are you talking about."

"What kind of challenge?" S asked? "A speedrun? Cause I can do that. EASILY!"

"No. A pentest. Just like the one we did at HQ. Allow me to start."

"This morning, one of my fellow agents, Static and that girl were teleported into the restaurant." He said, pointing to Nikku. "Static explained to me that last night he was having a sleepover with Pomona when this girl crash-landed on her farm, having escaped from TGG's control. She was a fugitive and well known enough to them they sent a squad after her."

"Now I don't know exactly what happened next but that fiend, Updike showed up. There was a standoff and somehow Updike figured out that not only was Static an agent of ours, but Pomona was employed by us."

"He didn't admit it but I know full well Pomona must have told that weatherman."

"He knew of our team's existence too." Displo said gravely. "In addition he made several threats against Huggy, Pomona and Zardy and Amelia. After all, to him they are 'illogical creatures'. I suppose it could've been a spur of the moment thing. Or not. That ghoul is very jingoistic!"

"Anyways, screw him. The most alarming part of this is that he knew of our team's existence. I doubt anyone here is talking so I must assume Updike has some 'mole' in IRIS. That aside..." He looked around. "In the end, they somehow worked out a deal and Updike said to them he would share it with me."

Displo sat down, looking down too. He wasn't happy.

"Well he did, this morning in fact. Our team has been officially issued a request-for-comment on 'pentesting' The Greater Good's headquarters. They basically want us to break in, test their security."

S already had questions and was going to ask before Displo continued.

"This means two things. One. We'll need to determine if we want to answer this challenge. Two. IRIS now needs to figure out who let them know we have a team. Because they have a rat."

"What? There's a traitor on the team?" S questioned.

"No. It's someone at IRIS talking about the pentest. Probably some manager. That's the only logical way anyone would have heard. Updike and cronies know that we have a team. That's it."

"So they don't know about our 'endgame'?"

"No. Updike would have said something. Never mind that though!" Displo said, raising his voice. "What matters if that we've been challenged to pentest TGG's headquarters and if we do it."

"Do we have to respond?" You ask Displo. After your last interaction with them it didn't seem worth it.

"That's what we need to discuss. I was going to readily decline but there's a caveat."

"Alright. We got a wager? Let's hear it." S said enthusiastically.

"Updike knows we have been harbouring 'abominations'. He has said that if we decline he will go after us, take 'all of them'. He specified Huggy, Pomona and Zardy by name. He doesn't know about Tabi or Agoti but I believe he will include them too."

"What the hell? Can he do that?"

"He can certainly try. It would initiate a war and we would be exposed as 'harbouring the unknown'. It would be bad PR. They would likely disown us."

"This is bullshit." S spat.

"Ii-f I may, what do I have to with this?" Nikku asked. From her perspective, she had been awoken this morning and practically thrown into Displo's restaurant. She recalled little of the events last night.

She was using your voice.

"You have everything to do with it, dear. You see, (Y/N) and S. The additional caveat is that if we take this challenge and win, we get her. Additionally if we accept and lose they'll only take one abomination from us. Per equivalence."

"So we don't have a choice." You say.

"Not necessarily. Unless you think we can all go on the run."

"Can't we just kill that cloud guy?"

"I don't know." You say. This was frustrating.

"Though I admit losing one person is far better than the whole team." Displo said.

"Well then who's gotta go?" S asked.

"Huggy." You said immediately.

"Ehn. I don't care. I prefer being the only blue guy on the team anyways."

"Let's not discuss who would leave. I don't need to mention that losing Huggy would devastate Pomona and Kapi. Of course, returning her is also a possibility but I'm sure you two have seen her special ability." Displo said.

Though Nikku didn't say it, you could read it on her face. She was not happy being discussed as a negotiating piece. Though there was little she could do. The fact that Updike apparently could legally even do this was surprising. At least, would have been if you still were as innocent as before.

"I have. And it's a very good one too." You say.

S just looked at Nikku, trying to see what Displo and you were referring to. "What? What's her ability?" He said.

"M-my voice?" Nikku asked.

"I don't get it." S said. "I-is this some kind of bit?"

"You can't tell her voice sounds like (Y/N)'s?" Displo asked.

S squinted as Nikku, then you. "(Y/N), say somethin'"

"W-What should I say?"

"You, new girl. Say something."

"I, uh, think you should take the c-challenge. I'd like to be free." She said meekly.

S put a finger on his chin, trying to listen closely. "Yeah...I'm not hearing it. They sound completely different."

Now it was Displo's turn to be unsure. Though unseen, he raised an eyebrow, thinking maybe S was screwing with him. However, instead of grilling S on his hearing he moved on.

"Nevertheless, we need to come up with a response." Displo said.

You lean back in the chair. "Can he be trusted? I mean, he threatened our team. What's to stop him from capturing us during the test? You said it yourself, his organization deals with the paranormal. Most our team is paranormal. Plus he's a radical."

Thinking on it the most normal person on the team was Kapi. He was the only one without a traumatic past too. Just a regular guy.

"The contract stipulates that Nikku and her spaceship are the prize for the success of the operation. He states that no harm will come to any of the crew and that everyone is off limits during and after the operation."

"Spaceship? You're not from here? Huh, that's cool. I'm from space too y'know. What galaxy you from?" S asked, Nikku.

"I-I don't remember. All I know is my name." Nikku said.

"You sure he won't try anything?" You ask.

"I've read it over and had IRIS lawyers read it over. If they try to pull anything it would be a casus belli against them; Lawsuits, agents, litigation and a war. Updike nor any of his cronies would risk that."

"Didn't you just say they'd disown us if there was a war?" S asked.

"Using excessive force is a far more grave a crime than harbouring some abominations. My managers would just say that they believe using abominations in testing is good practice...or something like that." Displo said.

You understood. All it meant was that if Updike betrayed everyone you would still win.

"What do you think, Nikku?" You ask.

"I don't know. I'm not going back there. I won't let them take me." She said.

"Hmm. If you're absolutely sure he'll play by the rules then I don't see why not." You say to Displo. "Not much of a choice anyways. Would you be willing to join us if we do win, Nikku?"

She turned her head slightly, and played with her cherry hair. "I guess. What exactly is this team?"

"We're, uh, we test security." You say. You weren't sure if she could be fully trusted yet.

"Alright. At least until I can get my memory back."

"Yeah, about that, Displo, did the contract say anything about her memories?"

"It did not."

"Well, I guess if we can figure out where they're stored or how they were removed we can add it a bonus goal."

"I have a physician en route to look at Nikku. We shall see if her memories can be restored. But perhaps locating any documents relating to that will be a bonus goal. So am I to believe you are in favour, (Y/N)?"

"I am."

"I will be as well then. Mind you all, this is going to require much more practice than the last operation did." Displo said.


"Yeah. Let's kill 'em. I'm down."

"Very well. That'll just leave the others. We'll discuss later."

"Pomona is part of the team right?" Nikku asked.

"Yeah." You said.

"She told me this morning she would help me get free."

"So that will leave Tabi, Agoti and Kapi." Displo said.

"We'll discuss with them tonight. And I'm gonna see Tabi at lunchtime so I'll ask him there." You say.

"That settles it then. We'll figure it out. I need to get in contact with Updike about some minor things in the contract but if we can pull this off, I think we'll be set for the main goal." Displo said, stress finally leaving him.

The next chapter will be called Lunch Date.

Nikku has joined the party!