Before the impromptu meeting could adjourn, there were two remaining topics. Where would Nikku be staying?
Though apparently Updike had forbade Nikku from staying in Displo's hands he managed to get access to an IRIS safe house nearby.
"It is mainly used for agents in transit. They will not bother you."
With that out of the way there was something gnawing at you.
"So who exactly is static? You're his uncle?"
"No. That's just how he likes to frame it. I don't have any siblings, nor he have any 'parents' in the nuclear sense. But it keeps him happy so I say nothing. I'm not sure his origins but he existed before he joined IRIS. He is just an agent in training."
"Where does he live?"
"Static lives and goes to school out of town. As annoying as it was I had to get him back to school. The only option I had was to use one of IRIS' helicopters." Displo said.
"You think we could borrow the copter?" You ask, brainstorming.
"Yeah! That sounds sick! Can we? Can we?" S asked.
Displo shook his head. "No. I don't have that kind of clearance. Even convincing the pilot to take Static and I cost a lot. Free lunch for a week." Displo said. "Of course, it caused quite a scene when we arrived but I see it nothing more as his fault. After all, teleporting into my restaurant unannounced? That's unacceptable."
You were also curious about how Nikku escaped in the first place but decide to ask that at the actual meeting later.
With the meeting adjourned you get back to your post and continue wasting time. Nikku, not really wanting to interact with the customers elected to stay in the meeting room with S, using the machines to find information as to who she really was and who "The Greater Good" really were.
With Tess on command, Displo choose to spend the morning working on legal issues surrounding the challenge.
That just left you to think for the rest of the day. Based on what you knew about The Greater Good this operation was going to be much harder. With Tabi coming later you figure you'll pick his brain.
He said he'd be in around 12, just after the restaurant opened. Looking forward to it you couldn't help but muse over the incoming lunch. More and more he was on your mind. At first you guess it just thoughts about the operation but as time passed and more time passed with him you found yourself wanting more.
The restaurant stood quiet and Displo MIA. Tess didn't mind you taking a break from 'security' either, encouraging it even.
Tabi showed up around 12, dressed in his work uniform. His outfit just consisted of his regular attire and a high-vis vest. The same one he had donned during Blindside.
He looked a little anxious, though wasn't hiding his appearance behind his hood this time. Just a rounded construction helmet on.
Behind him strolled in two burly men, one shorter than the other. Dressed in similar clothing they struck you as his co-workers.
You had already taken a seat and had Tess drop off two menus at an empty table. You wave Tabi over. He mutters something to his co-workers who say something jovially back. One of them gives Tabi a friendly slap on the back, muttering something like "Go get 'em!" They head off to a different empty table nearby.
You just smile as Tabi joins the table.
"Good morning-er-lunchtime, (Y/N)." Tabi said, stuttering. First impressions, he sounded nervous, though unclear if because of you or his appearance. "Right back at you."
"You look, uh, good today." Tabi said quietly.
"Thanks. You look good too. 'specially with the 'upgraded' hoodie." You respond.
"It's just my work uniform." He said. "-I just had it washed." He added quickly. He took off the vest and hung it on the back of the chair.
You notice a green stain on his snout. It looked to be a grass stain.
"You got something on your, er, snout. Here. Let me."
Tabi flinches a bit as you get up and reach for his snout but relaxes, closing his eyes. You rub the grass stain on his snout, smudging it away. His snout felt warm to the touch, heating up as you removed the stain. This was the first time really seeing him blush. Like the bones were a living organ they shined a slight redder than the bone white.
Just as you wiped it off, Tabi accidentally let out a quiet moan. Fast as lightning he eyes opened, the flames in them re-lit. His face turned a bright shade of red, embarrassed from the display. He quickly moved his face away.
"I-I-I, uhh..."
You decide not to say anything, let alone tease the guy further and just pretend you didn't notice anything. "All gone!"
"R-right." Tabi quickly pulled up the menu, burying his face in it.
Looking him over you weren't kidding when he looked good. His hoodie was in far better shape now, Pomona having patched it up. With the tears sewn and holes filled it looked stylish. It looked very lived-in but still in good shape.
To make matters more awkward Tabi's stomach growled. The goat-man was hungry. As it growled you briefly saw him tremble, no doubt being consumed by shame.
You couldn't help as your smile grew, amused at the awkward display and the amount of anxiety Tabi had over seemingly nothing. You recalled his stomach had growled a few times before but he'd never been this 'secretive' about it.
"Hungry, huh?"
"I..yeah." He said quietly.
"You okay man? You seem a little tense." You playfully push the menu down so you could see his face. You shoot him a friendly smile.
Tabi took a deep breath. "I'm okay. Just a little, uh, tired. Yeah."
You could tell he was lying but let him. No need to tease him, you think.
"Hey (Y/N)!" Someone said cheerily. It was Tess. Turning her attention to Tabi she extended her hand. "Hi! Name's Tess. I've seen you here before. One of Displo's friend's right?"
"Uh, yeah. Tabi. Nice to meet you." He said, returning the handshake. Just in the instant that Tess had arrived you see Tabi start to resume his serious attitude.
"Well, Displo's out for a bit so I'll be your waiter today. Can I start you two off with anything?"
"I'll have the garlic bread to start off. And water."
"I'll have water too. And, uh the soup of the day."
"That would be the Italian wedding soup. That alright?"
"U-uh, yeah." Tabi became flustered again.
"Alright. Just hang tight and I'll be back with your food." Tess said.
"Hey, Tess. You feeling better?" You ask.
"Much better thanks. I'm back in the groove. Gonna show Displo I can run this show!" She said happily, skating off.
"For Displo's underling she's nothing like him." Tabi remarked.
"Well, she's got her own issues going on. But she's been pretty good so far."
"What kind?" Tabi asked.
Not wanting to gossip much you keep it simple. "Let's just say she's had her own run-ins with someone we all know."
"Of course. Who doesn't. They have more enemies than grains of sands."
The drinks arrived momentarily. Tabi practically chugging down the glass immediately. You glance as the water disappears into his jacket somewhere, not paying too much attention, less you make him more self-conscious.
"Where is that tincan anyways?" He asks, relaxing now.
"He's out for a bit. There's big news tonight. Displo's just trying to work it out."
Being a Thursday at noon it still the restaurant wasn't too busy. There had been no IRIS groups showing up, though thinking on it you figure Displo would have cancelled whatever reservations were ongoing. Either way it wasn't too busy here. You idly wonder if that pilot was present at the moment.
"So you're a lumberjack?" You ask.
"I'm an arborist. We trim trees."
"Hm." Another drink of water.
"Sol got me the job. I just need the money. I'm not some treehugger."
"Well, we all gotta do something."
"It keeps me in shape at least...I think. I can't really tell." Tabi said, feeling one of his arms through the hoodie's fabric. "I just gotta share it with those jerks."
Tabi glanced over to the other table. His co-workers were watching intently. Not close enough to hear the conversation but enough to see expressions.
You glance over as well. There were two large glasses upon their table. Beer, an amber coloured liquid in big mugs, clearly present; despite it only being noon.
They gave the thumbs up to Tabi, silently mouthing "Go for it!" and "Make a move!"
Tabi just looked back and grumbled. "They're so annoying. I-I'm sorry about this."
"Ah, don't worry. I'm sure they don't mean any harm in it." You smile at him.
One of them blew a whistle towards you, causing Tabi to flinch and burn up. It didn't do much and Tabi still looked anxious and annoyed. He was thinking he'd like no more than to shut them up but knew it wasn't the time or place. His hand instinctively reached for his hunting knife.
You get a mischievous idea. One that would at least shut them up at worst, or at least be a friendly signal to back off. You flip through your wallet. Sure enough it was still there.
Your police badge. You hadn't got rid of it just in case you needed it. That and sentimental value. And who knows when you'd need it for intimidation.
"You guys are still on clock right?" You whisper.
"Yeah. Why?"
"No reason." Your grin gets wider.
You stand up, getting the attention of Tabi's co-workers. You flash your badge. "You guys aren't drinking on clock right?"
They both freeze, the blood draining from their faces was instant. Tabi looks back.
"N-no officer. It's just apple juice. Y-yeah!"
"Ah, I'm just screwin' with you guys. I ain't a cop anymore." You say back, practically laughing.
They both get a look of relief on their face, Tabi snickering as well.
One of them comments first. "Ah yeah, you're perfect for that bonehead."
You just smile back and sit down. They understood the message. Tabi smirks back at them.
"They're fine. Just like breaking balls."
"Yeah. Hehe." Tabi said quietly, but happily.
After a few more minutes the appetizers arrive.
"Two large slices of garlic bread and one Italian wedding soup!" Tess declared, placing both plates down. Steam was visibly emitting from both plates. The food had just finished being made.
"Any ideas for mains?" Tess said. It was a small different from how Displo would've said it. He would've asked for entrees.
"I'll just have the spaghetti and meatballs." You say, handing Tess the menu.
"Uh-huh, (Y/N). What do you think?" She asked Tabi,.
"The burger. Definitely the burger."
"I'll have that then."
"Right. I'll leave you two to it!" Tess said, taking the remaining menu and skating away.
In front of you sat a baguette, sliced horizontally, glistening with melted garlic butter, a sprinkle of dill atop with a few seared onions scattered about. Just the way you'd liked it. The menu had a tongue-in-cheek note about it being the perfect thing to ward off vampires with.
Tabi's soup was a traditional 'Italian wedding' soup. You'd never tried it but it did look good. A yellow-ish broth, complete with a mixture of leafy green vegetables such as kale and spinach. A few meatballs and bits of sausage were mixed in, complete with small noodles as well. Cheese had been finely grated over the top.
Tabi didn't know the meaning of the soup's name but damn did it look good. He dug in immediately.
There had been no bread given with the soup. "This is a lot for me. You want some of the bread?"
"I-I'm good. Don't worry about me."
You chuckle at him. "I insist."
"If you say so...Here. try the soup." He said, handing you an extra spoon. You try it. Salty, but with lots of flavour from the vegetables. It reminded you of ramen, just far more European.
Tabi tried the garlic bread, getting a big piece. He closes his eyes as he tries it.
"This is good. It reminds me of some dishes back home. Hmm. Needs some herring."
"Herring, like, like the fish?"
"Yea. Pickled. In wine. It's much better than you think I swear."
"I'll hold you to it later then." You say.
Tabi's co-workers had largely stopped paying attention to you and him, instead focusing on their own food. It was their first time at this restaurant, and their boss had pretty much told them they could use his card to pay for the food. Of course it also meant Tabi intended to pay for you but he knew he'd take the fall for whatever.
Though he didn't like them much it was their misunderstanding that Tabi had a significant other when he mentioned you. They had goaded him into the 'date', though as he thought on it now, was glad he asked you.
When he told his co-workers there was some teasing but in the end they agreed to back Tabi, stating they would say the three of them just had a big meal.
There was a modicum of respect, even if Tabi didn't feel it.
"Mhhm." You mumble as you eat the garlic bread. A savoury but sweet taste that came from the grilled onions. "We have a new team member, Nikku. Joined just this morning actually."
"Oh yeah, what's his story?"
"Her. She's an alien I think. Doesn't have a voice so she just impersonates others. She was using Tess' voice last I spoke with her. Oh, and she's an amnesiac. Least, it seems like her memories were taken away."
"Humph. Well she better not steal my voice. How'd she even join?"
"Bit of a long story but she's on the run from an organization like ours. TGG. Ever heard of them?"
Tabi's expression changed to a more thoughtful one. "I know 'em. The Greater Good."
He took another spoonful of soup, a few drops landing back in the bowl.
"When I was tracking that blue-haired moron, he ran into someone running from them. Guy looked terrified too. They've never gone after me but they wouldn't survive if they did." Tabi said coldly. "So she can impersonate voices. That's really good. I know they have voice activated doors in the compound. She'll make it trivial to get past. Where's she staying then?"
"Displo has a place. For what it is, TGG knows where she is. They're gonna let us have her if we can pentest their HQ and win." You say, neglecting to mention the 'losing scenario'.
"Humph. Figured they'd be a catch."
"You think we can do it?"
"Maybe, But I can't see how I would be one of the main people. Agoti and that blue guy too. We'd stand right out."
"Huggy?" You ask.
"Yea. But having her on the team would make things easier. I think we should go for it."
"We'll be talking about it tonight."
The kitchen was blazing fast today. Though Tess' quick and informal style was different from Displo's professional and courteous style, they had adapted perfectly. The mains came out momentarily, just as the conversation relaxed.
A large plate of spaghetti and meatballs, sauce vodka style, two large meatballs in the centre, a small helping of bacon bits and shredded cheese forming a layer on the top. The noodles were surrounding the meatballs so as to present them as the main piece of the dish.
The burger was a large, double-patty burger, melted cheese atop, combined with long strips of pickles, raw crunchy red onions, a garlic aioli, ketchup and all under perfectly toasted pretzel bun.
It was a huge step up from the regular fast food burgers he'd eaten before.
Suffice to say, the conversation ceased, both you and Tabi digging deep into your food. You had even cut off pieces of each main to give to the other, just to try out.
At the end of the meal, Tabi was content, looking half asleep in the chair as he stared at you. You and he were both sitting back in your chairs, chilled out.
The bill had been paid. Though you offered to split it, Tabi insisted on covering it himself. He refused to let you even pay, swiping your bill when Tess came back.
Tabi patted his stomach. It had been a good meal.
You notice that on Tabi's snout was a small ketchup stain he no doubt missed. It looked a bit like blood.
You lean in. "Here, you missed a spot. Got some ketchup on your nose, er, jaw." You jest. You pick up a napkin.
"Oh, can you get it?" He asked, blissful.
He leaned in. But instead of cleaning it with a napkin you lean in and kiss it, taking the stain away. Unconsciously he leaned in a little closer.
The blush replaced the red of the ketchup instantly. As you lean back you found that despite having a head made of pure bone, he could still blush. Not just his cheek this time, but the whole face turned a light shade of pink.
"T-t-thanks, (Y-(Y/N)." He said, barely able to make a proper sentence. The flames in his eyes tinted a slight pink too.
"Anytime~" You say back coyly.
He just leaned in again, flaming eyes looking deep into you. Resting his head on his arms, he starred deeply. You look back, smile wide on your face.
The moment didn't last long as one of the co-workers, oblivious to the moment coughed loudly. "Alright, boy. We gotta get going! Already wasted too much time here." The co-worker said. "Great place though. We'll be back." The other co-worker said as if he were announcing it to the rest of the guests.
Tabi snapped out of it instantly, "R-right! Y-yeah. He stood up."
His eyes quickly reverted back to the colour of the sun as he stood up. "T-thanks for the meal, (Y/N)." He said quietly.
"No thank you. You paid for it after all." You let out a laugh. "I had a good time. See you tonight?"
"Definitely." Tabi said, with far more emotion than he'd displayed up until that point.
You wave as he departs with the co-workers, an obvious skip added to his step.
Inside you felt butterflies in your stomach. Mostly off an 'I-can't-believe-I-actually-did-that' feeling. Just attempting that move made you feel invincible. There was no buts about it. Slowly but surely you had felt more and more attracted to him. It was pointless putting it into words exactly what. You knew it deep down.
It was love, plain and simple.
You let out a sigh of relief, fully letting the emotions take over. Your staring didn't last long before Tess asked if you could help with some unruly customer.
Ah well, back to work.
The next chapter will be called Challenge Accepted.