Displo returned hours later, claiming he, along with several IRIS lawyers audited the contract and made sure Updike wasn't pulling any tricks. He was clean.
Satisfied with how Tess was running things he retired to the meeting room, claiming he needed a recharge. "I'll spare you the arduous legal details, (Y/N) but it's all sorted. Updike means business."
With the final customers trickling out and Tess closing up shop it was just you and her left. With the evening crew arriving Tess was busy getting the bar set up.
"We served alcohol back at my diner but never a full-on bar." Tess remarked. "(Y/N), you wouldn't be able to bar tend would you? Or at least show me how?" Tess asked. She looked at the cocktail shaker, unsure if it was meant for patrons or not.
You shake your head. "No idea. I just drink straight up, no fancy drinks or nothing. Lemme go check with Displo." You say and get up.
The meeting room was as it always had been table in the centre, few dressers of plates on the walls. Nikku and S were nowhere to be found, leaving the room empty. His hologram emitter had vanished too, an empty space where it had been. There were a few scattered plates on the table, dirty with food scraps. You thought the room empty until you hear the slight hum of a CRT.
In the far corner of the room was a cot, atop laying Displo. He looked to be asleep; at least he did until he turned his head to you. There was a wire connecting from the back of his head to the outlet bedside.
"Ah, (Y/N). How are you?" Displo said quietly. He slowly sat up, supported by one of his arms.
"Fine...You alright?"
"Yes. I am just charging. How is Tess?"
"Bit confused on how to run the bar but otherwise fine. You think you could, like transfer some knowledge of that to her or something?" You guess, trying to act smart.
Displo chuckled. "We aren't compatible like that." He said calmly. "Tell Tess, to find Tuttle in the kitchen. He's been pushing to try bartending for some time. Tell her to put him on the frontline."
"Got it. Say...where are S and Nikku?"
"They went out for some fresh air sometime ago. I'm sure they're close. Now, if you don't mind I'm almost at a full charge. I should be ready before the meeting." His voice had a wine to it, giving him a very sleepy sound.
"Sure, no problem."
You leave Displo alone. He seemed really out of it, a quirk of his charging. You inform Tess of the switch which she gladly does. You also shoot S a text, asking him his location.
Instead of a reply you get a photo back. It was a selfie of him still as a hologram and Nikku. She wore a bandana over her mouth and held a spray paint can. In the background on a brick wall was TGG's logo with an X symbol painted over it. With her other hand she threw up the peace sign.
"We're doing evil stuff out here!" The caption read. You respond to stay out of trouble and to come back in time for the meeting.
The rest of the shift went by without any note. Nikku and S did return, though with a police escort and the hologram ring almost confiscated. The cops recognized you, preferring to then let Nikku off with a warning. Displo also provided each officer with some free dinner, something they gladly took, leaving Nikku in your care. Displo was understandably upset, currently disciplining the duo in the meeting room.
With spring in full swing and summer approaching plenty of light remained outside. Everything had been tinted a slight blue but visibility outside was fine.
Fine enough that you saw Tabi and Agoti pull in.
Agoti had the biggest shit-eating grin and Tabi looked happy as well. You smile as they enter the restaurant, telling the intercepting waiter they're here to see you.
It was the first time you'd seen Tabi arrive not looking miserable or having a stoic look on his face.
"Evening, gents."
"Fine one to you too, pal." Agoti said, grinning. He always had that mischievous smile, though you couldn't tell if it was malice or just general friendliness he was displaying.
"Hey." Tabi said, quickly resuming his shadowy appearance.
"DP and co are in the room already?" Agoti asked.
"Yep. Tabi inform you about the 'challenge'?'"
"Not really. Guy's been kind of quiet actually." He said slyly. You assume that also meant he hadn't spoken to him about lunch, though judging by Agoti's smile you couldn't tell.
"I have a lot on my mind." Tabi grumbled.
You glance over to Tabi who looks away, a small blush slowly forming. A small smile flashes on his face.
"Alright, well Displo will explain what happened."
You lead the two to the meeting room.
Everyone else had arrived. Pomona and Huggy had teleported in and Kapi had come through the back entrance. Huggy's appearance had changed, now wearing a harness around his midsection. It had a bell on it, ringing as Huggy moved.
Nikku looked out of place but stayed near S' hologram. It was the closest thing to a familiar she had to far. Even moreso than Pompom.
Nobody seemed to be too interested in S' new hologram, just immediately accepting it and moving on. Huggy emitted a guttural screech upon seeing you and hobbled over to give you a hug, the action causing both Tabi and Agoti to flinch. Judging by the detergent scent, Pompom must've washed him before coming over.
After a few seconds he put you back down.
"Ahem. Introductions aside I would like to start this. I expect this to be a heavy meeting." Displo said, interrupting the usual 'hellos' and 'how are you doings'.
Everyone took a seat as Displo turned on TURINGS. A hologram of the TGG logo appeared in the centre.
"What's that?" Kapi asked.
"I'll get to that. Allow me to begin." Displo began as the lights dimmed.
"Last night there a confrontation occurred between some members of our team, a fellow IRIS agent and a certain anti-paranormal organization some of you may be familiar with. Long story short they are aware of our teams existence and information about Operation Blindside. How exactly they got this information is still under investigation and does not concern the team."
An extremely simplified hologram played what you presume was 'last night's confrontation'. It showed very simple designs of everyone in Pomona's family and Static.
S had ported into it as well, watching. But before he could do anything, Displo physically flicked him away. "Please be serious about this."
"The organization in question is a well-known security and medical research company known as The Greater Good. Can I presume everyone here has heard of it?"
Everyone nodded to varying degrees. Kapi did not know who they were.
"Simply put they are an organization with identical goals to mine." Displo said. "However, the whole 'medical/security' facade they put on is just for show. These people are an anti-paranormal and 'anti-nominal' group who specialize in the capture and study of 'nominal' creatures as they call it. Beings like Huggy and S. They call them abominations. Though I'm sure they would be interested in you and you as well." Displo said, pointing out Tabi and Agoti.
"Aren't they just like you guys?" Agoti said.
"In terms of mission statements yes we have similar goals. However TGG tends to lean far more radical than we do. For one they are very 'Earth-centric', i.e. anti-alien as well. We have no such positions on non-earth-people." Displo said. "They are also lead by a trio of 'abominations' themselves. At least, that is how I describe them. Updike, the cloud-looking man and Sterling, the one with the helmet are two of the three you met last night." Displo said to Pompom.
Anyways. Our newest member here is an escapee from this corp. I'd like you to meet Nikku Morioka, an alien. She was the subject of last night's little showdown."
"H-hi." She said meekly. She had taken to using Tess' voice, finding it more suitable.
"As per this confrontation the company issued us a challenge. If we can break into their headquarters and beat their security they will give us Nikku. Everyone will be paid of course too." Displo paused.
"That it?"
"Not exactly. They have also issued us a threat should we refuse. That if we decline such a challenge they will personally go after all of us; as well as my people for 'harbouring abominations'."
"What the hell?" Agoti asked. "Can we take them?"
"We'd be fighting an entire organization on our own. I don't think we could pull it off." You add.
"So we don't have a choice then." Tabi spat.
"Not necessarily no. The brightside is that if we take their challenge and lose they will only take one of our members." Displo said grimly.
Everyone looked around at each other, a look of 'it's-not-gonna-be-me'.
"What did you do last night?" Tabi asked Pompom, a little annoyed.
"They are in the belief that we kidnapped Nikku." Displo added.
"But that's not what happened!" Pompom spoke up.
"I am aware of that but they do not seem to care. And based on what I know of that fiend they would have gone after you and your family even if you did give up Nikku. There was no leeway."
"Great. So our 'big plan' is on hold cause some suit thinks we aren't normal." Tabi said.
"Yeah, I don't know about this. If they went after me my dad would fight back and well..it wouldn't be pretty." Agoti added.
"Why did you even help her?" Tabi asked.
"I had to! You would have done the same thing." Pompom said.
"No I-"
"Enough. I would not recommend discounting Nikku from the team entirely." Displo said sternly. "You see, she possesses an ability that one may give us an edge. More on that later. Will you three consent to this challenge?"
"We don't really have a choice so whatever. Sure. Stupid family can wait I guess." Tabi said.
"Could be good practice. We won't, but if we do lose I'll go. My dad'll raise hell once he finds out what they've done. Ehn, let's do it." Agoti said.
"You sure they can be trusted?" Kapi said.
"I spent the latter part of the day working that out with them. For now all squads active will ignore everyone here, so long as they aren't making a scene. In a condescending way they did state that if Huggy were to go through the front doors they would arrest him but that's within reason. Our strategy won't be so idiotic. While they won't ever go after citizens they won't hesitate for other creatures."
"I..uh don't mean to be rude but-uh, is Nikku trustworthy – like no offence, sure she's okay?" Kapi and Agoti asked.
"I have nowher-" Nikku started to say but was cut off. "Of course she's good! I saved her last night. They were going to kidnap her!" Pomona cut in.
"Whoa, calm down. I don't mean that. It's just like, what can you do?" Agoti said, not trying to cause a fight.
"What can she do-" Pompom had started to say but was stopped by Displo.
"Nikku will be an excellent addition to the team. Nikku, if you please, show Agoti what can do."
Nikku sighed. She had been kind of strung along the past 48 hours, meeting all sorts of people and having to answer all sorts of questions. Displo had promised her earlier he would try to explain everything but so far he hadn't. From what she understood there was some team she was now part of.
She at least knew what Displo meant.
"I can do this." Nikku said in Agoti's voice. "Or this with my voice." She said in Tabi's voice.
Agoti's smile merely widened. "Whoa, that's sick. Welcome aboard then." He said and nudged Nikku.
"So we are all in favour then, hm?"
There were no objections.
"I'm not going head in this time. I know how those people work. They'd recognize me instantly." Tabi said. His head was down, hat concealing his face. It looked as if he was sleeping but was merely deep in thought.
"We'll figure that out. This is gonna be harder though. We won't have the element of floor plans and heads up beforehand like we did in Blindside. We'll have to do our own reconnaissance." You say.
Agoti smirked. "Yeah, sure. I'm down for some recon. If this is gonna be anything like the last op, it'll be fun. How did it turn out for those guards anyways?"
"A lot of people got written up and suspended for falling for such an obvious lead-away. But alas, back to the subject at hand."
Huggy, despite not fully understanding the question was in agreement. He would go wherever you or Pomona went.
"Here are our objectives."
A hologram of the TGG building appeared. A skyscraper in the downtown core. Around it a few buildings lit up.
"The skyscraper here is the main building. It is called the Citadel. Through a shell company they own the 4 buildings surrounding it due all cardinal directions. Through IRIS' intel we don't know fully what they all contain but know at least one of them to be an apartment for employees. Additionally, they all surveil all surrounding streets. This will make escape much harder." Displo explained.
The building stood at at whooping 13 floors. The building wasn't a straight rectangle either. It had some floors jut out into balconies. Atop those roofs it appeared to have either solar panels or gardens. The building had a very modern design, in stark contrast the dull office buildings nearby.
Two question marks appeared on the building. One moved to the top while the other stayed in the middle.
"We have two targets. The first is getting someone into the 'throne room', 13F." The mark on the top lit up. "This is Updike's personal office. He has said that if that could be breached he would consider the operation a success. It is located on the top floor."
The other mark lit up.
"The other, or alternative goal is to reach what Updike described as the Pontifex Room. It is apparently a special area located somewhere in the building containing many of the artifacts and tools the company has seized. Unfortunately neither I nor IRIS even knew of this room's existence until today so we have no idea it's location."
"Bet I could find out." S suggested. "Can't be that hard."
"Perhaps. Recon will be the first step. Aside from S' own hacking, would anyone like to go toni-"
"Agoti and I will." Tabi said, taking charge.
Agoti didn't have a chance to object before Displo spoke again.
"Very well. As you can see we have a bit of info already. However any weaknesses, entry ways, and secrets still need to be found. This operation must be conducted very differently from Blindside. We won't be able to waltz in from the front; at least most of us won't be able."
Agoti looked at Tabi who just nodded at him. A silent thanks. He figured he wanted to talk more about today.
"Well then. That should conclude that aspect. Anyone have any other ideas."
"Do their guards communicate the same way as yours?" You ask.
"It's possible. We chose to broadcast via radio instead of VoIP. What are you thinking?"
"I could probably get a police radio or something; tap into their own communications. If it's radio."
"Someone will need to find out."
"Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!"
"Very well."
"I'll go ahead and get a radio then."
"Just to be clear, these guys aren't with the family right?" Tabi asked.
"No. TGG have their own crusades against them. The Greater Good is probably one of the most anti-demonic organizations out there."
"That's good to hear at least."
"Well. I don't much else to discuss tonight. Once we have more intel we can figure out plans. Anyone have anything to ask?"
"Oh, I do!" Pompom spoke up.
"What is it?"
"Can we call the operation something? Something cool? Like a codename." She asked.
"I..I don't know yet. That's not something I've considered." Displo said.
"Well, how what about Earthquake?"
"I don't understand. The building is specifically designed to be able to withstand earthquakes."
"Well cause we're gonna shake things up!" Pompom declared.
"Uh...Very well. Operation Earthquake then. I believe that concludes this meeting."
Everyone was shortly dismissed. Pompom teleported back to her home, satisfied she helped. It was your turn to take care of Huggy so taking him home was your current mission. Tabi and Agoti left before, getting ready to do some recon. Kapi and S made their way back to the arcade, ready for another rematch.
With finally everyone gone it was just Displo and Nikku in the quiet restaurant. The lights had been dimmed off, Displo wiping down a few tables that had been missed. He had dismissed Tess earlier as well, thanking her profusely for managing the restaurant for the day. Nikku sat at one of the tables, watching Displo carefully.
"I realize you must be confused and for that I am sorry. However, I wished to explain the situation earlier before you ran off with the 'creature'." Displo said. He was making sure menus and plates were in the right spots.
"I-I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Nikku said.
"It is fine. I am sympathetic to what you've been through and I know you have questions. Ask away."
"What exactly is all this?"
For the next hour, even on the ride to the safehouse, Displo gave Nikku a rundown of events. First he made sure she had no knowledge of the Family. Once confirmed he filled her in on everything.
It was a plain place, mostly used as a one-off place for IRIS agents to stay. The room had the bare necessities. A bed, a dresser, a nightstand and lamp. There was a window overlooking a river. Officially the building was just some rundown apartment, no clear indication IRIS owned it.
After arriving at the safehouse Displo finished his speel.
"So that's it. I'm part of a group of mercenaries?"
"In a way yes. But I think you will find the accommodations much more suitable and than your previous stay."
"D-do I have a choice?"
"Yes. You could go back to TGG if you so please. But if you do try to run, be aware that both my people and TGG will be after you."
Nikku grumbled. "Just another prison."
"My dear, I assure that you will flourish much better under IRIS command than TGG. You aren't a prisoner. If there's anything I do to help your stay, do inform me."
"Where's my spaceship?"
Displo sighed, figuring she was already thinking about escaping. "Destroyed. We have people looking at it, why; is there something about it we should know?"
"N-no. There was a picture of it, me and some other people. Could you...could you get it? I-I don't know who they are but it makes me feel better."
"Sure. You will have it by tomorrow."
"Thanks." Displo nodded and stepped out of the room. Just before he could leave, Nikku spoke.
"There were other people there. Other prisoners. What about them? It's not right."
"Alas, what they do with they're, how should I say, property is their call. That's what they do."
Displo understood how dehumanizing those words were but knew not another way to say it. For him it was just business. He knew of similar instances of 'IRIS prisoners' but he didn't know the full context behind them; if they deserved it or not.
"But we're supposed to break in. Can't we save them too?" Nikku asked innocently.
The comment, though dripping with innocence, gave Displo an idea.
He looked over his shoulder. "A prison break you say? That's interesting. Think about it for tomorrow. It's certainly within the cards."
"Have a good night, Nikku. Welcome to the party." Displo said before shutting the door and returning back to his restaurant.
The next chapter will be called A Night on the City.