"I'm listening, man, honest."
Now Playing...
Artist: Frank Wyatt
Song: The Crystal Heart
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmsmuLEMvkc
"Collect any imperfections, weaknesses or oddities of the place." Displo had said.
Driving in the late night, streetlamps lit the sights. They were in a very corporate area, the only groups around were of executives wrapping up 12 hour days. Being a Thursday night there wasn't much in the way of other cars and pedestrians.
It wasn't like Tabi or Agoti were worried about getting arrested or identified either. Tabi was worried, but of something unrelated to capture. Neither feared The Greater Good.
He had repeated the events of the last few hours over and over again, thinking what he could have done differently. He had went to Agoti's unannounced, wanting to talk. However, Sol's presence quickly made him harden his heart, returning to his ominous persona.
Agoti could easily tell he was flustered, no doubt Sol also picking up on it.
Sol ended up making some comment about how he'd changed. Tabi just ignored it, more empty platitudes. To satiate their curiosities he made up some excuse. That workmen were teasing him again, making up another excuse that he almost got in a fight, that the job wasn't for him, etc.
He directed anger towards everything than what he initially wanted to speak about. But, despite his misdirection, he did doing a terrible job of concealing the origin of anxiety.
Agoti could tell something more was up, saw right through the lie. The way Tabi had been flustered, stumbling over his words and getting irrationally angry made it more than obvious to him. Agoti knew how his he acted. He wondered how Sol thought it, Even if Sol picked up on the lie all he just uttered a simple "I understand." and "I'll see what I can do about it."
And the conversation concluded with Agoti they went to the meeting, Tabi kept silent in the car. During the meeting he felt normalcy return but once he was alone again, his thoughts got louder.
Tabi sat in the passenger seat, looking out, trying to think things out.
Agoti, unbeknownst to the goat man had his mind filled of completely different things. He listened to music on the radio and focused on driving. Nary a thought about the earlier conversation. At least, not know. He knew Tabi well enough that if something was going on he'd talk about it. Sure he hid his feelings all the time, but not something like this. Tabi had been blunt about it one time. 'If I cannot solve it myself I'll ask you.'
"Alright. We're 'bout as close as DP said. You ready?" Agoti pulled to a stop.
Tabi didn't respond, lost deep in his thoughts.
"Hey, knucklehead." Agoti said, poking Tabi. "You there?"
"Oh, um. Yeah. Let's go."
They both stepped out. Agoti had parked several buildings away. The plan was to get close without being detected and scope from the rooftops. They had stopped by Agoti's place earlier to get some minor climbing equipment, though both knew they were more than capable.
The building stood located in a dense area, with buildings so close you could throw a clothesline across. Agoti looked at the piles of ropes and grapples in the trunk. "Yo, we even gonna need this?"
Tabi, didn't look. "No. I already said it's a waste of time." Despite it being spring it was chilly enough that both could see their breaths.
They had parked in a low-key area, an above-ground lot in the shadow of the one grocery store in the area. Little foot-traffic around, the store's business had concluded for the day.
"Ehn, whatever." He grabbed one of the grapple ropes, moreso to have something to wield rather than jump. It tied easily around his belt.
The two staked out a way up. It didn't take long to find an entrance.
Between the buildings were dark alleys, barely lit. All private property and not for public walk they contained many things for getting up.
One particular building, an office complex was one such with a dark alley. The light from the streetlamps lit it barely. And in this alley, a fire escape ladder with a walkway to the top.
The buildings due closest to TGG were not as tall as it, the nearest one a skyscraper several buildings out. And while the buildings around it rose to different heights like an uneven tetriss board, this office provided a perfect starting ground to jump to the next.
With the density of them all, jumping across from rooftop to rooftop wouldn't be much of a challenge.
A quick check of security cameras ensured they wouldn't get spotted. With the correct placement of a trash can and some crates, Agoti was able to jump up to the railing and pull himself up. A quick pull later Tabi got up too.
Now all it took was to climb the fire escape up and reach the roof. For now, there the matter of keeping quiet, though both could see these places were barren for the night. Every few rooms they spotted a flashlight lurking deep in the building, but none going close to the windows.
Judging from the sights down they were about 4 stories up now.
Whatever guards were skulking about were not seen. And even if they were, both had come to the same conclusion that there wasn't much they could be caught with. We were just exploring! would be the cry they would say. That is, if their appearances didn't dissuade any from approaching.
Approaching the roof the two climbed the metal stairs. Tabi had become enamoured in his thoughts again, moving on autopilot. It wasn't good enough as he missed a step, nearly tumbling over. He caught himself on the railing, preventing a fall.
"You sure you alright man? S'like you're in dreamland." Agoti said. He held a hand out to help Tabi. Tabi sighed, accepting it.
"Can I talk to you?"
There it was. Agoti thought, his smile immediately appearing. But while Agoti meant it as genuine curiosity, to Tabi, he saw malice.
"Nevermind." Tabi glanced away and pushed past Agoti.
"H-hey. What's wrong?" Agoti said, smile quickly disappearing.
"I don't need any of your shit-eating advice." Tabi spat.
Agoti grabbed Tabi's hood. "Easy man. I'm on your side y'know."
Tabi brushed off Agoti's arm and turned to face him, eyes gleaming.
"You promise that you won't tell anyone about this, especially not (Y/N). No wise cracks either." Tabi said sternly.
"You got my word." Agoti said, doing a zipper motion where his lips were.
Tabi sighed again, now fumbling with his hoodie pocket. If there was one thing with Agoti it's that Tabi could never read him.
"Cut the crap." Tabi said. He wanted to be sure. He wanted Agoti to not just treat this as some 'bit'.
"I'm listening, man, honest."
"Alright." Tabi took a deep breath. He tried to speak but had having trouble finding the right words. "You wanna tell me what went down? Cause you've barely been yourself today." Agoti asked.
"I will." He said solemnly. Tabi's eyes turned to a white fire. Agoti knew that whatever was on his chest weighed heavily.
He had only seen Tabi appear like this once before. That night he got turned into his current form. Agoti remembered it too well. A phone call with a barely coherent Tabi, freaking out, unable to figure out how to make his new 'mouth' move, panicking and crying. It was a night Tabi that he still had nightmares of and one that Agoti still remembered vividly.
His eyes eventually turned yellow as he grew to accept what he'd become, hatred burning his heart and eyes.
But right now, he had been barring his soul.
He stepped down and walked to the railing, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. He looked out to the city ahead.
There was nothing but a seemingly endless canvas of buildings, tops of which looking like uneven teeth on the horizon.
Agoti stood against the wall of the office, waiting for Tabi to speak. He had almost made a comment about how Tabi quick smoking but stopped himself. Be serious, he thought.
"It's about (Y/N)."
"Well I like 'em. A lot."
"Okay...? I know that. You guys are good friends.
Taking another puff, Tabi let out a small cloud of smoke. "Let's go." He started walking up the stairs, going past Agoti.
"I really like 'em. I mean, we went on a...lunch date..and I want to make it official." Though more challenging that written, Tabi tried to give a summary of the date including the kiss. It was a struggle in itself to keep his composure.
The two 'vagabonds' reached the roof and Tabi looked back to Agoti after spilling his thoughts out. He was expecting a ribbing, maybe a mischievous smirk. However, instead, Agoti look at him confused.
"Wait? That's it?"
"Damn you've really changed." Agoti chuckled. "Shoot I thought you two were already a thing. (Y/N) is all you talk about now, pretty much."
Tabi's look of confidement started to turn skeptical, annoyance seeping in.
Agoti threw his hands up. "Don't get me wrong. I mean-you're talking way more. It's just like weeks ago I could barely speak to you unless it's about hunting Boyfriend. I got no problem with it."
Tabi was ready to snap at him but stopped. As he reflected on it he had changed.
"Go for it man. (Y/N)'s cool. Hell, this whole team has been a blast."
It didn't take long for the old Tabi come right out. He looked away, his eyes returning to their normal shade of yellow. "I'm not abandoning this mission. I'm not forgiving what they've done. This isn't some excuse to get with (Y/N)."
"Sheesh man. I'm still on your side. I haven't forgotten what they've done to us. I still get nightmares occasionally."
Tabi considered making a remark that his own 'trauma' was worse but decided against it.
"I've got your back man." Agoti said. "-So anyways, just tell (Y/N). It's pretty much official that you two are a couple. 'Least that's who I figured it."
"Does Sol know?" He asked quietly. He looked out to the buildings in front, aimlessly.
"I don't know. Doubt he be surprised though. Dad said earlier that you've changed for the better."
Tabi tossed the spent cigarette, crushing it under his sneaker.
"I don't know. I just don't want to make things awkward. What if (Y/N) doesn't see it that way."
"K, now you're second guessing yourself man. Ehn, better to just say it now then delay things." Agoti said. Agoti wanted to make a point to ask if he believed you were earnest, a thought reminding him of Tabi's last relationship and where that got him.
As he tried to find the words, Tabi replied for him.
"I've already looked into (Y/N), several times. Not just that one time with Sol. (Y/N) is the real deal."
"Well, then the only option you got now is to confess."
Now Playing...
Artist: Dereck Higgins
Song: Lined Up
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oHwlHJmg2w
Tabi blinked, seeing something a few buildings over. Agoti didn't notice anything. It was a hulking figure standing, looking around. They appeared tall even from where Tabi and Agoti stood.
"Thought you kicked cigarettes."
"I did. I just. I couldn't think straight. Don't tell Sol." Tabi continued staring at the figure, trying to make out who it was. They looked...familiar somehow.
"Hah, of all the things I thought this year, I didn't think you'd turn into a hopeless romantic." Agoti joked, sticking his tongue out.
Then the stranger stopped and turned. Tabi grabbed Agoti and threw him against the wall of the rooftop entrance. It got them out of sight, but left Agoti confused.
"Easy man! I'm just joking."
Tabi glared at Tabi and put a single finger in front of his mouth. "Be quiet." Is what he said physically.
He let Agoti go and looked behind the wall. The stranger was gone.
Making sure it was safe, Tabi looked around. No sign of anyone else amongst the rooftops. "I think we're being followed." Tabi said quietly.
Agoti peered over Tabi, seeing nothing in the distance. "You sure?"
"Enough of this. Let's get moving." Tabi said, starting to walk to the edge. He could see the target in the distance. It stood far higher than the other buildings.
"You don't think it's 'them' do you?"
Tabi ran and jumped across the gap, easily clearing it. As he waited for Agoti he scanned the area. No sight of anyone around. Maybe I was just imagining things, Tabi thought.
"You sure you saw something?"
"I'm not sure. Let's just finish this. C'mon." Tabi took charge, leaping from rooftop to rooftop. They moved too fast for any guards to spot them, let alone care.
Tabi always had an instinct of when someone was watching him but this time he didn't feel anyone other than Agoti. Maybe it just is my imagination. Tabi pondered.
The complex was within sight. A monstrous skyscraper shooting into the sky amongst smaller ones.
Only a few more jumps to reach the nearest structure to it. Based on the intel they had, the surrounding buildings were all TGG-owned. Security past this jump would be heightened. "A low-profile is essential here," is what Displo had said.
They could see ahead someone atop the nearby building with a flashlight. Likely one of the guards.
"Any ideas?"
"It's one just one guard. Let's just take them out." Tabi said coldly.
"Let's go around?"
"Let's wait, maybe they're just looking around."
Tabi ducked down behind the edge of the building's rail, Agoti doing so as well.
The property they sat upon was an apartment complex. It was evident from a few clotheslines on the roof, additionally connecting satellite antennae.
Since the guard searched a distance away Tabi and Agoti got up and looked around. The guard would not care about some people atop a nearby roof.
Even more evidence people lived were were the lawn chairs scattered around a tire. There was nothing but ash in the tire, a metal plate under it all. It looked like the dingiest camp site both crew members had ever seen. Moving the chairs around they took seats looking up at the impressive building in the near distance.
It stood many stories high, a skyscraper in the upmost definition of the word. From far away it looked ominous, but up closer it appeared far more foreboding. The lights were off in the whole tower except the top which had it's lights on full blast.
It would've appeared like a lighthouse but there were small red lights all over the building. Some blinked slowly too.
Agoti's eyes narrowed on one part. About halfway up the tower were glass windows like the rest. However as he looked into the windows he saw not the dark insides but a reflection of the sky. It was as if the glass on that floor was fake. Strange place, Agoti thought. It looked artificial.
With how much fervour Displo had described these guys coupled with the rumours he'd heard this minor detail appeared noteworthy.
Agoti found the whole scene a bit intimidating. Tabi might've too, had he been really looking at it.
"What about the rest of the group? I don't want to make things awkward."
Agoti looked at him skeptically. He had just been starring off into the distance. Agoti knew he was just making excuses, the anxiety still gnawing at him.
"What exactly would that change?"
"Well, I-what if (Y/N) says no?"
Agoti shrugged. "Guess we won't know till you ask."
Tabi just grumbled.
"Pfft. I doubt (Y/N) will say no. Sounds like 'e already thinks you two are a couple."
No longer wanting to sit and talk he got up and looked over forward. The guard had vanished, likely into the structure.
A few more jumps and they were one hop away from reaching the TGG-controlled property. The entrance to the skyscraper was within sight from atop that building.
The TGG-controlled property stood a bit farther than the others. A four-lane street separated it this time. A regular jump would not have worked. Buildings being the same height also rendered any jumps improbable.
"You brought that hook right?"
"Only one."
Tabi looked at him, annoyed.
"Hey, you said we didn't need any."
With no clear way to get across they had to resort to other tactics. First they checked for cameras on the street level. There were a few, mostly beside exits to the building. However, they noticed a blindspot in the middle of them. A telephone pole stood in that, just off the road.
Tabi pointed to it and nodded to Agoti.
Going down their current building wasn't an easy task. There was but one way down. Two times five sets of windows went down, all evenly spaced and not too far apart, perfect for leaping down from. They each jutted out just enough to put their feet on.
Jumping back up would've been an extreme core workout that neither one wanted. They'd have to find another way up.
Checking for cars they waited until the street had gone quiet and jumped down, trying their best to stay out of sight. They stayed alongside the sides of the windows hoping not to be seen.
Being constantly on the run taught Tabi a thing or two about parkour. Combined with his job requiring him to be up in trees he had become no stranger to climbing. Agoti likewise, having to evade cops and teachers when he was younger. Having Sol as a father helped too, as he had to come up with increasingly complex ways to get away if Sol ever got angry at the boy.
Climbing up to the TGG-owned building was trivial. A simple telephone pole allowed them an easy climb. Agoti had his sleaves cover his hands to stop and splinters from working their way in. Tabi, in his current state had no problem using his bare hands to grip and climb.
Without even breaking a sweat, the two made it to the top, now looking at the building even closer. With the lack of guards storming the place they must have been skulked by undetected.
From his hoodie pocket, Tabi pulled out some binoculars. 'Borrowed' from work, though he didn't care about the repercussions. He'll return it tomorrow.
"Collect any imperfections, weaknesses or oddities of the place." Displo had said. It rung true as they looked.
Though Tabi said and believed it pointless, Agoti ended up digging up his old digital camera to help take photos.
The stood on the west building, just barely able to see the entrance from their position. However, the entrance was extravagant enough that even from that skewed perspective it was noticeable.
There was main entrance to the building. Surrounding the door in-grained to it, a magnificent arch depicting many figures, sculpted all around it. Possibly, it depicted some sort of event, the piece too far away to accurately tell.
That looked to be the only entrance. From the three-point view they saw from above the only other entrances were one-way doors across the ground floor. Tabi could see signage next to the doors that probably said "return to the main entrance if locked out."
There would be no sneaking in like Blindside.
Instead of walls, windows lined the entire ground floor and alternated with walls as he looked up. The ground floor was dimly lit, allowing the crew to get a slightly better look inside.
It was a massive lobby, though they could only see from one side.
"See anything? Lemme take a look."
"Here." Tabi handed Agoti the binoculars and pulled his phone out, making notes.
The view from above skewed the look of the floor. The first floor looked large, containing a massive lobby and a high ceiling. There seemed to be some sort of art installation hanging from the ceiling but it remained dark in the night.
Additionally Agoti saw that towards the north section of the building the ceiling lowered into some circle, pillars surrounding what he presumed to be a security desk and some deeper part of 1F.
Looking around he didn't see any metal detectors, though after what Displo had said he wouldn't be surprised if they had some alternate method. Or maybe they were just confident enough nobody would be stupid enough to shoot up the place?
The ground floor lights lit just that up, the floor.
There looked to be a cafe in the lobby as well. Dimly lit but the chairs, tables and the edge of the bar were visible. Disguising as cafe workers wouldn't work. Agoti thought. Nobody on the team other than Displo could pull it off and he'd would get detained instantly. Maybe Kapi could?
Regardless, it gave it opportunity to snap some photos. Handing the binoculars back to Tabi he started the photo op.
Like the last jump they made this building would too far to grapple. The closest place to hook-in would've been one of the 'mis-aligned' floors, but the nearest one was 2 stories up, on the fourth floor. And even then, doing something like that in broad daylight would be idiotic. Tabi thought, annoyingly.
"Why are we even doing this during the day? We aren't going be dealing with 'them' in the day, shouldn't we practice at night?" He wondered aloud.
"I dunno. DP didn't given any rules on it. We could probably do it at night."
Tabi noted it down. It was a possibility.
Agoti kept looking around, now starring up at the building. It stretched to the clouds. If it weren't for the lights shining from the top floor he would've thought it continued forever up.
Despite it's size the building appeared in perfect shape. Not a single thing look out of order. It had been constructed perfectly, all the chairs were in it's places, not a single pane chipped, everything was....
"Spotless." Agoti muttered as he looked.
"Window cleaners!" He said.
"What about 'em?" Tabi said.
"What if we disguised as them?"
Tabi thought it over and gave an approving nod. "Yeah, I like that. Be outside, reach the top, break in, fight our way down. Be given total access." It was a similar role to the one he took in the last operation as well.
"Do they do it themselves though or do they have a contract?"
"How would I know? Maybe DP or S can figure out."
"Dope. Well that's our role down." Agoti said.
With that on the mind Tabi looked back down. Along the sidewalk and in all around the building were hedges and nicely cut trees.
It reminded him of his work on public trees. The ones he worked on were far bigger and more gnarled than these though. Each one looked perfect, a straight stump and a perfectly spherical leafline. Like a child or some minimalist artist would draw.
It contrasted horribly with the overly complex design on the door but he didn't care. He was a musician and sometimes arborist, not a designer.
A large thud was heard behind the two, startling both.
Something landed behind them, loud enough to hear the wind move. Hard enough that cracks in the concrete roof formed. Tabi and Agoti froze, neither one brave enough to see what had landed.
"So, boys. What're we spying on?~" Someone said playfully.
Both Tabi and Agoti knew that voice. Tabi cursed in his head. It was possibly the worst person that could've shown up now.
"Y'know, I never took you two as the pervy types. Boys will be boys I guess." Someone said, giggling.
Tabi didn't bother putting away the binoculars, instead just taking a deep breath and turning around.
At the other end of the roof stood a huge woman, double the height of Tabi and easily towering over the both of them. She stood at the other end of the roof, speaking to them from afar.
They knew her well, introductions were not necessary.
She stood 3 metres tall, an imposing figure. Not lanky like Huggy either, she was physically strong, easily mistaken for some kind of monster.
She had snow white hair which shined faintly under the lunar sky. Atop her head a black onyx crown which matched her black choker and belt.
Neither Tabi nor Agoti knew what species she actually was. In the few times they had interacted she had always referred to herself as the 'queen of the void'. Humanoid in some ways, while monstrous in others. Her skin as white as the moon, matching her hair. Her face was another piece that led onlookers to believe her to be human.
Solazar had told Agoti that she was like him, a solarisapien, thought he himself wasn't sure.
Her large eyes shone a light purple, swirls in them present indicated her humanity was not there. Both members knew better than anyone else to not look into them.
There were other 'human-like' features of her, large breasts might've once implied to them she was human but alas, claws as fingers and her intimidating stature were unlike any human.
In the dark night, her smile wasn't present but moonlight reflected off sharp teeth, displaying a twisted smile.
She wore a gown coloured pale blue, parting at the legs like a lab coat. The silky material flowed down to her feet, gently swaying in the night air. On the centre of the gown it turned to a deep blue, coalescing to the split. Her sleaves were rolled up, exposing strong arms.
Underneath the gown was a jumpsuit, the same blue as her gown's centre. They had grey trims and matched her dark blue boots as well.
It was such an unusual dress he though she was of eastern origin the first time he met her. A quick conversation with Sol later explained she was of alien descent actually. "Eldritch-class specifically." Sol had added then.
Both Tabi and Agoti were acquainted with her. Not in a friendly way, they knew she spelled trouble.
They knew her as Nikusa.
The next chapter will be called Blood Meridian.