Both members turned.
She leaned down, condescendingly. "Fancy seeing you two out here. Surely you didn't come here looking for me?" Her voice spelled mischief, every word dripping with double-meaning.
"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue? No hello? How are you doing?" She said gleefully.
Tabi looked over her dress and figure. She was insanely strong, far too powerful even if both of them tried to take her. Not to mention guards would show up soon enough anyways.
"You're looking...haggard as always." Tabi spat.
"That's more like it. Glad to see some people still have manners." She said, scoffing at Tabi.
She took a step forward.
"The hell are you doing here?" Agoti asked. Any worry he had was masked by his annoyance.
"Hmph. I should be asking the both of you no? Did I interrupt your date? Boys like you shouldn't be out late. Never know what's around." She growled as she finished and took another step forward.
"Pft. We aren't a couple." Tabi said, unfazed. She may have overheard some of their conversation but he wasn't going to let her get under his skin.
"Oh? Two washed-up artists turned spies. What a sight!" She turned idly, pretending to be in deep thought as she exercised her prose. "I always thought you two would make a good couple." She said happily. "Two washed-up artists turned to espionage. Could make a good book." She paused. "Though I would've guessed you two to be most soldiers." She shrugged and face them, completing her monologue.
"Think all you want. We're going." Agoti said, nudging Tabi.
"Nonsense." She stepped forward again. "We're not done here."
She looked directly at Agoti, trying to make eye contact. The digidevil knew better and looked away, even if it did make him appear weak.
"Heh. Guess you're still alone you witch." Tabi said, coming up with it on the spot. "Why don't you tell us why you're here instead?"
"Cute shot hun. But my retort was better." She hummed. "Don't flatter yourselves. I'm not here for you. I've moved onto bigger and badder things. Know the man that owns this building? He thought it entertaining to send his goons after me. A small love letter."
"I took care of them but it gets boring after you take down the 3rd squad. I've come to see if that man is willing to come at me directly. Cut the chit-chat and get to the action." She said, looking completely innocent.
She walked forward and closed the gap, joining them on the edge.
Though defensive and cautious, Tabi and Agoti just stepped out of her way. She moved like an actor moving across a stage.
"I'd like to take him on. RRRRRrhh." She growled.
She turned her head, looking down at Agoti. "How's your father doing? Still uptight as usual?"
While Agoti could read Tabi, Nikusa had always been a complete anomaly. Tabi too, finding her incomprehensible. They could never read her. Just a few minutes after insulting the both of them repeatedly she now had a bored expression on her face as she looked up. Now that he thought of it, her strange visage reminded him of another unfathomable being, S. He wondered is she'd get along with him.
Agoti had no idea if she was being friendly or not.
"He's doing alright."
Her mood changed, that twisted smile removing as her eyes narrowed. It was a look of domination. She wanted power over him.
"You've been holding up well, right?"
"I-I have." Agoti knew not to look into her eyes and backed up, but even as she bent down she stayed too close. He could feel her purple glow on himself.
"Well.." She said sensually. "It's been quiet in the void lately. I could really use a strong man like you to keep me company. I won't leave you there again." She said quietly.
Agoti gulped. Never mind her eyes, his vision was filled with something much larger. He nearly fell over. Nikusa had no issue directly invading his personal space.
"That's enough. We need to get going." Tabi said, stepping beside Agoti. He nudged him.
She stood up. "Perhaps you're right. I bothered this boy enough. Now about you...~" She said, turning her attention to Tabi.
"You've always been stronger than him. Me and you. Let's take this whole building down." She whispered to him, now invading his personal space.
Trembling slightly from the sudden attention, Tabi gulped, but did the same thing he did in any life or death situation. He drew his knife.
"Stay away." It took all his willpower to say it straight. But he found himself starring into her eyes.
"Aw, come on. Add your buddy here and we can burn down this whole building." She said.
They shined brightly, enough that light from them reflected faintly off Tabi's skull. The swirls would have proved hypnotic but he focused directly on them, instead forcing his mind to be clear.
"No." Tabi said, a little weaker but still in control.
Rather than let his willpower erode further, Nikusa stood up, Tabi now head height with her stomach.
"Hmph. You've changed."
She took a few steps back.
"Well. What a night so far! Got to meet some old friends and I even get to play with them." She declared. She waltzed to the centre of the roof.
Agoti nudged Tabi to go. He complied and they tried slipping past her. They only made it a few steps before she stopped, glaring right at them.
"But! This is my show. And what better way to really kick off the climax than with this!" She said gleefully. With complete ease she grabbed the radiator and ripped it off the roof as if it were made of paper.
Tabi and Agoti watched in horror as she picked it up and like a baseball chucked it towards the TGG headquarters. It smashed through the glass window, hurtling through and crashing on the floor, exploding into hundreds of scrap metal pieces.
The crash set off several alarms as TGG's lights came on a bright red.
"Start running boys!" She shouted triumphantly.
Solazar had eventually come to the point where he believed that violence would be the only way to stop her; that reasoning, nay even speaking would only energize her more. It was a point of view Agoti understood but he also knew what she was capable of. Yet again, Solazar had been proved correct.
Now Playing...
Artist: Salaryman
Song: Inca Picnic
It didn't take long for guards to come running, a few seconds at best. And even then, a few more seconds to look up and see Nikusa, standing atop the roof smiling ominously at them.
Nikusa turned to Agoti and Tabi, smiling like a delinquent wanting to be caught. He expression said a simple line. "Like what I've done?"
Tabi and Agoti weren't going to wait around. They bolted for the other end of the roof, planning on making it back to the car.
Nikusa let them as she turned to the guards. Still within earshot she declared. "Aw, where are you going? Don't you want to stick around for the rest of the fun?!" She rose her hands up as if to get everyone's attention.
Just as Agoti and Tabi passed the rooftop door it opened, security starting to pour out. "That idiot!" Tabi cursed. He jumped first and slid down the telephone pole, taking extra care to conceal his hands.
Agoti wasn't as fast thinking and instead slid, bare hands getting splinters. "Shoot!" He winced in pain but kept moving.
Escape the only thing on their minds they narrowly missed getting hit by a car, it swerving out the way. They barely even registered Nikusa shouting at someone.
Just as they made it to the end of the street they heard a loud crash behind them. Tabi, wishing he didn't have to, glanced behind him.
Nikusa was standing, the pavement smashed from impact. She ripped a drone in half, completely unfazed by the small explosion and sparks flying about.
And she still had the same psychotic smile. "C'mon boys! We're just getting started!" She threw the half towards Tabi, it crashing into the wall.
Holding the other half she looked up at the roof, guards aiming down at here. More drones had been deployed and were making for her.
"This is the best you got?" She screamed at them, throwing the other half of the drone in the air.
Tabi watched the whole thing, dumbfounded. A laser sight atop the roof got his attention. He grabbed Agoti who just was about to start jumping up the next window. A bullet fired right into the pole, just above where Agoti was.
Tabi motioned to go around the building, climbing too dangerous right now. They ran.
Wide open street, plenty of buildings around, no stores open and but a few cars around. The alarm from TGG's HQ was still going off. No good. There could be eyewitnesses at this rate.
Tabi took charge and ran across the road, noticing a fire escape near an apartment building. "Is she following us?" Agoti shouted.
"Hey don't yell at me! You're the one that had a crush-"
"SHUT UP!" Tabi yelled, not wanting to have a conversation in the midst of escaping.
Just as Tabi and Agoti reached the alley, Agoti grabbed Tabi's back and used him as a platform to reach the escape ladder.
His focus was just on escaping, barely noticing the commotion going on behind them. To the drivers, the whole scene sounded like a war zone.
Upon the escape, he reached down and Tabi jumped. With an easy pull up, the both were on the escape. They started scaling the stairs, no regard for being stealthy anymore.
Whatever was going on behind them, they distinctly noticed the sounds of shattering glass, things hitting the building they were climbing. Whether gunshots, projectiles or Nikusa throwing things they couldn't tell.
Tabi picked up one more distinct sound too. Police sirens.
Elsewhere, you were testing the police radio, Huggy in your lap sleeping. Just out of pure curiosity you set it to the operating channel. "All units to Alambik Road, possible 2171 or potential 2941 in the area. Three suspects."
You knew those codes easily. Armed robbery and terrorist attack.
"What the hell?" You say aloud. "S!" You shout. "Get to me!"
Now noticing the police sirens, Tabi started to panic. "DAMMIT" He shouted in frustration. They made it atop the building. Looking back they saw a flurry of smoke on the road below and lots of gunfire.
"WE'VE GOT YOU SURROUNDED! SURRENDER NOW!" Someone shouted into a megaphone from below.
They stepped back going for the opposite edge of the roof. No time to wait.
Just as they made it to the edge, a large figure emerged from the smoke, landing right where the two were previously looking at. She landed with a loud thud, making no concern if she destroyed the roof.
Tabi and Agoti turned back stunned. It was Nikusa. She looked completely unscathed.
"How're you finding it?" She asked nonchalantly.
"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM US!" Agoti shouted.
"Awww..You're no fun." Nikusa pouted. "Wonder if they'll keep us together if they catch us? I'd love to spend more time with you two.~"
Agoti almost considered just attacking here then and there. At least that way they would've looked more innocent. He clenched his fists.
Rising from the street behind Nikusa several more drones arrived. They were much larger than the previous ones, looking more like miniature spaceships and alien tech than the others.
A man appeared with them, armed with an assault rifle, wings on his back carrying him up. Neither Tabi nor Agoti got a good look at him, but the one glowing eye he had, they could tell he was pissed.
Tabi grabbed Agoti's sleave and motioned to keep going. This was gonna get ugly. If they were seen they'd be screwed, the whole operation too.
"Oh? Where do you think you're--AAAAAAAAAAA" Nikusa was hit with electricity from the drones, a cavalcade of bullets from the angelic figure. Together they delivered a lethal shock. But, despite her initial response she was surprised. She turned to the soldier and shouted. "HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT ME!" And lunged at him.
Though it wasn't perfect, Tabi and Agoti landed onto the next building. "What's wrong with you guys? Don't even answer your phones." A snarky voice said from Tabi's phone. S had arrived.
"Hey! Can you guys hear me!" S shouted. "CAN'T TALK RIGHT NOW KINDA BUSY." Tabi shouted.
"Well excuse me. Just that (Y/N)'s freakkkkkk***" S' voice started to sound more and more distorted. "Holy! The network's gone haywire!" He said, connection clearing up.
"Jam***!!!!<.....><<>>----" S tried to say but the connection was fading. With the remaining link he had he cranked the volume to max. "---COPTR*****DOWN*DDDDWOWOWNW" Was the last thing heard from Tabi's phone followed by the end call sound.
They landed on another building, heading in the direction of their car. They were only about half way. But despite their distance they could hear people behind them still just as close.
"Holy crap!" Agoti said as he now understood was S meant. He tapped Tabi and pointed back.
Far behind and loudly approaching was a helicopter. It must have emerged from the The Greater Good's HQ. It had a searchlight on it, and if they were closer, they could've seen the mounted guns atop it.
"Dude we gotta get down." Agoti said, stammering.
"Got it." Just as they reached the next edge two drones rose up. Similar to the ones that targeted Nikusa, these ones had poles atop them, flashing with various colours.
Before they could even charge and shoot, Tabi jumped at one, grabbing it's head. He stayed clear of the shock tubes, knowing full well he couldn't take a shock like that. The other drone paused, unsure of what to do. Tabi's weight and his body blocking the drone's camera caused it to sink. It started emitting some panicked beeping.
With the drone distracted, Agoti whipped out the grappling hook and threw it at the other one, the hook landing square in it's camera.
Tabi jumped off the drone, it crashing into the one Agoti paralyzed. They both landed in a heap somewhere in the alley below.
"Freeze!" A guard shouted from across the roof. Like the other one he was on a jetpack as well. He opened fire, bullets lighting up the air towards Agoti.
"Ah!" Agoti shouted as he jumped forward, hoping for the best. He knew he'd survived longer falls.
He tried to angle it so that he fell in the open trash bin, instead missing and landing stomach first on the closed one. He made a loud crash.
"Ah, damn..." Agoti whispered. He writhed in agony. His rest was short-lived as the guard above opened fire on them below. He missed.
God. I hope those things didn't take photos. Tabi thought.
Tabi grabbed a nearby trash lid and threw it at the shooter, averting his attention. Tabi pulled Agoti up and kept running.
From above screaming was heard, as something huge knocked the shooter to the next building.
"Where are we going?" Agoti whined. "My car's that way."
"No way. They've got a copter. We gotta remain low." They had no idea where they were running, just trying to keep moving.
"I'm back!" S declared from Tabi's phone. He pulled the phone out of his pocket. All saw was Tabi and Agoti running somewhere. It was dark out, the front camera wasn't picking up much detail.
"Look up the closest way to Adobe College!" Tabi shouted into the phone.
"Why? I ain't some mai-"
"DO IT!" Tabi yelled. He had no time for games.
"Geez. Don't gotta be so mean. Alright....boutta 30 minute run, up Silverlight Street, go north, make a hard right at Saratoga."
"Put that on Agoti's phone!" He commanded. "Agoti, take lead!"
"What's going on?" He asked. Shock had kicked in, the pain from his fall and splinters were but a distant memory.
"I'll explain, just get us to the campus."
Following closely behind Tabi closed the map app and went to contacts. Right at the bottom he found what he needed.
"GIRL, LEAD" He hit call, praying that she pick up. Under normal circumstances he would have hesitated calling but tonight was serious.
Drones were still buzzing about the sky. They had lost Tabi and Agoti but were still looking intently for any movement. Hiding amongst the dark alleyways was working.
Someone picked up instantly. "Tabi! That really you?" A feminine voice spoke, sounding excited.
"Y-yes. Ayana. It's me. I need help. It's urgent. You still on campus?" He panted. While Tabi was in shape, the chase was starting to wear on him.
"You know it!" She cheered. "Can't believe you called. It's..It's not about my ex is it?"
"It's not. I swear. I'll explain later. I just-argh!" Tabi tripped, dropping the phone. Continuing chase he got up and put it back to his ear. "Can me and Agoti crash at your place? Just a few hours."
"Agoti's there too! Ooooh! Tell him I say hi! Yeah. Of Course! I'm on reading week it's pretty chill."
"Yes yes. Can you-pick-" A bullet ricocheted past them. They'd been spotted. Ayana didn't hear Tabi and kept going. "Oh, can you guys bring some beer? All out-"
"AYANA. I WILL BRING YOU ALL THE BEER. Please! Do you have a car?"
"You guys okay? Sounds rough out there."
"I'll explain later. Please. Car."
"No can do. Dalia's got it for a gig. You remember Dalia right? DJ-"
"Okay. Just. Can you meet us near the entrance. Please."
"Sure. How soon?"
"I-I don't know. T-thirty minutes?"
"Sure man. See you soon. Lookin' forward to that be-" Tabi didn't let her finish, instead hanging up. He felt slightly bad though he knew he'd apologize later.
He couldn't see any other way to weather this storm.
Another call came in, ringtone blaring. This time from you. Tabi whispered something as he kept running, hitting the reject button. This was no time to discuss things.
After passing streets and alleys, ducking behind signs and staying out of the streetlights they made it to another street they had to cross.
Agoti and Tabi entered the street after checking for cars. It was empty. There was a single truck far up the road. As they stepped into the open street they froze.
"Haven't forgotten about me have you?" A familiar voice said happily.
Across the street, right in their path was a cafe. It was closed but lights around the sign atop it were lit, proudly displaying the name. Standing amongst those lights was...Nikusa.
She looked completely clean, beaming with happiness.
Nikusa shook her head. "Nope. I'm having too much fun." She held up a piece of the jetpack and some feathers. "And these guys are such a bore."
The helicopter was far closer now, the sounds of the blades loud. At least the TGG alarm was out of earshot.
She jumped down onto the road, eyes starring right at the other two fugitives.
She was far too preoccupied to notice the truck speeding down the road. The driver slammed the horn and even with the brakes it wasn't enough. The track slammed into Nikusa and went barrelling into the building at the streets end. The driver, freaking out, scrambled to get of the truck.
"Oh thank god." Agoti muttered. He ran forward with Tabi to the cafe. They ducked beside its stairwell, hoping it could conceal them.
From the alley they had run out of, a team of guards exited. They were dressed in all black, wielding heavy weaponry. They looked like a SWAT team but far stronger.
The helicopter had reached above them and started to land.
The team's attention was first on the cafe. They would have charged there had the nearby truck not exploded, diverting their attention. Tabi and Agoti lowered themselves further, barely peering over the stairwell to see what would happen next.
The team moved into the road, surrounding the helicopter. They all had their guns trained on the crash, fire erupting from the explosion.
Agoti had been holding his phone out in front, giving S a decent view of what was happening.
In the smoke, fire and ash from the explosion they saw a dark figure move into view. Tabi cursed silently as he saw purple eyes light up from the scene. Nikusa was fine.
"Woaah. Who is that?" S said, impressed.
"A psychopath. Let's go." Tabi said and pulled Agoti into the alley further. He wasn't interested in seeing what happened next. The last thing he saw was someone large get out of the helicopter.
The next chapter will be called Rest.