Track 34 - Rest

"Bring it on weatherboy!" Nikusa yelled just as they dipped. They didn't stick around to find out who her opponent was but judging by his yelling, he was pissed.

Tabi and Agoti kept moving. S remained curious neither were in the mood to deal with his quips and incessant questions about Nikusa. Most of the replies were either 'we'll fill you in later" or "be quiet."

They didn't dare look back at what happened behind them. Their ears told a good enough story. A few streets over later they heard what sounded like an explosion as well as what they thought was thunder. The sounds got quieter, though they were unsure if it was because they were moving away or the fight was moving elsewhere.

Regardless, the drones and guards had stopped following them, focusing more on the damage Nikusa had done on her rampage. They had no idea where she was or if she was still following them.

But, while TGG may have calmed down on its hunt, police were still about. Though not as dangerous as TGG's troops, if spotted they would've been arrested. Tabi knew it would be game over if they were caught.

S came in handy, being able to sense nearby cars and divert attention away if need be. After coming to a particularly dense alley system, Tabi and Agoti stopped for a breather. They both slumped down against a brick wall and a trash bin.

"S. Can you check the news?" Tabi asked, tired.

S sighed. "Alright, fine. Let's see."

While S gave out the news, Tabi texted you, just informing that he and Agoti were okay.

Though ignorant to the exact outcome of Tabi's excursion the police radio explained all that needed. "Yeah well you got half the city on alert. Be safe." You respond.

"It's hard to say right now but there appear to have been three conspirators. We don't know for now exactly what their motives were, some eyewitnesses are saying it was a robbery gone wrong while others are saying it was politically-motivated." The radio spoke through S. "We have this from the NCPD police chief."

"Shortly after alerting The Greater Good, the suspects went on a rampage destroying property, attacking first responder and civilians." The chief said before it returned to the anchor.

"It appears they have split up. Early reports are saying to watch out for a human woman, 3 metres tall, snow white skin and white hair. The other 2 suspects are described as anthro wolves wearing red and blue hoodies."

"Shoot." Agoti said. "Should we ditch our hoodies?" He was trying to pull the splinters out of his hands from earlier.

"No way. This is all I got and I'm not getting sick again." Tabi said.

"All suspects are considered armed and dangerous. Both NCPD's Advanced Corps as well as volunteers from The Greater Good's security force are currently combing the streets in the Albino and Blacksheep Neighbourhoods. If you see anything please report to Crime Stoppers." S shut off the radio. He knew they heard what they needed.

"We're so screwed."

"You guys did all that? Why?" S asked.

"We didn't. All we were doing was recon for this stupid operation. It was that crazy собака. God I hope they catch her." Tabi said as he kicked the trash can.

"About that. You guys gonna finally tell me who that was now?" S asked.

"Nikusa. She's...I don't know what she is. She built this void, stuck Agoti in it. The Family asked her to do but knowing her she probably did it for fun. She's a sick woman."

"I like that." S snickered. "So what's this void? Like a big space?" S asked.

"Yeah. Sort of. Like an endless space, nothing but rocks floating in it. They had me there for a year." Agoti said, shuddering.

"She also keeps trying to screw with the rest of Agoti's family. And The Greater Good I guess. Probably the Family too somehow. She has lots of enemies." Tabi said. "And she's indestructible. I'm sure she's still out there, running or fighting. I think she's from space."

"Man, I really like the way she sounds. Wonder if I know her from out there."

Agoti nudged Tabi playfully. "Aw, c'mon man. That's not all..~" Agoti teased.

"Okay, fine. I had a crush on her. You happy now? Wouldn't have had one if I'd known she was a complete lunatic!"

"Ha, there it is."

"Whatever." Tabi got up. "Shall we go now?"

Agoti raised his hand up. "Alright. Say, don't you think S could put a report in, just divert the cops elsewhere so we can get to my car?"

"Ehn. Too much paperwork. Do it yourself."

"Whatever." Tabi said. "Let's just to go Ayana's. I owe her that much."

Agoti shrugged. "Let's go."

"Who's that?" S asked.

"Just an old fan of mine." Tabi said.

They continued on. As they moved from building to building, road to road and corner to corner the police presence started to lessen. Eventually S, content they were safe, left himself, citing he wanted some sleep. As a last measure, they had S check the activity near Agoti's car. Police were lurking the area.

"You think she's still following us?"

"God, I hope not."

Eventually after a few more close calls they made it to the campus.

The whole place was structured like a small town, with buildings dedicated to housing, shopping and learning all spread out across a whole space. They even had their own security and police force.

Sure enough, Ayana was waiting for them outside the dorm building, just off to the side. Browsing her phone idly, waiting, it was cold enough to see her breath.

"Tab! What's up!" She waved upon seeing Tabi and Agoti. Both kept their hoods on, trying to stay anonymous.

She had long flowing brown hair which shined under the buildings lights. She had tan skin and dark eyes as well as a white bracelet on her right and black one on her left.

She wore a white tank top on with a red triangle around the centre. Always dressed to impressed she coveted navy blue short shorts on with dark leggings underneath, black high heels, despite only going outside to meet Tabi and Agoti.

"H-hello. How are you?" Tabi asked, he was still a little unsure how to speak to her.

"Doin' good. Cold out. Let's get inside. You got that beer?"

Tabi shook his head. "Sorry. It was all just to, um, uh-"

"Ah don't sweat it. I ordered some. Dw."

"Do you have another entrance? We kinda can't get spotted now." Agoti asked. He wasn't as familiar with Ayana as he was.

"Pfft. You think I didn't plan for this? I got a friend holding the door open on the side. Let's go."

Ayana led them up a plain maintenance shaft to her floor. All the way she had started asking all sorts of questions. It made Tabi feel like he was in an interview. Agoti would've expected Tabi to just deflect and hide but found Tabi actually making an attempt to answer said questions.

For Tabi he saw it as penance, something he must do. He felt as if he had abused her trust sometime ago or even treated her bad. Ayana didn't share that feeling at all, learning years ago that Tabi was just one of those 'strong silent-type'.

Agoti only vaguely knew her through Tabi. Just that she was someone that was a fan of their music and that she was a part of that 'group' he was building a year ago to get revenge on his ex. Said group never exceeded 4 members, Agoti recalled. Him, Tabi, Ayana and some other Russian expat he hadn't seen in years. And we how bossy he was during that time he already understood what Tabi meant when he said "I owe her that much."

A little more conversation later, Agoti found his footing and found he was able to speak with her better, giving his friend a break. She had plenty of questions for Agoti, all of which he was ready and willing to answer.

Finally they made it to Ayana's dorm. Though called that, it was less like a dorm and more like a flat.

Eventually the question came up about what exactly went down. She'd heard the news that two 'anthro wolves' were on the run but didn't guess it was them. Tabi explained a bit of the 'operation' but didn't mention the family.

"Taking on TGG, huh? You guys are nuts." Ayana said. "Heard all sorts of spooky stuff about them." She had taken a seat in the living room on the recliner, Tabi and Agoti on the couch. The beer had arrived but both felt too tired to drink anyways. Maybe later.

"Well, it's more like testing them but yeah." Agoti said.

"Dalia's a compsci major, y'know. Think she mentioned something like that once."

Figuring she could be a source of info, Tabi asked, "You know anything about them? Anything weaknesses, er, problems?"

"No idea. They have scholarships here but that's about all I know-Oh-and, uh, they also fund some medical program or something. I dunno, something with the med students. And rumours they harbour aliens, but that's common knowledge."


"So how does it work? The operation." Ayana asked, curious.

"We break in, steal what we can and give them a report on what we did."

"Cool! OH, wait, did you guys do another one a few weeks ago?"

"Hell yeah, you saw that?" Agoti said proudly.

"Yeah! That was cool. I thought it was just a terrorist attack. How'd you guys end up in the line of work anyways? That's so cool!"

"Long story." Tabi looked to Agoti who nodded.

"Fair enough. When are you guys planning to do it?"

"I don't think we have a date yet."

"Well if you guys need anything, me and Dalia could probably help".

"Really?" Tabi asked, a little surprised.

"Sure! Dalia and I just finished finals till September. Long as I'm not busy that day, just lemme know." Ayana said cheerily.

They continued talking for another hour before finally leaving and heading back to their car. Though Tabi wasn't that interested in it, Agoti pretty much forced him to spend the night, refusing to drive back to Tabi's 'tree'.

He just planned to dip out early the next morning, hoping to avoid Sol's watchful gaze. That of course failed after he forgot to set an alarm. Not to mention Snowflake, Agoti's cat had crawled upon Tabi's stomach, effectively preventing him from moving when he started to stirr. 

He probably would have slept in even longer, had Agoti's older brother not had started his morning exercises, rousing Tabi from sleep.

Annoyed, he peered out the spare room door to the kitchen. Solazar was there, looking in the fridge. Maybe if I just sneak by, time it with his brother's grunts... He creaked the door open slightly...

Snowflake meowed and darted out the door.

"Good morning Tabi. Would you like to join me and Agoti for breakfast?" Solazar said, not even looking back. Tabi sighed. He stepped out and put on his hat, shooting one glare at the cat. He had no proof but believed Sol kept those cats around just to stop him from leaving.

"Yeah, no thanks. I gotta go. I don't want to be late."

"Nonsense. I've already taken the liberty of informing them you'd be late." Solazar turned and looked at Tabi. Though he had no visible mouth, Tabi could tell he was smiling.


"We're having some having some pancakes. Come join us."

Solazar beckoned him forth. Tabi sighed, but there was no avoiding this. He walked into the kitchen. He could hear Agoti's brother exercising in the other room, the crunching of metal and moving of the equipment echoing across the condo.

Agoti was sitting at the kitchen island. He waved to Tabi before continuing to browse his phone and eating. His hoodie was nowhere to be seen, regular clothing replaced with a t-shirt and loose fitting sweats.

Solazar collected what he needed from the fridge and continued working on the pancakes, pouring batter into a hot pan.

"I don't suppose you two saw the news this morning?"

Tabi looked to Agoti, unsure if Sol knew or not. "No?" Sol asked. "Well, Nikusa apparently went on a rampage last night."

"Weird." Tabi said.

"Yeah, didn't even know she was in city." Agoti shrugged.

"They get her?"

"Ha, as if any prison here could contain her." Sol flipped a pancake, catching it with ease. "No she got away and is at large. Course that didn't stop them from phoning me asking if I knew anything." He muttered.

"Darn." Tabi mumbled.

"Wow." Agoti said absent-mindedly.

"You two be safe out there. Her rampage wasn't too far from where you were hanging out last night." Sol continued cooking, placing a few cooked pancakes atop nearby plates.

Tabi didn't notice it but on top of his business suit, Sol wore an apron.

"Yeah, campus security was up last night." Agoti said in-between bites.

"I'm sure it was." Sol said suspiciously.

He must've told him about Ayana. Tabi thought.

"Here you go!" Sol handed Tabi a plate. It was a stack of brown pancakes.

"I had to use some of Aldryx' protein powder but I assure you they taste just fine."

"T-thanks." Tabi said, pouring some syrup on them.

Sol turned to face the two, leaning back on the oven. While it was hot, such temperatures mattered little to him.

"You know, I heard there were two others as well." Sol said.

Agoti stopped chewing and looked up, trying to keep a poker face. Tabi just kept looking at the pancakes. He knew what was coming.

"Two...anthros? Not sure about that part but they did say they were in a red and blue hoodie."

Though he wasn't looking, he could feel Sol starring at him specifically through his thick glasses.

"So...Anything you boys wanna tell me?"

"Nope." Tabi said, sitting up. He could feel the cats staring at him from below, less "I want food" and more "I wanna see you squirm".

Agoti spoke up. "Okay, look. We may have run into her. But I swear we weren't working with her. She attacked us!"

"I see. And what exactly where you doing in that area? Bit far from the campus."

"We were just exploring." Agoti said, breaking eye contact and focusing back on his food.

"Uh-huh. You know I have connections all of this city right? I know that wasn't some 'random' building you were at. That was The Greater Good, you know, an organization dedicated to targeting our kinds of people." He said sternly. "So tell me the truth. You were working with Nikusa weren't you?"

"What? No. We were just scoping the place out. Honest." Agoti stammered.

Tabi just face palmed himself, annoyed at Agoti's quick surrender and inability to lie better.

"Is this true?" Sol turned to Tabi.

"We were scoping them out."

"For what possible reason?" Sol said, a little louder. "Misplaced vigilantism? For sick kicks? I know those people very well. They even tried to go after me many years ago. Suffice to say they aren't just some easy mark."

Tabi sighed. May as well lay it all out now. "We're gonna be pentesting them soon. We just went to do some recon, survey the building. She just showed up and started wrecking things."

"Even so. That was a reckless and stupid thing you two did. If you even run into her again I expect you to either beat her till submission or run. She's not a good person." Sol chastised them as if Nikusa's appearance was their fault.

He turned back to Agoti. "You're going to take on TGG? Are you absolutely sure about this? Like I said, they aren't just some random org. You know what I'm going to say next right?"

"You want to observe." Tabi said, unamused. He had started eating. If this whole thing was a setup for Sol to get mad at them the least he could do was eat the rest of the bait.

"I want to observe." Sol said right after. "No offense to your friend Displo, he's a fine man, but TGG is far more dangerous than that company. Are you two sure this isn't a setup?"

"It's not, Dad. Displo already dealt with the legal crap. Plus he's as paranoid as the rest of us. He doesn't like them anymore than you do. Plus, we kinda have-" Agoti coughed and continued eating.

"Kind of what?" Sol said sternly.


Sol looked to Tabi, glaring at him. Tabi looked to Agoti, the digidevil's face burning up. Tabi sighed again, wondering if Sol just liked getting angry. May as well bait him then.

"Long story-"

"I expect you'll it-"

"I will, geez. One of our team members found some alien, confronted them, they found out we had a team, threatened to take our team if we didn't test them. Said if we lost then they'd at least take one member instead."

"Is this true?" Sol turned back to Agoti. He nodded.

"Well they had better not take either of you. There will be hell to pay." Sol sighed. He turned his attention back to cooking.

"So it's just the 5 of you again?" Sol asked.

"There were 6 last time." Tabi said.

"No. You, Displo, that cop, Agoti, and that catboy."

Tabi realized that Sol hadn't met S yet, recalling that they'd never actually spoke. Not wanting to deal with the possible can of worms of having an eldritch being on the team; he kept quiet, "Nevermind."

"Nah, we got a few more people now." Agoti said, mouth full. "Got a witch, her daughter, uhh, some monster thing, oh and that alien."

"Quite a troupe you have there." Sol chuckled. "A girl from space, you said? What's her name?" Sol turned back to Agoti, this time curious.

"Nikku. No, she's not related to least I don't think. She's really quiet."

"Nikku?" Sol said quietly. "That's...hmmm..can't be. She have a last name?"

"Moira, I think?" Agoti said, finishing his plate. He put the cutlery in a resting position as he pushed it away.

"Moriaka?" Sol said with wonder. "That can't be right. Are you absolutely sure?"

Tabi shrugged. He didn't really know her last name, just heard it referenced about.

"What's wrong?" Agoti asked. He picked up on his dad's sudden change.

"Wow." Solazar laughed. "No, it's just...I knew a Nikku once. She was the daughter of one of my old, er, I guess you could say acquaintances." Sol looked away. "But that was aeons ago..." Sol said quietly.

"Has she ever mentioned her parents? What she is? Where she came from?" Sol asked, sounding more worried than curious now.

"She can't remember anything. Just her name." Tabi said, mouthful. He found the pancakes pretty good, even with protein powder. A bit dense but the maple syrup softened them perfectly.

"Yeah, they took her memory away or something. She can't even speak. She just impersonates others. It's real weird." Agoti added.

"I have to meet her." Sol said. "Yes. I need to be sure. You're absolutely sure she can't remember anything?"

Tabi shrugged. "She barely said a word last meeting. Looked lost the whole time. I don't know, the person who found her said that they went through great lengths to capture her again."

"What's wrong Dad?" Agoti asked.

"I-It's nothing. Just a blast from the past." Sol dropped the spatula clumsily, it slamming on the floor. He said nothing as he bent down to pick it up. Without speaking again, Sol finished cooking and dumped the dishes into the sink. "Amora and I have to go shopping. Tabi, thanks again for staying. Good luck today." Sol nodded at and hurried to the living room.

Agoti looked at Tabi confused. Tabi just shrugged. "I gotta going too. See you tonight."

"Alright...? Later man."

The next chapter will be called In Preparation.

Ayana has joined the party!
