Track 35 - In Preparation

For Tabi and Agoti, last night was epic. For you, less so. At first you had begun messing with the newly obtained police radio. They didn't care about you taking a spare and the chief even made it a point to say if you wanted to go after alerts you were welcome to, off-the-record, of course.

Then it was the matter of getting Huggy settled in. He found the late Easter basket the cops had assembled. You still hadn't touched it, the basket remaining in the living room. It took hassling Huggy with a broom to stop eating at it.

First was getting it working on general frequencies. That took little trouble. With just a few knob tweaks and antenna-messing the news came on. "Sky *bzzt* still *skrt* missing. Anyone with *beep* information is expected to come to the police. In other news the strange deep freeze that hit Manhattan is finally thawing. *SKRTYTT* as low as 30 degrees celsius. *BEEEP* That's all for-" You change the knob. It worked.

Setting it to police frequencies you heard all hell break loose at The Greater Good's headquarters. You had sent S to investigate but he came back, stating that someone (likely TGG) had been engaging in signal jamming to prevent communications from getting out.

The specifics were unclear but a few unread texts later, Tabi gave you a quick rundown.

Just before bedtime, Tabi texted you a brief summary of events. That he and Agoti were ambushed and chased. He promised to explain everything at the next meeting.

Of course, that wasn't enough as your phone woke you at just past 3:00AM. You could hardly reach it, finding Huggy had snuck into your bed, coiled around you like a serpent.

Displo had awoken claiming that Tabi, Agoti and a third wheel attempted to attack the building. Defending him you convinced Displo that Tabi would not do something so stupid. "Well if they get caught we're all screwed. For our sake I hope you are correct." He wrote. Apparently, not only did Updike believe IRIS was behind the attack but that the 'pitiful attack' was the operation.

It was only after Displo explained he had no idea what was going on that Updike relented. Then you were the first person he called after. Needless to write, Displo was stressed and begged you to come into the restaurant first thing.

Worried you slept uneasily the rest of the night, only lulled to sleep by Huggy's refusal to let you go.

The surprises continued when you arrived at Displo's just past 8. You were greeted by a familiar face at the front table.


He didn't have any guards around him this time. He wore the same white suite and was patiently drinking a tea. He barely fit into the chair and even then the chair someone wasn't buckling under his weight.

A strange sight.

Updike wasn't alone, the person sitting with him making the picture even stranger. Tess was sitting across the table, the two locked in deep conversation.

Displo was present too, standing behind the bar watching closely, cleaning glasses. Though his face displayed the same pattern by the aggressive way he cleaned that glass he must have been anxious or suspicious.

Both barely even noticed you enter. Updike saw first, putting his tea down and standing up.

"Ah, the ring leader arrives." He remarked. His expression nary changed, a resting annoyed face present.

Tess got up. "Morning, (Y/N)." She looked back to Updike and nodded. "Well. I have plenty more to do. It was nice meeting you. Feel free to come by anytime." Tess smiled.

"Thank you. Displo, you have very intelligent employees here." Updike said, for once having some sort of happiness in his voice.

"Yes...quite." Displo said. With that Tess skated off to resume her duties. Updike sat back down, beckoning you to sit as well.

Despite his lack of entourage it didn't make him any less intimidating.

"What's this all about?"

"I'll explain shortly. Don't worry. I won't take too much of your time."

You roll your eyes and take a seat. Displo motioned for the prep cooks to go to the kitchen, informing them this would only take a minute. When it was just the 3 of you left in the dining room, Displo came to your side. Just like the last time Updike showed up, he didn't appear anxious in the slightest. He was holding it in. Displo rested a hand on your shoulder.

"I expect honesty." Updike said, unexpectedly.


He pulled out a folder from inside his suit. Your instinct kicked in and unconsciously reached for your gun. Thankfully he didn't notice the gesture.

He placed the folder on the table, opening it and pulling out a picture. A black and white photo of a street, a woman standing in it, holding what appeared to be one of Updike's men by the throat.

Updike looked at you expectantly. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I have no idea who that is."

"Oh? Are you not going to claim she's a member of your little 'team'? Her name is Nikusa; but I'm sure you know that."

"Like I said. I have no idea who she is."

"Likewise." Displo said. "She is not of our ranks."

"The lone wolf theory. Hpmh." Updike said, putting away the photo. "Last night there was a direct attack on my establishment. This is nothing short of an act of war. She had two accomplices. I have enough eyes to know who exactly was at my place last night. The 'digidevil', the 'goat' and this woman."

"Sure. Tabi and Agoti may have been there last night, but I swear they weren't with her. They even texted me last night they were ambushed. She's not a friend, whoever she is."

"And I presume you still have proof of this interaction?"

You sigh and hand Displo the phone. He inspects it, holding the phone too close to his eyes.

"Very well. However I am still curious about your team's connection to Nikusa. It is our understanding you can help deliver her to us."

"Look. Sure. But again, I got no clue that this is. If we run into her, I'll give you a call. But really, she's not a member."

"(Y/N) is correct. You are well away of me and my people. We wouldn't do something as reckless as strike randomly, with a tiny fraction of the actual team."

Updike put away the folder, but removed the picture. "Very well. I believe you. I still want to question Tabi and Agoti about this. From the footage I have, they very much were conversing."

"You may question them, but I assure you, we would NEVER do something so stupid." Displo said, giving up Tabi and Agoti. You add that he could not ask them about the surveillance. Updike agreed, finally stating he believed this incident and the upcoming operation were not related.

"She sent 15 of my men to the hospital last night, as well as several other squads in the past. You had best not get involved with her. We won't have a repeat if by some chance you are affiliated with her."

"We won't. I promise. And if we come upon any information of her whereabouts you shall know first." Displo said hopefully.

"I will assure you if you are connected to this 'monster' then all previous agreements are off. We will come after you and all you love. Our security will be up." Updike said coldly.

"U-understood." Displo said, voice cracking slightly. Updike looked to you next and you nodded. You weren't afraid of him; though the image of them going after Pomona and Kapi that bothered you.

"Thank you. And thank you for the tea." Displo put a 5$ bill on the table and left.

Once he was out, Displo sat down, his strong appearance wearing thin. "What did those two do last night?" He asked, flabbergasted.

"Nikusa. You have really never heard of her?" You ask.

"No. I have not."

"Humph. Wonder what she thinks of the family." You say, looking at the photo. She did look fierce.

Elsewhere, Tabi had begun his day, already starting on a tree.

"Ey, you okay man? You seem rattled." One of the arborists said. Tabi was in the tree, small chainsaw in hand. This particular one had gnarled branches and overgrown leaves. He was supposed to be cutting the pointless branches, though found himself deep in thought.

He was replaying the events of last night. Nikusa had returned. He found himself paranoid, worried she'd show up anywhere.

He shook his head, snapping out of the trance. "Uh, sorry, no. I need a break. Rough night."

"Alright. I could take 10 too. You're staying up there though. We gotta at least look like we're doing some work."

"Fine." Tabi put the chainsaw down and took a seat on one of the branches, staring up into the sky through leaves.

Elsewhere you sent Tabi a text. Just a short one, telling him Updike was pissed, wanted Nikusa's head and that he wanted to talk about Nikusa. Otherwise, Tabi and Agoti were in the clear.

There was one other question asked, one that almost made Tabi fall out of the tree.

"Do you think Nikusa would join?"

Instead of a quick reply it was a phone call.

"Absolutely not. You have no idea what she's capable of! She's a complete lunatic. Frickin' locked Agoti away for a year! No. No. No!"

"Okay, sheesh. Was just asking. She's still on the run, so Updike says."

"Argh! Don't tell me that. I'm already paranoid enough." Tabi grumbled. "God, if she shows up during the operation, I'm gonna have a heart attack." He mumbled under his breath.

"What's your deal with her?"

"It's-..Nothing. She's got a history with Agoti and his family but she's pulled me into it before. We fought a year ago when I was trying to find Agoti. It got brutal. She's just, really, she's not a good person for the team. She makes S look sane."

"Alright. Well, Updike's still trying to find her so if you spot her give me a call, I'll get them to send someone your way."

Tabi took a breath of relief. "I will."

The rest of the day breezed by without note. Another day of light reading, planning and dealing with a few unruly customers. Though it didn't pay as well as when you were a detective, it was alright. Gave plenty of time to plan as well, Displo occasionally coming over to check on your sketches.

With the heightened security from Updike you knew the team would have to strike soon. You recall reading in a book somewhere that the best time to strike was immediately after another attempt. 'They wouldn't be expecting another one so soon.' You remember.

With the closing of the restaurant for the day the meeting began. With everyone present a few things were learned.

S, through his searching found out that in a week, The Greater Good would be doing a tour of the building for some school outreach program. Pomona instantly took to the suggestion and claimed she could get her school part of it, and that her mother also be one of the volunteers.

Tabi and Agoti, through their recon determined they could pass in the building as window cleaners, or even window repairmen now as long as they could figure out if TGG used an external company or not.

It took a trivial amount of time to find that it was an external company. Displo found it first, noting a company called "Windowcleaners 4 Chumps" proudly spoke of TGG as one of their customers. Tabi and Agoti had an in.

Tabi also claimed he had two people, friends, named Ayana and Dalia who offered to help break in. Neither had any notable powers and were just about the 'normal' kind of person that would be ignored on the company's eye. "Just regular humans." He knew more about Ayana, claiming that Dalia was just her girlfriend and a DJ and astronaut in training. "They attend Adobe College, about 30 minutes away from the company."

With them in mind you decide to scrub through TGG's public website, easily finding a link between the college and TGG. They were also hiring interns for the summer. You suggest it to Displo, who proud of your initiative spoke.

"If we need Ayana and Dalia I do like this option. They could possibly let Tabi and Agoti in."

It was determined that the only people on the team who could go in directly were you and Kapi, a fact Kapi immediately didn't like. Nikku, Agoti, Tabi, and Displo were all either too recognizable or 'unique' enough to just walk right in.

It was found that that Nikku's voice powers were limited to ones she had recently heard. She didn't know the extent of the powers, having trouble mimicking Updike's voice when requested. Her blood work had also come back. "She has been doused heavily with a drug called Xorianvus, patented by TGG. We figure it's related to her memory but we won't know. All info regarding it is TGG classified. That said, we found it's half-life is a few months. It won't be out of your system till then." Displo had said. Nikku did note that she felt as if she knew more from last time.

With a test of a recorded voice it was found Nikku could replicate it, just not very well. Regardless, the team determined that if she spoke through a speaker on someone they could get deeper in the building.

Displo, through IRIS and S were not able to find anything about the so-called "Pontifex Room" that Updike had specified in the goals section. They did find that he 'Throne Room' was just located on the top floor but wasn't not accessible from the main elevator. According to S' recon the 'Throne Room' was accessible from a different floor. Though which floor contained that access, nobody knew.

Displo did however obtain an experimental headset IRIS had been working on. They were discrete microphones and earbuds that were barely visible on the holder. With a flick of the hand they could easily communicate through it, the flick appearing more like a twitch. "We will use these to communicate. It is called the Discrete Instant Secure Channels Over Radio Disturbance."

With Displo's speel completed he handed the 'mic' to S. He wanted to report his findings.

"Their network is a mess. So many fakeouts, false trails, mis-configured servers, shoot I can't even determine what system their server runs. It changes every time I look!" S complained. "It's not impossible to navigate but I'll need more time. It's getting boring to sift through all this BS."

"Is it encrypted?" Someone asked.

"Yeah, but like I can still read it. Nothing interesting. Just how many pencils Suzy in HR bought and crap. Urgh."

The final piece of intel came from Nikku. Using Tess' voice she described the prison. There were two places she described, one, a holding area and one, a prison.

"There were two levels, everything was purple, and we were each in these cells that had lasers. There weren't windows but I could see other prisoners across. There were no windows I could see. Just a video screen beside the bed we could look at." She said.

As she described the prison it became abundantly clear her jail could not have been the TGG building. At least, it could not have been that skyscraper.

You picked up on it first, deciding to ask Nikku. "Would you be able to provide us any details of where the prison would have been?"

Nikku shook her head.

"Hey, Nikku. How did you get out anyways?" Pomona asked. She stared at the hologram of the building, as if the prison would materialize on it.

"Yeah, how did you get out?" You ask.

"They had this attendant system. I waited till night then impersonated the guard and had the assistant release me. I forced it to take me to my ship and...I don't know. It just made so much sense. I launched out of the building."

"Interesting. That can be worked in, though it doesn't help us discern the location." Displo said.

"Walk us through the facility. Do you remember exactly where the building could have been relative to the main one?" You ask, pointing to the hologram. "Based on the location, it might be close enough that some tunnels or paths exist between the buildings."

"I-I shot up from the ground with the ship and flew sideways as I learned how to control it. I-I didn't see the building."

Displo during this line of questioning had been silent. Slowly coming to the same realization you had he understood. It took one final piece from Nikku's testimony for him to put it together. That and a quick search revealed the truth.

"That is because the building was hundreds of kilometres away." Displo finally said. He changed something on the hologram and it changed.

Instead of the downtown core, the map displayed a rural area, a major factory close by. Aside from the factory and a nearby highway there was nothing around but farmland.

Virtual smoke erupted from a nearby piece of farmland. At first you figured it was Pomona's farm but Nikku quickly released.

"This was it! I remember this place!" She said excitedly, but still practically whispering.

"Several days ago an industrial explosion was recorded late that night. Judging by your familiarity I presume this 'textile' factory is actually just another front for TGG."


"That would explain how you got from to Pompom's farm so fast." Kapi added.

"This means that incorporating the prison into ours designs is not a possibility."

"I-if we're going to do this I want someone to free the prisoners though."

"Are you mad?" Tabi asked. "I don't like these people any more than you do but a full on prison break? Are we even allowed to do that? And the place is so far!"

"I cross-checked the contract earlier today and they are operating on the assumption we do not know about this prison. It's not illegal per se but we would have to split the team to even pull this off." Displo said. He sounded unsure.

"Still. It seems kinda dangerous. Plus it seems too far from our main target." You say.

"I met some of those prisoners. Those people were innocent. I swear!" Nikku pleaded.

"I think we should do it!" Pomona said.

"Well we could probably move easier if the guards are freaking out about the prisoners." Kapi shrugged.

"I agree with Tab. Those guys are nuts. I should know, spent the better half of last night running from them. Even if we release them all who's to say that they won't just be gunned down by them." Agoti added.

"It would give them the reason to do so." You add. "I've seen prison breaks while I was a detective. It wasn't pretty. Though, most prisons have specific policies to deal with it. But even then." You pause, getting back on track. "This prison is so far from the main place they won't have the same teams. And we don't have the manpower to do it."

"It's not fair though!" Nikku protested. "They haven't done anything wrong!"

"I'm in agreement with Tabi and (Y/N). It's just too far out of the way. If we're successful maybe we could force them to change their ways, but splitting up the team is no good." Displo said.

Nikku grumbled, distressed that it was looking more and more like a impossibility.

"Maybe not a full on prison break but if TGG is anything like us then they would have some holding area for processing. Of course I can't confirm for sure, but if that were the case then freeing those newcomers would provide distraction." Displo added. "If we are successful I promise to make it a point to petition to have their prison conditions and existence challenged."

"Fine." Nikku said, accepting the state. "But I want to be front and centre for this. I want to make them pay." Nikku said.

"That will be considered." Displo said. As the hologram changed back to the TGG building an additional goal was added.

"Force Updike to change prison conditions."

"Should we worry about Updike intervening?" Tabi asked.

"No. He, nor any of the trio should be part of this."


S spoke up again. "Anyways, I found something else."

"Their elevator system makes no sense. One set goes to like 1-5, and another 7-12. I can't figure out how to access 6 and 13. It's like they don't exist!"

"Well 13 is Updike's area. So he's probably got some secret way to access it. But 6...that's strange."

"Wait, six?" Agoti counted, trying to recall what he saw yesterday. "Yeah, yeah. When we were looking at the buildings one of the floors looked weird. Like it wasn't see-through glass but a mirror. I think that could've been 5 or 6."

"Interesting." You said. "Well it's the best lead we got."

Displo lit it up on the hologram. "Well let's assume that for now. We could have Tabi or Agoti make their way to the floor. We of course then need a keycard. S, do you think you could obtain one?"

S nodded slyly. "Of course! Let me see what I can do." He sat on top of the hologram building as if he were against.

Displo continued. "I had IRIS get in contact with a TGG employee who walked us through how the floors are structured. One is a small area with access to elevators. The other surrounds the first section but require keycards to enter. Based on our chat, keycards are given to employees only and the cards are locked to only be able to access certain floors."

"Pfft. I'll make my own card. Just watch!" With that S vanished, off to do more recon.

"There's also the matter of how to access that floor. I would assume through maintenance shafts or passages that access should be possible from 4 or 6. But to conventionally reach it? I don't know. We may have to brute force it, have everyone on each level looking around."

"So we split up? Works, I guess. We did that last time and they didn't get us all." Agoti said.

"You think if we park a car nearby it could help?" Kapi asked.

"How so?"

"Like, just sit by the building and watch people going in and out."

Displo shook his head. "The only things we need now is the Pontifex location and a way to get to Updike's room."


"Why are we even doing this in the day? Why can't we do it at night?" Tabi spoke up.

"A good question, but I believe you already know the answer to that. You do recall the literal army they had on standby?"

"I guess."

"TGG has a special unit called the Nightstalkers. Long story short, dealing with them would require a great more deal of strength and the operation would be more like a war. They are not active during the day and that was not part of Updike's contract. We would be in grave danger should we attempt to-"

"Alright, I get it. Geez."

While the team had been discussing who goes where and does what, one person remained unassigned, having not said anything.


Pomona scratched the top of his head idly as she listened to everyone's conversation. It was only after he coo'd unconsciously that Pomona realized he'd been forgotten.

"Wait!" She said suddenly.

"What about Huggy?" She said, raising his head up. He lay on the ground, head in Pomona's lap.

"What can he even do that won't get him caught instantly?" Agoti asked.

"Indeed. For as useful as he is, I cannot see a situation wherein he is not arrested immediately upon exposure." Displo said.

"What if we handed him over?" Tabi asked, mostly sarcastically. At least, that was his intention, until Pomona spoke up.

"As like a distraction? Then we ambush them?" She asked, immediately forming a whole battle plan in her head.

"No, I mean like-" Tabi started to say but was interrupted by Displo slamming his hand on the table. "That's perfect! TGG has a hotline in which you can drop off 'abominations'. I could schedule one, meet with TGG employees then have Huggy ambush them."

"It was a jok-" Tabi started to say again but you interrupted him, picking up on Displo's train of thought.

"That would work. You guys ambush them, then I could disguise and get access."

"Fine, whatever. I'm not part of this 'ambush' team." Tabi said, giving up trying to explain his quip.

"I think I understand how this operation will proceed." Displo said. He changed the hologram, symbols of everyone appearing on it.

"In gist, every single person will make their way into the building by different means. Once in we will begin to figure out the locations of Updike's room and Pontifex. Slowly but surely someone will figure it out and we shall converge. I shall act as commander. If someone's close to finding the goal then I will order someone to cause a distraction. This way we can trial each floor and determine the best route for action."

"Wait. I have to go in?" Kapi asked.

"Unless you have another idea, then yes." Displo said.

"B-but I can drive. Let me be the escape vehicle. We don't have one yet." He said, voice creaking slightly. As if ignored until now, his anxiety came rushing back.

"I'm afraid not. That will be my part. After all. I cannot set foot in that place. As well, we need as many people to search the floors as possible."

"C'mon, there's gotta be something else." He said, worried. "Wait! I'm the one 'sposed to be in charge of Huggy right? Shouldn't I be part of that group?" He asked, recalling what he had decided back in the maze.

"Do you feel capable opening discussions with armed men? This people are ruthless." Displo asked.

"W-well. I don't see why we both can't do it. I mean, you're literally their enemy. Why would they trust you?"

Displo cocked his head, that fact having somehow escaped him. "I...very well. You shall join me in negotiations."

Kapi's ears perked up.

"But. As I and Huggy cannot enter the building it will be up to you to run in the cards and gear we steal. From then on you and (Y/N) to explore."

Kapi's ear drooped down.

You place a hand on Kapi's head. "You'll come with me. We'll stay together for the operation."

"Argh. Alright." Kapi mumbled. Much as he didn't want to be one of the front runners he figured it was something he'd have to face eventually.

"But next operation I'm doing the escape."

Displo nodded. "Fine. Next operation I promise I will do some fieldwork."

The plan slowly started to come together. Roles were assigned and plans drafted.

Though the meeting may have adjourned for the night everyone was back at it the next night.

With the school trip confirmed, the target date was officially made next Wednesday. Before then there were still a few small details to work out, namely the order of operations and small details.

S targeted two random people at TGG. A hiring manager and a random office clerk. The hiring manager made no qualms about their social media presence including posting selfies of themselves. You weren't sure how it didn't violate their NDAs or if TGG cared at all but it did provide a ton of intel.

For one you were able to deduce from their office space that their HR department was on the 4th floor (corroborated with the building Agoti and Tabi stood on during their attack). From there and with the approval of Dalia and Ayana they were hired through a backchannel and would be present on the premises on the event day.

As for the office clerk you figured they must have had some interaction with S prior as to why he focused so much on this person.

"So after I found them I started going through all their social media accounts, I found out he had a lot of 'secret' accounts. Really screwed up stuff, even for me! So I got into those and impersonated his dead relative and threatened to expose him if he didn't make a card with high access I would send out e-mails to everyone about what he likes."

"Jesus Christ." Everyone looked at S, a combo of disgust and awe that he saw no problem with what he did. He just looked happy, no doubt taking pleasure in what he did.

"Through a dead drop I forced another person to pick up the card and had it delivered here. I met them in VR. Lemme tell you what I did to them! You don't even want to kno-"

"We don't. Thank you for getting that." Displo said.

Again you were glad S was on your side. It was a stark reminder that despite his occasionally friendly gestures he is a monster, through and through. Either way, an extra security keycard had been obtained.

"He can't get out of there, right?" Tabi whispered to you. "I hope so."

As for the school trip S helped with that too. The school loved the idea, immediately requesting to join the program. Thanks to S it took a bit of fudging with the numbers but it was approved and on that day various classrooms would be getting a guided tour of the company on the day. And the trip needed parent volunteers. Amelia was the first one up. S had commented that a few other schools got 'accidentally' got rejected but didn't care in the slightest.

Static's class had been selected for the tour though Static refused to join. He said he felt unsafe stepping into that building after the threats he got from Updike. "Tell Uncle Displo good luck though!" He told Pomona just before they left.

"To recap. Here is the final version of the plan." Displo announced to a full room. The hologram lit spectacularly, lighting up as words "Operation Earthquake" exploded. The plan had taken far more practice and planning an Blindside had.

"The goals for this operation are to make it to Updike's throne room and/or make it to the Pontifex Room. An additional goal added is to try and force Updike to change the way the prison is conducted, per Nikku's suggestion."

"We do not know how to get into Updike's room or the Pontifex room. Additionally we are assuming the Pontifex room is Floor 5 which is inaccessible."

"Because of how decentralized the team is, in the event someone makes it close to the goal we may force you to cause a distraction or worst case surrender yourselves. I should add that if everyone can escape without detection the payout will be larger. Thanks to the police radio I will be monitoring all TGG communications and watch closely what security thinks of all the intruders."

"Neither I nor S's recon efforts had yielded any success in finding the location of the Pontifex room nor the route to Updike's room. The main job will be searching for it as each group works through."

"Tabi and Agoti will be window cleaners. I will 'order' a window cleaning. Tabi and Agoti will obtain a vehicle from Windowcleaners 4 Chumps, pretend to be the cleaners and work on the building."

"Dalia and Ayana will be part of the 'student outreach' program and will have an interview with a hiring manager during the morning."

"Myself, Kapi and Huggy will be part of a fake 'abomination' exchange in which the three of us will ambush the guards. From there (Y/N) and Kapi will disguise and enter as guards. I and Huggy will be waiting nearby for the escape."

"We have a 'safe house' I will be renting and commanding from. If you make it to the safe house you are considered 'escaped'. It is an apartment complex called Silverlight."

"Amelia and Pomona will be part of the tour group and make break away at any moment to search."

"We will all be communicating through the discrete channel sets I obtained. S will be around across the network able to jam or break locks. Don't forget any of you can directly call Nikku if you need her to do an impersonation."

"Finally, Nikku will be disguised and enter last. She will enter and proceed to whichever floor isn't covered. Her goal is to make it straight to Updike's room and use her power to confuse people. She will have S' super security key."

"And you better be careful with it!" S bellowed.

"Oh! I found TGG has the ability to shut down the network. And if that happens then I'm stuck with whoever called me last." S added.

You looked over the plan, impressed. It was far more coordinated than Blindside.

"Does anyone have any objections?"

A silence arose.

"Very well. Best of luck everyone."

The next chapter will be called Operation Earthquake, Pt. 1 - Tinker Tailor.