Track 36 - Earthquake, Part I - Tinker Tailor

image: Operation Earthquake



These past few days had been spent practicing, planning, rehearsing and preparing. Last night was the final rehearsal. It was this or the highway. No more preparation. It had come sooner than you thought.

"The goal is to win our new team member and save the team from certain doom." Someone had said.

Everything in place and operational. Now time to begin. The sun shone brightly above, a thankful change from the rain of the past few days. Though cold from the mid-vestiges of spring it looked to warm up quickly.

At least it wasn't winter anymore. Looking back, this spring had been a steadfast one, with new friends, allies and enemies all appearing constantly.

Just like the last 'show' a small flag was given to each of the participants. This time, purple, the logo of the company emblazoned in gold on it. The guards were aware a 'concert' had been planned a week ago. Most of them had forgotten by now, adding the element of surprise. All they knew was that it was coming. The recent 'concert' by Nikusa heightened security though it had calmed down slightly.

The venue had sold out, 'fans' walking the building and 'opening acts' having completed their surveillance.

Before the 'performance' could begin there, the team needed one last roll call. Everyone ready and willing?

"Tabi, Agoti? How are you two doing?"


"All set here. Pretty excited too! This is gonna kickass!"

"Pompom and Amelia?"

"We should be arriving real soon." Amelia said.

"Wow, I've never been to this part of the city. So many high buildings!" Pompom said happily.

"Displo and Kapi. What's your status? And how is Huggy Wuggy doing?"

"Quite alright, thank you." Displo said.

"Yeah, Huggy's a bit antsy but ready. Still think I should drive but ehn."

"There will be plenty of time for you to drive, I am sure."

"I am still worried I must admit. If TGG does betray us then there will be hell to pay." Displo said sternly.


"Here. What exactly am I supposed to do anyways?" She asked, still using Tess' voice.

"Replicate voices, my dear." Displo chimed in.


There was a short silence as you checked through the list, making sure everything was in place.

"Forgetting someone?" S asked, annoyed. He warped to your phone, tapping his feet. He stood upon a stage, taking the theatrics most seriously.

"Yes, yes. S. How are you feeling today?"

"Well I feel like I'm gonna destroy this guy. C'mon. C'mon. Can't wait to start wreaking havoc!"

"Good luck everyone. The stakes are much higher here than IRIS. We cannot lose Nikku. And you better not lose my son." Solazar said before everyone split. Presently he observed, watching closely in case TGG tried to pull anything.

The words echoed in your head. This was going to be tough.

The children were the first group on the scene. Pompom, Amelia and the rest of her class. As part of the trip, a tour guide would be showing them various floors of the building, labs, what they did and the works. And with just a little bit of anti-abomination propaganda sprinkled in for good measure.

Now Playing...

Artist: Eugeni Martinez & Oscar Araujo

Song: Indoor 9


Amelia, always the 'mythological' type found the entrance of the building quite fascinating. The entrance, large automatic doors, had a massive sculpture built into it. Surrounding the doors chiselled out of brass and stone stood a magnificent depiction of angels and demons battling it out all around the door frame. Much occurred in the image: angels wielding weaponry, demons wielding spears, winged and horned creatures, clouds and swirls all over. It could easily have been done in the renaissance era, with the detail it presented.

The piece looked more to be suited for museum, but its position at the entrance made the place quite foreboding.

"Our founder was quite an eccentric. Designed it himself. He was an extremely spiritual person." The tour guide said. It alone caught the attention of the kids who found it really cool, congregating around it. The tour guide had dressed as a tourist, Hawaiian shirt with cargo shorts, though it too cold for them.

"Please don't touch. You may photograph it though. Unfortunately the inside of the building isn't as striking but I assure you what we do here is just as cool!" The guide spoke professionally, lines having been rehearsed many times before.

"Oh and we maintain a strict no magic policy here. For your safety and ours please no spells, casts or rituals. We hold it to the same standard here as discharging a firearm so please, as we say here, the only magic allowed here are card tricks! Even small spells, we have ways of detecting, so please. No. Magic." The guide said with a smile.

"That won't be a problem. Nobody should be armed anyways. And, Amelia and Pomona know better than to egregiously expel magic around." Displo said through the comlink.

"You got that right." Amelia said through the comlink.

"That's the kind of attitude I like." The tour guide replied enthusiastically. Before the group could continue in inside, the guide proceeded to give a deeper spiel of the company, what to expect and what a fine day it was.

S broke into the Windowcleaners 4 Chumps database in no time. He performed misdirection, first pretending to be TGG and order a cleaning, then pretend to be Windowcleaners and respond to it. With the correspondence complete they would be sending and receiving, despite neither party knowing who started it.

"An east cleaning of the building is required today. Please send someone posthaste." S had sent from a fake TGG e-mail. The cleaners didn't notice it but nonetheless had agreed, sending a follow-up e-mail to the real TGG account approving it. It was to occur at lunchtime, but Tabi and Agoti were planning on showing up much earlier.

Currently, the two were at the Windowcleaner's HQ, hiding in bushes near the premise. A small, 2-floor building inside a larger parking lot. Security was scant, a few cameras around the building, a chainlink fence and nary a guard in site. The only things they had to worry about were other workers getting ready to be dispatched.

Once the coast cleared they jumped the fence, immediately eyeing one of the vans near the back of the lot. A typical work van, large exterior, no side windows and 2 seats in the front. The company logo splayed across the side of the van, phone numbers and other contact information below it.

With Agoti watching, Tabi knelt down and looked at the lock. He was no stranger to breaking into cars. Back home in Russia there wasn't always things to do. Screwing with old cars and lockpicks were one of them.

Using a few pieces of wire and a pair of pliers he 'borrowed' from work he got to unlatching the lock. He didn't consider himself a mechanic by any means, but believed he knew more than the average person.

Being so far in the lot the only people Agoti had to worry about were the neighbours. Due next to the lot was an elementary school. Just across from trees and a simple fence the lot collided into the school's playing field.

And the kids had just been dispersed to recess.

As Tabi began to jimmy the lock he didn't notice the small crowd of kids start to form. First one kid saw two strange men at the lot and as he watched he slowly started to realize. They were thieves! Cool!

Calling more friends over they all started to watch and cheer on the strange men clearing breaking into a van. Tabi just tuned it out. The only thing that could break him out of his trance was Agoti.

Agoti felt emboldened by the attention, sticking his tongue out and throwing thumbs up.

With a click the driver door opened and Tabi jumped in. He turned around to see Agoti engaging the kids, the kids encouraging it.

"What the hell are you doing?" Tabi spat, annoyed.

"Just having some fun." Agoti smiled.

Tabi shook his head and got to starting the van. They had no key, so wiring it was the only way. The van had been well used, the console having no problem popping off, no doubt the result of drivers kicking it in boredom.

As he started fiddling with the wires he couldn't help but notice Agoti now throwing poses at the kids, practically putting on a mini-concert for them.

"Can you actually be helpful?" Tabi said angrily.

"Don't be so uptight." Agoti said.

He went to the side of the van and opened the doors. They needed a uniform, the platform and all the gear. All were accounted for, having been left in the van. It even had a badge on the dashboard, thereby eliminating the obstacle of getting out.

With a bright spark the van engine roared to life, the kids cheering it on.

With how they acted and the happy faces, he couldn't tell if it was because they were watching a robbery in broad daylight or if it was because these kids had some history with this business. He wanted to ask, maybe throw up a few more signs but Tabi's glared told him otherwise.

With Agoti in the passenger side Tabi pulled out the van and got driving. Agoti threw up the peace sign to the kids who gave a raucous applause. Enough students had congregated to bring a teacher outside, only seeing a Windowcleaning van drive off.

"We're on our way." Tabi said to the comlink.

Ayana and Dalia were next on the scene. They had scheduled their interview for just after 10:00AM. They were to meet the hiring manager on the 3rd floor and be given temporary access to that floor. Ayana dressed casually. It had taken a bit of coaxing and assurance from Ayana that doing this wouldn't get Dalia blacklisted but she eventually agreed.

She, like Ayana was dressed casually. A black and neon blue t-shirt, black arm braces and gloves over her tanned skin. She wore black jeans with neon blue loops and belt on, as well as black and white running shoes. It was a modified version of her DJ outfit. She had considered masking up but decided against it, instead having her light brown mid-length hair flow freely. Ayana had to explain the mask wouldn't be necessary.

It didn't stop Dalia from coming up with a backup plan, incase case things got violent. She had hidden a small stick in her pocket. It was a simple cylinder, black and blue. It almost looked like a film case. If held by her in a certain way it would turn into a vicious scythe. A holdover and inheritance from her hometown of Apollo.

While Ayana said she'd have to give herself up if they got caught, Dalia refused stating they'd have to take her down first.

It caused a bit of a divide on the team, Displo, You and Kapi stating that the mission was not a raid but S, Pomona and Agoti agreeing that fighting back had to be allowed.

"C'mon. It's more realistic. A thief's just gonna give up? No way! They gotta come take me if they want a chance!" Agoti had shouted. "Especially if they're going to take us anyways!"

Ultimately Displo determined that if things did go south that fighting back would be allowed. 'They must strike first though.'

Confident and with patience they entered the building, going straight towards the security desk at the end. As they walked to, Ayana caught sight of Pompom and her class. She gave a wink back at Ayana.

It was a strange sight. Pomona hadn't been in such a corporate place. The closest being her community's town hall. But even that paled in comparison to the megalith of a building. So much more busy, people running about and things going on. The floor was open, a massive art piece sculpted into the floor below them.

It depicted various DNA strands, medical symbols and equations Pomona didn't recognize. Unbeknownst to Pomona and the others the piece had been designed as propaganda. It illustrated the difference between humans/anthros and 'abominations'. Of course, to the untrained eye it just re-enforced their appearance as a medical company. The tour guide re-enforced it, stating the strands were actually various medical formulae.

Hanging off the ceiling the lobby stood another peculiar art piece, a strange, possibly postmodern one. What it showcased had been lost on all but the sculptor. To the regular person it just appeared as a really simple depiction of angels using metal panels formed to crudely resemble them. It was also something Updike had planned to remove but lacked the justification.

Each piece of the angel hung from the ceiling, suspended by a single wire that hanging almost invisible from most angles. The only benefit it gave the place was at the right hour the sun's light would hit the brass-coloured pieces and give the whole of the lobby a dreary summer haze.

On the ground were various gates and desks, with some employees having the benefit of working on the ground. Nearby stood an in-house cafe. "One of the things we do here is take care of our employees. Run by TGG employees, this cafe is open to any of our workers who want a quick snack. Personally, I think every good company should provide for their workers."

And just as quickly as they children had seen it a line formed around it. The tour guide didn't mind much. It gave him ample time to try and find the cue cards he had misplaced.

At the end of the floor the ceiling lowered. It went around a circle of pillars, a design of angels and demons on the floor below. Ayana found it peculiar, the sight looking to appear better in a church. At the end of the circle sat the guard desk, elevators behind them.

"I'm here to see Iago in HR, we're the two candidates for the trainee position." Ayana said, approaching the desk.

The guard provided no introductions, instead placing a paper on the security desk. "Sign-in here." He said, barley paying attention to them.

It was a self-sign in form asking them to state a bunch of information. Ayana and Dalia signed it using their first name misspelled, but random last. While Ayana had suggested during the planning session to just put all fake information, you pointed out that they'd probably already have info on them since they were 'candidates'.

Filling out the form they handed it back.

"An escort will be with you shortly, Aiana and Dahlia." The guard said.

There were all sorts of people coming to and from the elevators, moving all about the floor. Nearly all had the same lanyards and badges. All were busy, not paying any mind to Ayana and Dalia.

The guard too, eyes focused on a series of monitors in front of him. With no 'escort' in sight, Dalia decided to see if she could get info. "So will we get passes?" She asked the guard as she leaned on the desk.


"Ahem. Keycards and lanyards." She said, knocking on the desk. "Are we gonna get them?"

The guard looked up annoyed. "You'll get it if the manager approves it. Now leave me alone." The guard said rather stiffly.

Dalia just rolled her eyes, leaning her back on the desk as she looked around. It was a far cry from the busy students on college and an even further cry from her EDM gigs, crowds of people just trying to enjoy the night. It gave her an aura of homesickness.

From behind the desk came 3 guards, assault weapons strapped to their back. They made no attempt to hide them, nearby employees around barely even noticing them anymore.

Pomona's class recognized them and were amazed, a series of "ooo's" and "ahhh's" emitting from the class still in line. It gave the perfect opportunity for the guide to talk about security.

"The ESCORT team is one of the primary security departments in our building. We have the front desk, ESCORT, the Nightstalkers and a few other units operating under our banner." The guide said enthusiastically.

One of the kids raised their hand. "Who are the nightstalkers?" One kid asked.

"Well you see..."

Amelia put her channel open, hoping you and Displo would be listening.

The guards were dressed in all black, the words ESCORT written on their back. They looked more like SWAT team members than regular corporate security. They even wore visors, goggles and masks concealing their identity. They spoke naught and motioned Ayana and Dalia to follow. It seemed very formal and secretive to Ayana but to Dalia, moreso boring.

She put her hand on the hidden scythe. "Just say the word Ayana. I'll take 'em all out and we wrap this up in the hour." She whispered to Ayana.

"I would rather you keep your jingoism to yourself Dalia. It is appreciated though." Displo said through the comlink.

While you, Nikku and Solazar remained in the safe house, Displo, Kapi and Huggy had departed already, driving in a plain van. The exchange was stated for a little after 10:21. It was about time.

IRIS had a hotline one could access about delivering or sighting 'strange creatures' (as they put it). It was common knowledge in IRIS that TGG had a similar system, though 'strange creatures' in their lingo meant 'abominations'. Both were tied to the police department, leaving you to find either a meagre task.

The exchange was to be made just next to the HQ, in the east building. Displo still didn't know what exactly the building was used. He just knew that was where TGG had agreed to have a meeting to handoff Huggy. Kapi had been listed as the 'concerned citizen', claiming he came into possession of Huggy and didn't know what to do with him. Displo was to be Kapi's 'legal counsel' and would be present. Neither used their real names.

It took a bit of convincing and explaining tens of times that they weren't actually handing him over. Huggy would be bound with a simple, poorly-tied rope. When Displo threw the signal, Huggy would break free and the 3 crewmates would ambush the guards.

Kapi felt a little uneasy too, these exchanges being entirely new to him. He felt happier his role would be less direct but still wished not to go undercover again. His depressive thoughts were cut short by Huggy whining quietly. Kapi just kept petting Huggy's shoulder as they rode. While Huggy believed they wouldn't be handing him over he couldn't shake the feeling they were just going to betray him.

They pulled into the underground parking lot, having gone down two floors. Having borrowed a van from IRIS, Displo drove in, Huggy in the back seat, Kapi in the passenger. Based on your suggestion Kapi had taken with him a bag of flour, hoping to blind them.

"How's it going? Getting a little bored here." You say through the comlink.

With most people in the field it left you and Nikku back at the control base, just a few blocks away from the building. You two sat, holed up in the top floor of an apartment Displo had rented briefly. With some IRIS technicians they had set up several monitors displaying maps, guides and locations. S had not been successful in penetrating their security camera system planting a worm, even with the initial exploit having been patched the next day.

Your police radio sat nearby too, silent from a lack of police activity.

Displo had promised to return here after the exchange with Huggy. Solazar sat in attendance too, having requested he be a witness again. Though unseen he was slightly more on edge, more worried about TGG than he was IRIS. He was also given a comlink and he wore it, listening in on the communications.

He sat next to the monitors on a high chair, slowly sipping tea. He refused to help, insisting that he wasn't a member. 'I am just an observer.' Agoti seemed a little relieved he wasn't actually helping, noting to Kapi later that 'things would have gotten real crazy if Dad was in'.

Pomona didn't understand Sol's presence, questioning why her mom was helping and not observing like Agoti's dad. Huggy didn't understand what Sol was either, having not seen a creature like that before. He just stayed away. Nikku as well saw Solazar strangely. Something about him seemed...familiar. When she asked him he just denied knowing her at all.

She thought she caught him starring strangely at her a few times but each time she looked he focused back on the cameras.

"We are arriving to the exchange. Putting on my POV right now." Displo said. One of the monitors changed to what Displo saw. In this case, just a road filled to the brim with cars. They were stuck in the last stragglers of the morning commute.

Other than the monitors the apartment was barren. You had brought a few toys from home to satisfy Huggy after he was finished.

Nikku just stared out the window at the traffic below while you were watching the cameras. She hadn't spoken much, not really trying to hold any conversations. So when she did finally speak up, it caught you off guard. Since Pomona had left she had switched to Pomona's voice, feeling that if she did it would be honouring her.

"So you're one of the ones who capture people like me?" She asked quietly, not looking at you.

"Huh? No. I'm a former detective, and current security guard. I've arrested people before, but like, not your 'kind'."

"Do you agree with what that man and the one who captured me do?" She asked. It took a second but she was referring to Displo as well as Updike.

"Displo just runs a restaurant. He doesn't do the whole 'capturing' stuff. As for Updike, no I don't agree with it. I've put all sorts of people in prison. But I only ever did if I had the evidence. You say you never did anything? Then yeah, I don't agree with it."

"Good." She said quietly.

"Plus, you've seen the rest of the team. There are barely any normal people here."

"I see."

Arriving on the scene now were Tabi and Agoti. Dressed in white overalls and high-vis vests they pulled up to the side of the building. It was the same side of the building they had witnessed during the reconnaissance. The very same one Nikusa had thrown a radiator through.

They figured it a good spot. After all, it had just been repaired. A good cleaning would do well. They waited for the traffic to die down before parking at the side. It was time to work.

With the spiels of the lobby done the tour guide promised to take them next to the second floor. "It is here where a lot of our medical research is done. Or as they is where the real magic happens!"

Unseen to all, the 12th floor of the building was abuzz with activity. While each floor had security hubs, this particular one sat full of people watching monitors, carefully observing all movements in the building and around it.

A giant monitor occupied one of the walls entirely displaying a massive overview of the building. A team of 3 walked around everyone's computers, occasionally catching glances at the large one. These were the administrators.

A large sign atop all the monitors read, The Security Operations Centre.

They had already caught several people on the monitor. Though there wasn't much of note yet, all the people present were supposed to be there. Nobody stood out.

"So why do they need like, SWAT teams to escort?" Ayana asked the guards escorting her and Dalia. They stood in front of the elevators, waiting for one to arrive.


"You know, there's such a thing as taking your job seriously, then there's being an ass." Dalia said rudely.

One of the guards turn to face her, shoulders slumping. "Sorry." He said. "Just that, we're expecting something today. It's not personal honest."

"Like what?" Ayana asked. She rose her hands up. "I'm just a recruit. You can tell me whatever you want. I'll keep quiet."

The guard looked at the other two who just shrugged. "No it's just there was an attack recently, and now we're apparently being audited. At least, I think the audit's still on. It's been quiet." The guard said.

"Yeah, manager's not even in. Can't even reach the middle floor." Another guard spoke.

"What do you mean?" Dalia asked.

"Ehn, don't think you need to worry about it. Just that you need special access for the middle floor. Talkin' like, manager keycards. Nothing we got. But it's been all quiet from there. Really weird."

The comlink was open, Displo hearing everything. "Thank you Dalia. That is good to know."

"There's also that chick that keep stalking the building. Sent a few of my buddies to the hospital. She's nuts. She's got a lot of us on edge."

"Sorry to hear." Ayana said.

"WHAT?" Tabi shouted, hearing the conversation on the comlink. "God if she shows up, we're all screwed." He muttered. "Man I don't even know how we can take her on-"

"Be calm Tabi. If she shows up so do I. Relax and focus." Solazar said, breaking his silence.


"Yeah, well, long as you stay outta security you'll be fine." The guard said.

One of the many guards in the SOC monitored only the frequencies. It was a boring job but he liked it. He noticed one of the frequencies acting up, occasionally having some encrypted messages going through. He looked through the frequency map but the exchange was something else entirely. Unbeknownst to him it was the comlinks communicating with each other. With it only appearing erratically he figured it a glitch. He recalled what his professor had first told him. "You're being blasted with hundreds and thousands of radio waves every second. Radio, Wi-Fi, cellular and more. It makes finding a specific signal a challenge." He shrugged it off.

"Boss, what do you make of this?" Another SOC operative asked, pointing to Pomona on the camera.

The boss pulled out a huge paper, an itinerary of everything going on today. HE scanned the list for "GROUP OF CHILDREN", matching it with the school trip. "It's one of the students of that trip Greg planned. So what?"

"I think she might be an abomination." He said looking closely.

"What?" The manager looked closer. "That's a rabbit anthro. Clearly."

"I don't know. What kind Rabbit anthro has ears that big?"

"Have you even seen a rabbit anthro?"

"Course I have!"

"That's just a student and they aren't trying anything. Not every person that enters here is an abomination."


With the area clear, it was time for Tabi and Agoti to start setting up. Inside the van they found a pair of hard hats and gloves which they now wore. Much as he didn't like it, Tabi ditched his hat, vowing to come back for it later.

Inside the van was a tool for reaching higher floors but with the sheer size of the lobby it became abundantly clear they needed something stronger.

Fortunately, it wasn't long until a guard was summoned to their location.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Following orders." Tabi said. He sat the edge of the van, fiddling with the weaker tool.

"We didn't order a cleaning."

"Then check again. We have the request right here." Tabi said, showing the e-mail briefly to the guard.

"You made that up."

"You accusing of us lying? We came all the way out, deal with car trouble. You don't want us to clean fine but we're still billing you for the day." Agoti shot back.

"Fine. Just wait a second." The guard said and disappeared back into the building.

Tabi shrugged and started assembling a bucket of soapy water, squeegees and brushes.

A few minutes later the guard returned, now accompanied by another person who walked with an aura of authority.

"Hold on just a second." The new person shouted. "I'm the manager here. We didn't order anything." Around their neck sat a lanyard on and they wore typical business attire. Everything about them, from even the way they stiffened their lip at Tabi's blue-collar appearance shown them to be a manager of some sort.

Agoti rolled his eyes. Tabi pulled out his phone again, displaying the request. Though it was fake, the manager did not notice.

"T-that's impossible. Hmm. Unless Darren called in for the repairs. Or it was that audit. Or even that secu-"

"60 an hour." Tabi said, interrupting the manager before he could finish his line of thought.


"And 500 for the trip today if you want to make us leave. Otherwise, we have a job to do." Tabi said uncaring.

"That's right. We did drive all the way out here." Agoti said, backing him up.

The manager scowled at them and pulled out his phone. "Let me actually verify something was sent." He said, starting to look at e-mails. Sure enough the e-mail, S having used some random employee he found to request it.

"Argh. Fox has no jurisdiction to summon a cleaning. Fine, whatever. You can do just her floor. That's 3F, if you didn't know." The manager said condescendingly. "We'll have the guards deploy the platform." He said, waiving the guard. "Now if you don't mind I have someone to write up."

The guard just looked at Tabi and Agoti. "Sorry about that, guy can be a jerk. I'll ready the platform." He nodded and went back inside.

"Platform?" Agoti asked Tabi. He just shrugged. "Ehn, maybe we can take it to the top."

"Hah, would be easy."

It took several minutes but the platform came down from above. A particularly queasy looking employee rode it from the top, clutching the bars hard enough to make their hands bleed, no doubt terrified of the height.

A large platform came down, made of thick red metal, hoisted from somewhere above with thick metal cables. As it reached the ground, Tabi saw a console on it.

As soon as it reached the ground she let go of the button and shaking, pushed the gate to get out. She nearly tumbled over, Agoti catching her.

"I don't know who sent you that request, but I swear it wasn't me. If only that stupid manager would've listened." She muttered.

Tabi just shrugged. Once safe they both got into it, leaving the sickly employee behind. "I need a minute." She said and took a seat against the wall of the building, trying to stop from throwing up.

They decided it would be best to follow the operation and start cleaning the third floor side, finding where Ayana and Dalia were getting interviewed. Once let in, start looking for those 2 floors.

Currently, Pomona and her class were on the 2nd floor. She caught a glimpse of Tabi and Agoti going upwards. She had almost waved to them but stopped, her mother intervening. The guide was currently showing them around the various labs, research bay and infirmaries TGG hosted.

"It's on this floor a lot of the really ultra cool stuff happens. From medical research to the study of unknown materials." He proclaimed enthusiastically. "If you didn't know we're actually also in the business of manufacturing generic drugs, er, medicine! For when you're sick..." The guide continued off his speech.

"Pomona, I appreciate you keeping your link open but please, not every detail is important to this break-in." Displo said through the link.

Watching out the windows, Kapi and Huggy saw everything turn dark. Displo had entered the underground parking, well on his way.

As their eyes adjusted they saw the sheer size of the lot. As Displo pulled in they entered a loading bay, one where trucks dropped off stuff. A concrete room with massive doors for trucks to back into. Atop one of the bay doors were two guards waiting idly. They waved Displo in who waved back.

"Get ready you two." Displo said to Kapi and Huggy. Huggy looked at Kapi with sad eyes. While it had been explained many times he still didn't feel like it was true.

Kapi shook his head. "It'll be alright. I promise." He put his hand on Huggy again, trying to ease the creatures worry. "You know the signal?" Huggy nodded. "Good boy."

"Remember the plan." Displo said as he pulled the car into park. He stepped out of the vehicle.

"You're Foda, correct?" One guard asked. He stood up and jostled his gun around, getting ready for anything.

"I am his legal attorney. My name is Eric. Eric? If you will." Kapi waved his arm out of the van. I presume you are ready?"

"That's right." The guard kicked the other one who was still lounging around.

The other guard got up. "Geez. Well is it secure at least? Not really up for a firefight right now."

"Very. If you would please give me a hand." Displo said.

One of the guards snickered. "So what're you supposed to be anyway?" He asked, eyeing up Displo as he led them to the back of the van.

"Do not concern yourself with what I am." He said. "I assure you I am just a regular citizen and Mr. Foda's legal representative."


As they went around, Kapi remained seated, one hand on the four bag. He gave Displo thumbs up, just as Displo stepped out the van.

Displo had explained to them many different scenarios depending on how many guards were to be for the exchange. With two present and no reinforcements visible they went with the real exchange.

The van doors swung open and the guards trained their guns on Huggy.

"What the hell is this supposed to be?" As quietly as he could Kapi opened the passenger door and started creeping around the side.

Huggy looked at them solemnly, desperately trying to hold back his rage. The guards reminded him exactly of the same people he used to see back at the factory. His face, originally showing sadness and anxiety started to change to anger.

Not looking at his surroundings enough Kapi accidentally clipped the side of the van, immediately alerting one of the guards. He trained his gun to the side.

"Now!" Displo said.

Kapi jumped from the side of the van alerting the guards. He threw handfuls of flour at them, white clouds dispersing in the air, settling around their goggles.

Huggy likewise lunched, easily throwing both guards against the wall. Displo moved quickly as well, taking care not to damage his clothes and disarmed them as Huggy grabbed each by the throat.

He slammed them against the wall again and again hissing, until both Kapi and Displo forcibly held him back. He dropped the guards, both slumping to the ground, unconscious.

Alive, but out cold.

You watched the display, surprised at Huggy's sudden snap. Either way the ambush was successful. Kapi and Displo got to looting them of their gear and cards.

"You're a beast!" S declared on the link. "That was awesome!"

Huggy crawled back into the van with the help of Kapi, the catboy congratulating Huggy. With the stuff secured they could easily impersonate the guards. That just left Displo to tie up and bind the unconscious agents.

Displo moved the bodies to where they were seated earlier.

But as he did something else happened.

The sounds of several guns cocked and a red dot were what Displo saw first.

"I had no idea you could be such a thug." A familiar voice said.

Displo looked up to see a man standing, wide as a door frame, dressed in a white suite, looking like a cloud.


The next chapter will be called Earthquake, Pt. 2 - State of Emergency.