Track 37 - Operation Earthquake, Part II - State of Emergency


Displo dropped the two agents. "This is a blatant violation of the contract and you know it." He said sternly.

"Is it? I am present at all abomination exchanges regardless of audit occurring. That is policy." Updike said. He jumped off the bay landing on the ground, a loud thud heard. He stood surrounded by several animatronics, drones and guards, all armed, more presumably behind in the bay. "Perhaps you should have done your research more. We assume the highest level of threat from any abomination exchange. This means having one of trio, guards, an army on standby."

Kapi had been sitting in the back with Huggy complimenting him for helping out. Hearing some commotion outside, he crawled to the front of the van and peered out the window. As soon as he saw the guards he ducked, no idea what to do.

"Speaking of which. That abomination you brought would make a fine addition to our research teams. And why did you make the drop-off. Surely you didn't come here to pretend-give yourself up?"

"I did. After all, do I not meet the criteria? In the interest of the operation I am here by myself with said abomination." Displo said, pretending Kapi did not exist.

"So you were going to bully my guards then what? Have one of your cronies disguise and get in? That's a stupid plan, especially from an intellectual such as yourself." Updike said, annoyed.

The lights flickered above. The bots didn't even react; Updike had more of a reaction to it.

"Perhaps that was my plan. Then what?" Displo said. He starting to feel anxious himself, unsure if Updike really was betraying the operation or he had just overlooked a detail.

"Well you should surrender your flag, your van and then Nikku at your earliest convenience. May as well give up. I doubt the rest of your cronies could succeed without you."

Updike took a step forward. "Unless...of course you want to trigger a war between my people and your people. I'm not against that either."

"I will surrender my flag in due time. But I still have two tricks up my sleeve." Displo said.

"Don't worry man I got you!" S said through the comlink.

Unseen, S jumped from Displo to one of the bots. One of them had four arms, saw blades on each. S saw it as an enticing pick.

As it's lights turned red, Udpike just smirked. "Deploy the Wireshark." Updike said, not even reacting.

A burst of white light flashed in the room, Displo flinching and Updike not reacting. As it faded the robot S had jumped into slumped over.

"What the hell? I can't move! YOU BASTARD!" S shouted from the different robot.

This one hovered in the area, a cylindrical design. It had a small screen on it that contained a very angry S on it, himself pounding on the screen.

"How did you-"

"You had him snoop our network. You think we wouldn't notice that? My people were able to identify his signature."

"Interesting." Udpike said. The robot flew to Updike, landing in his arms. "I had figured you had an 'unseen' member. A being of pure data? Fascinating. I would like to add the surrender of him as a war goal if you don't mind." Updike said.

"WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE. I SWEAR-" Updike pressed one of the buttons and the bot went silent. It hovered away, into the bay.

"I must admit, I had no idea that would work. To think he travels in packets, all it took was a simple packet capture and signal jam to trap him. You can thank our netadmins here for figuring that out."

Displo's legs started to shake. This wasn't looking good. S had been neutralized.

"Consider him surrendered for now. Displo, if you would please present your flag now. This needn't get any uglier."

"You're not the only one who has goodies you know." Displo said, his confidence fading fast. His voice cracked a little upon speaking.

"Oh? Then please, do your best."

"GET OUT OF HERE. TAKE HUGGY. COMMAND THE MISSION." Displayed on Kapi's phone. A message sent from Displo.

"My n-name is an acronym and the I and L, O in my name refer to Low, Orbit and Ion, respectively."

"No way. Absolutely not. IRIS, no, you would never do something so IGNORANT." Updike stomped forward, hints of anger trailing in his voice.

Another message came through, Kapi, still trying to comprehend what Displo was doing. "SOON AS I FALL. DRIVE."

"A-and you see.." Displo, stepped back, and moved his sleeve up, exposing some wires.

"You realize exactly what you're saying right? You'd knock yourself out, just to save what? Some stupid creature in the van?"

"And in the event of an emergency I was told to deploy this. They called it a LOIC. Officially, the Low Orbit Ion Cannon."


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Displo pressed something and there was a blinding light and deafening sound. All the robots were blown away and Updike thrown against the wall.'

Huggy saw the initial blast, emitting some guttural roar upon seeing it, the light blast stunning even him.

The guards around Updike were thrown back, many reeling from the intense flash of light and blast Displo unleashed.

Kapi knew to avoid it and, like a flash bang, he ducked. Displo slumped to the ground, drawing his flag just as passed out.

Displo had been neutralized.

"Comlinks Displo and Kapi have been disconnected." A robotic voice read through the links, echoing to everyone.

"You have more guts than I thought." Updike struggled to get up. The robots were all down as well, lights above having been shattered too.

Kapi quickly turned the keys and the van roared to life.

"So there is another. Figured. That robot wouldn't do something so stupid without purpose." Updike said, coughing. He snapped his fingers.

Guards started to pour in from the bay doors in place of the bots.

Kapi's driving instinct took over and he swerved the car around driving towards the exit. As Kapi drove off to the sound of gunfire it left Updike surrounded by guards.

From above the room descended an angelic being. He spoke with arrogance and humour. "Smooth moves weatherboy." The voice rang out.

"Shut up Abott. Get back to your post or help me clean up this mess."

"I think I'll get back to my post." He said with a wink and vanished.

You couldn't believe your eyes. Displo's feed went black. They had gotten him. The words SIGNAL LOST read on the screen.

"Holy sh-"

"What happened?" Pomona asked through the link.

"Please tell me that boom was Nikusa." Tabi bellowed into the link. He had heard something from his position outside.

"Not sure yet. Proceed as usual." You say in to the broadcast reaching everyone. You had seen the whole thing and were still processing it. Kapi's link had been taken out too, leaving his and Huggy's fates uncertain.

He drove as best he could. Displo's blast had taken out power in the entire building, leaving a pitch black parking lot. Driving, all he could rely on were his cat eyes and the van lights. Even then, between panicking and guards no doubt chasing and opening fire on them he scraped a few cars.

Not to mention the blast fried Kapi's comlink and van's radio. Everything was offline. Huggy was stunned, on the floor of the van, trying to process the light and Kapi's stunt driving. He slid around, hitting the walls as Kapi recklessly drove.

As the van swerved he saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Pressing on the gas he prayed no cars were on the street.

With Kapi's fate unknown you dialled him, and he picked up instantly. Kapi's phone, having rebooted had just finished turning on when the call came through.

"WHAT DO I DO?" He shouted.

"Get to the base!" You shout.

He exited the garage, going a strong 70km/h. He narrowly hit a car, the driver hitting his horn to watch it. Kapi swerved right, entering the other lane by accident. Traffic was on his side as it was now that low energy period in-between the morning rush and lunch breaks.

But the high-speed chase was sure to attract police. You find yourself about to dial S but then remember. With the team confused you take charge.

"Okay. Here's the update." You say into the comlink. "Displo and S are out. Guards think it was just them acting alone. You all need to proceed as usual and keep to the mission. I..uh...I'm working on the plan."

Ayana, Dalia, Tabi, Agoti and Pomona weren't sure what was happening or why Displo and S were out. It shown on Ayana's face, a look of concern. She touched her ear, where the link was hidden.

"Is something the matter?" The manager asked. They had been escorted and now found themselves in the manager's office, answering various questions.

"No...just, I, I think I left the stove on." Ayana said slowly.

"Don't worry, Aya, I checked it right before we left." Dalia said, backing her up.

"I see...You two are roommates?" The manager said.

A rush of feet behind them caused the them to look back. A few guards had bolted from their positions and were converging elsewhere.

Pomona too saw the sudden increase of security. Other children became curious and, interrupting the guide, quickly pointed it out.

"Well you see, sometimes we conduct drills here. This is likely one. We need to be able to protect our building. Did I mention we're sometimes a security company?"

One of the guards stopped running just as he passed the guide. "It is?" The guard asked, nearly tripping over himself.

Not wanting to look incorrect in front of the kids the guide spoke up. "Y-yep!"

Up above Tabi and Agoti had started cleaning windows, using the platform to manoeuvre around and look inside. So far they had no luck but they were about the 4rd floor now, having skipped the 3rd. They had no idea if they were doing a good job, not like it even mattered.

The security convergence was not unseen to Tabi and Agoti either.

From atop the platform they looked down to see a bunch of guards move on their van. One of them smashed the front window and tossed a smoke grenade it. As the van erupted in smoke the guards smashed the lock on the back opening it, all guards aiming at it.

Tabi and Agoti looked down, bewildered. Had they figured it out? Tabi thought. He briefly considered smashing through the glass but stopped upon seeing what happened next.

Another guard ran up to them, shouting something about it being the wrong van. Agoti could hear him practically screaming his throat out that they missed it.

A few guards looked up, Tabi and Agoti quickly resuming their job, pretending to have seen nothing. Peering below, Tabi could see the guards move away, back on the hunt. If there something was going down it would be better if they weren't seen.

"What the hell was that?" Tabi asked through the link.

"I don't know. I think maybe they got you guys confused with Kapi?" You had too much on your mind at the moment, trying to steer Kapi in your direction. Why hadn't he had been watching the driving? You think annoyingly.

"God I hope she doesn't show up." Tabi said, dipping his brush into the soapy water.

"Don't jinx it. Say, you think this window's clean enough? Can see my own reflection in it. Lookin' good." Agoti said as he wiped the window down.

"How are you so relaxed right now?" Tabi asked, putting the brush down. Between Displo and S getting blown out and guards everywhere he was a little perturbed.

"Just go with the flow. Plus, Nikusa...You know I've been thinking about it, she's nuts. But I don't actually think she ever tried to kill us."

"Are you high right now?"

"Hear me out. The other day she was just chasing us. She was more peeved about the guards interrupting her than us."

"She's a psychopath. Are you just gonna ignore that she imprsoned you in the void? Or the hundred other problems with her?!" Tabi looked at him sideways, unsure if the person in front of him was even Agoti.

"Well, she was only doing that at the request of the family. Plus. I wasn't in any actual danger there." Agoti shrugged. "Heh, other than dying of boredom I guess."

Tabi's eyes narrowed, the flames shortening. "You like her don't you?"

Agoti grinned.

"You're sick you know that?"

"Hey you had a crush firs-"

Tabi rocked the platform, causing it to sway in the air uneasily.

"Alright, alright. Don't kill us."

A ding rang off in the manager's room. He had received an e-mail. "Hold on a second, hun." He said as he looked at it, cutting off Ayana. He sighed. "We're gonna have to hold off on this. I have a quick meeting to attend. I'll be back in 20 minutes. Stay here." He got up and quickly left without so much as letting Ayana or Dalia respond.

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Artist: Eugeni Martinez & Oscar Araujo

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"This guy's such a jackass." Dalia commented. "You sure I can't just tear things up? I'm itching for a fight."

"No, although I do have an idea." Ayana said, eying the window.

While most of the windows across the building were industrial, no-open windows the one in the manager's office was different.

There were just 'normal' windows. They had the ability to be swung open.

"Tab, where are you guys currently?" Ayana asked to the comlink. She got up and went to the window.

"5th floor. Nothing much here. We can't see inside."

"Well, come to the 3rd. I can let you guys in if you want."

Tabi looked to Agoti. "That'll work."

Dalia got up too, bored of the mundane questions. She noticed the manager had left his keycard on the desk. "We got a card too."

"That'll really work then. Open it."

Seeing a window pop open below, Tabi lowered the platform, careful not to smash it.

"Should we just leave the platform here?" Agoti asked. There was a button to send it to the bottom. "Yeah. Let's say we went on lunch."

As Ayana helped them in, Tabi pushed the to-floor button and the platform disappeared out of view.

It felt good to be back on solid ground.

"You sure this a good idea, Aya?" Dalia asked.

"Ehn, we'll just say they had a medical emergency or something. So we let them in for some air."

Dalia shrugged. "Alright. We'll do it that way." She tossed the keycard to Tabi. "I'm gonna go see if I can loot some more manager cards."

"Are you sure that is a good idea, Dal?" Ayana asked.

"Pfft. These are HR people. They ask what I'm doing, I'll just hit 'em with a comp-sci topic. And that I'm part of IT. What are they gonna do? Tell me I can't invert binary trees here?"

"Noted. Let's get to work."

Kapi's driving had been moderately successful. He managed to lose a bunch of cars back at the main building having raced around. In the confusion they somehow got lost. Despite that, Kapi's brief run of confidence was ended when he smashed into a building two blocks over. He had been glancing at the rear mirror laughing that they had lost him.

You merely screamed to him to get up and move on foot, that guards were nearby. No doubt cops too. With Huggy back in action they ran, swinging from telephone-pole and rooftop as Huggy held both Kapi and the loot in a gym bag.

It was quite a sight, no doubt netting them more attention. But it didn't last long as Huggy swung to the top of one building, running rather awkwardly as you directed him and Kapi.

Before you knew it, Kapi had crawled in one of the windows, Huggy jumping in after, startling Nikku.

"What the hell happened in there!? Are you alright?" Were the first words to come out of your mouth. You knew the answer but with how fast everything was going even you weren't making sense.

"We lost Displo. S! I-i-i" You saw Kapi's fur stand on end briefly. A sharp pain echoed through the cat boys back and he fell on his bum, breathing quickly. He was about to cry, no doubt having held everything in just to get here.

"Deep breathes man. Calm down."

"Is he dying?" Nikku asked monotonely.

"He's not. Just get him a cup of water." It was plain the guy was having a panic attack.

Huggy wasn't sure what to do about it, or even what was happening. In his mind, Kapi was having a seizure or dying! He pulled him tightly giving him a hug.

As Nikku handed him the water you check the duffle bag. Two sets of uniforms. Solazar watched the scene bemused, otherwise not saying anything.

You grab one and head to another room to put it on, ordering Nikku to do so already. S and Displo may have been out, but the show must go on. With Kapi and Huggy back at least someone could watch the monitors and police radio.

"Can I get an update?" Dalia asked. It had been radio silence on their end as you tried to get Kapi to safety.

"Just a second." You enter back into the room, now fully disguised as a TGG guard.

Kapi looked to be a bit better, though if Huggy squeezed him any tighter they're would have been other problems.

"Alright Kapi. Nikku and I have to go in. You need to direct. Just watch the monitors, tell us if you see or hear anything. We all know what we're doing. Just pay attention."

"WHAT?" As if the guy hadn't been through enough you had to throw more tasks on him.

"We've got no other options. Unless you and Nikku want to go in but I don't think that's a good idea."

"Y-you can't be...I can't do that!"

You put on the helmet, and your eyes adjust to the goggles. Nikku does the same thing, but leaves her baseball cap on top of the helmet. It was a bit small for her but she managed.

"W-what about him? Can't he do it?" Kapi asked, pointing to Solazar.

"This is your operation not mine. And as I said, I am not a member. I am not allowed to help." Sol said, still drinking his tea.

You kneel down and put a hand on Kapi's shoulder. "Look, you play games right? Just think of it like a strategy game. Don't worry. Nothing will happen to us. Remember, just as Displo said, this is a performance." You try to muster up whatever words of encouragement you had.

Kapi took it in, but he still looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"You got this man. I promise. You're gonna make us all proud."

You get up and look to Huggy. He had a hard time recognizing you. "Huggy. Keep him safe." You say.

With no way to back out Kapi sniffled and looked at the console. He wiped his eyes, tears watering. He cleared his throat. "Testing. Can you all hear me?" He asked into the link.

"Loud and clear!" Pomona responded back first, the outburst no doubt drawing a few eyes in her class.

"I'm in charge. J-just, everyone continue what you're doing." He said, voice shaking. It was now time to figure out what all these monitors meant. You had turned on the police radio, keeping the volume lower, just enough for Kapi to hear.

The initial reports of Huggy's sighting at started to come through. Police had been alerted of a high speed chase, singular vehicle crash and possible street race.

"Is he gonna make it? Can we just leave him?" Nikku asked as you two bolted down the stairs.

"I don't know. But we don't have time to spare. He can manage his own."

"That's not fair to him."

"Yeah, well it's not fair what happened to Displo. We just have to deal with it."

"Hmph. You're just like the guards in that prison."

You felt bad for Kapi, but with the operation in swing he was safe. That was all that mattered right now. There was little time for debating ethics.

Outside the scene there was heavy commotion. Between armed units running through the streets, a crashed van and some 'monkey-like' creature running chaos reigned. A black pick-up truck drove by witnessing you and Nikku exit the building.

"You got any visuals?" Someone shouted at you and Nikku. Turning back, you couldn't help but instantly tense up upon seeing who it was. It was a man in combat armour but he wore a full helmet. Stylized after the front of a train it hide all his features, instead showing a series of gold bars and cross at the top. He was one of the triumvirate, though you couldn't recall his name. Considering Updike was up and running around you weren't surprised the rest of the trio were about.

"Find wha-" Nikku was about to ask but you nudge her.

You shook your head. "Nothing in this building. All clear. Landlady says they went that way." You say, pointing away from the buildings general direction.

Jumping off the building something landed on the street, startling a few drivers around. It was Updike, now atop a steed. A robotic tiger, eyes a bright red. Despite being made of metal, it still had fur that shined brightly under the sun. Updike rode it.

The sheer impact knocked Nikku onto the ground, knocking her hat off too.

"You two, be useful. What did you see?" Updike asked.

You keep lying, not even wavering in his appearance. "They were fast. Monkey-like abomination, blue. One anthro with him."

Nikku remained silent, not expecting to run into Updike so soon. She anticipated a showdown in the throne room, big speech and all. But when she tried to yell at Updike, nothing came out.

"Curious. More stragglers. Very well. Scope 'em out. Sterling. Take these two and make your way back to command. See if that robot has awoken yet. Tell him to remember the boundary." He ordered you, Nikku and the other leader. You recall Displo mentioning there was a perimeter to the operation and that under no circumstances would you leave it, less the operation forfeited.

"And you." Updike pointed down at Nikku. "Compose yourself immediately. This is an attack on all of us, not a drill." Updike commanded and jumped off.

"That's right." The masked man agreed. "You two, head back to base, reconvene with Squad 6. Ordered." With that he flew off, wings carrying him back to TGG's HQ.

After Updike had left, Nikku found her, or rather your voice. "S-screw you!" was all she muttered, angry she didn't attack him. "DAMMIT!" She shouted and got up. "I had my shot!" She shouted.

"What?" You ask, confused by Nikku's sudden mood switch. "I could have taken him out." She muttered.

"How? Wha-"

"I-I don't know but I didn-"

"Look we don't have time for this. Let's go."

"Get in! We gotta go!" The guard in the pickup said, hitting the side of the door.

You and Nikku jump onto the back of the truck. You noticed that despite being in disguise, Nikku had a backpack on. You tried to recall what she needed it for, if it were even discussed.

You also knew it was now a matter of time until Sterling returned to Displo and forced him to give up other member locations. He had even planned for that. "If any of you are caught, give up each person one-by-one until all are caught. But do it slowly and only in half-hour intervals. Ignore all threats they lob at you."

You thought it a preposterous scenario at the time, but now it looked more and more true.

As you and Nikku road, she opened her bag to inspect its contents. You were close enough to see inside. You couldn't believe it.

"Are those that breaching charges? Wha, where the hell did you get that?"

Inside her backpack were a series of breaching charges, brown packages, wait, C4? Where the hell? Nevermind how she got it, you were starting to worry. Was it live? Could it have exploded earlier?

"S and I stole it the other day. We got it from a museum." Nikku said.

"D-did Displo know?" You were aghast, surely he had to know.

"Yes. But he said to only use it in emergencies. You saw what they did to me. What they want to do to Huggy. I can't let this go unabided."

Your eyes widen. You don't know if she intended to suicide bomb or blow up the entire damn building. Either way she had become the most dangerous person on the team.

"God I hope you know how that works."

"I'll figure it out."

You were in disbelief. "Nikku. With all respect, we need a demolitions expert for this or something. You do that and we're all dead."

"I can survive bombs. They've done worse to me." She muttered.

"A-alright. But do it away from me." You couldn't find the words to argue with her. She was planning on killing Updike, or at the very least causing widespread mayhem. It must have been S' idea. You compose yourself, and continue arguing with her, or at least trying to make sure she didn't kill innocents.

Tabi, Agoti, Ayana and Dalia had agreed to split up somewhat. Despite already losing two members they hadn't the faintest idea where the Pontifex Room or Updike's room were.

They were at least successful in stealing more keycards. Dalia's excuses worked, managers not questioning why IT needed their cards or why they didn't recognize them.

Ayana was also successful in acquiring a pass, finding it quite easy to say she was lost, using seduction as an art and having someone 'lend' her a card.

In Agoti's instance, he had run into a fan. He made the excuse of filming a video in the place but first needed to scope it out, readily admitting he snuck in. Though the fan knew nothing of the Pontifex Room or Updike's room, he recalled that '8F always had weird stuff going on. But it's where the Nightstalkers hang out and those guys are just weird.' He had lent Agoti a card as well.

Dalia had given Tabi a card and Tabi quickly split from the main group after.

"Yo, take a look at this." One SOC operator said to another. They were monitoring cameras on the 3rd floor.

"Who are these people? I have no record of them in the database." He said. The camera showed Agoti and Ayana together on the 3rd floor, talking to someone.

"Oh that's one of the window cleaners. And that's one of the trainees."

"Weren't there two cleaners?"

"Yeah, I don't like this."

He picked up the phone and dialled the 3F security. "This is operator ISO-27001, requesting someone go investigate two suspicious individuals. Most unique, black tentacles, race unknown, wearing a high-vis vest. Possible abomination sighting."

"On it." Someone said from the other line.

"Excuse me." A guard said, approaching Agoti and Ayana.

He stopped upon seeing both were wearing keycards.

"What's up?" Agoti asked-.

"You don't have access here. Who gave you ability to enter?"

"Oh, well you see. My partner got sick outside so we got let in from the window. Agoti said.

The guard's eyes narrowed. "And how did you get it open?"

"I opened it. They were knocking on it. He was going to be sick. I'm Ayana, one of the students." She said and held out at hand.

The guard didn't acknowledge it. "Well, we maintain a strict security policy. For future, do not let anyone in. And where did you get that card? And where is your partner too?"

"He's in the washroom. Or he's started heading down already. Her manager gave me his card." Agoti said, keeping the innocent facade up.

"Argh. That fool. Alright. Carry on. Please leave as soon as possible. We are in a dangerous situation right now."

"Sorry to hear. What's going on?" Ayana asked,

"Nothing I can legally speak of. Hurry up and finish your business. It might get ugly here." The guard said, deadpan.

Agoti and Ayana nodded.

As the guard stepped away he spoke into his headpiece. "3F reporting. It's nothing. Just people being too courteous."

"Noted. But keep an eye on them. I don't like it."

So, with relative access over the building they went their own ways. Agoti, now fully embracing the whole celebrity shtick, asked Ayana to shadow him as his agent. Even had her steal a clipboard and pretend to write stuff down as they walked.

Dalia and Tabi decided to go their own way, Tabi wanting to get this over with and Dalia silently hoping she could get caught to stir stuff up.

Pomona's class had now reached the third floor, the guide giving them a tour of the various HR departments. "Are you kid's familiar with how HR departments work? Well let me tell you.."

While Pomona had started to get bored from the lack of action, Amelia found the whole thing very interesting, further delaying the tour by asking questions.

Pomona caught sight of the four leaving and tried to call out to them, only to be silenced by her mother.

After getting on an elevator Agoti, Ayana, Dalia and Tabi all went their ways.

Tabi went to the ground floor, planning to head for the 10th floor.

Dalia went to the 8th floor. Bored out of her mind she wanted a shot at these 'nightstalkers'.

Ayana and Agoti went to the 4th floor. Intel had called it a common security floor, but also contained divisions known as 'cloud services' and the 'cybersec' division. Once they had exited 3F, security let them be, figuring they were leaving.

You and Nikku had arrived and telling the driver you were going to go do a sweep of the floors with Nikku, made your way to the building. You found it astonishing nobody had stopped either your or Nikku. After checking in with the crew you decided to go to the 12th floor. Nikku said she had an idea to get to the top. You hoped it didn't involve several pounds of explosives.


The next chapter will be called Jailbreak.