The elevator doors opened and Agoti and Ayana stepped into the 'security centre', 4F. As Agoti thought about it the 5th floor was still inaccessible. There's gotta be some way up from here. He thought.
Had the guide not been derailed the class should have already been on the 4th floor. Regardless, Pomona's class were about finished the 3rd floor and would be entering shortly.
Agoti and Ayana looked around, taking in the unique officespace. It had a different design than the previous ones. While windows were present, the office space was tinted blue, black walls separating parts of it, green lights pulsing through them. Agoti tried walking forward only to find the elevator lobby area was surrounded by glass walls. There didn't seem to be anyone around and the floor was relatively quiet aside from soft typing of the keyboard and a low hum from some fans.
Now Playing...
Artist: Manabu Namiki
Song: Battlefield - Cisco Town
It looked extremely futuristic. Even the cubicles looked cyberpunk from the neon blue glow atop the walls and blue light lights from the ceiling.
Ayana picked up that it was colder here too.
Had Displo been still around he would have explained the reasoning for the colder atmosphere, that it wasn't just an aesthetic.
"The hell is this place?" Agoti muttered as he walked into the wall, feeling it for some unseen door knob.
"They said it was the security floor. Weird." Ayana said. They looked around. There was a small machine on the wall in the corner. While it looked suspended in air it was really just attached to the wall. It had a red light atop it.
Figuring it was the door, Agoti tried his keycard on it. It beeped and the colour remained a solid red. Ayana gave it a shot and it dinged, the sound of a door opening somewhere, though with the lack of glass visibility they couldn't tell where or what opened.
This was going to be confusing.
The buildings front doors opened, you and Nikku went inside. While the driver had asked earlier to check on Displo you told him it would be better if you and Nikku swept the building.
Plus, with Updike ready for Displo, you wouldn't be surprised if he was expecting you or someone else to try and free him. Nikku asked him about other prisoners but the guard knew nothing. You could tell she was concerned about S.
Despite S and Displo's fall everything was operating smoothly.
"(Y/N), Nikku. Can you guys make your way to floor 11? It's not currently being investigated. 11F should be the guard's hub and finance. Take the second elevator." Kapi said through the comlink. His voice still sounded a little shaky but he slowly resumed control.
"We need to go to 12F though. I know how we can get to the top." Nikku said through the comlink.
"Either or. G-good luck." Kapi added hastily.
"Got it." You said.
The SOC still watched closely.
"That other cleaner. The demonic bony guy. I can't find him in the perimeter nor the building." One of the SOC operatives said.
"Put out a building-wide search for him. Consider him a person of interest. Keep a guard following the other one if he shows on the camera again."
"On it, sir!"
The doors opened for Tabi.
He looked around inside. Nothing in here but cleaning supplies, a corridor going down in either direction. But aside from the elevator behind him there were just two washrooms across. It didn't look well-kept, the hallway strewn about with cleaning supplies, boxes and other generic crap. He could plain tell something wasn't right. He noticed the ceiling too, lower than the other floor he had been on.
Tabi stepped in the male washroom, greeted by a familiar sight. A row of sinks, stalls and urinals. Nothing standing out. But with this appearing as all it was there had to be more.
"I can't find Displo's notes on what this floor had. Looks like janitorial stuff?" Kapi said. "I don't think there's anything here."
"I'll see about that."
Tabi could faintly hear Kapi shuffling papers and then them all crashing down, Kapi now shouting at Huggy to stop whatever he was doing.
A guard stepped out of one of the stalls, He didn't have his helmet on, exposing himself to identification. He merely looked Tabi and up and down, chuckling to himself.
"Hell's someone like you doin' here? Didya get out, skele?" The guards eyes narrowed on Tabi's lanyard, indicating he was an employee. "
"HR?" He said sceptically. "They really let anyone in these days, huh? They get uglier by the day." He joked.
Tabi just glared at him, not saying anything.
The guard just stared back, chuckling again and then going to wash his hands.
"Whatever." Tabi said, walking to a stall, at least appear busy. He'll just go away.
"What's wrong? Didn't want to use your fancy washrooms downstairs." He said, drying his hands. "HR? You ain't nothing. Oh you hire people? Give me a break. You know people know nothing 'bout what we do."
Tabi again chose not to respond, he didn't care much for HR, nor the disguise. The guard's insults meant little to him.
"What're you deaf too?" The guard put a hand on Tabi's shoulder. Tabi spun back grabbing the guys hand and forcing him away. "Don't touch me." He said.
The guard backed up, now getting a better look at Tabi. "The hell are you anyway? Born from some satanic ritual? You look like the kind satanic ritual demonic offspring. You look like a Mayhem cover. Oh, lemme guess. You're one of the good ones?" He said, mocking Tabi's appearance now.
"Better than you. Just another dog in a sea of drones." Tabi said. "You look like every other schmuck I've seen today."
"You got a deathwish, billie goat? And rusky too? You smell like herring." The guard said, glaring back at Tabi. He put his fingers atop his head to simulate horns. "Real scared of you." A sarcastic remark. "You look like the kind we keep in here. You sure you didn't get lost?" He said.
"God, you talk a lot." Tabi muttered.
"I don't think this is getting anywhere, Tabi. You should just leave. He might blow your cover." Kapi said.
"Hmm." He said quietly and turned to walk away.
"That's right. Walk away from me you freak! Should be in someone's stew. Or back in some gulag, Vatni-" The guard shouted.
That was too far.
Tabi lunged at the guard, the last thing he saw being white jaws. Tabi chomped at his throat, not enough to draw blood but definitely choke him. The two toppled over, the scene appearing as if Tabi was a vampire.
He shouted for help in-between the Russian racial slurs he shouted at Tabi.
The guard struggled, trying to reach for a gun, slowly loosing strength, Tabi tried to hold him down. As his movements subsided, Tabi let go. He was out cold, his neck already starting to swell from the bite, jaw marks starting to show. He was still breathing at least.
He spat on the guard. "Pathetic." Tabi picked up the guard and moved him under the counter sink, just out of sight.
"Tabi! The hell was that? You okay?" Kapi asked.
"I'm fine."
"W-well. I don't know if there's anything there. Be careful. Maybe you should try the next floo-"
"I'm still not sure about that." Tabi found the guard's sudden appearance strange. He didn't recall any of the stalls being occupied when he came in. He checked the stall the guard came from. Nothing different about it at first glance. Only 'unusual' thing being the toilet paper was out.
He went back to the guard's body and took his keycard. Peering around the entire washroom Tabi found no glowing box to read the card. Still convinced this couldn't just be a janitorial floor he looked around. Like playing a point-n-click game Tabi did the one thing all players eventually do.
Start using the keycard on everything.
Pomona and her class had finally reached the 4th floor. She had made it a point to get her mother to stop asking so many questions, wanting in the action too. It didn't help she heard Dalia earlier complain about the boredom and go off on her own.
Agoti and Ayana had managed to make it into the data centre but they quickly found their keycards blocked most access. As they ran into the tour guide, Agoti made up an entire story on the spot. "There was some situation on one of the floors. We've been asked to just keep watch on this group."
"That's right." Ayana chimed in. "Management wants to make sure no one in this group is in on the events." Ayana whispered.
"Oh, well the more the merrier!" The guide declared. He then leaned in to Ayana and whispered. "I had a feeling something was going on. They guards have been reporting multiple entries. There's at least 3 sets of intruders currently."
"Wha? There's no way they can know?" Kapi asked on the link. He played it through in his head. It had to have been Tabi, Dalia and Agoti/Ayana detected. He couldn't imagine that you and Nikku had been spotted, or that Pomona and Amelia had been singled out. "Maybe they got Pompom?" He asked, shocked.
"No, I can't see how. If they knew and were watching from cameras or something they would have acted WAY sooner." You mutter through the comlink.
"Don't trust it Kapi. Updike's probably just making assumptions. He shouldn't know who's on our team."
"I think that's just what Updike's assuming. He doesn't know. Assume they're looking for Tabi, Agoti and Nikku or me, presumably." You say, completely forgetting Dalia was someone in the building.
"That doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't he put out a notice for us then? He knows what we look like." Nikku asked.
"Cause it's in the contract Updike isn't supposed to intervene."
"Look. I don't know what the hell he's planning. Stay focused." You conclude.
"Abott, sir, get over here! I have something you're gonna like."
"Lemme have it, Mordecai." One of the trio came by. A man with a slender build, wearing a full on tuxedo. Identified by his one large eye and feathery head which contained two wings just below his ears. Though he knew he wasn't to interfere, Updike had thrown that all to the wind so here he was, monitoring the SOC.
"Well, I've been following these 2 since Rigby covering 3F saw them but they've gone to the 4th floor and have been looking around. Guard reported them to leave but instead they went a floor up. It looks like they're looking for something. They've since joined up with the school trip and have been following them around."
"What do you propose?" Abott asked.
"I think we finally got our testers. Let's bag 'em."
"If that's correct then there's a prize waiting. Have some guard trail them out of sight. Let's keep watch, see if we can bait them into doing something stupid. Good job."
"Shouldn't we just grab 'em? I mean, look at this guy. Total abomination. Total freak." The guard said, pointing at Agoti.
"You shouldn't just people by their appearance. I am an abomination, you don't think I'm a freak do you?"
"N-no-no sir. I didn't mean it like that."
Abott shook his head, a sly smile appearing. "No? And that class. What if they aren't our testers? Then we arrest an entire class of kids? That will look horrible. Tail them. That's final."
The elevator doors opened to the 8th floor. "Hey, Dalia, you shouldn't be going there. That's the Nightstalkers floor. They're some-" Kapi started to say. "Bah, doesn't matter. I'm either gonna find the treasure or give up here. Plus. I'm itching for a fight."
Kapi didn't know what to do. It looked as if Dalia was going to blow cover. All he could say "Be careful."
Dalia looked in. Of the floors she had seen this was the least corporate. Floor of concrete and the walls simple concrete too. It appeared to lobby with several corridors around. There were gym equipment around and across a set of stairs up leading to a balcony. It looked more like a fire station than a corporate office.
There were even a few discarded suits hanging around and jetpacks.
"Hello?" She asked. Too quiet in here. She grinned, anticipating whatever was in store for her.
The 11th elevator doors opened. "Alright, (Y/N) and Nikku. You two should be in the armoury. Be careful."
Indeed it was. An open area, stylized more like a military bunker than an office. Though the floor was carpet and suited that 'corporate' look, the many locked gun cabinets all around and green corrugated metallic walls indicated it wasn't.
Signage had been posted around about a shooting gallery and other amenities but what caught your attention was directly in front. There was a long desk, two doors on either side and two guards on either side. From behind the desk you could see a long row of weapons, a room further stretching back.
From behind the desk sat some clerk, the only person present not dressed in full armour. As you got closer you see behind them, an impressive arsenal of weapons, and guards on either side.
They wave you over and you start to go, only to be stopped by Nikku. "I have an idea. Wait." She said, using your voice.
"Welcome to the armoury! Or welcome back? I can't tell, you guards all look the same. What can I get y'all?" The teller asked from a distance.
"Ahem." Nikku cleared her throat. "We need to get to the 13th floor." She said, now using Updike's voice.
"S-sir? I-is that you? Why-er-well, why do you look like that? Where's your suit?"
"T-that is no matter to you. If you were not aware we are currently under attack. I need access to the 13th floor." Nikku cleared her throat.
"W-we-well. With all due respect sir you're room is only accessible from the 8th floor. I-I can't help you here."
"Very well. Thank you." Nikku said.
As you and Nikku turned you heard guns cock.
"Hold on a second. If you're really Updike then what's his favourite sport?" A guard blurted out.
Nikku had no answer. "S-shoot. I don't know that!" Kapi said through the comlink.
You try to recall everything you knew about Updike, and something popped into your head. Something Displo mentioned off hand weeks ago.
"Huh. How can you know that? Only those in Updike's inner circle know that." The teller said in disbelief.
"W-well we are. And this is Updike. If you have any other questions e-mail directly because we are in a state of emergency. We don't have time to answer frivolous questions." You said, a little shaky at first but you regained your professional voice.
"R-right. Sir. For the greater good! Best of luck." The teller said, saluting you both.
With that you nod and the two of you head back to the elevator.
Just as you left the teller looked to one of the guards who shrugged. Figuring he was had, he quickly picked up the phone and dialled. "Sir? I'd like to report a strange event. Yes..."
"8th floor. Alright!" Kapi shouted as he checked his notes. "Dalia's there! Any updates Dal? You've been awfully quiet." Kapi asked through the link.
"Yeah. Cause there isn't anything on this stupid floor! Shoulda' picked a different one." Dalia said.
"Keep looking. The elevator to 13F is apparently there."
Dalia had been looking, scouring the entire place. The whole floor really felt more like barracks than an office. She was currently looking at a barracks bedroom, various low bed lining the floor, small trunks in front of each.
Not a soul had been present, Dalia starting to get annoyed nobody had shown up, at least to bicker at her.
"Whoa. This isn't good. I-, Displo didn't seem to have notes on it but it looks like the Nightstalker line is active. I-I-damn. I can't translate this fast enough but I-I-I think they figured you out (Y/N) and Nikku." Kapi said.
"Alright, alright. We know that they're probably after you two and that Dalia's also close to the goal. One of you are gonna have to-"
"I'll do it." Dalia said, cutting Kapi's train of thought off. "Wha-?"
Dalia did an arm stretch. "Yeah, it's boring here. May as well get this over with."
Though she had been waiting to get into a fight she felt it time to initiate. Since she had entered the floor she felt as if she had been watched. She didn't care at the time, hoping they'd make themselves known. Someone, somewhere was carefully studying her. She didn't see a single camera anywhere but knew instinctively it being quiet here was on purpose.
"A-alright. Go for it. Good, uh, luck."
With Kapi's permission it was time to start raising hell.
"Alright, time to come on out." She cracked her knuckles. "This games getting boring anyways. Let's dance."
The lights flickered.
Dalia didn't react.
She heard the sound of a pistol cocking behind her head.
"What are you doing here?" A voice said.
"Exploring. That a crime?"
"In there it is. State your name and purpose." The person commanded.
Despite the severity of the situation, Dalia didn't care much. "Dalia. Looking for a job. Thought you guys might be hiring. New trainee and famous DJ. Maybe you heard of me?"
"Do you even know where you are?"
Dalia turned around slowly. There was a guard facing her, gun pointed right at her. "Nightstalkers right? Friend of mine said you guys were the best of the best. That right?"
"That's corre-" Dalia knocked the gun out of the guards hand and jumped back. "Guns are so cheap you know. You do melee?"
The guard looked back up. Dalia didn't notice it until now but the guard was dressed differently. While he wore the typical 'guard' outfit you and Nikku were disguised as, this one contained various occult marking and symbols scrawled all over it. There appeared to be blades along the elbows as well.
The guard stretched his neck. "I can." He drew from his side a baton. It lit up with electricity, volts visibly emitting from it.
"You really wanna do this? You realize this is gonna be painful, right?"
"Damn straight. I'll prove myself." Dalia said, continuing her lie.
"Your loss." The guard said as he readied himself.
"Finally! Some action!" Dalia shouted. She drew the cylinder from her pocket and activated it. In a few seconds and small flash of light it opened up into a scythe. It turned into a large black scythe, a neon blue light appearing at the top of the blade forming the symbol of Dalia's own group.
"Consider this my interview." Dalia said confidently. She hadn't let it slip her reason for being here but she guessed they figure it out eventually.
The doors departed and you and Nikku stepped out, already hearing the ensuing battle with Dalia. You knew from the very moment, not cause of the battle, but because Kapi began freaking out over the comlink.
It looked as if more Nightstalkers were entering as you saw them emerge. Dalia had no problem alerting more and more as she swung at them, smashing through the beds and even indenting the walls.
The lights were flickering fast too. For the other Nightstalkers arriving it was appeared that you and Nikku were just other re-enforcements. Unbeknownst to you the SOC figured you and Nikku were tailing Dalia, the Nightstalkers inadvertently giving you permission to assist. You drew your gun, pretending to get into it.
Amidst the chaos, you grab Nikku's hand and started running, looking for anything that could indicate Updike's throne room. The real search had begun.
After using the keycard on every single object in the room Tabi finally had some success.
Putting the keycard in the automatic flusher by one of the toilets emitted a ring. Suddenly the toilet moved out of the way and the wall opened up to another area.
"I knew it." Tabi stepped through. He wasn't expecting this kind of area, the bathroom opening up to larger section. He was immediately hit by the deep purple lights and dark pinkish walls that surrounded this section.
"Alden has entered the holding area." A robotic voice said aloud. Looking at the new keycard it did list that guard was named Alden.
At the other end of this room stood another door, noting that it linked to the women's washroom. To the right stood a large desk and area behind, weapons abound. It looked to be some kind of administrative desk. For what, Tabi found out instantly.
Looking to the left he saw a few open hallways, lining the wall as the room expanded into them. Glancing down one he saw were several open rooms in the hallway. While most looked to be open a few had blue laser beams cutting them off. From afar they looked like...cells.
The floor was open otherwise, with hallways of cells lined around the place. While constrained by limitations of a floor size it appeared larger than the other floors.
Tabi went towards the desk, curious to see if he could operate it. Glancing at the end of the hallway he saw a guard turn in from behind, looking at the cells. Tabi jumped behind the desk. Fortunately there didn't seem to be a soul around in the administrative area. While Tabi considered grabbing some weaponry instead a glowing light on the desk caught his attention.
Built into the desk was a large console that displayed a map of the entire floor. It reminded him of the TURINGS machine back at the restaurant.
Looking at the console indicated there were about 20 cells here. Most were lit blue, indicating empty with a few appearing to actually have prisoners.
The map also indicated that there were panels surrounding the entire perimeter facing the window to give the indication this floor was just hallways and office space.
In the corner of the screen it displayed,
A notification displayed atop the console. 'Security certificates are out of date! Could not properly authenticate user! Working on low-level mode!'
Tabi determined that with how secretive this place was, the Pontifex room had to be nearby. Seeing the guard get within eyeshot he again ducked under the desk, watching closely the shadows of the guards feet approach.
"Alden?" A feminine voice said. "Huh. Guess he's still out on lunch." She shrugged and walked off towards the exit. Tabi waited until he heard the door close.
Continuing to inspect the console Tabi saw one area that looked weird. At the end of the left-most hallways began a maze-like area, cutting and intersecting with the last hallway. There didn't seem to be any cells there, just a single symbol at one of the dead ends.
A swirl on the wall. Touching it caused it to spin. "I think I've located the room. Approaching now."
"A-lright! Good job Tabi!" Kapi said as he flipped through some pages. "O-okay. You go there. If that is, we may need people to sacrifice so be attentive." He said.
Kapi's anxiety and aversion to leading had completed vanished. With Huggy by his side he had slowly started to figure out all the ins-and-outs. The only part he still struggled with was trying to pay attention to everyone's individual conversations. Displo could do it no problem, though Kapi struggled. He had thought about asking Solazar but knew better. Solazar didn't even help him pick up the papers when he dropped it earlier.
Huggy's hyper attentive eyes watched too. He could read somewhat, and seeing the various subtitles appear under everyone's transcripts shook Kapi when he saw a word he recognized. Strange as they were, that had become a team.
With the path ready, Tabi picked up a few guns and armed himself. With a pistol and a machine gun in tow he was ready. Looking at the ammo there were only two types. Non-lethal plastic rounds and 'sleeper rounds'. He filled the machine gun with the non-lethal and pistol the sleep. He was a bit saddened they weren't real bullets but remembered this was a 'test operation'. Not the real thing.
"At least the guns are real." He muttered. Looking at the console he watched where the patrols were ongoing. There were only 2 other guards on the floor with 'Alden's location listed as at the console. Watching their patterns he jumped over the desk and started walking quietly to the swirl.
He walked determined, and slightly excited he had a way out.
The 4th floor, now containing half the team was just about finishing the tour of the data centre. While Agoti, Ayana, Pomona and Amelia had been looking for any way to the 5th there didn't seem to be.
Agoti and Ayana had to be more discrete now. They weren't sure if they were found out or not but they caught more than a few cursory glances from security. It always seemed like they were just in the shadows, watching, followed.
When the guide mentioned they would skip to the 6th floor, Pomona held steadfast and questioned it. After a few roundabouts and other students pressing him he finally said.
"Alright. But don't you kids tell anyone!" The guide said, whispering. "It's where we keep some cool stuff. Maybe we'll see it later." He said with a wink.
While a possible confirmation of the Pontifex Room they didn't know for sure. Speaking to Amelia privately, Agoti and her determined that if they couldn't find the entrance to the 5F from 6F, Amelia would try to press the guide harder for how to get there. "Either that or just blow a hole in the floor." Agoti said.
Kapi wasn't sure what to do. If that was official confirmation it meant Tabi was going to a dead end. Or maybe 5F was accessible from 10F. Or maybe the guide was just joking. Or maybe. Or maybe!
"Argh! I can't make these kinds of decisions." Kapi said frustratedly to Huggy.
"Hey! Over here! Psst! Goth guy!" Someone said with a high-pitched voice, trying to whisper but failing. It was coming from one of the last cells.
Tabi pretended not to hear and kept walking, not wanting to deal with some child. "I know you can hear me!"
"Argh. What?!" Tabi asked, annoyed. He looked to the cell.
The cell looked about the size of a bedroom. There was a futuristic looking bed, a small window, a desk and a pile of schoolbooks.
Tabi guessed he this kid was a teenager. He stood in the centre of the cell, arms crossed. He had black wings, thin black horns and white messy hair which shined against the light of the lasers. Part of it had been tied into a ponytail at the back. His skin was white as a penguin's belly and he wore a maroon-coloured sweater with a white and black bowtie and shiny black pants. Underneath, Tabi could see he wore a black turtleneck.
He was a little shorter than Tabi and didn't appear human, though Tabi couldn't tell. But if he was locked up there, little chance the kid had any humanity. Whatever he was supposed to be reminded him of Nikku somewhat.
"You gotta get me outta here! This place is so boring!"
"Too bad. Not my problem."
"Aw, come on. What do you want? Money, fame? Well I don't have those but I could get you some vodka. Or potatoes to make some haha."
Tabi started walking along, his patience having run out. He had enough of the Russian stereotypes. "Aw c'mon. I didn't mean that. It's just you have the same accent as my dad. Russian right? Look. Whatever you want, just please open the door."
"Aw, come on. I can tell you aren't a guard. And I don't think you escaped from here. Just please! I'll do anything."
An eyebrow raise. It did give Tabi an idea. Much as he didn't like the boy, he could serve as a distraction.
"If I free you, you'll run immediately and get out, okay? I don't want a sidekick or anything." Tabi said coldly.
"You got it!" I'll be gone with the wind. I was studying this place before I got caught. I'm just an innocent boy!" The kid said, no doubt knowing how much of a liar he sounded.
"Fine. But stay away from me. I don't like you."
"Whatever. You sound like my dad. I'm gonna tell them about this place. They're gonna be so pissed! Ohmanicantwaittomeetthem! Thanks! My name is Sel-"
"I don't care." Tabi turned and snuck back to the console.
"Tabi you sure this is a good idea?" Kapi asked. He had briefly heard Tabi's conversation with the prisoner.
"Best case scenario he gets shot. He can divert guards attention." Tabi said. "It'll distract them from me too."
He found the boy's cell and pressed the OPEN button. An alert suddenly went off as an announcer echoed across the floor.
Now Playing...
Artist: Manabu Namiki
Song: Alien Class A - MEFE / MZMA
Tabi jumped over the desk and made a break for it, running past the boy's cell. He paid little attention to the gunfire behind them, no doubt going after the kid. He heard the kid shouting, Tabi paying no mind to it either.
"He got Alden!" Someone shouted behind him, no doubt having discovered Tabi's work. He hoped they blamed the kid for it too.
He rounded a corner, then another. Just one more turn to reach that small hallway with the swirl. As he made it his heart sank by what he saw.
Directly in front of him on the wall centred, behind a glass wall stood a firehose.
In bright text it read above "Break in case of fire! Alarm will sound!" The swirling symbol was nothing more than a fire safety warning.
"DAMMIT!" Tabi shouted. He half-considered breaking it though knew this couldn't be the entrance. As he thought of it, the bathroom or hallway had to just be behind the wall.
"Tabi! What's going on?" Kapi asked through the comlink. Between Dalia's war and this alarm he couldn't keep up.
Seeing an opening in the panels where the window were he crawled under, hoping it could hide him from the guards rapidly approaching.
There was nothing on the other side of the panel but the other panels creating a hallway and the glass window that overlooked a city below.
As he looked down the hall he saw the kid burst through the panel and then the window, flying out of it.
"I think this might be it for me." Tabi said as he aimed his gun forward, waiting for the guards to jump from the panel and discover him. Having second thoughts about going in a blaze of glory he ducked back under the panels.
He had to hide. He ran backwards, trying to stay quiet as gunshots rained from where the boy had burst through the window. Whatever they thought had occurred, he must not have been detected.
He ran for an empty cell, ducking in there as guards ran. He hunched below the wall, gun to his chest as he saw guards run by.
As soon as it was clear he ran the other way. It would be a cat and mouse game now. Just stay hidden.
To prevent hearing damage Kapi turned down both Dalia and Tabi's comlinks.
It was chaos on the 8th floor. Dalia was holding her own against the Nightstalkers but losing. For every one she smashed into a bed or wall, 2 more emerged and attacked Dalia. You were having difficulty manoeuvring around the flashing lights but were making it. Nikku had removed her helmet, frustrated at the whole situation. It felt like running in circles, Dalia's epic clash in the centre somewhere. Whatever the hell she was doing shook the floor, a few times you hearing someone smashing into the wall.
After taking one more turn you stopped, grabbing Nikku before she could keep running. In the small kitchen, one of the fridges had tipped over, revealing a set of purple curtains. Judging by the tracks on the ground next to it, the fridge had been placed to hide it.
Behind the curtains stood and elevator, the door behind it
shining gold. This had to be it.
There was no button on it. You were about to look but Nikku stopped you. "Move." She said and got down. She pulled out one of the breach charges from her bag.
"I don't care anymore. This has gone on long enough." She muttered and strapped it to the door.
You ran for it, getting as far away as possible. Nikku did so after arming it. You were thankful Dalia had drawn the attention, the Nightstalkers that did you shouting to get lost.
The explosion was instant, smoke filling the floor.
It was felt all over the building, mostly felt among the top floors. On the 6th floor, the group felt it but the guide waived it off as just 'an earthquake or something'.
With her outnumbered, outgunned and starting to feel it, Dalia reached into her pocket and pulled out the flag. She hoped the explosion meant you and Nikku were successful.
Now that the explosion had occurred, Dalia quickly shouted something along the lines that she had just done it with her scythe. It was one last action Dalia saw fit to do. Claim the explosion so they would forget about you two. She drew the flag.
Dalia had surrendered.
"(Y/N). C'MON!" Nikku shouted, still using Updike's voice. The smoke hadn't even cleared. With the goggles fogging up you remove them.
Nikku ran in, quickly finding the explosion had damaged the elevator. Despite it being only 3 floors she saw it fit to jump out the hatch atop and start climbing. You followed, breathless at how fast everything was going.
Seeing the flag the Nightstalkers all immediately stopped. One jumped to Dalia and helped her up. The Nightstalker that first confronted her got up having been knocked out of the fight earlier.
"You are quite a fighter. Consider this interview passed." He joked. "Well. Time to get this party started. Order a lockdown. ASAP! Start a round-robin sweep of the floors. You two. Get to the elevator. Survey the damage."
You had never done so much climbing at once, running out of breath as you hauled up, climbing wires. Reaching a floor up you found a set of emergency stairs that started around 9F.
You and Nikku ran up it, struggling to get to 13F from 8F.
As you two made it, the top doors remained closed. Nikku didn't need any order. She immediately strapped the bomb to the door and rigged it without asking. Freaking out, you jumped down, hoping the explosion wouldn't kill you. Getting a few stories in-between was enough though with the explosions you weren't sure if your hearing would be okay.
Kapi was no doubt saying something on the line but he couldn't tell what the hell was going on. He had lost Nikku's connection, yours was unstable, Tabi's was just gunfire, and Dalia had been defeated.
The other half of the team was currently with the guide just listening, unsure what was happening or why a second explosion rocked the building. Everyone's line had gone quiet sans Kapi's panicked breathing.
And to make matters worse the police radio came alive. The sound of it surprising Huggy.
"We're detecting multiple explosions at the TGG building on Fairmouth St. All available units to that position."
And to make matters even worse a lockdown was ordered.
"This is a lockdown notice. Please comply with local security. We are detecting a Code 12." The automated voice rang.
"What does that mean?" One of the kids asked.
A strange look appeared on the guide's face, a combination of worry and fear. "I-t-it just means that there's an intruder somewhere. We'll be fine, I-I'm sure of it. You kids do lockdowns right? Come on." He motioned to one of the offices, Agoti and Ayana helping. One of the guards that had been spying on them followed suit, effectively venerating Agoti and Ayana. They had nothing to do with this.
For the employees they kept at working, barely reacting to the Code 12 warning. Still, at the back of their mind they were hoping it meant they could leave early. The only people active now were the guards, thirsty for more specific information as they all drew weapons, looking around.
It had already been an eventful day, most employees on the ground weren't expecting to get crazier. Of course, if there was one thing many of them learned working there was to expect the unexpected.
The automatic doors were closed but two figures easily smashed them open.
They were taller than the average person. Dressed strangely, they were quickly distinguished by their attire.
One wore a ushanka. The other wore a nun's veil.
The next chapter will be called Russian Roulette.