Now Playing...
Artist: Abyuse
Song: The Cattle That Bleed...
Whatever door that protected the 13th floor was blown to smithereens. Your head rung but otherwise you were fine. Nikku showed little issue and with you, stepped onto the 13th floor.
While you were expecting some kind of extravagant display, Updike's personal quarters were much more refined.
The walls were made of marble and wood, with gold-coloured furnishings lining the walls. The ground shone a glossy white, a large red rug covering parts of it. A large fountain stood in the centre, appearing to have been made out of gold. An angel stood in the centre, holding a bucket, pouring water out.
Doors stood on the sides to other rooms, a final door in far end of the room, behind the fountain and up a few stairs. It had a grand door at it, made of oak and gold.
It all lined up with Updike's description of the area as a "throne room". You guess that the other two rooms must have been for the rest of the triumvirate.
"(Y/N), Nikku! Do you two read me?" Kapi asked, finally getting through.
"Loud and clear. We made it." You say.
"Really? So we won?"
"I don't know yet. I'll keep you updated." You stepped forward with Nikku.
"This is it." She said. "He's gonna pay." She added with a bit of finality. She held her backpack now, the other hand inside, holding the remaining charges.
Just as you walked forward you heard something emerge from the elevator.
"Thought you could slip past us?"
You and Nikku turn. A group of the nightstalkers appeared behind. They were heavily armed and while slash marks indicated they had just battled with Dalia, they looked nonetheless angry.
"You're going to pay for what you've done." The lead stalker said. You glance as Nikku reaches deeper into the backpack, no doubt holding a charge. Not wanting to become a casualty you reach for your flag quicker. But, before you could raw it, a strong voice stopped everyone.
"Stand down."
You and Nikku turn. From behind the fountain, emerging from the grand door was Updike. He looked solemn as ever.
"With all due respect, sir, they're intruders!"
"They are with me." He stepped forward. "Lower your guns. Come now you two. We have a lot to discuss." He said, motioning you and Nikku to enter. You gulp, unsure of Updike's intentions. He did not look happy.
The guards knew someone took out Alden. It wasn't that pompous schoolboy. While their search continued, Tabi hid. He had backtracked his way to the weapons hold and was hiding inside one of the weapon lockers. He had managed to evade capture for this long, even after being spotted on cameras as he ran through the maze-like jail. He waited patiently for the guards voices to die down, giving him a chance for escape.
For now, he would remain quiet. Worst case he'd start a firefight right then and there. He wasn't going down.
Dalia had also gone dark, the nightstalkers requesting she turn off her link. Unlike the heightened worry of everyone on the team, Dalia just chilled. They were curious of her fighting skills and instead of turning her over they had her in the rec room playing cards, discussing exactly what the nightstalkers did. With her 'out of the game', she had no problem explaining the entire operation.
The tour guide had taken the group throughout the 6th floor and were now on the 7th floor, a space where guards could train and lounge. With all he guards watching, neither Agoti or Ayana felt comfortable even speaking into the comlink. Pomona likewise was hesitant. They had tried to press the guard on the 5th floor but to no avail. He did further state that a lot of 'cool toys' are kept there, ultimately confirming it the location of the Pontifex Room. For now, the team here kept a look out for anything that could lead below.
Kapi, still green to all this hadn't informed the group Dalia was out either. They were in the dark. The explosions hadn't been discussed amongst the group, the guide waiving them off as construction. But, despite the lie, the guards around were very active, moving all about the building. Solazar appeared more interested, keeping a close eye on Agoti. Otherwise, all was quiet.
You and Nikku entered, Nikku visibly upset. Updike's office was huge, a wide open room with a large wooden mahogany desk in the centre. It had various carvings on it, similar to the same art piece seen at the entrance of the building.
As you look around, the room appeared less like an office and more like a penthouse he had stuck a huge desk in. Lining the walls were various paintings. In addition to the desk you spot some gym equipment, a small coffee table next to them. TVs covered one of the walls, showing off the various floors.
More curious than any of that, you saw Displo, sitting at the coffee table. "(Y/N). Nikku." He said calmly.
"You're okay?"
"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"
"And S?"
"He is in the Pontifex room. Consider either a surprise, though looking at your team, I don't expect either to actually figure out how to get there." Updike said.
He took a seat behind the desk. At the end of the office behind the desk stood a gigantic window, covering the entire wall, overlooking the city. It looked to have gotten more cloudy.
"You'll understand if I want to keep this conversation private. Please turn your devices off."
"Kapi. I'm going dark. But Nikku and I okay. Guys if you can, get to the Pontifex room, but otherwise I think the operation is over. Nikku and I are in the throne room." You say through the comlink.
"Sounds good. O-Oh. Tabi's out, every-" Kapi started to say buy You turn off the link.
"So did we win?"
Updike didn't look amused, instead appearing as stoic as he did. "Perhaps. If they find the room then I will consider that a complete success otherwise I suppose I wasn't specific enough in the wording. But according to our contract you did make it here. Under normal circumstances I would expect you to go through me to reach it all but alas, this is a test." Updike leaned onto his desk, folding his arms.
"Well you practically violated the contract by attacking Displo. And what about the other two of you? I thought they weren't supposed to be inv-"
"Spare me the details. Displo and I already had this conversation." Updike said. "You may as well call the others off at this point. My guards are very much aware of your teams presence and the school team is heavily monitored. I do not know if they are capable of finding the room. I'll admit though, the last of your operatives, the one who attacked my building hasn't been seen. He still remains hidden. Perhaps if he could find the room." You figure he meant Tabi.
"Enough of this!" Nikku shouted. "We made it here! I want you to change your ways! How you treat people is wrong! You're evil!" She said, back to using Tess' voice.
Updike leaned forward. "Yes. I can tell you've been meaning to speak with me, less as a prisoner and more of an equal."
"There were other people there. Innocent people!" Nikku picked up her backpack and revealed the depth charges. "You will change!"
"Do you honestly think that? That I just go around and capture people like you?"
Though unseen, Displo raised an eye. "Don't your literally do that? You've threatened nearly everyone on this team."
"I only ever targeted those that posed a danger to society. That farmer's girl, she is an abomination; a creature which should not exist. But I can tell her heart is pure and her family was loving. That is why I made no move against her." Updike spoke, referring to Pompom. "They only angered me because they harboured you."
Despite Nikku holding the charges outright, Updike did not react. You couldn't read Updike, if he was sincere, or spoke the usual corporate BS you'd heard a thousand times before. You still didn't trust him.
"Then why me?! I didn't do anything!" Nikku said.
"I can't say. Nikku, you are not aware of what you're capable of."
"Well then tell me! I'm not a bad person. I haven't hurt anyone! Give me back my memory!"
"No. You will get it back in time, and I hope you'll mature enough to understand why I was forced to do it."
You really couldn't tell if Updike was manipulating her or not but he did sound troubled. It was as if Nikku's case he felt sorrow for.
"And put that away. You seriously mean to kill everyone here to prove a point?"
"You will pay." Nikku said.
"And what about (Y/N) and Displo? They've done nothing wrong. And did you forget there are two others like me? Who's to say they won't change their ways."
Nikku didn't react, holding back her emotions.
Updike sighed. "You won. Fine. We'll discuss how I treat the 'prisoners' later anyways. Now put those away. Please."
Nikku did so, her arm shaking. "Then at least tell me something about myself! I feel lost. I don't know where I'm from, like anything! At least tell me something!"
"You are from space. You are a polygurian, of the Moriaka Clan. You are a being less like myself, (Y/N) and Displo and more like that cosmic 'thing' we captured earlier. S, I believe he called himself."
"You crash landed here months ago. There was a brief meeting between my troops and you. Suffice to say, a few are still recovering."
"..." Nikku wasn't sure what to say. She was starting to recall it, when she first met Updike. There was someone else with her at the time. Or was there? "Y-you attacked me."
"We didn't strike first. You did."
"I wouldn't concern yourself with what you were. You are a different person now. Concern yourself with what you will be. And then your memory will come back. Should you chose penace, I will be ready with forgiveness." Updike said.
"So then what? That's it?" Nikku said, still lost.
"I'll consider your case closed for now. We will monitor you but my people shall make no move against you."
You and Displo sat uneasily through this. On one hand you still didn't trust Updike, but on the other he could have been telling the truth.
"What about the other prisoners?" Nikku asked.
"Perhaps I have been too harsh on them. After all, you did surprise me with your composure during this operation. I will consider lightening constraints on those it is possible with."
Updike stood up. "But I fully expect you to listen to my request when the time comes. Remember that it was here I accepted your petition."
The way he spoke made it seem like Nikku would have been selling her soul to him. Either way, it sounded too ominous for you to take it. Nikku, on the other hand accepted, not seeing another way.
Updike turned to you and Displo. "You have trained her well. Your whole team has impressed me...somewhat. You all still a long way to go. I seriously expected you all to break in way easier and get to the Pontifex room."
"You aren't going to take a member?"
"I shall not. Long as you all obey the law I have no reason to target any of you."
"So now that the operation is concluded..." You ask. "Can we have S bac-"
Now Playing...
Artist: The Instrumental Ward
Song: A World Torn Loose
Image Link:
The whole building shook. You, Updike, Displo and Nikku felt it. Pompom, her class, Agoti and Ayana felt it. Dalia and the nightstalkers felt it. Tabi didn't so much crawl out as it was swung open, him falling out.
He raised his gun, ready to fight but a guard held up a hand. "Be silent." They motioned as they listened to what had just happened.
It was like an earthquake, something shaking the building's foundation to it's very core. This wasn't just some bomb, whatever shook the building was far more powerful than it.
You hadn't really been paying attention to it but more and more clouds had been accumulating in the sky, slowly turning darker.
Updike turned back to look outside, only then too noticing the state of the clouds. He muttered something under his breath too quiet to hear. He turned back and pushed something on his desk.
The window lit up and changed to a monitor, displaying the security operations centre. There was a person in the centre of the camera looking away.
"Status report. Where's Abott?" Updike said.
"O-oh. S-sir!" The person faced the camera and saluted update. "Are you sure? I thought you weren't to be bothered, what with-"
"Abott. Where is he?"
"He's dealing with the situation on the ground. Are you sure sire, what about the op-"
"Nevermind that. I demand to know what's going on!"
"W-we have a Code 616, 3 hostiles have entered the lobby and started attacking employees..."
"Go on."
The manager took a deep breath, clearly hating being the only to distribute the bad news.
"According to MALLEUS one is an archdemon. Another one appears to be an abomination, signature unknown. The third one is half-demonic, it's signature is recognized in the database."
"Negative. The signature is listed as Selever. They were a half-demon we picked up last week. It appears he was released earlier today on accident. Investigation pending."
Updike turned back to you and Nikku, a grave look on his face. "What have you done? Did you do this?!"
You raise your hands up in defence. "I have no idea who or what that is. I didn't even know there was a prison."
"That is correct." Displo said. "That was not in our intel, nor was it part of the contract."
"W-well. We weren't sure if it was part of the ongoing pentest or not." The manager said bleakly.
Updike shook his head disapprovingly. "I am taking full control of this mission. Disregard all previous orders."
"Yes sir!"
"Give a me a visual on the ground."
"Not possible. Guard reports down there indicate a massive shockwave took out most of the electronics on the ground level." A picture appeared on the screen.
"What, you don't have the last frames?" Updike demanded.
"Sorry sir. Pulling up now!"
It showed three people, a schoolboy with wings, a nun and a shaggy looking character. None of them looked the least bit familiar to you.
"They've identified themselves as the Lightbringers." The manager said.
"Huh?" You mutter. You recall one report sometime ago about a possible cult operating in the city outskirts. They referred to themselves as The Church of the Lightbringers. The case never went anywhere though.
"They aren't our people." Displo said, confidently.
"Report the situation on the ground."
"We have multiple guards, engaging but we aren't winning. Based on the reports they seem to be able to either manipulate perception or are summoning additional deimos. Abott is alone down there. Sterling is presently in the Pontifex Room."
Updike sighed. "We're going to initiate Emergency Plan DFIR. Order all guards to escort and assist employees to evacuate the building. Lift the 'no magic' policy on the guards, allow them to use whatever force necessary to help evacuations. Deploy all nightstalkers to the ground floor, have robotics scrounge up whatever animatronics are still left and have them readied for combat."
"What about the school visiting?" The manager asked.
"I will take care of them, focus on getting our own people out first."
"Yes, sir! And, welcome back, sir!" The manager said relieved.
"I will be at the lobby momentarily."
"What about the holding area?"
"There are not many left in the holding area. Leave them for now. And have the police evacuate the local area."
The building shook again.
Updike turned to Displo. "I want you to command. I don't know how IRIS handles outbreaks but follow protocol. God help me if you betray me." Updike pushed something on his desk. A command screen popped up.
"If even a word of any of these leaks to IRIS-"
"You have my word." Displo said, raising a hand.
"Conclude transmission, Displo will be acting incident response director. I will deal with this on the ground. Understood?"
"Yes, sir! Best of luck, sir!" The manager said before ending the call.
As the monitor changed back to a window you saw the clouds had turned darker. It was focused around this building. The clouds had grown thick and black.
Updike turned to the three of you.
"Consider the operation done. But I am not through with you yet. You will assist in the IR team, helping the nightstalkers. Who amongst you can fight?"
"Uh, well I guess most of us. Pretty much everyone I guess."
"I can't fight." Nikku muttered.
"Very well. We'll need everyone we can get."
"But it's just 3 people? Don't you guys outnumber them?" Nikku asked.
Updike shook his head. "Not when it comes to beings like these. I very much doubt my units have done anything against them other than anger them further. The nightstalkers should prove better. You want to know why I enforce such horrid procedures on these beings, this is why."
Updike pushed something on the desk. An elevator from the right wall appeared.
"Nikku you come too. We might be able to use you for psychological warfare."
"Oo-okay." She got up. With the confidence Updike spoke she listened.
"Good." Updike made for the elevator, you and Nikku following.
With Displo in control the first plan was to get his people to safety and those that could. He turned on his comlink.
"Hello everyone. We have a serious problem. Operation is concluded, there is a massive attack occurring on the 1st floor of the building. We need to get everyone to safety who can. We have officially become TGG's Disaster Response Team." He began.
"Dalia, continue with the nightstalkers. Assist them in frontline battles."
There was no response as Dalia had turned off her link. Displo kept on talking.
"Amelia & Pomona, do what you can and teleport the children to safety. The no-magic policy is lifted so use additional employees to boost magic. We are currently evacuating the building. Teleport them to the restaurant, have Tess treat them. It will be on Updike's bill."
"What's happening?" Pomona asked.
"Officially, the building is under attack by forces."
"What kind of attack?" Amelia asked.
"Whoa, hold on. Y-you mean, the Family?" Tabi said. He and the guards weren't in a standoff anymore, more curious as to what was going on. Both were talking into their respective headsets.
"Negative. We don't know who it is yet. Ayana. I want you to help with evacuation."
"Tabi, Agoti, the two of you join whichever contingent of guards is closest by and proceed with them."
"Kapi, Huggy and Sol. You three stay put for now. Kapi I'm going to have you relay a message to my people later. But that's only if we need to request help."
"You had better be careful out there Tabi and Agoti. You really don't want me to intervene." Sol said, still drinking his tea.
"Anyone unclear?"
"Where's S?" Kapi asked.
"Still out of commission. It's no matter, he wouldn't be able to help currently."
"What about me? Can me and mom come back to help?" Pomona asked. The teachers had been noticing Pomona talking, figuring it was just her talking to the students. It was only now they realized she must have had some headpiece on.
"Amelia may come back, but you should stay put at the restaurant. It is too dangerous here."
"That's not fair!" Pomona protested. "I wanna fight too!"
"Now now dear, Fighting is one thing, but demons are another. I won't let you." Amelia said.
With the guards getting the message evacuation procedures started. The fire alarm was raised, emitting a series of loud beeps on all floors. Tabi was waved over by the guards and joined them in making it to the ground. Agoti likewise did the same thing, joining the 6F security. Ayana remained on the floor, planning to manoeuvre around them doing the last checks with the managers.
Meanwhile, the ground floor had quickly turned into a warzone.
The next chapter will be called The Lightbringers. (vs. Ruv, Sarventes & Selever).