Image (vs. The Lightbringers):
Now Playing...
Artist: Watashinokoko
Song: Omatsuri
"Wait! Why do we have to help you with this?!" Nikku blurted out as the elevator took it's time to arrive.
"Because you have caused this." Updike said sternly.
"No we didn't!" Nikku pleaded. She looked to you for help. You shrug.
"I don't know. Either way the team's in danger. At the very least we need to help them get out."
"A correct assertion. I can see why Displo said you were the leader." Updike said with a slight smile.
The ground floor quickly turned into a warzone. With Emergency Plan DFIR active it gave free reign to the guards in the lobby.
They had always taken security seriously at TGG. Now that a threat appeared they were ready.
The ground floor had been split in two areas. In the initial attack guards engaged the trio while others began moving tables, chairs and whatever they could find into a barricade. The barricade led from the columned area and security all the way to the cafe. It managed to secure the stairwells, elevators and an escape out the cafe side. From there a steady stream of people emerged from the building, getting to safety.
Cops arrived too, one of the triumvirate appearing and ordering them to secure the premise.
Abott and Sterling remained around, neither one engaged in the fight. Abott continued to command from the SOC and Sterling searched the floors, making sure nobody had gotten trapped from moving furniture.
The demonic trio took out all of the guards who engaged, bodies now lying around the ground floor, unconscious at best. The remaining guards held steadfast, having managed to wrangle the situation into a sort of standoff.
And while masks hid expressions, behind the black goggles and facemask they were terrified.
There were three attackers.
The first one identified himself as Ruv, or at least had been identified as such. He spoke little, his fists having done most of the talking. For the guards that did hear him speak they were stunned as his voice had the abilities to emit shockwaves, the likes of which were making the building groan in agony.
In the few words he did speak normally, most heard a faint Russian accent. He was a human-like in appearance, his head the only clear indication he wasn't human, or at least, not anymore. He had pale-white skin, a very pale purple streak of tattoo going along his right eye as if the side of his head were painted such a way. His left eye remained covered by a long black bandage. It had the strange runic symbols and illustrations on the bandage, which glowed when he spoke.
He had long flowing thick clam-coloured hair, most of which was hidden by the ushanka he wore. More symbols on the front of the hat, a dead giveaway of his alignment with "The Lightbringers".
He wore a tulip-coloured jacket with black lines along the elbows covering a black shirt and grey, colour-less gloves. His jacket had a few frays on its sleeves and front, its age showing. He had black pants on as well, with black military boots, laces the colours of clams.
The second one identified herself as Sarventes Lucifer, a nun and the head priestess of her 'church'. She was the same species as Ruv, a rounded face, but with pale-pink skin what appeared to be tattoos or ink on the face. She had three streaks, a maroon coloured one going down the right side of her face, a pale-pink going down the middle and a lighter-pink going down the left side. It appeared almost as a Neapolitan pattern of ice cream would.
When she first entered she was dressed as a nun, veil concealing hair, a metal cross sewn into the veil and black and white clothes covering nearly all of her body. When it became clear combat would be necessary she shed her nun clothes, instead revealing a leotard and black leggings that appeared to be melting into her skin. Her eyes turned a bright shade of red and she sprouted two large wings which allowed her flight. It was vampiric in nature and the inside of the wings shined a faint pink glow.
Arms and legs became enveloped in an inky blackness which looked to have been consuming her body in a glowing darkness. It looked as if it were a parasite, absorbing her appendages, corrupting her further. But unlike a parasite she was fully in control, allowing herself to be overtaken by demonic energy.
The right side of her face darkened as well, as if the light were not hitting, instead appearing as if she was hiding in the shadows.
She ran a church that was heavily rumoured to have some ties to hell. TGG knew of her but never made a move, keeping her under observation.
Finally, the third one had been identified as Selever, the
alleged offspring of the two attackers as he claimed. A half-demon schoolboy, his wings not fully developed nor were his powers.
When Updike had heard the name he recalled the capture. Spies caught the boy trying to suck the soul out of an innocent bystander. But, he was inexperienced, his ability only causing the victim minor discomfort. Updike found the boy cocky and arrogant, if completely ignorant of his actions.
When locked up he vowed to escape, get his parents to attack and vowed that they'd never find his sister either. It was then that Updike had tried to search for his parents, figuring the boy had to have some guardian. The investigation concluded when the boy claimed to a therapist that he 'willed' himself into existence out of some strange void.
Updike had determined something strange had happened with the boy and needed further testimony before he do anything with him, unable to find any records indicating the existence of a "Selever Lucifer". He had even sent an agent to the church, Sarventes having no knowledge of a son.
But now that boy was free, and he had brought his parents.
The trio had a series of emotions etched on their face.
Ruv's was deadpan. He moved fast, grabbing and smashing soldiers to the ground or blowing them away with his shouts. As he did there was not a hint of excitement or pleasure. This was just something he did.
Sarventes was that of righteous fury, of what they did to Selever, a being she hadn't even known existed until today. But he was of her flesh; they had to pay for what they'd done.
Selever took on a smiling happiness, excited and full of energy at the violent scene in front of him. While Ruv may have had no emotion, Selever could easily cover for him. He giggled maniacally at the show in front of him.
While Ruv dealt in physical and vocal, Sarventes proved to be the most deadly.
With a mastery of demonic magic and excellent precision she had no issue or qualms in summoning more demons. Imps and small, annoying creatures emerged from the ground. At least, that's how it appeared to the guards. They had fired bullets at the devils, only to find they went right through.
She had been able to mess with their own perceptions of reality, creating illusions of demons. And just when they thought they had her figured out she actually summoned some demons, a few guards having to rip them off, filling them with bullets. They did hurt like hell, even if they weren't real.
Sarventes ability grew upon more than the minions she raised. The sky surrounding the building and metro area had turned black, thunder and streaks of electricity visible in them. To make matters worse, she found the ability to move objects, turning office furniture into projectiles, ripping desks through the ground to the second floor. She acted before the barricade was made and created her own, blocking the main entrance.
Wires snapping from magical pressure, Sarventes found it trivial to weaponize the sculpture above. With its pieces severed, it became the blockade for the front door, pieces sloppily stacked.
Nobody would be leaving alive.
But despite that she made no attempt on trying to dismantle the guard's barrier. It worried the guards even more. She waited, a wicked smile on her face. With the projectiles that flew and building shake Abott keyed into it first stating into the comlink. "She's trying to bring the building down. Do not let her attack any pillars!"
Finally, Selever just served to annoy the assailants. His abilities were not fully developed yet. One particularly eager guard and had managed to grab Selever and nearly electrocuted the boy but was stopped by Ruv. He struggled to figure out how power, instead circling guards and providing distraction.
The challenge posed by the 3 gave them more than enough reason to keep things a stalemate until the professionals arrived.
They guards made no attempt to negotiate with them. Coupled with Selever's pointing finger that each of them complicit in his capture and 'torture' made things worse.
Agoti and 4F's guards were the first ones on the scene. Once the guards took sight it was over for them. Having not got the message about the illusions, demons and severe strength the trio had they were done. Some were thrown through glass windows in the lobby and others engaged in hand-to-hand combat in Ruv only to have their helmets knocked off and guns snapped in half.
A few managed to land hits on Ruv, bullets barely scratching his jacket, let alone him.
Sarventes giggled. "C'mon. This the best you got?" She shouted. "Hand over your leader! C'mon~We just wanna talk."
"Yeah! Where's the cloudguy? If we don't get him we're gonna start killing out you all!" Selever added, enthusiastically.
A few of the guards remained by the cafe, trying to usher people out of sight and dealing with the demonic illusions. The lights had been taken out by Ruv, giving the escapees a small amount of darkness to hide in.
The trio seemed to be avoiding the fleeing people, focusing on those who struck first.
The quick defeat of 4F's security left the floor mostly barren. The demonspawn saw it fit to climb the barricade and start harassing the survivors. They shouted at them, giggling and throwing explicities at the workers like slavers herding slaves.
Agoti managed to stay unseen, ducking behind the security desk. "Dude, this people are nuts! I don't think we can take them. Friggin' never seen people move like that."
"Do not make any moves until we're all there. If we're going to do this we'll need everyone." Displo said.
The elevator doors opened again, a scene of chaos in front of them. Tabi only had with him a few guards, the 3 minus the one he had knocked unconscious and one left above to watch the cells.
He had suggested they free and use other prisoners for combat but it was met with annoyed and confused faces. After all, none of the prisoners would be suitable, Updike had said. Ste
Tabi checked his comlink. "So bullets do nothing. How are we supposed to do against him?"
"Perhaps holy water." Solazar suggested, finally doing something helpful.
"Negative. That would not work against a being like Sarventes. She is what we call a 'Holy-Terror'. It would be like using a crucifix on a priest." Displo said.
"You, help us get these people out. That's our mission right now!" One of the guards shouted at Tabi and co.
Two of the guards and Tabi opened fire on the demonspawn, vanquishing some and taking out their illusions. "Forget the trio, squad, get the people out." One of the guards took command. She removed her helmet, not needing the extra protection.
They made for the line, ready to stand in and help.
From the hole in the ceiling more drones arrived, ready to distract the trio.
Tabi didn't listen, instead joining Agoti at the desk. He could see the trio weren't targeting the people. The trio were distracted anyways. They needed a game plan if the statement were to break.
"I'm gonna be there in just a sec." Dalia said through the comlink. "Get their attention! I wanna to see how they stand against PTS Weaponry!"
"You sure?" Agoti asked.
"Damn straight! I'm the only one here who's actually fought demons!"
Agoti and Tabi heard the elevator doors open and saw the lights flash. The Nightstalkers had arrived. Seeing Dalia running, Agoti grabbed one of the phones and chucked it at Ruv.
He never fancied himself a good baseball player but the throw was excellent, the phone and cord landing a direct hit on Ruv's head, knocking his ushanka askew.
Agoti stuck his tongue out, hoping to enrage Ruv.
This seemed to elicit some form of expression and he mumbled at Agoti.
He turned his attention to the digidevil at the security desk and started walking ominously to it. Tabi reloaded his gun, ready for a firefight-
"Say goodnight, hellspawn!" Dalia jumped in-between them, slashing her scythe downwards. It narrowly missed Ruv, who jumped pack. The impact was close enough to slash the zipper.
Agoti jumped back, immediately sicked upon by imps, both real and fake.
"Get the hell off me!" He shouted as he ripped them away.
The elevators were jammed, a warning come off two late. You, Nikku and Updike made for the conventional elevator, finding it busy moving between the floors. You suggested stairwell but Updike refused. "Ultimately this is still their test. We will arrive when the time comes." He said.
He looked to Nikku and the screen of Sarventes, a nasty thought occurring. "Nikku. Listen to the woman's voice. I want you to replicate it. Displo will lead you with the words you need to say."
"W-what are we going to do?" She asked.
"We're going to break one of them psychologically." He muttered.
Tabi got up from the desk too and raised the machine gun. As he looked at Ruv he stopped, noticing his hat.
"Wait, you're Russian? Вы говорите по-русски?" Tabi asked. He lowered his gun.
"Да." Ruv muttered.
Dalia's scythe glowed as she got hyped. "Let's do this!"
She lunged forward. Ruv caught the blade with his bare hands, the gloves shielding from the sharpness. Dalia kept at it and landing she swung the scythe up, picking up Ruv in the process. It flung him across the arena, him crashing into one of the pillars.
"Damnnit! I said keep them away from the pillars!" Abbott shouted through the comlink. "Those are load-baring!"
"Do we know anything about this Russian guy?" Tabi said to the link.
"Afraid not. His name is Ruv. Presumably it's short for something." Displo said.
"Damn!" A chair flew by, smashing into the desk and startling Tabi.
"Shouldn't have come back Billie!" Selever used his magic to throw stuff at Tabi. Though Tabi ducked more furniture smashed into the desk, one of the metal rods piercing through it, narrowly hitting him.
The Nightstalkers descended on Sarventes.
"Oh so the rooks and bishops have finally arrived. Humph. Was getting bored of all these pawns." Sarventes said mockingly.
Having been briefed on the 'bulletproof-ness' of the demons they brandished batons, electricity vibrating from each. They already had enough practice with Dalia. Now for the real show.
"This is not fair!" Pomona shouted to her mom. They had successfully made it to Displo's and briefed Tess. She was currently in the kitchen with the chefs cooking up a storm.
Pomona, on the verge of tears had gone to one of the party rooms with Amelia to avoid making a scene.
"I should be out there helping! We barely did anything in the whole stinkin' operation and now they get to do all the cool stuff!" She cried.
"Absolutely not! You know how those creatures there are. Demons aren't like people. They'll attack and have no remorse. You're staying here and that's final missy!"
"It's not fair!" She shouted again.
Now Playing...
Artist: REDALiCE
Song: Grime Trooper
Ruv got up, slightly annoyed by the forced acrobatic action. Dalia landed just in front of Ruv. "Let's dance."
She swung again, the scythe landing on marble tile, indenting it. Ruv rolled and got up, brushing his mouth with his fist.
As if performing a 1-2, he ducked and punched forward. Dalia blocked it, hilt of the scythe taking the brunt of the force. It was enough that she felt wind pass by as Ruv impacted the handle.
"Don't worry Dad! I got you." Selever rushed in and tackled Dalia...or at least tried to; she had managed to at least see him and grabbed his head, shooing him away like a fly. He had already given up on Tabi.
Ruv attempted to parry and punched again, Dalia narrowly missing the punch.
Annoyed at Dalia's complete inconsideration of him he resumed his attacks on Tabi, giving him a small sense of accomplishment that he was actually helping.
The Nightstalkers were having a lot of trouble. Sarventes with quick speed dodged, only a few hits actually landing. She remained in the air where it took each Nightstalker a few seconds to reach through acrobatics. To make matters worse she saw fit to generate illusions of other stalkers, shattering whatever trust they had amongst themselves.
They saw it more as a game of attrition; that she couldn't keep up the facade of keep away and had to calm down eventually. All they had to do was outlast her.
Dalia jumped to the side and whipped her scythe at Ruv, landing a direct hit. It knocked the being aside. But while it looked like it hurt, he just got back up and spat.
Dalia cursed. "Damn, harder than I thought."
The illusions were already starting to get stretched thin as Sarventes focused her power on the Nightstalkers, leaving less imps around. As Agoti slammed the last demon it disappeared in a puff of smoke.
"Alright!" He shouted. He decided to help Tabi and bolted towards Selever. The half-demon nary had a second before Agoti lunged at and grabbed his wings and torso pulling him to the ground.
With the coast clear Tabi jumped over the desk and made for Agoti. He couldn't get his mind off Ruv however, something about him seeming familiar.
"Hey no far! You can't gang up on me!" Selever shouted as Agoti pinned him. Selever shouted back incoherently he struggled under Agoti. "What do I do?" Agoti shouted.
"Hold him."
"I said that's. NOT. FAIR!" Selever shouted again and utilizing Ruv's power emitted a soundwave, knocking Agoti and Tabi aside.
"Hmph. I can't believe you're one of them!" Selever chided and he glared at Tabi.
Tabi made no rebuttal, instead opening fire on Selever.
The elevator doors opened, with it, another group of survivors. Ayana led them doing what she could to keep morale up.
She witnessed Dalia trading blows with Ruv, offering up a bit of encouragement herself. "You get 'em Dal!"
Ruv had started to yell again, the soundwaves shaking the place. So far Dalia had been lucky in avoiding them. Ruv could move quick, but directing his voice at her was harder. She knew one hit would be it though.
As she swung her scythe, she aimed for his head. He ducked, as she expected. With the scythe she hooked right onto the lip of the ushanka, throwing it off him.
It exposed his long flowing white hair. It was unkempt and greasy looking but not knotted or clumped. The ushanka was sent a distance, landing near Tabi.
Selever had found the gunfight boring, the bullets having little effect if they hit him. He stuck his tongue out at Tabi before flying off to help his mother.
Tabi picked up the hat, inspecting the front of it. As if unearthing a lost page, something clicked in his mind. "Ruvyzvat." He said quietly.
Ruv had started to get angry, Dalia having proven herself far more capable than the guards. He jumped back a bit, hoping the added space meant she couldn't dodge. Dalia caught onto the plan and kept the distance between them slim.
A bright light flashed into the arena. It nonetheless caught the attention of the Dalia's side, but the event was hardly noticed by the Lightbringers, who saw it as just some random occurrence.
"I'm here!" Pomona declared, emerging from the light, the teleport was successful.
Tabi's heart sank as he processed it first. As if he was about to see something gruesome.
"POM!" He shouted.
"Pomona, what the hel-"
"Gone." Ruv said, the shockwave landing directly on Dalia. It launched her several metres, knocking her through the glass wall of the building.
"DALIA!" Ayana screamed, running towards where she was launched. Agoti jumped up too, running after Ayana.
Pompom wasn't sure what was going on, or why this haggard-looking fellow was looking at her confused.
"T-they sent a child?" Ruv muttered.
"POMONA GET AWAY!" Tabi yelled and opened fire on Ruv. He knew the bullets would do nothing but also knew she didn't stand a chance.
It took Pompom a hot second to realize Ruv was the enemy and she jumped away, casting a small fireball at Ruv. It was weak, the spell having come spontaneously from her.
Huggy had been listening with Kapi and Sol at the existing fight. He knew little of what was going on. However, the grainy feed Displo had managed to scrounge up plus the shouting on the comlinks told him what he needed to know.
Pompom was in danger!
He emitted some sort of roar, a guttural sound that almost sounded like him trying to scream her name. With his cry heard he scrambled out the window, knowing he needed to get in the direction of the building.
"Huggy!" Kapi said, nearly jumping after him. At least, the catboy would have stumbled out the window had Solazar not caught him by the scruff of his neck.
"Such chaos." He commented.
Kapi got up and went to the comlink, tagging Displo. "Huggy's gone. I think he's running to the building."
"Affirmative. I will make sure law enforcement stays aware and assists."
"Meddlesome." Ruv said, emotionless. He decided that between Pomona and Tabi he would go for the girl first. He had no intention of killing her as he got a strange feeling when he looked at Tabi.
The elevator doors finally opened, the final three contestants entering the ring.
Updike, yourself and Nikku.
You had been trying to keep up with the chaos but between the shouting you weren't sure what was happening.
"(Y/N). Hand Nikku your comlink. I'll need to speak to her directly." Displo said.
You stepped out, armed with nothing but a handgun. Based on what you had heard Updike describe them as you figured it wouldn't do much.
The first thing witnessed was Pomona running into the elevator area, a large staunch looking man behind her.
"What in the lord's earth are you doing here! I ordered you vacate!" Updike said.
"I-I wanted to help." Pomona said. She turned and sloppily shot a ice bolt at Ruv who merely knocked it asunder. It froze his hand for a second.
"Then get behind me. This is no place for a mage. Where is your mother!"
A lightning bolt shot into Ruv's back. Unlike the pitiful spells Pomona had been casting this one actually hurt, the electricity singing his back.
"Get away from my daughter!" Amelia commanded.
"So many of you people." Ruv remarked, annoyed now.
Amelia teleported again, this time to Pomona. She grabbed her. "I'm sorry but this not your fight!" She shouted and vanished.
Ruv was about to charge Updike but bullets in the back stopped him.
"Stop avoiding me." Tabi said. He had emptied his clip. "Ruvyzvat."
"You know my name?" Ruv said.
"Find out."
Tabi knew he had little a chance but he wanted to know Ruv more. Identify what was making him so uneasy. He complied and made for Tabi.
With the coast clear you, Updike and Nikku entered the area.
Most of the Nightstalkers had fled, facing far too much damage.
"Nikku, using the woman's voice, try to get into that kid's head. Find out why he is doing this." Updike said, referring to Selever. Nikku nodded and made for Selever.
"Fall back stalkers!" Updike shouted. The lightbringers stopped, now aware of the next 3 people.
And in an instant, all the Nightstalkers that had been attacking Sarventes jumped away, returning to the shadows.
"I am in the one in charge of this facility. What business do you have here?"
"That's him! That's the guy that locked me up! Tested on-"
"We did no such thing. Captured yes. But we did not test you."
"You took our son!" Sarventes said, eyes burning with rage. "How could you do such an affront to God. No better than Solomon's Judgement!"
"How dare you!" Updike roared. He had been irate before but insulting his faith had gone too far. You saw his eyes fill with rage "You didn't even know he was your offspring! He willed himself into existence, no more a claim to you than the imps that worship you! You're a heathen masking around as God's servant!"
"By divine! You have spoken your last lie, sinner!"
"Bring it, heretic!" Updike clenched his fists and jumped up, a burst of wind emitting from the sheer force he propelled himself with.
"Damnit!" You heard Abott shout in the comlink. "He just had to start arguing faith!"
Updike moved fast, far faster than you had anticipated for someone his size. Sarventes as well did not expect for him to move that fast. He had dodged her blast of darkness, his fist narrowly missing her neck. He slammed right into the ground, a dent forming where he had landed. Unfazed he got up, brushed himself off and continued his assault.
For once, Selever became frightened, quickly learning what fear even was. Updike was scary. Maybe Dad would fare better?
Kapi was still trying to manoeuvre around the console and try to make himself useful. Already once had Sol told him to calm down; that there was only so much he could do from his post.
A bright flash of light appeared in safe house, bringing with it Pompom and her mother.
"How can I help?" Pompom asked gleefully. "It wasn't right for us to just leave. What can we do?" Amelia asked.
With the comlinks within range again Displo spoke. "Amelia. I would need you to-"
"Huh, where's Huggy?" Pompom asked through the link.
"He ran off to the building." Kapi said sheepishly. "He thought you were in trouble."
"Oh no! We gotta help him! I'll teleport right there!"
"Pomona Carrot! Don't you dare!" Amelia shouted, but it was too late. She was gone. Amelia grumbled and teleported too, using her own magic to identify Pomona's new location.
"Uncoordinated." Sol commented.
"That is enough from the peanut gallery." Displo rebutted.
In an uneven standoff, Tabi and Ruv stood. Ruv wasn't trying to kill him, mostly make him back off. Tabi sensed it and kept Ruv distracted. Ruv swung at him, deliberately slowly.
"Why do I know you?" Tabi asked.
"How should I know? What is known, is that you've signed your death wish."
"It's you that won't make it unless you back down. What is all this?"
"It's justice."
"It's violence."
"I don't care how you spell it." Ruv lunged at Tabi, the goat just narrowly missed a bear hug.
"I know revenge. Revenge is where you get back for those sick bastards and what they did to you! Revenge is killing those responsible. These people had nothing to do with it."
"I'm not interested in your lectures, Dostoevsky." Ruv said as he punched forward, smashing his fist into one of the pillars. Ruv was unfazed, the pillar now having a fist-sized dent in it.
"Oh yeah, this is much better-hey!" Selever remarked but was stopped by a rock hitting his back. It was Nikku and you, ready to "psychologically break" him as Updike had so graciously said.
Selever blinked, seeing Nikku's pale face and pink hair.
"M-Mom?" He asked quizzically, even unsure who was in front of him.
"Play off his emotions. Confirm your ancestry to him." Displo said through the comlink.
"That's right! You need to stop this, er, son." Nikku said.
"Repeat after me Nikku." Displo commanded.
"I am your real mother, that's just another version of her."
"But why aren't you demonic? Are you with them?" Selever asked. He started to lower himself, and landed on the ground. Cautious but curious.
"They're innocent people. They were just trying to help you."
Ruv caught wind of the conversation and left Tabi.
"That's enough trickery." Ruv said and lunged at Nikku. She barely dodged, instead tripping out of the way. In the brief time he was in reach you did what your instinct said to do. You take a jab at his throat, fist landing perfectly. Ruv stumbled back as he cleared his throat.
"Bad mov-" A pistol flew into Ruv's head, courtesy of Tabi.
"We aren't done here, big man."
Ruv grumbled, turning back to Tabi.
Sarventes flew across the area, landing into one of the pillars. Updike had been successful in his strike. Not even the illusions could stop him. He could feel the imps ripping his back up but paid no mind. They did not exist.
He landed in front of Ruv.
"What have you done?" Ruv said, eyes wide.
Updike cracked his knuckles. "Let's go."
Ruv's eyes narrowed in vexation. "Piece by piece. I will break you."
"No. He's mine." Sarventes said, getting up and brushing the rocks off herself. She rose and fired magic at Updike, the blast darkening the ground as he moved. "Mom, I'll help!" Selever shouted, gathering the courage to go after Updike too.
Updike moved up his sleeves. This was gonna hurt.
Ruv's attention turned back to you, Tabi and Nikku.
You readied your fists up. Nikku wasn't sure what to do, instead striking a pose.
"Wait. Let me talk to him." Tabi said. You look to Tabi who just nodded. Ruv didn't appear to have an issue with it and you and Nikku stepped away, making your way to help people escape.
"Ruv. This isn't justice. Back home. The village. That was justice."
"You cannot possibly remember that." Ruv spat. "I've lived too long anyway."
"What about your son?"
"Enough of these questions. You aren't me. You aren't like me. You wouldn't understand. I grow tired of this." Ruv lunged to Tabi and punched him. Tabi felt it in his stomach, sending it reeling.
You bolted to Tabi, ordering Nikku to get away to safety.
When he came to, seconds later he saw he was behind the perimeter, Updike and the two lightbringers clashing in the ceiling.
Updike landed just behind Tabi, on the other side of the barricade. There was a standoff again, Sarventes starting to tire from the combat. Selever too had been winded. Ruv as otherwise fine, having consistently fought the weaker ones since the fight began.
"Cytka." Tabi muttered.
"You alright?" You knelt beside Tabi.
Now Playing...
Artist: SL!DE
Song: Cage
"Fine." He got up, slightly dazed. "I'm not through with this guy."
Ruv was approaching the perimeter, getting ready to join in the battle against Updike. But before he could Tabi shouted again.
"You know even if you kill him, the whole city will be after you. This won't end the way you want."
Ruv didn't respond.
"You're a coward. You think going out in a blaze of glory is so good? What about your kid, huh? These people will just raise him." Tabi shouted.
Ruv stepped. uneasily. That line had gotten to him. "Ну?" Tabi asked, now speaking in Russian. He hoped the language would reach Ruv. He spoke with Ruv from behind the perimeter, in safety .
"(You don't understand.)" Ruv said.
"(Then make me. What have these people done to you?)" Tabi said.
"(They took my son. You would have done the same thing. I'm doing what God wanted me to do.)
"(What? These random workers? These people have no idea. You're hurting innocent people. You didn't even know you had a son! You're just attacking for what?)"
Ruv paused.
Selever, pestering Updike was knocked asunder as he crashlanded near you.
"(Y/N), Nikku, be useful!" Updike shouted as he stared down Sarventes. He jumped the perimeter and started walking towards her, righteous indignation on his face.
You and Nikku turned your attention to Selever. He was already getting up and getting ready to have another go. Nikku did the first thing she though and lunged at him, grabbing one of his pant legs.
"Get off me you imposter!" He shouted, trying to shake her off. You briefly considering shooting at Selever but not wanting to hit Nikku you don't.
"(You surrender, and I'll make sure they don't hurt him.)" Tabi shouted.
"(I cannot trust you. You a heathen. Just like him.)" Ruv said, unmoved.
"(I'm the one who freed him. And who I am doesn't matter. You know you can't win this. It will be the death of you or the destruction of this city.)"
"(Perhaps that's the best outcome. You have no idea how I've lived. I'm tired.)"
"I have no respect for those who misled of the lord." Updike proclaimed as he inched closer to Sarventes. She readied her fists, magic glowing ever-present on them.
"I have done nothing wrong, neither hare nor soul have been sullied!" She fired off magic at Udpike, the cloudman jumping out of the way.
Unable to fly with the added weight, Selever started to sink, his easy flight now turning to a workout.
"Nikku hold on!" You shout, running for Nikku.
"Get off me you stupid woman!" Selever cursed. He was trying to kick Nikku off but she managed to grab his other leg, further damaging his flight.
With Nikku now in range you jump and grab her legs doubling the weight Selever had to carry. He completely slumps, stopping all flight and the three of you crash into the perimeter, knocking chairs and tables aside.
"God! You two are so annoying! Leave me alone!" Selever shouted, getting fed up with his constant losses.
"You are a demon, and a mother at that. You're instinct should have been to turn to the light to get your son back, not the darkness." Updike said.
"What do you know?!" Sarventes shouted angrily.
She fired a blast and Updike bolted behind her, grabbing hold of her wings. "Yield." He demanded. "Move and I'll rip them right off."
"(You promise?)" Ruv asked, coming around to the suggestion.
"(I promise I will help.)" Tabi pointed to Updike. "(I'll make him stop. This won't end the way you want it. It's a dark road ahead.)"
"(I don't care. It doesn't matter. You're a liar just like the others.)" Ruv sighed. He was just making up excuses at this point.
"You are an evil man!" Sarventes emitted a blast knocking loose Updike sending him away. He caught himself and was getting ready for another go. He would have charged her, had Tabi not caught his eye, yelling at Ruv.
"(Then I give up.)" Tabi said. He got up from the rubble and hands raised started walking towards Ruv. He dropped his gun.
"You idiot! What are you doing?" Updike shouted.
"ТОГДА НАПАДАЙ НА МЕНЯ! Я НИЧЕГО ПЛОХОГО НЕ СДЕЛАЛ!" Tabi shouted at Ruv. Sarventes saw the opportunity and fired at Tabi.
Ruv lunged at Tabi, grabbing him in a hug, protecting him from the blast. The blast hit direct upon Ruv's back, chaos energy surging through it, burning a hole in back. The resulting blast launched him and Tabi right into a pillar, a rock and a hard place.
Ruv got up, mostly unfazed, helping Tabi up.
"Dad, what are you doing? Kill him!"
"It's done. This is over." He said.
Sarventes looked to Ruv, curious. "You-"
"This isn't right."
"Then I'll kill him!" Selever remarked, completely ignoring you and Nikku.
Selever turned back to the party, Ruv's actions causing a distraction. Not much had happened in the second he wasn't looking.
Except Updike had vanished.
"Where did-" Selever remarked before Updike re-appeared behind the boy. With a hard strike on the back of the neck, Selever fell unconscious. Updike hit the half-demon right on the back of the neck, rendering him unconscious.
"I am sorry, but I had to." Updike remarked. He turned to Sarventes. She was unsure what had happened.
"You and me both know this isn't the right path." He held out a hand for her.
The next chapter will be called Vigil.