Track 41 - Vigil

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Artist: MPU101

Song: 12bitTOWER


With Ruv's declaration and Selever unconscious the fight had ended. Per Ruv's decision to end, Sarventes relented, returning to her normal appearance.

Nevermind how the fight had ended you were just processing Tabi and Ruv being slammed into a pillar. You run up to Tabi, praying he was fine.

Tabi still lay on the ground, breathing heavily. Despite Ruv attempting to save him last second the two still slammed into a pillar, Tabi the one sandwiched between a rock and a hard place.

He stared up at the ceiling, panting. You kneel beside him, checking for any bleeding or signs of dying. You stifle your breath, worried, unable to find the right words.

"Are you dead?" Ruv asked bluntly.

"I-ha-I-haaa can't feel my ribs." Tabi moaned. Whether or intentional or unconscious his hand reached to your lap, grabbing it slightly. You lower your hand and hold his. He holds tightly.

"You gonna be okay?" You ask.

"I don't know." Tabi winced, his voice pitching up.

The clouds outside were starting to clear up, reverting back to today's predicted weather. Noticing the lack of fighting inside, the cops determined it safe and readied to engage. From the back they had watched through the glass wall shattered open.

As for the front, while original plans stipulated to detonate a charge, they found another, more economically friendly way in.

Pomona teleported a few times, trying to outpace Huggy. When she managed to get ahead of him, he was overjoyed. He pulled her into a great hug, happy to see she was safe.

Powered by hyperactivity, Pomona got atop him and had him charge the building, ready to help you.

Amelia pursued Pomona closely, angry at her recklessness. Magic equipped she floated by closely, making sure Pomona didn't do anything stupid.

The rein enforcements were coming.

Displo, having communicated with the police made them aware of a 'rescue trio' making their way to the scene.

Huggy was in awe at what Displo had done. The same 'evil guards' he had seen at the factory were now on his side. They were helping him! He was overjoyed, feeling glorious with the assistance he was getting. Surely the villains in there had to be the worst!

So when the trio arrived, Pomona and Amelia both hit the barricade with explosive magic, Huggy charging in with them.

"Bring it on!" Pomona triumphantly shouted.

It was only then they found the fight had ended minutes earlier.

Currently in cuffs and in the middle of being arrested, Sarventes commented. "My, you have my faithful servants."

"They have an unbreakable bond." Updike remarked.

While there was brief standoff, Updike convinced the both to settle down, speaking at length with the two parents. He explained in short what he and his people do, settling differences, correcting what Selever had said and just who and what he was. He stated that as much as "I like to you keep you two close, your actions have damaged the wellbeing of the city. This is a matter of the NCPD now." He added a little sarcasm to the last statement, apparently having been forced to give them up.

It left the issue of Selever, still a minor, and without parents.

In the end Selever was placed back under TGG's care, Nikku used his escape as an example of how poorly TGG 'prisoners' are kept. Updike disagreed but did note that "we will have to approach Selever's case differently." Tabi still had not informed anyone about his role in Selever's escape.

Despite the list of crimes, Updike convinced the police to let Ruv and Sarventes stay just for a few minutes. Tabi wished to speak with Ruv more.

From the escapees, Updike sent nearly everyone home aside from the managers, the Nightstalkers, the trio and a physician.

"We're going to have a debrief about how these people even GOT IN." Updike demanded to a crowd of now scared managers.

The physician's purpose was to look over the team for any issues and deal with Tabi. He had refused to go with any ambulances or 'outside medical personal'.

You understood his paranoia, vowing to stay with him until he got better.

Updike had sent for one for Dalia but she had since been taken away with Ayana and Agoti earlier. Agoti texted you, informing she was fine and just needed time to heal.

As the physician examined Tabi, he and Ruv had some kind of conversation entirely in Russian. They spoke with such an air of familiarity to each other, it surprised you. Whatever they spoke about looked intense. Before Ruv was taken away he fist-bumped Tabi, remarking one thing about seeing him 'on the inside'. He nodded at you apologizingly as he was led away.

It surprised him how the doctor never made one comment about his appearance. He had a revolver full of comebacks but not question ever came. He found it nostalgic, remembering how he was treated before the 'transformation'.

As Updike discussed the Lightbringers with Sterling and Abott you caught some tidbits. She was in charge of some church on the outskirts of the city. You ask Updike, who noted that "it will likely be placed under mine-er-joint IRIS-TGG control. With what has happened there we will have to study it for paranormal activity." He added that it would be there to return to once Ruv and Sarventes had served their sentences.

With that the operation had concluded.

Everyone had taken the next few hours to calm down and rest. Displo, Nikku and Kapi took down the safehouse and dropped off the equipment. Amelia, Pomona and Huggy returned to the schoolkids and then concluded the school trip. The children were overjoyed and couldn't believe how awesome the company was. For them, it was a complete success, something the tour guide found relieving. Agoti and Sol made their way home and Dalia and Ayana remained at the hospital until the doctor's gave Dalia the okay.

That just left you and Tabi. He was in the medical bay a few floors up resting but you felt it necessary to stay with him the whole time. It wasn't like you had other responsibilities (picturing Kapi struggling to offload those massive computers into the van). No. None at all.

You had spent the last few hours with Tabi as they inspected and patched him up. The accident put him out of work for a week but he didn't seem too disappointed by it.

It was not around dinner time.

Like during the first Operation, Displo wanted a debrief. While he had considered doing it at his restaurant, it was Updike who suggested doing it in the lobby of the building.

Scepticism was a given. However, between trusting Displo to run TGG and allowing for half-control between the companies for the church, Displo found himself not as sceptical.

Updike also kept true to his word, providing the payment for the operation as well as additional payment for providing 'an adequate incident response'.

He further added that the attack had damaged the security system, making observation impossible. Quietly, he added that he was 'curious to how such a team came together' and wished to witness a meeting.

"This is merely a personal request."

In the end it was Nikku that added a touch to convince Displo.

While Displo refused to mention or allow TURINGS be used here, Updike supplied TGG's own version, called MALLEUS.

Still in the medical bay with Tabi, you awaited for the meeting to be called downstairs.

The physician had left a few minutes earlier, stating they had to fill up some logs for the procedure. They just left you and Tabi, alone in the medical bay.

Tabi lay on the bed, sitting up. There were a few bandages across his stomach, a white undershirt covering it. He felt much better, so long as he didn't move much. He looked down, inspecting the bandages.

You were just on your phone, reading the initial reports of the incident. TGG had been quick to act, describing the event as an armed robbery gone wayward. Though the Lightbringers were not named the article included a comment from Updike "We were the unfortunate target of a group of religious extremists. We suspected we were targeted as a result of the various artwork and designs our former leader placed on the exterior of the building." All in all, neither the pentest nor the crew was mentioned at all.

It did get a ton of attention, social media lighting up with conspiracy theories.

Now Playing...

Artist: Ric Swanson & Urban Surrender

Song: And Time Lingers On: Part 1


"Hey, (Y/N). Can I ask you something?" Tabi asked.


"(Y/N). I've been meaning to ask you. I-i-is-" He struggled to say.

"What? Spit it out." You state and put your phone away.

"I, uh, damnit. Nevermind." He said, giving up.

You put your arm around him, causing him to flinch slightly. He was warm to the touch, temperature getting hotter. Looking now it appeared he was blushing.

"C'mon...what's up?"

"W-well. After we finish, finish this whole thing, I think we should-uh-keep-this keep this thing going." He stumbled through his words, each one unsure than the last.

There's a certain safety for him in not knowing. That if it were ambiguous and he was wrong he could always play it off. By knowing, there would be no paying off, and things couldn't go awry.

Adding on, he found himself in a strange position. His gruff, outward personality was at odds with his inner self. He didn't want to be betrayed, not again, never again. And he didn't want to lose another or misread the whole thing.

The outer self finally won this time. That it was time to rip off the band aid and if things didn't turn out the way he hoped, too bad. Life was hard.

"I think I love you." He blurted out.

You smile back.

You knew your answer ages ago, but unsure if he felt the same. He'd always been so stoic, so closed off. You had teased him but could never 100% tell if he felt the same way.

Hell, even kissing him during that lunch date was a bold move. You were silently praying you read the cards right. And you did. Hell, even since you had first met him, his mysterious visage, his brooding personality and his dominant streak that just seemed to vanish when you were around you him.

Plus, you recall. Since the first day you met him he'd changed.

He was clearly nervous.

He looked like a kid with his hand caught in the candy bar. You think if you'd waited any longer to respond he would have a heart attack.

"I do too."

The kiss came instant, Tabi pulling you into him and you two embraced. Eyes closed, you too kissed, finally solidifying what had been on both your minds. You lost track of how long it lasted, an awkward cough from the medic breaking you two out of trance. They just went about their business, trying best to not to intrude.

"You think the others are gonna mind?" You ask Tabi.

He shook his head. "Agoti already thought we were a couple."

You snicker. "Well, just makes it even more official."

"Know I'm not just doing this team cause I like you. I still want to take them down." He said, affirming his revenge.

"Course. This whole stuff we've been doing, I don't know how the law feels, but I still think we're doing the right thing." You say, no intention of backing down.

"Pft. The law's irrelevant. It's just another obstacle."

"Ha! You and me man, we're gonna conquer the world." You shout.

"Dah." Tabi said. Fireworks were going off inside him, that he was not only proven right but proven completely right about his feelings. There still lingered some doubt at the back of his mind. It was something he didn't think he could ever overcome, not after being betrayed once. Agoti had mentioned it to him offhand one day. That it could morph to overprotection and clinginess. But he knew he had to be strong when that thought reared its head. For now, it was cause for celebration.

Having much more to talk about now the conversation livened up. Not so much "how can be kill those people" but more "so how long did you know" and "so Sol's your dad or just guardian?"

With just a bit of time before the debrief, one thing kept bugging you.

"I feel like we forgot someone." You say to Tabi, idly.

"We did? Everyone's safe."

"We got Displo, Pomona, Amelia..." You trail off. "S!"

"We forgot about S!" You say.

"Pft. That monster?" Tabi said mockingly. He had right to, after S stupidly got himself caught.

You text Displo who then reached out to Updike to free S.

As soon as he was let back into the wild he jumped to your phone, enraged that he was caught. You decided it would be best if you avoided the entire confrontation, instead saying that nobody on the team could penetrate the Pontifex Room. Updike had become the target of his rage as he threatened to kill Updike, burn the whole of TGG to the ground and "render this company a footnote on history!" He even went so far as to declare Updike his 'new nemesis' and the 'closest thing this planet has to Dr. Robotnik'. When you jokingly reminded he called Kapi that he rebutted "No. Kapi's my Knuckles. He was a villain turned hero. 'Upnik' slash 'Eggdike' is the real thing. He's my nemesis!"

But, just as fast as he issued death threats against everyone, he found out how long he was under. With a quip "I'll kill you all later!" followed by "Just after my shows!" he vanished.

Tabi shrugged, still not understanding S any more than you did. S was a strange, possibly genocidal creature.

With Tabi holding onto your shoulder you and him made your way down to the lobby.

After reaming out the managers and heads, Updike had them organize a space for the debrief.

Huggy, Pomona and Amelia's entrance earlier had knocked pieces of the sculpture all over the lobby. Coupled with the destroyed furniture and rubble from the fight the place still looked like a warzone.

It was up to those Updike had requested stick around to tidy the place. Just so there was space.

Additionally, they had assembled a few folding tables and food for everyone. A few pizzas, boxes of donuts, a tray of sandwiches and bottles of juice and water. A few couches and chairs lined around, all centred around an area where Displo could speak and present.

It gave the appearance of a simple potluck office luncheon. While the food was typical grocery-store hot-food fanfare you didn't care. You, like Tabi were famished.

And it was free food!

The rest of the crew had likewise arrived, all coming from different places.

Ayana and Dalia were not present however. Dalia was fine, but the two had informed Tabi that while...

'bein a spy was pretty cool

i prefer the more hands-on stuff tho

i think aya and i are going to go on vacation back home

with the money we got

for the rest of the break

im gonna show her how we really fight demons down there

give my thanks to the nightstalkers tell em theyre welcome in apollo anyday

had a great time let's hang out when we get back'

Dalia and Ayana had written in SMS. He wrote a reply back, thanking them for helping. You got it too, understanding that Ayana and Dalia were never meant to be permanent members on the team.

S wasn't present either, too pre-occupied in catching up with the news. Displo gave him a rundown earlier anyways.

Other than briefly appearing the TGG trio barely appeared. Updike did all the speaking, the other two disappearing when the meeting started.

While everyone snacked, Displo and Updike gave the results.

The operation was a success, obtaining a better result than Operation Blindside. Only 2 people were caught and the team demonstrated excellent continuance. Tabi, Pomona, Kapi and Amelia managed to complete their parts without being spotted or identified. Agoti and Ayana were suspected but no hard proof was brought against them that they were spies.

Though the Pontifex room was not reached or even found you and Nikku had reached the Throne Room. That, plus the causing the jailbreak was good enough. Additionally, helping the employees escape as well as bearing the brunt of the battle was also noted.

'That which wasn't originally a war goal but, alas it did provide excellent testing for our incident response plans'. Updike said.

As for the threat of taking a member, Updike officially rescinded it. "You have proved me wrong. You are not just some ramshack team."

You and Displo did fail in the mission's unwritten goal. You weren't any closer to determining who else was needed for the final operation. The only thing that came to your mind was to recruit a demon like Sarventes. Or to recruit a demon expert like Updike. Though the possibility of recruiting either of those two were slim.

It was a moot point but Updike still felt the need to mention that if he were allowed to meddle that he would have crushed the operation far earlier. It was a point that nobody really cared about except S who took it a challenge, getting into an argument with Updike.

In a bout of self-reflection, Updike did note. "I found the organization is very centralized. I don't have a thing against it, but during mine and my comrade's absence the company did not function properly. If there's anything I'm taking away from this, is that I will need a plan in the event of my absence."

As for the prison-break, Updike wasn't happy about it. He stated he knew who was responsible. Displo was quick to state that parts of the operation did go off-contract. Displo did add that Updike had interfered during the operation.

Going through the motions would have led to a legal standoff so both Updike and Displo agreed to drop it.

Alden, the moderator rendered unconscious by Tabi had also gotten in trouble: Not following protocol, abandoning his post and not questioning the appearance of Tabi in a restricted area and hurling racial slurs at Tabi, instead of, obviously, following proper procedures.

"It will be noted in his performance review." Updike said.

TGG was closed for the day and while the lobby was still a mess there, a few security guards loitered around, mostly by the entrances.

Kapi was the one to point it out.

"Is the security really necessary?"

"I'm afraid so. The perfect time to attack would be tonight. Knowing our luck I fully expect that vile woman to appear." You catch Tabi tense up at her mention.

"I will admit however, I am surprised that Nikusa did not make an appearance. With her connections to you people I was fully expecting her to..intervene." Updike commented.

Tabi and Agoti just looked at each other, knowing well enough to say nothing. They also hoped that like the when his name is spoken; that she may not appear.

Kapi's self-esteem took a huge jump when Displo praised him as a good CO. "You are definitely better at commanding than I initially thought."

"I will admit one of my shortcomings, I was too arrogant. I was foolish to think you'd try only such an idiotic approach. For that I apologize." Updike said privately to Displo later.

Though it didn't mean much to you, Displo seemed overjoyed at the fact that the operation had kick-started a potential IRIS-TGG alliance. He knew better than to reveal the master plan to Updike but he also knew the possibility of having Updike joining increased.

He confided later to you that a 'joint IRIS-TGG operation would effectively make us unstoppable'.

Displo stated that the amount of paperwork now required would be immeasurable and that he wished for the team to have a break for the next week at least. He concluded with one final thank you to everyone.

Pomona, Amelia and Huggy had departed shortly thereafter. For not listening to her mother and putting herself in danger twice she was grounded for a week. Later on, long after Pomona had gone to bed, Amelia confessed to Ronan she was quite proud of her.

There were still a few members sticking around a bit nobody in any rush in leaving.

You were going to give Tabi a ride home, but for now you enjoyed his company. Nobody rushed. The two of you sat on a couch, closely together, Tabi hanging his arm around your shoulder.

"So did you know Ruv?" You ask out of the blue. It still piqued your curiosity that Tabi calmed Ruv and effectively ended the crisis.

"Vaguely. He reminded me of a someone I knew in my village back home. "

"You think it's the same guy?"

"He didn't seem to think so. He said he's ancient, but I don't know. The Ruvyz I knew back then would have done something like that." Tabi shrugged. "It's probably a coincidence."

"Friend of yours?"

"No. The Ruv I knew back then had no friends. He was 'marked'. I looked up to him, never really talked to him. He always had this sense of justice." Tabi said longingly. He found the conversation strange, having never really spoken of his childhood with anyone. After a pause he said.

"I'm going to write him in prison in a few days, make sure he's alright."

Jokingly, you asked. "You think he'd interested in joining?"

"Ha." Tabi started to laugh but the pain silenced him. "We'd have to break him out first...maybe. I'll ask."

"What did you tell him anyways?"

"His actions were stupid."

You noted the team lacked someone with extreme strength. But other than Ruv, Updike was the closest person you knew like that. But he gave off an aura described purely as 'corporate'. Heist would not be in his vocabulary.

Agoti and Solazar were getting ready to leave. Before he could leave with a sound mind Sol wanted to know Tabi's arrangements. He approached the two of you.

"You did not respond to my messages. I trust the wounds weren't serious." He asked Tabi.

"No. Off work for a week. Bruised ribs mostly."

"You'll be staying with me I expect. Can't have you healing in a tree. You are not a squirrel." He said.

Tabi grumbled. "I'll be fine."

"Consider my offer seriously. I want you to get better. Not worse." He said. He walked a little to the side, getting some juice, still within earshot.

"Hmph." Tabi said.

"What was that about?" You ask.


"Aw c'mon. What's up?"

"It's just, I, I sometimes like sleeping in trees, that's all." He blurted out.

"Speak the truth." Sol muttered.

"Can it." Tabi shot.

You felt as if you had someone gotten in the middle of something.

"What's he talking about?" You ask. You saw no way out. If it was some test or Sol trying to bully Tabi you wanted an answer.

"Alright, fine. I don't have an apartment." Tabi spat. "Been living in a park for a year now. Stash my stuff in a tree. I just occasionally stay with Agoti." He blurted out, frustrated.

"You're homeless?"

"That family destroyed me. I've told you this already. Everything, gone. I didn't have any options. Had to avoid cops too." He said, fed up. He pulled his hat down, covering his eyes.

"Huh. So then when I dropped you off-"

"I waited for you to go."

"Wow." You say quietly.

Sol knew exactly what he was doing. Whether or not he said it to force Tabi closer to you or to keep an eye on him would forever be a mystery.

Sol walked away without saying a word. Tabi glared at him, he had ruined a good moment.

"You can stay with me."

"H-huh?" Tabi asked.

"Don't have a spare bed but you can stay on the couch. Just for now."

"Thanks but, I, I can't."

"Well then you should at least stay with Agoti. I know cops. They search through parks for people like you. And especially after today and run-in with Nikusa they're bound to be more active. We can't lose you."

"I don't-"

"Shoot, I can't you lose you."

Tabi grumbled again. "F-fine. I'll stay with you, if you don't mind."

You pull Tabi closer. "Course I don't. But I want you there for at least the new few weeks. Then..." You grin. "We'll see where things go after that." You wink at Tabi.

Flustered, Tabi stood up. "I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

"Aight. We'll head out after."

With Tabi out of the picture Sol wanted to speak. You hadn't spoken much with Sol, mostly knowing that he was Tabi's official manager and the Agoti's father. He was some sort of music exec, though you knew him slightly more as a lawyer.

He wasn't human either, instead being some alien race that Tabi had referred to but it never took. He approached you, the first time he had ever seriously spoke to you.

"Tabi will be staying with you?"


"It is my understanding you've been nothing but a positive influence on him. As his manager, I expect you not to disappoint him or take his kindness for granted."

Solazar sounded less like Tabi's manager and more like his father. There was a serious look in his eyes that he wasn't kidding, like a dad who told close friend to watch over his son. "He has a large heart, despite the stone wall he commonly hides behind."

"I will."

"Good." He offered his hand to shake.

You expected to get burned but is hand was just lukewarm.

Solazar nodded and walked away, going to speak to Displo.

You ended up driving home alone that night, Tabi stating he wanted to at least make sure he got everything from Agoti's first. He asked you several more times if it was okay, no doubt a showing of his paranoia. It was like he expected you to rescind the offer at any time.

The next chapter will be called Home.

Dalia has left the party!

Ayana has left the party!