Track 42 - Home

Tabi didn't sleep much that night. He should have; between all the action and beating he took his body was exhausted. But all that seemed insignificant compared to the dread that plagued him now.

He had been changed well over a year ago, and had closed his heart off to everything. To have it suddenly warm up; culminating into that homely invitation hurt. It was too much, he caught whiplash from the event.

He had rehearsed it deep down and knew it was a dumb reason. And that alone shouldn't have bothered him much. If Girlfriend had offered it, he would have taken it-No. He shook his head. That was the past. At least, it would have not bothered, if there wasn't another angle.

It made him feel inadequate, a feeling he had tried to bury since the event. He was better than all of them, even Agoti! He didn't need help from anyone. He would get his revenge on them all! But then he met you, things changed. You assembled a team, prepared to take on the motherload. Tabi had been tracking those demons down for a long time; but for the first time since that fateful bombing the Family was closer than ever.

And even though a team had assembled, we were just screwing around attacking companies. He needed to get away from it all, start from scratch with what he learned. Maybe he should just runaway. But then his heart had warmed. He had friends now. But it made him feel inadequate. And he knew it was a dumb reason...and thoughts looped like that till the early morning.

The only saving grace was Snowflake, Agoti's cat. It found her way into his room and lay next to him, refusing to move. It sensed his worry and figured it sickness. Though Tabi tried to shoo her away, she wouldn't budge.

Tabi didn't know when he fell asleep, the voices of uncertainty had somehow blended together to a chorus which finally lulled him to sleep.

No alarm had been set but he found himself awake at 5:01AM. It was blue hour outside a cold glow coming in from the window. Snowflake still lay beside him, sound asleep.

He touched his wounds. They were still sore but felt better than yesterday.

He knew that no matter how much longer he sat her he wouldn't get any sleep. He got up, got dressed and readied to head out. Quiet in the apartment, a quick glass of juice later he was at the door, putting his shoes on.

"Would you like a ride somewhere?" Solazar said.

Solazar stood behind him, a bathrobe on. He never could tell when Sol was watching; a quality he despised in the alien.


"Then I presume you're heading to (Y/N)'s?"

"No-I,argh. Just leave me alone. I need to think." He grumbled.

"I'm only trying to help."

"Mrm." Tabi didn't have a response. He knew Sol was earnest, but didn't care nor had the energy for a retort. "I know."

Tabi got up and left. It was only when he was outside did his annoyance rise. Solazar was waiting outside for him, now dressed in his usual business suit.

It harkened back to an earlier time for Tabi. Solazar used to trail him, watching what he was up to. He didn't trust Sol at the time, figuring he was looking to have him committed. Sol eventually stopped after Tabi got Agoti to speak with him but this was the first time Sol had appeared just openly.

"What do you want?" Tabi said.

"I wish to observe your actions. I'd say I was concerned for your well being but I know you wouldn't believe me. Even it is the truth."

Tabi started walking, quickly passing Sol.

"You know I've been a lot of things in my life." Sol walked along behind Tabi.

"Uh-huh." Tabi kept walking, Sol hovering behind him.

"Despite appearances I am quite wiser than you make think."


"And if you wish to confide in me I will listen. You have more people in your corner than you think."

Tabi sighed. He wanted to tell Solazar just to go away but couldn't. Part of him did want to speak, not caring that it would disrupt his 'hardened personality'. Or did it? More circles. More uncertainty.

Tabi just grumbled again.

He always thought more clearly after a rest. He knew subconsciously that deep down he was a depressive at night. He had 'sobered' up but was still suffering. While his mind was a mess he had managed to set one goal as his primary job.

Stick with you for now.

Move in.

He half-considered walking all the way across town but knew he wouldn't be able to handle Solazar pestering him the way there.

He stopped. "Can you give me a ride to my tree? I need to get my stuff." He asked.

Solazar smiled. "Of course. Let's go."

"And a coffee?" Tabi asked quietly.


And that's how Tabi found himself in the passenger side of Solazar, really Agoti's car. Solazar hadn't spoken much, deciding to wait it out till Tabi finished his coffee.

"Just here." Tabi muttered.

They pulled into an abandoned construction site, many holes having been dug around; even larger piles abound. Scaffolding had only partially been set up and had been covered by tarps. The ground had been breached to a sandy level, the likes of which ruined the surrounding air quality. A few cabins sat on the land, a place where the managers could easily put down plans and double as break rooms.

There were a few lights scattered around for working at night, though connected to generators which had long run out of power. Surrounded by office buildings on the various sides it was an empty lot amongst an enterprise area. It always made nearby officeworkers feel that their view would soon vanish, a grey building covering it.

But despite its unfinished atmosphere, there was nary a construction vehicle in site. A complex and forgotten property, it was one that traded hands far too many times to know who was actually in charge. In such an awe of confusion it the site was left abandoned.

Tabi got out of the car, Sol following. He already knew the answer but felt it necessary to ask. "Is where you keep your stash."


The two walked to a particularly unremarkable area, just diagonal from a light and across from one of the cabins.

Any evidence Tabi had buried anything here was long gone, breezes covering the sandy evidence.

He knelt down and started digging with his bare hands.

As clumps of sand whisked by Solazar, he felt the need to clarify something.

"Does this mean you've given up on your revenge plot?"

This question in itself was a game, one that Tabi picked up instantly. Maybe he could use that logic to get answers out of Agoti, but no way would it work on him. And if he said no, then no doubt Sol would have assumed Tabi was the same old hardened soldier, playing a cover no doubt to get to that girl. But he knew he couldn't lie either.

"It's not important right now." A non-answer.

"I see."

Tabi felt something hard under the sand. It was still there.

"You know, you aren't the only one after her. Despite what her and her family may have done to us I myself have interest in her."

Tabi didn't respond. He'd heard Agoti mention that Solazar had his own search for that girl. Solazar had told Agoti that she was extremely dangerous, that she wasn't as she seemed.

"Though I won't let my goals consume me." More bait Solazar put out.

He also knew that if this was some bait to incur empathy he wouldn't fall for it either.

With enough of the bag uncovered, Tabi reached and pulled. It was still stuck, some of the sand still wet from how deep he had buried it.

"Me and her, it's not over. But for now, I have more important things to deal with." He said, hoping it would satiate Sol's mind.

Like the bag was buried, Tabi knew to dump the subject, less Sol become more suspicious. "You think I'm being a burden on (Y/N)?"

"Not at all. I overheard your conversation. (Y/N) does have a point. Police will be snooping; even more after yesterday's event. They will likely take it as a humiliation; that TGG and even IRIS were far better of being 'cops' than the cops."

Tabi lifted the bag up. He held a black duffle bag wrapped in plastic. Meant to keep the bag dry, moisture inside indicated it failed. He just hoped that things inside weren't too water damaged.

Unwrapping it and tossing the bag he looked inside. He had packed it when he first decided to take revenge. AK-47's, pistols, magazines to boot, replacement parts for all, some grenades, a bulletproof vest and more. Solazar couldn't help but look, the sight now confirming his suspicion from way back.

"Very illegal you know."

"It's not a crime to own weaponry."

"Perhaps; but burying at a dead-drop might be. And then question arises of where exactly did you get these weapons?"

"Do you have a problem with it?"

"No. So long as you know the risks."

Everything was still where it needed to be. Tabi zipped the bag and slung it over his shoulder. "Let's go."

He walked past Solazar, appearing as if he wasn't even standing there.

Sol grabbed Tabi's shoulder. "I'm afraid we'll have to wait. It seems like we have company."

The faint of the blue hour had faded, blue haze replaced by the first yellows and oranges of the sun. Tabi looked up, seeing what Solazar had stopped him for.

Perched like a gargoyle would a building arch stood a dark figure, the sun just not hitting it at the right angle. Upon Tabi's glance he saw it burst into a wide smile, it's teeth gleaming in the coming light.

He sighed. "Of all the people."

"Nikusa." Solazar muttered.

Feeling she was introduced she jumped down, landing onto the construction site, kicking a cloud of dust up around her. AS he shadow emerged from it Solazar readied himself. The fires on his hands glowed brighter, Tabi even able to feel the temperature displacement.

As the sand settled, she became visible, a wolfish grin crawling onto her face, eyes hungry for domination.

"No combat. I can't lug these around fast." Tabi remarked. He was annoyed and, as much as he wished to use the weapons knew it would attract unwanted attention. Sol nodded and stood upright, his fists returning to regular temperature.

Nikusa scoffed as she settled on the two beings. In front of her was an incomprehensible duo. Tabi and Solazar.

"Huh. What a strange combo." She remarked. "A terrorist and...Daddy." It didn't sound right to her. Not suspicious. Just strange.

"Hmph. If I didn't have more important things to I would end this right here and now." Solazar spat.

"Oh? You looked just ready to go a second earlier."

Solazar just glared at her, Tabi likewise.

"Hmph. So cross. You'd think I exist just to bully you guys." Nikusa let out a large yawn making no attempt to hide the sleepy-ire she had. "I'm just here for fun today. Almost my bed time anyways." She stretched slightly before shaking her head like a cat would.

"I find that hard to believe."

"Hey, I was in the area. Saw you two burying, or I guess digging up a body. Thought it would be worth a talk. See what two of my favourite people were up to."

Tabi sighed quietly, making sure she didn't hear it. She was looking for a response, even something as small as they would've gotten me riled.

Nikusa stepped forward, a glint of fury flashing across her eyes. For just a second they glowed red until they didn't, Nikusa suppressing the emotion.

"I can't believe you all threw a party yesterday and didn't invite me! It's the talk of the town. I saw that little imp too. He was all happy he would get to meet his parents. Oh, why I could've just smothered him he was so cute!"

She took another step forward.

"Ruined my night too. One moment I was getting the evangelized! Then the next I hear both the preacher and her choir boy were arrested."

Nikusa put her hands on her hips. "Damn shame too! Her mass was quite interesting."

"I am surprised you didn't make an appearance anyways." Solazar muttered.

"What? You think my world just revolves around you? There's bigger fish in the sea."

"Whatever. We have to get going." He stepped forward, ignoring both Nikusa and Solazar. He had far more important things on his mind anyways.

But as he walked by Nikusa stepped in front of him, leaning towards his face. He got a faceful of her chest, a clear act of seduction. But as she showed off, Tabi just kept walking, more important things clogging his mind.

Surprised and astonished that her usual methods didn't work she got up and jumped away. It was time to change strategies.

"Hm. Why so glum, chum?" She asked.


"Tell mommy what's got you so down." She said, pursing her lips together as she mocked him.

"It's none of your concern." Solazar said, getting closer to Tabi.

"Of course it is! I care deeply about my Tab you know~" She glared at Solazar. Facing Tabi again she said sensually, "More so than that pencilpusher. Isn't that right?"

But Tabi wasn't listening. He was already starting up the hill to the car. For once he was glad Solazar was present, he knew if Agoti were with him things would have turned out much differently.

"Ah, you're both no fun...I got it! Must be that morning sleepiness."

Nikusa pulled out a phone from just under her dress. It had a cracked screen but still looked new.

"Here. I'll give you my phone number. That way, you can invite me next time you have a throwdown."

"I'll pass. I prefer this need to know basis." Tabi grumbled.

Nikusa skipped after him. "Come here you!"


Nikusa grabbed Tabi and easily lifted him up in the air. He dropped his bag, it rolling down the hill. She held him by the scruff of his hoodie.

She held him with one hand, the other poking around his hoodie pocket. He struggled, but little could be done. She was always a strong person with little care for others wellbeing. He just hoped he didn't get too flustered.

"Here we go." She pulled out his phone and dropped Tabi right onto the sand.

"What the hell!" He shouted. Solazar couldn't help but stifle a chuckle, finding the event rather humorous.

Nikusa tossed him the phone.

Tabi grumbled. "Fine." He would have considered that more than enough justification to kill her but he knew the weapons were more important. A single curse ran in his head. If I didn't have that, you'd be dead!

Solazar would have intervened, but alas Tabi ordered him not to.

Nikusa gave Tabi the number, forcing him to enter it as a contact. He listed it as SATAN. She had even made him text her, just to ensure he wasn't screwing around.

A flash in her eye and she turned to Solazar. "Here." He said and threw her the phone. She greedily entered her number, also checking if it worked.

"Do not hesitate to contact me should you ever get tired of living."

"Ah, you're such a kidder, Sunny." She joked.

Feeling a bit more tired she turned heel to leave. "Oh! And if you ever see that cloud guy. Tell him I'm through with him and his goons. They're just so boring. Far too formulaic. I have new man anyways. He much cooler than you Tabi. Glows too!"

She winked at Solazar.

"And if that bushy guy refuses...well tell him I'm burn down his little prison. And yes. I know where it is." She smiled, though the two of them could tell she meant war.

"Fine." Tabi muttered.

"Well toodle-do-"

"Hold on a second." Solazar said.

"Oh, daddy got something else to say?"

"I do. Do you know what the Morioka clan have been up to late?"

Nikusa thought for a second. First Tabi and Solly teaming up. Now a question out of left field? My, it was a strange day.

"Well. It's been a long time since I've been in space. Hm. Last I heard of them they were in the middle of that revolt. Crown princess vanished. And something happened to that Incognito guy, but ehn. Never really paid attention to them."

A straightforward answer. Tabi was fully expecting her to make some joke.

"Should I be worried?" She asked.

"No. I don't think so."

"Well. I'll be in touch. Bye." Nikusa said awkwardly. Solazar had ruined her exit.

Tabi paid her no more mind as she jumped away, again, not wanting to give her any kind of reaction. When she was finally gone, Tabi asked.

"What was that about?" It was a strange sight to Tabi. A rare cordial conversation between Solazar and Nikusa, even if brief.

"Nothing. At least I hope so." Solazar replied. He started walking, eager to get back to the car too.

"What's the Moira clan?"

"Don't worry about it. Intergalactic politics." With a pause, Sol added. "Come now. I presume you wish to head back; clean yourself up before you head to (Y/N)'s."

With stuff to do Tabi texted that he'd be around the restaurant later, once again asking if you were okay with this. You of course didn't mind. He was quite a paranoid person. Though you couldn't blame him. During Earthquake, Sol mentioned something about Tabi having a 'troublesome past'.

The restaurant was quiet today, some bot you'd never heard of running things today. He referred to himself as NXDL or NDXL, it didn't commit to memory. He was apparently some DJ running the place as Displo was "tied up in meetings all day".

Tess was given the day off as well, though she ended up coming in anyways, bored out of her mind. She did have a few questions for you, mainly where you were, what Displo was up to, why did those kids show up randomly. She wasn't a member so you just kept her out of the loop. Plus, between the epic fight yesterday you still felt a little out of it. Displo did as well, swamped from the fallout.

You had seen him briefly in the morning carrying a pile of papers to his car. He mentioned the 'alliance' was going swimmingly but that there were "many moving parts to get correct". You helped him carry some stuff, Displo mumbling about the alliance, the window cleaners were pissed, the property damage, summoning the police, the pentest reports.....

He started trailing off listing every loose end he needed to cover before exasperating himself and running off. With the added workload you doubted if he even slept (recharged?) last night. He smelled of oil too, a quality you sought not to say to him less he short-circuit from all the things stuck in his head.

Hours later you had wished NDX-something and Tess a good night and now, with Tabi made your way back home. He had come arrived with a backpack and large duffle bag. By the clanking it made you figured it was jam-packed.

"Well this is it." You said as you pulled into the driveway.

"You sure we weren't followed?"

"Pretty sure. Nobody cares about us anymore, I wouldn't worry about it." You say.

Heaving both the backpack and duffle bag, Tabi waddled inside as you held the door for him.

"It's a quiet place but it's mine." You show him in.

You'd seen it hundreds if not thousands of times before. Your suburban house, walls painted a simple pale green, furniture you hadn't changed much since the place was first bought. Any new furniture was likely second-hand stuff, found through social media marketplaces, and appeared well lived in.

Perhaps the design was a little 2000s but alas 'if it's not broke don't fix'.

While the entrance opened up to a living room you didn't intend for Tabi to stay there. There was a spare room for that he could occupy. Plus, you guessed there would be an issue with your other 'house guest'.

"That's the blue guy's corner isn't it?" Tabi asked, pointing to the pile of pre-school toys and pillows in the corner. He took his shoes off, finally feeling comfortable to do so.

"Yep. He's staying with Pomona right now though."

"He doesn't bother you?"

"He's basically an oversized dog. Mean when we had that storm last week he stayed in my room trembling but that's 'bout it."

"Hm. Well he'd better stay away from me." You shrug, still not understanding Tabi's apprehension to Huggy.

While it was quiet in the house, there was a faint sound of talking coming from your room. Not physical people talking but the tinny sound indicated it the sound emerging from your computer. Tabi took note of this instantly, instinctively reaching for the knife he stashed in his hoodie.

"Ah, guess S is around." You comment.

"That demon is here too?"

"Well barely. Haven't seen him much, goes out all night and day. Just stops by to watch the news."

"Lotta wackos here."

"Aren't you *literally* terrorist too? May as well join the party."

"Hpmh. I have my own problems, but I am not a sociopath."

"Anyways, lemme show you the spare room." You lead to him a room just at the end, beside the kitchen and closet.

You'd been using it as a storage and gaming room. It had a large television atop a dresser, a large mustard-coloured couch in front of it. It was briefly a 'gaming' room though you'd barely touched the stuff lately.

There could have been place for a bed but the boxes of crap rendered that impossible. Only way a king-size bed would've fit is it someone organized them all.

Aside from windows letting in light the walls were barren, except for a single out of date calendar hanging from the wall. From the corner diagonal to the door laid a sliding closet, empty and barren.

You'd briefly considered turning that room into an office but between the intensity of the cases and the little time you spent working at home, you ended up just working at your desktop.

"I might have a futon or something in the crawlspace if you-"

"This couch is fine, really. You've done enough." He dropped his backpack and duffle bag and jumped on the couch, laying down on it.

"This is...nice."

"Got it at a discount. Pretty good, eh." You say. You take a seat next to him, pushing his legs aside. He merely moves them, sitting up in a cross-legged position.

"So what's in the bag?"

"My secrets. See for yourself."

You drag the duffle bag and open it. It was filled to brim with weaponry.

It looked like a traveling merchant's inventory. Guns, rifles, ammunition, grenades, bottles and rags for Molotov's, fireworks, and more. You could start a revolution with the crap that was in here. There was armour, bulletproof vests and a helmet with the visor sawed off, probably to account for Tabi's snout.

"My personal collection." Tabi said proudly. "We're gonna need it for the finale."

"Damn right. Wow, you got everything. Geez man, some of these is police issued." You were amazed, even noting that some of the handguns had a police badge on them. Not NCPD but still cop 'machinery'. Serial numbers were scratched off too.

"You don't mind if I keep it here, right?"

"Pfft. No. We can stash it in the crawl space or that closet. Whatever's safer. Believe me, most of the people in my department practically had entire armouries at home. They didn't care."

Digging through the bag you found two flat objects at the bottom.

"I'm just missing my flamethrower and pyrotechnics. Agoti's brother needed to borrow them." He said, still gloating of his collection.

"What are these?" You pull out a frame with a photo of a cat and a passport.

"Who's this?"

"..It was my cat." Tabi said, the fires in his eyes flickering. "They got to him first." He closed his eyes.

Ruining the mood you flipped through his passport, trying to change the subject.

"Born in Russia, eh?"

"Yep. Been way longer though; I don't remember much back there."

"Well. Let's get this packed up."


The next hour flew by. You helped Tabi move the guns to the crawlspace, closet and dresser. Boxes flew around the room as it became organized, the couch padded down and dusted, the television was tested, S came and went, not caring much that Tabi was around and finally, the room once known as storage had become a spare bedroom.

Dinner was made eventually and you and Tabi took a break, sharing some leftover pasta Displo had given you. Another added bonus of working for him; he had no problem giving the staff any leftover food.

Tabi grew interested at the bowl of candy left on your counter from Easter but you tell him not to eat it.

At some point Tabi had lost his hoodie, revealing a plain white t-shirt under it. It was the same one he'd gotten back at Pomona's, though you couldn't have known that. You saw that under the shirt was the faint glow of his body, still present, translucent in the light.

"What are you staring at?" He asked. A serious look arrived on his face.

Not wanting to get caught staring you make up the first thing that comes to your mind. "How's your stomach doing? You took that hit pretty hard."

"I'm fine. It barely left a scratch."

"You sure? Doc said-"

"When they did this to me it gave me some sort of faster healing. Don't tell anyone. I don't want that cloud guy to think I'm some freak."

"Secrets safe with me. You aren't a freak."

"I know. But that guy and his people wouldn't care to split the difference. Doesn't even make sense, that cloud-guy himself is a freak. He should be locked up by his own rules."

You shrug. Back in Tabi's room you prepare to put away the bag, finding something else in a side pocket. A horse brush. The same kind of palm sized one that farmers used to brush horses, collect loose hair.

"That's mine." Tabi said bluntly.

"Oh?" A teasing mood arose. "For your skull?"

"Yes. That a problem?"

"Nah, just weird."

"You try scratching bones. It's a lot harder than it looks." He glared, suddenly serious.

"How 'bout you let me try?" You jokingly ask, holding up the brush.

Tabi blushed slightly. "Well, maybe." He looked away. "Can we just get back to unpacking already?" He said, annoyed.

It all seemed a perfect night and when you said good night, you detected some loneliness. Loneliness Like he didn't want to be left alone or those things were just too good to be true. There was a sense of longing in his voice just barely been audible.

You pressed him on but he just clamoured shut, a rhetorical(?) question about good channels on TV.

There was no rush. If he had problems, there would be time tomorrow to discuss. You left him to his devices and went to bed. He wished to be left alone after some time. Said he needed time to think. A lot had happened in the past few days.

He also added a statement that he intended to resume work tomorrow. He wished to prove himself not a burden and that he didn't need help. You disagreed but had to hand it to him. He was determined.

Now Playing...

Artist: Stig Baasvik (Andrew Hewitt)

Song: Skipper the Eye Child 2


The sleep didn't last very long before you were awoken by a muffled cry. At least, you thought it was. In your groggy state you checked the computer. S wasn't around.

"...didn't mean it..." You heard mumbled coming from outside the room. There was always a gun kept in the nightstand. It was a locked box but even half-asleep your hands remembered the code.

You draw the handgun and step outside the room.


"Huggy?" You whisper. Must have been Huggy. Wait, he was at Pompom's.

The spare room door was ajar. Light was blinking in it quickly. "Oh, right." You cough.

You put the gun back in its spot and check out the spare room.

Tabi lay on the couch, head resting on the arm, facing the TV. It looked for a second that may have been awake but skulls can't close eyes. The lack of fire in his sockets indicated he was indeed asleep. One hand looked as if he was clutching his heart, while the other was off the couch, just above the floor.

The TV was on mute, displaying reruns of some auctioneering program. The light from the television lit the room, partially lighting Tabi's face. He was shivering under the blanket, or rather what was left covering him. His shaking had knocked most of the blanket off him, now strewn rather lazily over the bottom half of his body.

His hunting knife, usually stashed in his hoodie was on the ground, unclear if he had been clutching it just before he fell asleep or it had fallen off his tossing.

He wasn't shaking from the temperature. It may have been a mid spring night but you never kept the house cold. There was erratic breathing as well, panting even. Nay, between the mumbling and trembling it was clear he was a having a bad dream. Or rather, less a dream and more a nightmare.

He mumbled incoherently, only a few words understandable. A combo of groans, words that he didn't want this and to get away, all mumbled through clenched teeth.

It was a night terror. There was no doubt in your mind about it.

"Tabi?" You whisper. There was no response.

You get a bit closer, whispering again. There was, again, no response. "It's okay. Everything's alright."

On one hand you had heard many stories and recommendations to not interfere when someone was having a bad dream. And for each one of those you'd seen animals consoling others in times of distress. And he didn't deserve this. But it could turn out grisly. And there was risk, especially with someone like Tabi.

His hand was loose, hanging off the sofa, occasionally twitching. it was like he was reaching for something not there.

First things first you carefully move his knife out of reach. Not wanting to startle him you kneel down in front of him. Carefully weaving your fingers in his you lift his hand slightly. He felt cold, even despite the warmth in the room.

"It's gonna be okay." You whisper to him. He stopped mumbling and started to hold a bit tighter, as if the movement was involuntary. He did stop shaking somewhat. A thought crossed your mind that being a 'boney' person he may react to heat differently but-

Tabi started grabbing your hand much harder as he shifted. He didn't cease his trembling but it did subside.

"Tabi?" You ask, a bit louder.

Like a spark in dry woods, his eyes came alive. He gripped tighter than you thought he could, like a mill crushing rocks. It felt as if you had lost circulation to your hand but just as fast as he had crushed it he loosened his grip, flames fixing their sight on you.

"Y-you okay?" You ask, a little startled. "You were having a nightmare."

"Thi-this is real, r-right?" His voice was hoarse and dry, quiet as could be. The fires in his eyes glowed dimly.

"Far as I know."

There was no 'stoic, hard-on-the-outside' personage this time. Tabi let you and grabbed you, pulling into a hug.

For him, all reality was uncertain. Even this moment may have been his mind playing tricks. It was all too good. Too lucky. There was no way things could have gotten so much better. There was no telling this was a dream or not.

He finally let it all out.

"It'll be okay. I'm here for you. I promise." Your shoulder was getting simultaneously singed and dampened as tears mixed with flames in his eyes grew hot. He cried smoke.

The night went by without much fanfare, you and Tabi speaking into the wee hours. It was the first time he'd spoken about what had happened, everything that had happened. He remarked between coffee that Agoti was the only other person who knew roughly the whole story. From life growing up in that village, all the way to the goat-binding ceremony he was forced to undergo.

It was concluded with a joke. "Now that you know my secrets. I have to kill you."

In-character for him, but it made a little light of the situation. It did give you a piece of honour though. It was a pact. One that would bind two souls.

The next chapter is called Glitch in the System. (vs. ????)