*** 2 Days Later ***
You weren't sure how you were talked into this; especially after last time, but here you were.
Or at least S' twisted depiction of it.
Yep. Back in S' realm.
In VR.
Under normal circumstances and on a Sunday you would have been at home or working the beat, resting at your desk. But today wasn't a 'normal' day. Not like the last 2 weeks had been normal at all, but that's beside the point.
In-between the negotiations between IRIS and TGG the topic of the 'missing VR set' came up. It took a bit of doing from Updike and co but Displo finally admitted that yes, IRIS was in possession of it. The exact source and how it was obtained remained a mystery, no doubt Displo covering for you. Regardless, Updike had requested its return.
Of course, IRIS had already managed to reverse engineer it and were hard at work on their own clones of it. They no longer needed it.
During said negotiations the question then came up of why Displo would even steal a VR set. To which his response was to 'bring S into the fold'. He bypassed the whole Kapi and S arc, deciding it wasn't relevant.
The conversation then steered towards what exactly S even was. To Displo he was a 'trade secret', something even IRIS didn't know about. Not wanting to delve into that can of worms he spoke more about the how the VR set helped with both operations.
He had hoped that be the end of it but Updike persisted. Somehow the conversation returned to the stolen VR equipment and Displo made an at-the-time offhand comment about S shooting your shoulder.
One thing led to another and Updike's curiosity grew, finally leading to one proposition.
"You, your team and I shall enter S' realm and we shall do battle with him. If you can convince him not to act so violent, of course." Updike wanted some re-assurance that he wouldn't die there at least.
Ultimately Displo agreed under a barrage of eyes; executives from both companies eager to watch. It rested on S' back, Displo hoping quietly that S refuse the challenge. After all, S wouldn't want so many labcoats observing.
The game proved bad as upon S learning of it became excited at the prospect. He even agreed not physically hurt anyone but stated "the pain will feel very real". He also relished the opportunity to have a fight with Updike on 'equal footing'.
The other two of the triumvirate were not present, instead watching from the real world, making sure S did not physically harm Updike.
It was such a spur of the moment thing they didn't seek to name it anything. This wasn't some operation, it wasn't some big battle. It was a skirmish that Displo just sort of sprang upon everyone.
Of course, the original proposal had to be mended. There was no way Huggy would get in VR, let alone even sit still to set it up. The headset scarred him, likely resurrecting some buried memory about other scientists and tests done to him.
Nikku tried to get out of doing it too; not trusting that the VR set wasn't some memory eraser. It took Pomona having to show her to accept it wasn't some trick.
Pompom's entry into the fight was also disputed however. At first Updike stated she not participate, he himself not trusting S to not try and kill her. Of course, his complaints null when S refused, stating that he didn't want to fight her, that it would be too dangerous. It was a rare sight to see S take a stance like that.
Of course, after Updike had established the health system and that nobody be harmed did S change his attitude suddenly. That just left Displo opposing. It wasn't until Pomona, in a fit of anger, accidentally called Displo dad. He quickly agreed to let her in, deciding it would be better to spare her from the embarrassment, her cheeks quickly going flush as she realized what she had said.
There was also the matter of Pomona's magic. While S didn't understand the concept he managed to set her up a system that functioned similar. An IRIS technician agreed to standby to watch in case Pomona's spellcasts in the game actually caused her to cast in real life.
Tabi wasn't the least bit interested, stating that he would be busy putting in overtime too. He spoke with conviction, that he had something to prove. He was still determined to at least pay some form of rent, prove he wasn't taking advantage of kindness. However, a phone call with Solazar later Tabi was forced to sit out.
"How fast you heal is not my concern. I will not let you injure yourself further. There will be no returning to work until at least Tuesday."
Tabi sat fuming, stating that while he would enter the simulation he wasn't going to fight because "Sol says I can't strain myself. Hmph."
Memories of S nearly killing you the first time, only having been saved because curiosity got the better of him came flooding. With Tabi, you also decided that you weren't going to be fighting S.
He seemed to agree, stating that "you were such a bore the first time." He also threw in "no sense of cinematic combat" but you had just ignored it. It was clear S was just trying to rile you up.
So finally, in the simulation you were. Green Hill Zone.
Image: Versus S, Round 2
Link: https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/Glitch-in-the-System-992738324
Sitting underneath a pixelated tree, playing cards with Tabi the others engaged in combat nearby. That strange doll had returned as well, taking a seat on the ground where you and Tabi played. You could tell he was unnerved by its presence though he didn't speak about it, choosing just to ignore it.
You never did figure out what it was supposed to be, the question to ask S completely slipping your mind.
Tabi had his back to the fight, completely uninterested in the battle.
A UI appeared in your vision, displaying icons of all your friends, a healthbar for you and one displaying S' current health. Of course the whole thing was a farce but it was needed for 'equal footing'.
Now Playing...
Artist: Chris Kennedy
Song: Storm Alert 2006
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VmDSCJ0Z7g
The distortion had already begun. S was eager to get started. There was no gradual corruption or mystery. Everything went wayward.
The usually bright Green Hill sky had turned to a shade of black, devoid of textures or features. With a flick of his wrist, S turned the serene green hills, mechanical trees and landscape loops into a burning heap of madness.
The zone was on fire.
All except where you and Tabi sat, which remained just as serene and picturesque as before. There was a sign fitted to the tree, purposely made to look childish that read "LOSERS", but alas you weren't going to budge.
In the middle of a burning, pixelated, distorted field stood the team. Updike, Displo, Pomona, Agoti, Kapi and Nikku.
S stood in front of them, floating a few metres up. Everyone's mind was awash with different thoughts. Some frightened, now realising just what power S had, some excited from the prospect of a battle and some just thinking of how they were even going to get through this alive.
"All right~" S said, salivating at the thought. "Who's bold enough to go first? You know what? How 'bout you all come at me." His words with dripping with confidence.
The strategy was pretty simple as Kapi saw it. Just rush him. He couldn't take everyone out right?
Updike knew better than Kapi. He clasped his fists together. "Stand back. Allow me to show you all how we really handle abominations, No-Holds-Bar Style." He declared and stepped forward.
"Okay big guy. Let's see what you go-" S arguably had the fastest reaction time currently. After all, this was his world; he could see things as they happened in the exact frame.
Nay it was not he didn't react fast enough, it's that even he, in his eldritch wisdom did not expect Updike to actually do that.
Updike jumped, the sheer impact shaking the ground. It even
knocked the tower of cards you were making over.
In almost the same frame he grabbed S' head and slammed him into the ground, the impact from that knocking Nikku over.
As Updike got back, S floated up. "What the hell was that?"
Updike merely clenched his fists. Triumphantly announcing, "That is true power. Not just one gained from magical inheritance."
"Whatever, spare me the lecture. I can do better!" S shouted, it was quickly becoming unclear if S really intended to kill Updike. He was pissed.
In what almost appeared like a lightning bolt S charged Updike, the two locking hands in a game of mercy. Updike held strong, his boots creasing the dirt. There was a field of pressure coming from the two.
As Updike had taken charge the rest of team just stood surprised at his strength.
"Watch this." You said. Slowly re-arranging the cards into a tower, stacking each upon the other you did.
"Most impressive. But." Updike yanked his hands down and raised his knee. It connected, smashing S right in the jaw. Updike let go and S stumbled back.
Agoti was nothing less than impressed. Even standing away it he could feel the impact.
S wiped his nose, blood staining his glove. He looked at it. He bled before, all the time, but this time it...hurt. No. It must have just been that health thing. He looked at his, a chunk had been taken out. There was a brief moment of self-reflection, that quickly passed as he looked back to Updike, eyes narrowing on the weatherman,
"S-should we do something?" Kapi asked Nikku.
"NO!" S shouted. "ONE AT A TIME!" He emitted some kind of blast that launched the two away.
Clearly a new strategy is needed. S thought. Yeah! There's gotta be a weakness like the real Eggman. S spat on the ground and blinked backwards, just before Updike could grab him.
He blinked again, appearing behind him. "Let's do this differently." S said, confidence seeping back in.
Though he wasn't physical large enough he grabbed Updike into a headlock, lifting him off the ground and throwing him at the nearby cliff. As Updike got up, S rose his hands up.
The ground began to shake.
And Tabi sighed as all your cards fell down.
The trees, bushes and even robotic enemies rose from the ground, shaking in the air. Some rings rose too, forming a circle around S.
Displo had been watching the scene but like Kapi was confused at what to do. He wasn't programmed, let alone built for combat. He had silently wanted to sit out but after forcing Nikku in, felt he had an obligation as a team member.
"Watch this!" S said happily. A wolfish-grin appeared on his face, sharp teeth bearing.
With a single flick of his fingers trees and bushes started flying at Updike. It was faster than he could have reacted so Updike just crossed his arms and blocked it, the tree exploding on impact.
A great rumbling had began to be heard as the normal green hill zone music grew distorted, an amen break adding to the noise.
S had placed himself just in front a cliff. Agoti saw an opening. He dashed away just before a bush could hit him and starting running. With the speed physics he found himself going faster, it would be a perfect opportunity to run the loop too!
"Don't worry guys! I'll help you!" Pomona shouted, ready to fight. She wove her hands, ready to cast a spell.
No magic came forth but a metal pole knocked her aside. S was just throwing all over the place, aiming more at Updike, but nonetheless attacking all.
She flew a metre back and pushed off the pole, brushing herself up.
"Sorry P. I can't play favourites today." S said in the chaos.
"I-I'm fine." She got up.
"What the hell do we do?" Kapi asked. They had stayed down after the initial blowback and we're remaining low, hunched behind some rocks.
"I don't know! I don't even know what I'm doing here!" Nikku said.
"The point of this is to prepare for future fights in operations!" Displo shouted from the other side.
Why he was even bothering to answer was lost on Nikku. Displo started to raise one of his sleeves. He waved Kapi and Nikku over.
He was readying the LOIC, only as a last resort of course.
"Well, really we're going to loot the place. Probably won't kill them." You mutter, overhearing Displo.
"Speak for yourself." Tabi muttered to you. He had begun re-stacking the cards in a castle.
Holding his stance against the endless barrage of objects wouldn't work. Updike waited for an out.
Updike jumped out of the way as one of the enemies smashed into the ground, exploding into hundreds of metal pieces. S seemed to have predicted it as another one came crashing by, hitting exactly where Updike moved to.
Ignoring the damage, he ran to the loop, planning to hide and rework strategies.
"Oh running off meathead? Had enough?" S said mockingly. He threw a few more objects at the loop, exploding accordingly.
"Got you now." Agoti muttered and jumped off the cliff towards S. Agoti grabbed S' arms and pinned them as he held tightly.
"You cheating-" The two started to fall. Enough playing.
Agoti blinked only to find himself still in the air but S gone. S had blinked behind him, then grabbing Agoti's neck.
"Nice try." S threw Agoti hard as he could away.
The digidevil landed near you, his impact knocking over Tabi's cards.
Like nothing had even happened Agoti just got back up and brushed himself off.
"Ah forget it. I'll show you in the real word." Tabi said. He turned back to Agoti. "Enjoying yourself?"
"I am actually. You could use the exercise y'know. Better than playing cards."
Agoti ran back to the fight.
"You ever played War?" Tabi asked, shuffling the cards.
This was S' domain. He could see everything from chunks away. And he would have been able to see every single move. Of course, all this would have been the case had he not been earlier humiliated by Updike. He was blind with anger, even if his voice didn't express it. And, still furious because of Updike he did not come to this conclusion.
How the hell did I not see Agoti? He thought.
His self-reflection didn't last long as he saw out of the corner of his eye.
Using the games jumping physics, Nikku jumped up holding Kapi. She threw the cat-boy into S. Kapi, holding one of the fallen signposts swung, smacking S square in the face.
S blocked it, but Kapi still landed the hit, the two crashing onto the ground.
"AARGH!" S screamed.
A flash of light emitted from S as he fired into Kapi.
Tabi wasn't paying the least bit attention but did notice the text at the bottom of his vision.
Kapi has been eliminated.
"Darn." Kapi said as he re-appeared beside you. "Did you see that?"
"Yeah. You guys are really pissing him off."
"I didn't know he was so crazy." Kapi muttered and stopped. The realization that back then, S had originally wanted to kill him, set in. He wouldn't have stood a chance.
Nikku ran back to Displo, getting ready to hide behind him.
"Maybe we should do this in turns?" Pomona asked. "Like in RPGs." She was speaking to nobody in particular. However, the question did get S' attention who turned to her, hunger in his eyes.
"You sure you want to do this?" He asked sadistically. "I mean, you are one of the players. I don't want to hurt ya." He said mockingly.
With a better grasp on the games magic her hands glowed.
"It wouldn't be fair if i didn't!" She fired at S, fireballs. He easily dodged them, charging at Pompom. She lit up a lightning bolt, shooting it at S. It hit him but he did little stop him.
Their little showdown didn't last long as Updike re-appeared behind S.
Holding one of those golden rings, he lunged at S, quickly fitting it around his neck.
Updike saw it as nothing more than a simple act. Strangle S. He didn't account that the ring would just phase through the monster.
S turned his head 360 degrees. With a huge smile he declared. "Haha, really? That's how I heal you dolt."
"No matter." He grabbed S' throat, ready to ring it.
"I also don't breath either." He said, more annoyed now.
There was a brief second where he considered that Updike really was out for blood, the weatherman's eyes burning. That this man may just have been more violent than himself. I'll show him violence, true fear- Updike punched him, proceeding to wrestle and god-willing break the abominations legs or something.
Now starting to get really fed up, S started glowing. He was going to show what happens when you get too close.
Displo had the LOIC ready, seeing S glowing he guessed his next action would be an explosion. He raised his arm, waiting to see if Updike could last.
S' health had lowered significantly.
Agoti too saw the scene also picking up that fact. Pomona was in the way, casting healing spells on Updike. He ran to Pomona and snatched her, shouting something drowned out in the blast.
You had started watching, mostly just seeing Udpike smashing S' face in. Just as the explosion occurred, you expected to see a notification that Updike had been defeated.
A burst of air blew all the cards away, much to Tabi's chagrin.
As the ash faded S teleported back, a smug smirk on his face. But like everything in the match so far it had been a disappoint.
Updike merely got up, health bar clearly indicating one single point left.
Either way, S was astounded. His eyes were wide, mouth agape. "How? How the hell are you still up?"
No. It couldn't be a one. He had zero health. S blinked, still unsure if there was a sliver left.
Updike brushed himself off. "Behold the power of-"
Updike and S had been eliminated.
Displo had fully expected Updike to have been eliminated and let the blast eliminate S. Upon seeing the Udpike fine he realized that perhaps he shouldn't have started. Once you start the LOIC you can't stop it. And that's precisely what happened.
Now Playing...
Artist: QtamO
Song: A Longing
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWNW_inSur4
The fight concluded shortly thereafter, everyone returning to the real world. S seemed a little bittersweet but his psychopathic tendencies quickly returned. With a crooked smile he waved to everyone. "See you all soon!"
Of course, the minute you were back in reality, S ported back to your phone, noting he wanted to catch up on all the news he missed!
With things back to some semblancy of normal the crew returned in the lobby, a lunch prepared courtesy of Displo.
S continued to tease your refusal to fight but again, you weren't going to take the bait. "I just wanna say that if that were a real match I would have killed you all." He added, completely serious.
"Dully noted." Displo said.
Glad he was trapped in there, you still don't know how Updike even got S to agree to not kill him. Come to think of it.
"Hey S, actually one thing."
"Mhm?" He asked, attention back to some video stream. He sat in a theatre, one lone person amongst many seats watching news on the big screen.
"That doll that keeps appearing when I go there. What is it?"
"Oh that's, hm, I don't think his name is pronounceable for you. He's another apparition like me. Doesn't like to speak though. Dunno why but he likes you. Beats me."
"He's a doll?"
"That's just how he wants to appear. He's bound to me. Basically like my sidekick. I guess?" S shrugged, not giving his full attention. You leave him, now noticing Displo looking at you strangely.
His head was crooked and even though he had no expression you could tell he was perplexed by something.
"Something the matter?" You ask.
"Ah yes, (Y/N). I have something for you." Displo pulled out a small cardboard box. "A token of my gratitude for helping to assemble this team."
"Really? Let me see."
You open the box. Amongst some tissue paper was a black combat helmet, the likes of which you saw during Earthquake. This must have been IRIS' version.
A modular helmet, consisting of three pieces, the dome, a gas mask and visors. There was a chin strap present for tightness and it felt like a hard plastic. Freshly produced, it still smelt of some undetermined chemical.
"It is a prototype IR team helmet, complete with minor augmented displays as well as comlink. And it does it's connections on a local, anonymized mesh-network making tracking it significantly harder."
You weren't sure what it meant but as you pop the helmet and goggles on a UI lights up. It fades after a few seconds but so does the vision of the helmet. It didn't appear to be obscuring your sight.
"I see you've noticed the seamless integration. Was quite tricky to get working."
"Wow. This is incredible. How does it work?"
"I won't bore you with the technical details. It does not need to be charged often either."
"They made this for me?"
"W-well, I did actually. But I am sure they will pick up the design." He added casually.
"Displo, this is amazing. Thanks so much." You take the helmet off, inspecting it further.
The inside, laced with padding had something etched onto the backside of the head-part.
"Let's take 'em for all they got!"
"That was my work." Displo said proudly. "A constant reminder of our goals."
"And get them we shall." You smile back at Displo.
Updike had left earlier, satisfied with the results. S tried to pester him to explain how he survived the explosion but Updike refused, citing that he would not reveal his secrets. Before he left he officially declared Updike as his new rival, that he would work to destroy him and TGG.
With everyone sufficiently full, Displo began the meeting. There was a lot to discuss today.
"S is on the upper echelons of what we'll have to deal with. If we perform the actions for the main heist correctly then a fight we can avoid. But, even in the event of combat I doubt any member of that family would be deadlier than S."
"You could say that again!" S beamed, no doubt enjoying the praise.
"Well that's a relief." Pomona said.
"Of course it's still worth mentioning that our actions in Earthquake weren't perfect." Displo looked to Tabi as he spoke, your partner just looking away shyly.
"Anyways, we still need a few more things in place before I believe we can seriously start planning our attack."
"Yeah, um, how close are we?" Nikku asked. While she'd been filled in and briefed by Displo there was still much she was unclear about.
"We need a few more members before we can start. (Y/N) and I discussed privately what kinds of people we need."
"Yeah." You spoke up. You had written them down on your phone. "We need a demon, or at least someone who can communicate and understand them. We need an architect, or someone who knows designs of building in and out."
"Updike personally told me they have a person in mind."
"He's in on this?" Agoti asked.
"Not necessarily. All he knows is that we are in need of a 'building specialist'."
"Though I do think it just a matter of time before he figures out exactly what we are doing." Displo added.
"Right." You say. "We're gonna need a few getaway vehicles, drivers too." Kapi's ears immediately perked up. "We already have one driver, Kapi, but we're gonna need maybe 2 others."
"I wanna suggest someone." S spoke up.
"I want a robotic guy, or like, someone who can build me a body."
"An engineer?"
"Yep! We need someone like that!"
You make a note of it.
Scrolling through your phone you continue. "I also personally think we need someone with a military background. Current or retired it doesn't matter. Just someone who can help us with any potential fallout and scenarios. Basically someone who, with Displo can command. Need someone with high strength as well. We need muscle."
"What about Updike?" Tabi asked.
"We did consider him. However, I still don't fully trust him." Displo said. "If things change I will put forth the question."
"He can't be trusted. Dude locked me up!" S bellowed.
"We need a demolitionist. Someone who can explode and blow stuff up. We already got a pyro." You motion to Tabi. "But we're gonna need to bomb our way in I think."
"Again, if any of you are aware of potential candidates inform me asap." Displo said.
"Hm. I think I know someone." Kapi said, scratching his chin. "I used to go to school with them...but he vanished years ago. Dunno where he is now."
"Does he have a name?"
Kapi paused for a second as if trying to remember how to pronounce it. "Whitmore." He said. "I guess you could say he was an 'abomination'." Kapi said, the word unfamiliar to him. "He was kind of a bully though."
"Very well. I will look through our databases and see if a Whitmore has crossed our paths. (Y/N), if you would please check your databases. Otherwise we shall open an investigation into him."
"I'll try."
"And Kapi. Please look into your old contacts if you can reach him."
Kapi shrugged. "Aight. I don't know if I can though."
"I have a question." Pomona asked, raising her hand. "What's our group called?"
"Yeah! I thought we called it the Crew but mom told me that's just what we are. Does our group have a name? "
Displo thought for a second. "I'm afraid not. Perhaps we shouldn't, not wanting to attract undue attention."
"That's not cool though! I think we should have a name."
"I agree with Pompom. We should call ourselves something." Nikku said.
"Well what do you propose then?" Displo asked, again not fully understanding the reasoning. He considered the group to be an IRIS offshoot, a nameless team of likeminded individuals.
"Hmm." Pomona thought on it. After a minute of thinking intently she proclaimed. "What about The Carnival?"
"The carnival? Why?"
"Well none of us here are normal. We're all weird." Pomona shrugged. It sounded better in her head.
"Well if you put it like that then I suppose I am in favour of it." Displo said.
"I don't care." Tabi muttered, not giving a straight answer.
"Any objections? Well, if nobody has anything against it then why not. We'll be the Carnival."
And thus, despite existing for weeks already, the Carnival had finally been christened.
The next chapter will be called A Shadowy Meeting.