The helicopter reached the first entourage from Alpha Base after seventy minutes of flight. More precisely, they found only the wreckage of the group. The trucks carrying some of the civilians were partially destroyed, overturned, and even burned. Goods were strewn across the highway. There were no signs of life. 

"Oh my God," Bernice said in horror.

"We're too late," Josh said.

Bone signaled the pilot to circle the area where the convoy had stopped because of the attack. The spotlight from the helicopter revealed several human bodies, their limbs severed or crushed. Puddles of blood like polka dots were scattered across the area. 

After circling the area once, the chopper landed on a deserted stretch of highway. 

Bone was talking to headquarters from a communication device, and his expression was both shocked and angry. Elijah's friends quickly got out of the chopper and cautiously approached the scene. Bone soon followed with Theresa.