At the edge of the forest, they saw a road the size of a car, so dark that Josh turned on the Lumen from his palm, then ran ahead along the road. Bernice felt that the trail was for off-road vehicles—she had seen such a sport in a documentary—that had been neglected.

Somehow, the rebels might be using it as an alternate route.

"Are there any footprints or anything?" he asked.

Josh nodded. "Yes, the ground is damp here. Besides the wheel tracks, I saw a lot of shoe prints. Our hunch seems to be right. Although I don't know how it happened."

"No more gunshots," Bernice muttered.

Isaac snorted. "If you want to get back to the chopper, head back. Or keep going."

After about thirty meters along the path, a clicking sound was heard from the left side of the forest. It was confirmed that it was the enemy. Everyone was alert and moved slowly towards the sound.

"Shit, ants," Lucas hissed.