"How is that possible?"

Wyeth was instantly shaken. How could he not, he had spent a dozen years building the Twin Falls camp and was about to disappear in an instant. The old man just froze, as if he didn't know what to do. His mind felt foggy. 

"What are we going to do?" muttered Wyeth in confusion.

Hannah held her father's arm. "It's about the safety of the people, Dad. We need to get out of here, that's all we need to focus on."

"Evacuate the people now," Jacob said.

Elijah nodded quickly. "We'll help."

The aliens were expected to arrive within two or three hours, if not sooner. Because they were moving so fast. Upon hearing this, Elijah and his friends immediately formed a team to organize the people. Even the deformities who were in captivity joined in.