
[βασίλισσα αέρας +1]


[Your health is at 74 percent, my king.]

[Your recovery percentage will reach 100 percent recovery within 2 weeks 1 day 7 hours.]

[To accelerate the healing process, harvest Θεραπευτής.]


"I know," Elijah said.

Then he flew low and landed on the ground. He could hear a swarm of ants approaching, which must be the queen who was chasing Elijah. The queen that controls the wind element.

"I can defeat this queen."


[Your vital signs are not in optimal condition]

[You must remain cautious.]

[The process of delivering the queen's gift will be hindered if you are injured.]

[To accelerate the healing process, harvest Θεραπευτής.]


"If she's giving a free gift, why is she fighting me? What a strange system," Elijah complained.



[βασίλισσα αέρας +1]