As the helicopter approached the cliff, it appeared that what had been a layer of gray-white rock had turned pitch black. It was the ants climbing up to attack the combined forces defending their position.

Dominic's goose bumps immediately went up, he couldn't stop saying 'oh my God' because it was the first time he had ever seen so many ants. Meanwhile, Elijah searched for the location of the queens, as they were not where they were when he last saw them.

Soon, Elijah ran out of the helicopter and headed for the cliff. As the helicopter hovered, the rebels shot at the ants from a safe distance.

"Is that Dominic? What the hell is he doing? It's dangerous out here!" Isaac shouted, looking annoyed.

"He's just trying to help," Elijah replied.

Josh stepped back from the fight to approach Elijah. "How's the queen? Is she dead?" 

"Dead. Two left." Elijah nodded.